PSA: Not all content is meant to be easy



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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    My suggestions on that Thread still involved RNG. Nice try. It wasn't "let me pick the Champ".

    this is same dude complainign he cant get a dupe with his poor roster of 20ish 5*





    Some context would help. We were talking about the alleged hypocrisy on my concern for the ability to Dup from the Basic. I also discussed a couple suggestions that still left it to RNG.
    Not the same as saying we should be able to pick the Cats we want. Not hypocrisy at all, actually. My suggestion didn't involve choosing the Champs we want. It was a stretched attempt to make me look hypocritical. However, people often take things out of context and omit details, when they're implying something like that.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★★★
    HolyDrac wrote: »
    @ContestOfNoobs Lol what did you say? PM me haha

    Just saying if u put in the time to get better u can be able to do map 6 and eventually get into a paltinum alliance.
    I was told i wouldn't last in platinum allaince and my allaince always did map5x5

    i moved on to map5x6 and being in a platinum alliance and facing master tier allainces i have learned alot and grown and harness my skills , u will start realizing how bad u was before lol.

    said something groundedw, being a sorry player who complains and is not even uncollected.

    plenty of players, even seatin FTP account is uncollected and beating uncollected difficulty while this guy hasnt even beaten the collector.

    yet people become uncollected every single day and passing up this dude. he complains he cant get a dupe. yet wants point out RNG screws people over yet he supports RNG aspect of 3 for 1 t4CC. Yet compalins about his RNG of not getting a 5* dupe.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Pretty sure everyone here is speaking for themselves. Some find master mode too challenging, some find it difficult but beatable. Those who can beat this challenge are in a position to give tips to those struggling. A wise person would seek those who have beaten the challenge to see how it's done and ail their frustrations. A bonehead would claim that if they can't beat something, it must be too hard before seeking the advice of others.
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    Not for nothing but trash ass Loki destroys Adaptoid...just put on the curse and reap all the buffs he gets, heavy or spam L1 to re-apply curse. No revives needed. or a 2* ronan.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Not for nothing but trash ass Loki destroys Adaptoid...just put on the curse and reap all the buffs he gets, heavy or spam L1 to re-apply curse. No revives needed. or a 2* ronan.

    Interesting counter, never thought of him. Thanks for sharing :)
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    DarthPhal wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »'s insane on Master, let alone Uncollected. There's no need to be condescending.

    It's not tho that's the problem.. I finished uncollected already found nothing unreasonable at all

    You're one person. Many people are saying it's too much.

    Many people are also saying the t4cc trade in should be for a class of your choice, where one person was maintaining that it just has to be rng based.

    Not the same thing at all. The game IS RNG-based. Saying I think a Boss was amped up too much is not the same as saying I should be able to bypass the schematic that the Rewards are doled out and have whatever I want.

    So you’re saying it’s ok for players to lose valuable resources to being exposed to RNG twice on the same item, but it’s not ok for players to burn valuable resources on fights that are completely winnable with a little knowledge and preparation, because you find it difficult. Got it.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★'s insane on Master, let alone Uncollected. There's no need to be condescending.

    It really isn't, which is the point. Plan ahead and every boss is easily solod.
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    Not for nothing but trash ass Loki destroys Adaptoid...just put on the curse and reap all the buffs he gets, heavy or spam L1 to re-apply curse. No revives needed. or a 2* ronan.

    Interesting counter, never thought of him. Thanks for sharing :)

    Anytime ! Gotta help each other out, instead of the back and forths lol.
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Shevvel wrote: »
    Harder content??? Rather I would say impossible content. (Speaking about 3.1)

    Let me explain,
    We use 3 types of tricks to hit the opponent, baiting SPL, baiting heavy, interception. I cant bait SPL because after which he becomes unstoppable for 3 seconds, I cant bait heavy due to overwhelming power gain he again resort to spl. And I can't intercept when he is unstoppable. His unstoppable and power gain are always there. Please tell me when to hit him to complete the fight.

    Righteous attack, medusa is countered by physical resistance, for voodoo he is poison immune, only 2 champs to use is magik and Morningstar. But magik has to fill 3rd power bar, ms moves weirdly so you can't always intercept after reaching less than 25%.

    They even gave regen buff so step by step process won't work out..

    And top most worst thing is Morningstar SPL 2 could draw out 18% when all possible buffs are I am at 873hp left in opponent and all champs are k.o.

    So I say these buffs make the game impossible this month.

    I'm one who seeks end game content. I now rarely consider 4*. The point is if it's this much tougher for me , whats the position of newly act 5 completing summoners. A friend from my alliance completed uncollected yesterday . I bet she definitely not like the difficulty..

