Red Skull Explosive Personality
Red Skull starts the fight with 5 armour up buffs. Explosive personality says that when 5 armour up buffs from blocked hits are reached, they explode to deal 25% health as damage. But I’m taking explosive personality damage on first blocked hit (using the regular armour up buffs that Red Skull starts with - this doesn’t happen with other armour champs on this node) and way more than 25% of my health as damage. I’ve had three 5* r4s die on first blocked hit from full health.
• Consume one Armor Up Buff generated by Red Skull to Power Drain 10% of the opponent’s Max Power and inflict 114.8 as Direct Damage for each Buff on Red Skull.
**Developers Note: This ability WILL trigger against projectile based Basic Attacks. 2) The Direct Damage does scale with Quest Nodes that provide a boost to Attack.
From Red Skull spotlight
He starts with 5, consider his explosive personality quota filled lol.
The damage Red Skull does when he blocks an attack increases for each Buff on him, so any extra buffs could cause more damage when hitting his block. Explosive Personality should not interact with any of the Armor Up Buffs generated by his abilities though, so any extra info would be helpful for looking into this.
That's just his ability