Anyone else?

Since the update thera are a couple of bugs and issues with the game and I would like to know if someone else has experience these, first of all the lag, It´s for moments but really annoying especialy when i´m in the middle of a fight, second today I started a fight and everything was in slow motion, something like this has never happened to me. Finally the worst, I was playing and parry and the first medium landed, when I tapped to continue the combo with a light my character dashed back, I thought that maybe I did it without noticing so I did the exact same thing (parry, medium and light) my character dashed back for every light attack I was trying to land, this happened 4 times after I died.
This discussion has been closed.
To help us keep track of everyone's comments about lag and performance issues, we created two dedicated threads and a bug report template. Please contribute to whichever of the two discussions below is relevant to you by providing the information we have requested on the first page of each one.
If you're playing the game on an Android device, the relevant discussion can be found HERE. If you're an iOS user, then THIS is the relevant thread.
Thank you very much in advance for helping with our investigation into these issues, and we truly appreciate your patience in the meantime!