Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!
Thank you!
Just happened repeatedly to me in Epic Occult Labs. Hyperion vs Blackbolt, Hyperion vs Vision, and Voodo vs Black Panther. In each case my L2s were blocked after completing a 5 hit combo - multiple times.
I used o run into this problem on ocassion. Makes sure your your ending the 5-hit combo with a medium atk. (l-l-l-l-m) it will give you .2-.3 more seconds to fire your SP and always hit if land it quick enough after mid atk
One character where I notice this like 95% of the time is killmonger. I can never chain his sp2 after a 5 hit combo as the opponents always manages to block them, have to parry an insta SP2.
@Kabam Miike Killmonger is the worst at getting his s2 blocked. Please look into Killmongers sp2. Thanks!
This. It started after the last update. I went from landing his sp2 90+% of the time to getting blocked the majority of the time. Something definitely changed. Happens in arena and in quests.
iPhone 7+, current highest iOS and running full bars of 5ghz WiFi connection. All other apps closed out.
Most consistent examples I’ve seen of this “miracle block” are in Epic Labs, almost to the extent of laughability.
If the team is still looking into this, that’s where I would start. AI blocking regardless of whether the last hit is L or M, especially after 4 or 5 hit combo.
One thing to check is whether or not there is any precedence given to AI input over human input—that is, whether there is a type of “push goes to the dealer” rule imbedded in the code. And the “miracle block”seems much more likely to occur the lower the health of the AI, but that’s probably just an anecdotal observation.
Here’s another idea—if the AI is going to miraculously recover and block specials, at least let it remain in defensive posture for a second after the block.
What’s patently unfair is the miraculous recovery + out of the blue block + perfect segue into a combo that a human can’t block even though the human starts frantically blocking or swiping back as soon as the blocked special begins to process.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!
I concur with the AI seeming to be able to block special attacks at a much higher rate when their health is low. I don’t actually think that this is just anecdotal because this is literally the only time I ever get my specials blocked (unless I finger fumble and it’s my own fault). When they do block it, it always comes as a big shock to me bc it tends to happen even when I’ve fired it extremely quickly.
I concur with the AI seeming to be able to block special attacks at a much higher rate when their health is low. I don’t actually think that this is just anecdotal because this is literally the only time I ever get my specials blocked (unless I finger fumble and it’s my own fault). When they do block it, it always comes as a big shock to me bc it tends to happen even when I’ve fired it extremely quickly.
They are waiting for this bug to be mastered by skill. Once that happens, it will be fixed. Just like the Medusa fury bug, they wont fix this one till they have milked some people
I really don’t think this is a bug, it’s a maybe unintended consequence of a design. The AI is faster now and has a quicker recovery time from being hit/knocked down. As someone else mentioned it also seems like their actions are given priority, so in a case where it’s a “tie”, the AI’s action is the one that registers first.
iPhone 7+, current highest iOS and running full bars of 5ghz WiFi connection. All other apps closed out.
Most consistent examples I’ve seen of this “miracle block” are in Epic Labs, almost to the extent of laughability.
If the team is still looking into this, that’s where I would start. AI blocking regardless of whether the last hit is L or M, especially after 4 or 5 hit combo.
One thing to check is whether or not there is any precedence given to AI input over human input—that is, whether there is a type of “push goes to the dealer” rule imbedded in the code. And the “miracle block”seems much more likely to occur the lower the health of the AI, but that’s probably just an anecdotal observation.
Here’s another idea—if the AI is going to miraculously recover and block specials, at least let it remain in defensive posture for a second after the block.
What’s patently unfair is the miraculous recovery + out of the blue block + perfect segue into a combo that a human can’t block even though the human starts frantically blocking or swiping back as soon as the blocked special begins to process.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!
Are they still looking into this? It has been going on for a very long time and cost us lots of fights/potions. I just tried a sp2 with stark Spidey and right into a blocking Ultron. I think it is all about the AI recovery time being so much faster than ours, maybe something to do with the diminishing returns. I feel like that is when it started, I may be wrong though. I use a galaxy S8+, Android Oreo, has happened on Wifi and Mobile connections.
iPhone 8
iOS 12.0
Version 21.0
Champions clash Heavyweight last path
The third hit of my combo is completely ignored by Hyperion and it allows him to block my sp2. Look at the 3-4 second mark and slow it down if you need to.
