This Problems are over 2 Weeks and Kabam say nothing to this. The only what she say is , is a Performance problem. This is **** . Android and ios have the self Problems and the Most have good Hardware in the Phones.
Self her its not normal. Its see more thats a new Kabam Cheat to got more Money.
Yes and spent more TIME and Resource to fix the Bugs!!!! When i see the Patch notes. I see not realy Bug Fixes from Bugs they are over Month in the Game.
Yes @"Kabam Vydious" this is not Fair play 12h after War no responsed. Champs was houers later not able to play thats sucks.And we can't start a new War, thx Kabam for this Unfair Play
@Primmer79 8 + 8 + 8 + 5 = 29 so you can get a 9 and 4* shards are even in the China event. When you get a lot of gifts so you get this Numbers
that's just a proof that you do not test anything before you give it out. Had you tested it dan you would have recognized it clearly. But clearly first looking for excuses and say you could not help it.
Kabam Miike is a big liar he had said it would not be any harder. It has become much heavier and can not be compared to the old one.
Fact is that it gets heavier !!! You put mini bosses on the map which are heavier, their buffs are heavier, the Sentinals are not only in imunacy in advantage but in combat on normla and have many mistakes
Yes the self problem with Guilltine ore Thor nothing go