Special one and two keep getting blocked!



  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    1. We brought this to ur attention.
    2. We submitted proofs
    3. We shared details as required
    4. We suffered in each war, Uncollected eq, Map5 to name a few
    5. A large portion of community plays fine while few suffer

    @Kabam Miike how long to u plan to keep us in hell?

    Completely agree, I am still suffering silly losses of health because of this
  • BababananaBababanana Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2018
    it looks like, it's not the attacking champ causing the blocking but the defense champ.
    I was playing with Hawkeye vs Shehulk, she constantly blocked my special 1.
    Hawkeye vs Agent Venom, special 1 was successful.

    Defense champ is recovering quickly from a medium attack, much quicker than it normally would. So, after the quick recovery the AI is able to block regularly. There will be times that it will not block, making the special attack to be successful, but it looks like it already recovered from the last hit and just didn't block.

  • VuskaVuska Member Posts: 175
    Void special also blocked... no matter special after 2 combo or 5 combo... not everytime but, very often...
    Vision and Blade too..

    so i assume this is not specific heroes problem... but programming problem.

    Please fix it
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Vuska wrote: »
    Void special also blocked... no matter special after 2 combo or 5 combo... not everytime but, very often...
    Vision and Blade too..

    so i assume this is not specific heroes problem... but programming problem.

    Please fix it

    I believe it is a programming problem too, they still haven't updated us on this...
  • BababananaBababanana Member Posts: 12
    Similarly, Red Hulk used to recover quickly after trying a heavy attack. This caused Red Hulk to recover before you can hit him, so you either get blocked or you get countered. If defense champ's recovery from a medium attack is too fast, it may be causing the same effect.

    Having this issue is very difficult in AW against an all or nothing node if you rely on power burn from specials.
  • Lazarus1348Lazarus1348 Member Posts: 8
    I’ve noticed it with a few champs for weeks, my friend says I’m crazy. Iron man (og) sp2 gets blocked quite a bit, that’s the most noticeable. I’ve also noticed, ever since the overheating patch, that many of the characters kinda slow down on the medium at the end of a 5 combo. Characters who end their combo with a drop kick (wolv, dd, spidey etc) seem to float almost, like Ghost combat kinda. It was obvious to me right after that patch.
    It's not only when ending a combo with a medium. I end my combos with a light attack (MLLLL) and it also gets blocked. My Hawkeye work well, I always manage to chain a SP1 after a combo, but I never manage the same with Hulk. Ocasionally, Blade's SP2 also get blocked.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    There is no problem, it's working as intended, it was fixed with a frame rate enhancement and will be clarified soon by a description update to how SPs work. If this worked in the past it was highly device dependent. You can however purchase revives and health pots or spend more and practice to get good.

    Your helpful Mods will be with you shortly. Please stay on the line.
  • PlayerPlayer Member Posts: 169
    I’ve noticed this a lot too, been getting worse since update 18.0. Seems like a money grab. I may have to stop playing completely. I felt they made it worse on purpose. I see it happening in any of the following situations with any champ: special after 1,2,3,4,5 hits in a combo. I.e. triggering an L1 or L2 special at any point in a combo is getting blocked. It’s more likely the higher the difficulty level of the fight. It’s not like I’m hesitating and giving the AI a chance, it’s more like everything has auto-block suddenly. This is a new problem but I’m fairly certain 18.0 introduced it.
  • KrrrisshhnnaaKrrrisshhnnaa Member Posts: 38
    There is no problem, it's working as intended, it was fixed with a frame rate enhancement and will be clarified soon by a description update to how SPs work. If this worked in the past it was highly device dependent. You can however purchase revives and health pots or spend more and practice to get good.

    Your helpful Mods will be with you shortly. Please stay on the line.

    @mostlyharmlessn are you out of your mind. I m playing for 3 years, have a wonderful roster, AW mvp. Do i still need to get good???

    This started since 18.0 and tortured me for a month. Its still there, just not 100% but its there. When the AI makes up its mind, u can't hit it with a special attack unless u intercept with it.

    The problem is not wide spread, but that doesn't mean its not there. All these ppl who r reporting it are not fools.
  • Ruben101Ruben101 Member Posts: 49
    Dale_Dobac wrote: »
    Hey All,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!

    Thank you!

    Iron Man (original) gets his L2 blocked literally every time now. He’s become like Cap Marvel used to be L2 is unusable unless you fire it off of a parry or on an intercept.

    My iron man and s.iron man’s sp 1 and 2 always miss!
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    There is no problem, it's working as intended, it was fixed with a frame rate enhancement and will be clarified soon by a description update to how SPs work. If this worked in the past it was highly device dependent. You can however purchase revives and health pots or spend more and practice to get good.

    Your helpful Mods will be with you shortly. Please stay on the line.

    @mostlyharmlessn are you out of your mind. I m playing for 3 years, have a wonderful roster, AW mvp. Do i still need to get good???

    This started since 18.0 and tortured me for a month. Its still there, just not 100% but its there. When the AI makes up its mind, u can't hit it with a special attack unless u intercept with it.