    Magik sp2 power lock and wall bounce intercept it's beatable trust me
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey everybody, we will pass everyone's feedback along to the rest of the team but this thread has gone off the rails and we will be closing it down. As a reminder, make sure that you keep your comments constructive and focused on the topic at hand, not on your fellow Summoners.
  • Kil63Kil63 Member Posts: 258 ★★
    HolyDrac wrote: »
    I'm gonna try and answer as many of you as I can, it's gonna be long so bear with me.

    @Onemaeus @Kil63 @Epsilon3
    I completely agree with you guys when you say there are some literally impossible nodes. They annoy the hell out of me too and I have a pretty decent roster. I can't imagine how people with smaller rosters must feel. The only reason I'm still ok with these kind of nodes is that otherwise the game would become too easy. There are a lot of players with far more developed rosters who are looking for the challenge. And there are way more players who don't and find these challenges unbeatable. And therein lies the problem in a game that has such a wide player base. They have to make content for everyone that makes them want to play and spend time in their game, while making it enjoyable and challenging. What you might find easy, someone else might find difficult, and what you find difficult, some else might find it easy. It sucks, but that is the whole point about progression and there's not much that can be done as Kabam has to placate the entire player base. I'm not gonna talk about bugs and issues cause that's a whole other discussion which won't help anyone right now.

    @HolyDrac I agree with you, they have to vary the challenge level to keep the game relevant to the player base. What I don't agree with is when people try Master or Uncollected level one time, don't breeze through it, and want to atart posting about the game being too hard or a defender is overpowered. These posts mostly came out the very first day, and instead of taking the time to figure out the new content, figure out a working counter, or waiting until the YouTubers released "How-to" videos, people instead chose to start asking for nerfs and complaining. It's like when you're lifting weights. If you can't bench 225, then you drop it down to 205 or 185 till you work your way up. You don't ask the staff to give you a nerfed 45 plate lol
  • HoneymonsterHoneymonster Member Posts: 69
    I don't mind the difficulty getting harder but surly if it's harder you should get better rewards?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Wasn't this closed?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    Have you improved given all the info available now?

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    For the last time, it's not about improving or getting suggestions. I'm not incompetent or incapable. I can explore my own ways of beating him and if I need suggestions, I can ask. It's about the fact that I think it was too much. No amount of arguing that it's easy is going to change my view. The whole discussion is really ignorant, actually. People can't stand to respect someone giving their feedback because they like to boast about how they did it. If someone feels it's too much, let them speak. It's bullying, really. Not that I'm that sensitive to it, but that's really what it is.
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    We clearly have to disagree on this one. Making something a challenge is one thing. Making it too hard to appease the "Rough and Tumble" is another. When it's too far, it's too far. You can't just force everyone else to do content on your level of challenge, just because you think it's too easy. We're talking about EQ. Not End-Game. People depend on those Rewards every month to progress and grow. Gradually making it more challenging is useful because people grow at a pace. Blindsiding them doesn't help anyone. It just ruins the experience for many people,
    LOL someone who is not uncollected, hasn't made it through 2 chapters of act 5, probably doesn't run AQ map 5, has played for a few years and can't understand difficulties change month to month on EQ wants this month changed after one day because he couldn't beat master, EVEN AFTER all these people share helpful tips and champs even as a 3 star who can beat them. Then has the audacity to say he speaks for the player base. My god the hubris is so thick on this entire thread I can't even believe i'm reading it.

    It's like those people you know in real life who are so stubborn and self absorbed, they never understand or care about a subject until it happens to them personally - then it's "I speak for others" and asking Kabam to change content to suit individual people's progression in the game. This is a dude who spends the majority of his time, YEARS now, sitting on this forum and posting every single day, more than any other player or moderator - who has argued over and over and over that Kabam always knows what they are doing, everything is designed for a reason, progression is closely monitored and controlled for a reason, and most of the time holds the line that kabam cannot do wrong. But lately we now have two posts/threads where it's apparent that this player hasn't actually played the game the way it's intended nor understands how it works. A player who should be spending his time grinding and learning the game and trying to improve, and watch tutorials and guides and studying how to improve his skills and roster, but NOW wants content changed because he thinks its too hard after one try (and blew a bunch of items on it like a rookie would as well).

    Not all content even in the master level is going to be a cake walk. Some of it requires practice. Did you ask for Thanos to be nerfed a few months ago? I died so many times even on master and had to study and learn before I did it successfully. And this is NOWHERE NEAR as hard as that, all it took was a few tries and some research on here and reddit to see which champs work best and learn the move sets and timing. That's IT. But no, that's too hard - he would rather come on here like always and double down and cry about needing slightly challenging content changed so he can get the rewards he believes he is owed. Such a double standard, such obliviousness and such irony I have not seen from any other player on this forum. Put the forum tab away man, go to you tube or reddit, actually learn how to play the game you claim you've played for years, and you'll be fine like all of the rest of us. And i'm gonna actually speak for the majority of the player base now because they will actually do what i just said, while I GUARANTEE you will continue to sit on this forum day in and day out and post instead of actually playing the game you claim you love so much.

