Problem with Juggernaut and UN. Colossus

So i guess this is happening for long time already but no one talked about it.
those two champs are activating Unstoppable Buff two times while firing SP attack.
Basically unstop. buff is turning on at the start of the sp attack animation and at the and of it. again those are two different buffs not one, is that bug, glitch ir something? becuase i found that kinda wierd. in their description there is nothing about that, 0 information. and now I'll tell you why is that the problem and why it should be fixed.
for example if you're fighting against them with blade/crossbones or with the other champs who has a chance to decrease def ability, that chance and that RNG will be perceived two times on those two unstop buffs, not one time.
so basially blades RNG may work at the start of the sp attack and turn of the unstop buff, but after sp attack will end, that buff will be turned on again, it will have a same chance as the fisrt buff had at the start, so RNG may or may not fail.
The result is that if you're seeing that juggs isn't activating unstop buff at the start of the sp attack, you're thinking that it's safe to intercept immediately after sp attack will end, but he may activate that buff again and while you're intercepting hit you with 5 or 3 hit combo, I think that's not fair at all and it's completly ruins the idea of def ability decrease chance. I hope this post will have a proper response from DEV team, and they will start working to fix this bug.
in this old video we clearly can see that juggernaut is only activating one unstop buff while firing sp attack:
but in this new one, something is changed and his activating that buff two times in one so attack:
p.s. sorry guys for my bad english, tried my best to write this post as clear and correct as possible.
those two champs are activating Unstoppable Buff two times while firing SP attack.
Basically unstop. buff is turning on at the start of the sp attack animation and at the and of it. again those are two different buffs not one, is that bug, glitch ir something? becuase i found that kinda wierd. in their description there is nothing about that, 0 information. and now I'll tell you why is that the problem and why it should be fixed.
for example if you're fighting against them with blade/crossbones or with the other champs who has a chance to decrease def ability, that chance and that RNG will be perceived two times on those two unstop buffs, not one time.
so basially blades RNG may work at the start of the sp attack and turn of the unstop buff, but after sp attack will end, that buff will be turned on again, it will have a same chance as the fisrt buff had at the start, so RNG may or may not fail.
The result is that if you're seeing that juggs isn't activating unstop buff at the start of the sp attack, you're thinking that it's safe to intercept immediately after sp attack will end, but he may activate that buff again and while you're intercepting hit you with 5 or 3 hit combo, I think that's not fair at all and it's completly ruins the idea of def ability decrease chance. I hope this post will have a proper response from DEV team, and they will start working to fix this bug.
in this old video we clearly can see that juggernaut is only activating one unstop buff while firing sp attack:

but in this new one, something is changed and his activating that buff two times in one so attack:

p.s. sorry guys for my bad english, tried my best to write this post as clear and correct as possible.
well, I don't understand that at all, again it completly ruins intercepting and fairness of the Def ability decrease or the nulify/counterspell abilities.
Right now, the biggest thing Juggernaut has going for him as a defender is his Unstoppable buff. It's kind of nice that it's so hard to stop. It's certainly not impossible to play around...especially with the recent change to Mystic Dispersion. This "bug" (I'm not 100% sure it is one) gives him some viability as a defender.
As far as bugs go, I'd much rather see them fix the bugs that are currently plaguing champs like Medusa, Killmonger, Nightcrawler, Vision, Iron Fist, Rogue, or Sabretooth. I know Kabam's programming resources are limited, so asking for all is a pipe dream. If given the choice, I'd rather see any of the above champs fixed over an adjustment to Juggernaut.
They fixed it by doing this.
Its an intended change from awhile ago that most people have learned to live with, but makes stagger useless.
that exactly the point.
not only stagger but also blade's danger sense and Magneto's magnetism... sometime it remove the first unstoppable but failed to remove the second, sometimes remove the first and then fail to remove the second. (sometimes remove both). happened in arena, LOL, quests, AW, AQ.
i understand the "caught off guard" but the result is actually the opposite... you see that the first unstoppable didn't trigger, you wait for the end of animation to counter special and then you see he trigger another unstoppable.
it should be one unstoppable buff, that start with the special's animation and:
timer start at the end of the animation OR just give a longer time to accommodate the duration of the animation (different timer to sp1, sp2 and sp3)
i know you hate to hear, "blade", "blade", "blade", but this bug affect many other weaker champs like magneto and hood.
happens all the time that the first one is staggered or prevented somehow, then the second one applies. This has been this way for long enough ask any experienced player and they will tell you. the unstoppable buffs for juggs are completely independent. But I have heard rumors that UC unstoppable isnt like this.
nope it's a bug
its not a bug when it was designed that way, the question is should it be designed that way
so its a bug
just like AA stunning unstunnable wasnt a bug?
Whether or not it should be behaving like this, it was designed like this literal years ago at this point. There were threads in the past about this and mods have just said, yeah, it was a change from before.
a bug to me means something new developed without them touching it. This is just poor design.
It has made stagger useless since day 1 of the change. It was reported immediately and ignored.
The first one is prevented, removing the stagger debuff the second one takes effect and unstoppable is on.
This is not new information at all.
Any game mode vs any champs with stagger, except Jane when she lands 2 staggers with her heavy. and then both are consumed to prevent it.
Like Kabam said.. if you really think it’s a bug.. take a vid of this bug and let Kabam know in game.
Bug, or unintended.. it makes stagger useless vs. unstoppable. It also hurts jugg and uc by triggering md or dorms degen twice. So yeah.
do you need us to upload more videos?
This actually makes it worse for blade as the first unstoppable doesn’t activate so you go into attack and then the next one activates
We've passed the info along to the rest of the team and are passing the new videos along as well. Would you be able to tell us what game mode this was in? Or what specific quest or difficulty?