    The problem is not wide spread, but that doesn't mean its not there. All these ppl who r reporting it are not fools.

    He was being sarcastic, the issue is completely real and was acknowledged by foru staff
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    There is no problem, it's working as intended, it was fixed with a frame rate enhancement and will be clarified soon by a description update to how SPs work. If this worked in the past it was highly device dependent. You can however purchase revives and health pots or spend more and practice to get good.

    Your helpful Mods will be with you shortly. Please stay on the line.

    @mostlyharmlessn are you out of your mind. I m playing for 3 years, have a wonderful roster, AW mvp. Do i still need to get good???

    This started since 18.0 and tortured me for a month. Its still there, just not 100% but its there. When the AI makes up its mind, u can't hit it with a special attack unless u intercept with it.

    The problem is not wide spread, but that doesn't mean its not there. All these ppl who r reporting it are not fools.

    LOL sorry the sarcasm was missed throwing around recent excuses Kabam has given for how things were working as intended since 18.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    There is no problem, it's working as intended, it was fixed with a frame rate enhancement and will be clarified soon by a description update to how SPs work. If this worked in the past it was highly device dependent. You can however purchase revives and health pots or spend more and practice to get good.

    Your helpful Mods will be with you shortly. Please stay on the line.

    @mostlyharmlessn are you out of your mind. I m playing for 3 years, have a wonderful roster, AW mvp. Do i still need to get good???

    This started since 18.0 and tortured me for a month. Its still there, just not 100% but its there. When the AI makes up its mind, u can't hit it with a special attack unless u intercept with it.

    The problem is not wide spread, but that doesn't mean its not there. All these ppl who r reporting it are not fools.

    And I would venture to say the problem is more widespread then Kabam thinks, just been going on and getting progressively worse for so long, people have given up.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there everyone, we're going to check on the status of this with the rest of the team.
    Doing 5.3.5. Blade's SP1 fails so many times it's painful to watch... And expensive too, because then I get comboed and need to revive.
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Hey there everyone, we're going to check on the status of this with the rest of the team.

  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    Happened frequently against Emma Frost in the uncanny danger rooms. I always chain my specials from MLLL - 4 hit combos because I gave up chaining from 5-hit ones long ago. When I can't chain from these 4 hit ones I know there is an issue
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  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Hey there everyone, we're going to check on the status of this with the rest of the team.

    Queue up the:

    Please report this issue using the bug report template in the 20.0 device OS specific thread.

    Despite this being reported and getting worse, not better for over a year now....

    I reported it on my bug report, it seems that I am the only one that reported it, it's the only issue I seem to be facing, we have to wait for the update by Zibiit or whoever
  • DrakeDrake Member Posts: 101
    Not recent, in fact I know it's been over a year, but Hulk's L1... if used when the opponent is NOT pinned against the wall will always get blocked, no matter how lightning fast you hit it after any type of combo. Once they get up against the wall you can hit it slow as molasses after your combo and it lands just fine.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,954 ★★★★★
    Samsung Galaxy Tab E
    Android 7.1.1
    Version 20.0.1
    Arena, Master, other areas.

    It's all over. As soon as you release a Special, they Block. Reaction time is 0. The only way to get a Special in is to surprise chain it in a Combo, which is difficult with controls that are lagging. It's very prevalent now. Most Specials are Blocked instantly. The moment they're fired. Both L1 and L2.
  • jeffgmngjeffgmng Member Posts: 115
    Hey All,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!

    Thank you!

    Hyperion’s sp2 sometimes won’t connect on a full hit combo (after 4 lights or 2 mediums)

  • KaruseusKaruseus Member Posts: 528 ★★
    the timing for sp after combo to connect has become incredibly severe i agree,
    but i just got used to that severe timing and im not having any problem with this issue

    Im using iphone 6s btw
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    It's mostly with every champ and every gamemode I believe, you can't fire an SP after a 5 hit combo, Galaxy Note 4 here
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    ... We believe this may be an issue specific to certain devices and their performance.

    I already had this smartphone when this problem started, some 2 months ago. You try take Hulk into act 5 and then try a SP1 when when the enemy is not pinned against the wall. That never fails to fail.

    Asus Z017D
    Android: 8.0

  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Hey there everyone, we're going to check on the status of this with the rest of the team.

    Queue up the:

    Please report this issue using the bug report template in the 20.0 device OS specific thread.

    Despite this being reported and getting worse, not better for over a year now....

    I reported it on my bug report, it seems that I am the only one that reported it, it's the only issue I seem to be facing, we have to wait for the update by Zibiit or whoever

    You are certainly not the only one who's reported this. Many, myself included have been reporting this for well over a year, and just given up continually reporting the same issue over and over. I've given up on it, it's a contributing factor to many that quit the game.

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  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    I read the first page only and was surprised hulk's sp1 didn't come up first. It's by far the worst for me. Absolutely impossible with a 5 hit unless they're against the wall.
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