    Did we just become Best Friends?
  • FugnastyFugnasty Member Posts: 115
    You guys are just giving us more of the same for less reward. Its exhausting and tedious. Ill spend $10 to complete a 100% but not $50.
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    Anyway, I don't want to keep going back-and-forth. What I'm trying to say is let people have their say. When we assume what their problem is and start offering suggestions based on our own assumptions, it ends up stifling their issue. If people want help, they'll ask for it. If they're sharing their own findings and feelings, let them do it. It's not our responsibility to say who is valid and who isn't. Everyone is valid. Regardless of how right we feel.

    This.... You can't be serious. You are on here every single day flying your Kabam flag arguing against anyone and everyone who has anything to say negative about the state of the game. I've played since the beginning and the ONLY reason I decided to actually join the forum's was your BS I kept reading. Here's some advice, play the game instead of playing in forums. Listen to others advice on how to get better. And finally, stop your Kabam bandwagon thinking it will help your account progress. Put in work in the game, not kissing Kabams a**.

    The More You Know****
  • FugnastyFugnasty Member Posts: 115
    This months uncollected quest on top of the war seasons difficulty increase got me. Too much work and learning for not enough reward. I play these games to feel rewarded and now its like im moving backwards.
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    For the last time, it's not about improving or getting suggestions. I'm not incompetent or incapable. I can explore my own ways of beating him and if I need suggestions, I can ask. It's about the fact that I think it was too much. No amount of arguing that it's easy is going to change my view. The whole discussion is really ignorant, actually. People can't stand to respect someone giving their feedback because they like to boast about how they did it. If someone feels it's too much, let them speak. It's bullying, really. Not that I'm that sensitive to it, but that's really what it is.

    You took in your best team on day one and got beat up. Instead of backing out and getting advice you used up a bunch of revives and health pots to clear. Then you come to forums and complain about difficulty. Truth is, that was a rookie move. You're mad over the items used and that's totally your fault.

    The More You Know****
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    For the last time, it's not about improving or getting suggestions. I'm not incompetent or incapable. I can explore my own ways of beating him and if I need suggestions, I can ask. It's about the fact that I think it was too much. No amount of arguing that it's easy is going to change my view. The whole discussion is really ignorant, actually. People can't stand to respect someone giving their feedback because they like to boast about how they did it. If someone feels it's too much, let them speak. It's bullying, really. Not that I'm that sensitive to it, but that's really what it is.

    Forum Rule #15 says:
    "Remember the main intention of our forums: to fascilitate conversation between not just our players and developer team, but between fellow players."

    This thread's OP was made by someone who respectfully commented that some game content is meant for players with stronger rosters. @HolyDrac was also kind enough to detail how the forum is a place where players can talk to each other and get advice/suggestions. @GroundedWisdom You chose to add to this thread without responding to the HolyDrac's OP and accused others of being condescending.

    Players offering help won't do much if others aren't open to listening. Hope you get the feedback you're looking for in regards to this month's event quest.
  • BXBombaz197BXBombaz197 Member Posts: 57
    Lol... yo, this is just a game people... relax...
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    I really wish they had fights like that more often, where it’s hard to get past it with your regular top. Where you have to think about who you use. Damn I love using Ronan like this. I’m not going to use my 2*, but I’ll dust of that r4 4* that I haven’t thouched since Venom.

    I like thinking about what might work best. I usually don’t have to think hard because the answers are all over the internet already, but there are always different strategies and I’ll research them and see what will fit my roster and skill best.

    I understand what you all are saying, but personally I miss content like this. And please don’t tell me LoL and act 5 are there for a challange, I miss the month to month challenge a lot. I can autofight difficulties called “epic” without any of my ranked up champs, it’s a joke.

    So there is this real easy thing for basically free rewards and the EQ requires something (either skill, a good strategy, items or a combination) and you all are complaining? Come on, overall it really seems right.

    And yeah, it sucks if you can’t do it, especially if you could do it the month before, but every month you need other champs, skill or strategies to get through it. My bf recently became uncollected and sometimes he clears it without much issues, sometimes he doesn’t even complete, let alone explore. He sees what he needs, knows what he has and makes sure he improves his skills so that the next month, he won’t run into the same issue. He picks his battles, literally.
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