Frankmcoc ★
They said season 1 and 2. Then never said they werent
I don’t see where they say that? Last I saw they were multiplying the score by roughly 3
Regarding infuriate: hmmm wasn’t really keeping track during the fight. but at the start of the fight I hadn’t been hit so couldn’t have. after that I wasn’t monitoring it .( Didn’t realize infuriate did anything other that make opponent aggressive) Regarding the buffs: falcons locked on reduces defensive ability accuracy…
Still bugged . Any update @"Kabam Zibiit"
Like mentioned above , they wouldn’t have given him a synergy that lets him get 2 extra cleanse if he can’t even use prefight cleanse on himself. This shows he is supposed to be able to use the preflights
New champion Spotlight
Can we get an official confirmation on this bug?
Elektra has defensive ability reduction when you have a debuff
I just tried to duplicate the bug, but it worked properly so idk
Also regarding has always been 15% total....I always use this feature of him See @Lagacy video From killmonger on old node 29 Skip to time 12:45
It was definitely still active.....every time happened right after I threw my sp3 to activitate all pushed enemy to sp3....I didn’t mind cause I knew it couldn’t kill me...but it did Someone please test....I will try to get a video also
Since update the protection shielding from null shadow isn’t working. Every time I’ve pushed an enemy to sp3 with null shadow active and over 70% health .....they have killed me
Bug Shouldn’t happen Description says “doesn’t take damage from cold snap bleed and shock while glaive immunity is ACTIVE” It doesn’t say when it activates It just says active If it’s active you aren’t supposed to take damage from it.. period that simple Sometimes this happens...I’ve had it happen in aw and aq…
Still happening I mean We can’t launch a sp1 or sp2 against the computer when why can computer do it against us
Wait or take up a 5* to r5 aegon needs dupe
Still pretty sure it used to net positive....due to the extra healing for the first 12 sec..... Now it nets negative
Any news?
Prestige is decent, but a lot of new champs surpass her. don’t need for defense. I have r5 gem Already have Corvus at r5
Why did you nerf her the first day?
Any word on this @"Kabam Miike"
Dark hawk can be in one of 4 modes ( no mode, shield,stealth or null) If you re read above posts I am talking specifically about darkhawk launching the sp3 when he is already in null mode before launching he should have all the benefits to attack applied to his sp3 Either A)the sp3 is always getting attack bonus…
When other champs that have abilities that modify and boost attack , launch a sp3 there is a clear difference in the damage This shouldn’t be any different for dark hawk For ex ....Star lords sp3with a 100 combo does much more damage than with no combo
Actually I can tell that the above isn’t the case Let me explain why: when you are in null mode each hit you do infilicts a passive shock damage (including the specials). This is displayed on screen as a second damage number in red Below are 2 screen shots of sp3 damage from the same fight vs winter soldier the first one…
Can we get a mod to chime in
Thanks for the insight, to that I’ll say a couple things. If like you suggest, you enter null mode the second you press the button to launch then: the sp3 would be EXTREMELY weak without the null mode boosts......I mean as weak as a regular hit. At r5 /65 the sp3 is only hitting for 20k ...w suicides..what would his sp3 be…
Yea max sig is 100% when in null and null mode an additional 100% as well.....+ the originaI 100% u do = 300% For ex If ur base attack was 2000, null mode give you another 2000 attack , and your sig gives you another 2000 attack for a total = 6000
I guess I never realised sp3 can’t crit before. His sp3 damage in general is pretty weak. Also to clarify it does the same damage when you launch it from null mode as from no mode or any other mode. This doesn’t seem correct. Null mode modifies your attack 300% when max sig
What aq milestone? What rank?