The Future of MCOC



  • NabbydianNabbydian Member Posts: 29
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    No man your alliance members made fun of us just after boss kill and called us birds, sent smileys. Your members clearly knew that that member was a cheater and if we look into your alliance he was much weaker than anyone else with his roster and somehow that guy cheated to bring the victory. Of course you will say you did not know. We had insults from your members after the boss kill that shows you are in a cheating business in this game. And the one who made contact was not you. I did it

    Not surprising.

    These members know they can do whatever they want since only the cheater will get punished.

    Matter of fact is they got the last laugh. They got the rewards while you lost items, war, war rating and insults.

    Been through it before. Nothing more you can do but report the cheater and move on.
  • C1INTB3ASTW00DC1INTB3ASTW00D Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2017
    How can you say you dont understand where he is coming from? Nothing said in plan text could prove you are all cheaters other then blatantly saying "we are all cheaters", but when confronted with the issue and the responses are ":)" and "go play 5.2" it is safe to assume there is some guilt by association.

    Also, I think that jumping down an entire alliances throat in war chat isnt necessarily the most productive way to handle something like this, but unfortunately kabam has historically shown that they arent very good at handling these cheating accounts. I think its very commendable that you guys handled this on your own.

    I can't deny that the responses in AW chat were in poor taste. It definitely doesn't help the case I'm trying to make. But I would also argue that accusing another group of cheating in AW chat is typically met by responses like that. It doesn't mean that those replying even know the specific circumstances the accusations are being based off of.

    100% agree, and why I edited in that last sentiment - Flipping the proverbial lid in AW chat typically does nothing short of encouraging a war between the 2 alliances most feared keyboard warriors.

    Unfortunately, the inadvertent side effect of this is that WTF will now be on the radar (and not in a good way). As a member of an alliance only a couple hundred points higher then you, I can say its not out of the realm of possibility that we could meet in the future. It stinks that one person can cause such results, but unfortunately its just the way things are - human negativity bias :-/
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    I'd react similarly to threats and accusations like that in war chat. It happens way too often, people can't do something so say the other team is cheating. Responses like that show nothing and prove nothing.

    I'm not saying the player in question cheated or didn't, but war chat like that is fairly common. Your argument can't be based on that. The other ally booted the offending player, that's more justification than 99% of "cheated" players get. move on with your life and play your own game.
  • Scotty2hotty33_Scotty2hotty33_ Member Posts: 85
    That happened to our alliance a while back. We were talking ****, and this guy went straight up the middle and took our boss double linked. I didn't know it was a thing until now. Thanks for the info
  • BurntbaconBurntbacon Member Posts: 73
    Burntbacon wrote: »
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    No man your alliance members made fun of us just after boss kill and called us birds, sent smileys. Your members clearly knew that that member was a cheater and if we look into your alliance he was much weaker than anyone else with his roster and somehow that guy cheated to bring the victory. Of course you will say you did not know. We had insults from your members after the boss kill that shows you are in a cheating business in this game. And the one who made contact was not you. I did it

    I am also a member of WTF and I can say unequivocally, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are not cheaters. Like Manbearbig said, after our own investigation the member in question was removed. However, I have a question for you: How do insults from our members prove that we are cheaters?

    How can you say you dont understand where he is coming from? Nothing said in plan text could prove you are all cheaters other then blatantly saying "we are all cheaters", but when confronted with the issue and the responses are ":)" and "go play 5.2" it is safe to assume there is some guilt by association.

    Also, I think that jumping down an entire alliances throat in war chat isnt necessarily the most productive way to handle something like this, but unfortunately kabam has historically shown that they arent very good at handling these cheating accounts. I think its very commendable that you guys handled this on your own.

    I agree that the comments weren't the smartest move and in poor taste. However, when someone throws out accusations of cheating in AW chat, they are typically met with comments of this nature.

    In addition, if these players did have some "guilt by association", why would anyone want to incriminate themselves by making snarky comments that could easily be screenshot for evidence?
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    That happened to our alliance a while back. We were talking ****, and this guy went straight up the middle and took our boss double linked. I didn't know it was a thing until now. Thanks for the info

    Was it against the same WTF alliance? Because the leader says they are a clean alliance
    Continually posting to slander an entire alliance isn't helping your argument. At this point you are trying to make one persons actions the rule for others, this is bias and prejeduice it is not reasonable in the slightest, might as well be tossing out slurs as that is in essence what you are doing.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    More importantly, why is this thread not shut down yet? Pretty sure calling out a player or alliance is against forum rules....
This discussion has been closed.