Special one and two keep getting blocked!

As the title states, my specials are being blocked after performing a combination. I've tried every combination so a special would land and nothing.
It started the last couple days. A few of my Ally members experiencing the same thing. Please help @Kabam Miike
It started the last couple days. A few of my Ally members experiencing the same thing. Please help @Kabam Miike
These types of subtle changes aren't listed out in the changelog but it's definitely been different for a while now in an obvious effort to increase difficulty.
I've stopped opening support tickets for stuff like this because it's always the same form-letter reply that never amounts to anything. And yes, I have reinstalled the game, closed background apps, rebooted my phone, etc.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!
Thank you!
Certain champions get blocked more than others but it can happen to all of them, just doing a special, just doing a special out of a combo, doing a combo plus heavy plus a special or a heavy then a special they can block them.
They can recover way way faster than us block from ridiculous positions and much much more, they've been looking into it forever and i doubt they'll ever actually fix it or address it
Mike, I will try to record this happening.
I can tell you that it happens all the time (any game mode) with special 1 and 2 on my 5* Dr. Voodoo against pretty much any champ, but I do use him often so of course I would notice it right away there. I also saw it happening with Archangel's special 1 and 2.
It's all kinds of champions in all kinds of modes, against all kinds of eniemes and it's been going on for awhile.
Get you want specifics but in general it's a problem with the enemy ai itself which makes some fights a frustrating broken mess.
Voodoo gets blocked a lot
Yellow jacket gets blocked a lot
Void gets blocked a lot
It's not limited to specials either, there's been tons of these threads all over the place and there hasn't been much said about what exactly you're doing about it.
Blade L2 getting blocked after a 5 combo. Spark L1 same thing.
Also block/parry is not functioning properly and adds to this issue. Trying to parry then combo or special either results in a block by the AI or the AI just combos us. And Act 5 is not very forgiving when you get hit by a 5 combo that you had no control to evade or block.