It’s not the same way most other specials get blocked, but it does happen. @Kabam Miike@Kabam Zibiit
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!
Thank you!
I see this with taskmasters special 1 sometimes when he does his flipkick
iPhone 8
iOS 12.0
Version 21.0
Champions clash Heavyweight last path
The third hit of my combo is completely ignored by Hyperion and it allows him to block my sp2. Look at the 3-4 second mark and slow it down if you need to.
It’s not the same way most other specials get blocked, but it does happen. @Kabam Miike@Kabam Zibiit
This one just seems like a case of interrupting your own attack to throw a special. The animation for the hit started, but the special was thrown before the frame that detects the hit, cancelling the regular attack and launching the special. The delay is slight, but it gives the enemy enough time to put up a block.
My champs are getting blocked on special attacks specially in AW and in the Champions clash. In the other modes it happens on and off. Is started happening since august. I don't even use specials anymore. I have android moto g4 and now on moto g6 phones. I have submitted the bugs to Kabam but the only thing they do is close the ticket without any further communication.
Just happened repeatedly to me in Epic Occult Labs. Hyperion vs Blackbolt, Hyperion vs Vision, and Voodo vs Black Panther. In each case my L2s were blocked after completing a 5 hit combo - multiple times.
This. It started after the last update. I went from landing his sp2 90+% of the time to getting blocked the majority of the time. Something definitely changed. Happens in arena and in quests.
Most consistent examples I’ve seen of this “miracle block” are in Epic Labs, almost to the extent of laughability.
If the team is still looking into this, that’s where I would start. AI blocking regardless of whether the last hit is L or M, especially after 4 or 5 hit combo.
One thing to check is whether or not there is any precedence given to AI input over human input—that is, whether there is a type of “push goes to the dealer” rule imbedded in the code. And the “miracle block”seems much more likely to occur the lower the health of the AI, but that’s probably just an anecdotal observation.
Here’s another idea—if the AI is going to miraculously recover and block specials, at least let it remain in defensive posture for a second after the block.
What’s patently unfair is the miraculous recovery + out of the blue block + perfect segue into a combo that a human can’t block even though the human starts frantically blocking or swiping back as soon as the blocked special begins to process.
If @mostlyharmlessn or @Jakobitz or @PaytoPlay or anyone else on this thread continues to experience, please share...
Dr. Zola
Device Operating System: Android 8.1
Mobile Carrier: Movistar
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 20.1.1
Game Mode: Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, Alliance War.
Champions Affected:
Domino sp1
Starlord sp1
Magik sp2
Medusa sp1
Spiderman OG sp1
Rogue sp1
Iron man/superior im sp2
Spiderman stark enhanced sp1
Captain marvel sp1
Ronan sp1
Antman sp2
Active Boosts: none
Description of the Issue: can't chain a sp1 or sp2 after a five hit combo, the AI blocks it.
Star lord on AW (screenshots from internet)
They are waiting for this bug to be mastered by skill. Once that happens, it will be fixed. Just like the Medusa fury bug, they wont fix this one till they have milked some people
Constantly having the problem to point where I gave up on the Sym level.
I just gave up reporting it. It's just tiresome reporting the same issue over and over again.
Is that really Rhulk recovering mid-special to block the second half of the SL Sp2? Because that’s what it looks like.
Dr. Zola
iOS 12.0
Version 21.0
Champions clash Heavyweight last path
The third hit of my combo is completely ignored by Hyperion and it allows him to block my sp2. Look at the 3-4 second mark and slow it down if you need to.
It’s not the same way most other specials get blocked, but it does happen. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
I see this with taskmasters special 1 sometimes when he does his flipkick
This one just seems like a case of interrupting your own attack to throw a special. The animation for the hit started, but the special was thrown before the frame that detects the hit, cancelling the regular attack and launching the special. The delay is slight, but it gives the enemy enough time to put up a block.