
  • Did you read the nodes
    en 6.2.2 Comentario por Wicket329 10 de mayo
  • Yeah that’s a Labyrinth specific thing, their evades can’t be messed with in the same way as in other content.
  • G2099’s sp3 isn’t red number damage, it’s hit damage. Only red number damage functions like this, although I don’t know why. Basically what it does is if you have 40 whiplashes on your opponent, but you only needed 10 to knock them out, then the number you see is the damage from 10 detonating.
  • There are a bunch of different variables here that can impact the red number you see. First, when you KO the opponent, you don’t see the true total damage done. It stops counting the damage once the opponent is down. Second, did you have a trauma active during your detonations? That can crank up the damage. Third, throwing…
  • OP, assume that any special release champs won’t enter into the basic pool for at least a year. There is a possibility that this pool could get rerun sooner than that in a different event, but there is no guarantee.
  • OP, how long have you been playing this game for? Were you around for the launch of 6*s? 5*s? How many Banquet/Gifting events have you been through? There is nothing new under the sun. This stuff happens all of the time. We just had a highly publicized giveaway of every 6* in the game. It’s a spending event in a mobile…
  • Even more awesome when you see the third one tucked away there
  • Mr. Kabam is giving me:
  • Incredible champion. Learn to play her, you won’t regret it.
  • Usually on the Friday after the season ends. EDIT: wait this is war, I take it back.
  • They reran it for another 30 minute window for people in other time zones. It happened. This is not a valid complaint. This is like complaining about not being able to go to Battlerealm Brawl. Sometimes things happen and we don’t all get to participate. It happens. Just need to accept that.
    en Promo Code Comentario por Wicket329 8 de mayo
  • Welcome to Meltdown May on the forums! This is the month for own-goals and just posting through it when you absolutely should stop talking. I’m glad to see we have such a strong entrant into the month’s festivities!
  • This was a way more polite request than most we get here, and it’s fun to see how everybody reacts way more calmly when the original post isn’t like “KaSCAM HATES ME because I STOOD UP TO THE MAN with my SKILLS and not MODS” followed by a litany of threats.
  • Look up the guides to completing the Eternity of Pain final quest from last year. You’ll notice that Herc is the answer to almost every fight. He is very possibly the strongest champion in the game. And I say this as the owner of a 7* R3 Angela and as somebody who refuses to take Herc up to R5/ascended on principle: Herc…
    en Herc Brokenness Comentario por Wicket329 8 de mayo
  • Who were you fighting
  • What? No. We know. One overhaul every three months. Nothing scheduled in between. Could there be surprise buffs worked in there like we just had with Nightcrawler? Absolutely, and I hope that happens. But nothing else announced except this.
  • RG, Sinister, and LC were all scheduled prior to this cadence change (announced on the Chee’ilth/Kushala update). So, in conclusion:
  • OP, they previously announced that they will not be doing monthly buffs like that anymore. Rather, we’re going to be getting overhauls once every three months. We’re getting Superior Iron Man in I think June or July as the first champion through this new rework cadence.
  • Careful now, talking about the Champion like that you’re gonna invoke Swedeah’s wrath
  • Absolutely wild to claim you speak for the community. You don’t. None of us do. Different people have different opinions. It’s okay. You hate Blade with the white hot passion of a thousand suns and that’s okay, I’m not gonna try to convince you otherwise. But you’ve made your position extremely clear and there’s no need to…
  • Hey, whats that sound? Everybody look what’s going down
  • When champs get updated, they are updated throughout the game. The only places where the old versions exist is past Everest content.
  • I have this situation pretty regularly too because I just do enough battlegrounds to claim all solo objectives, which also gets me comfortably into the Gladiator’s Circuit. You just have to realize that it doesn’t actually result in any harm to you when you lose those marks because you weren’t using them anyway. Either use…
  • VtD’s problem is that he was designed for content that doesn’t exist anymore. Once Kabam shifted their design focus in questing towards Six Fights and a Boss, VtD became obsolete. Air Walker kinda had a similar problem, because the payoff of having a champ up and running for three fights just wasn’t worth the slog of…
  • OP, you make some points I agree with and some I disagree with. First, totally agree that Blade against a bleed immune non-dimensional champ is going to be a bad time. Just straight miserable. Second, I saw in a follow up post something about incorporating synergies into his base kit and while I don’t think Kabam would do…
  • I said this as a joke on the original deathless speculation thread. It is absolutely not a good idea for a real kit. Please don’t make this.
  • Deathlesspool.
  • For those who haven’t seen it
  • You necro’d a thread to miss the OP’s clear joke. C’mon, man.