Please Fix War Tanking!

Please fix war tanking! I want to be able to play wars again in off-season. The problem is that everyone is tanking!
For those who don't know what tanking is: Tanking is trying to lose wars on purpose during off-season to lower your rating and to get matched up with easier alliances during the war season, so you get more wins and higher season rewards with minimal effort.
We, as an alliance, are forced to tank, because if we don't tank then we will be facing alliances like MMXIV, NYC Guardians, etc which would just result in an instant loss cause we can't compete with their roster. This would then result in getting lower season rewards than we are supposed to get.
At the moment no wars are being played during off-season, at least in the higher ranks, and every war results in a tie (no defenders placed, no one joins attack), meaning: no rewards, no shards, no loyalty, nothing. The result of every war ending in ties is that everyone stays in the same place with their war rating, and tanking has essentially just become a strategy to face against alliances at YOUR OWN SKILL LEVEL.
Therefore I propose a very easy solution to fix tanking:
Freeze rating during off-season so losing/winning wars has no effect on your season ranking.
For those who don't know what tanking is: Tanking is trying to lose wars on purpose during off-season to lower your rating and to get matched up with easier alliances during the war season, so you get more wins and higher season rewards with minimal effort.
We, as an alliance, are forced to tank, because if we don't tank then we will be facing alliances like MMXIV, NYC Guardians, etc which would just result in an instant loss cause we can't compete with their roster. This would then result in getting lower season rewards than we are supposed to get.
At the moment no wars are being played during off-season, at least in the higher ranks, and every war results in a tie (no defenders placed, no one joins attack), meaning: no rewards, no shards, no loyalty, nothing. The result of every war ending in ties is that everyone stays in the same place with their war rating, and tanking has essentially just become a strategy to face against alliances at YOUR OWN SKILL LEVEL.
Therefore I propose a very easy solution to fix tanking:
Freeze rating during off-season so losing/winning wars has no effect on your season ranking.
Please read the post before replying
Why Not just disclarfirt the ally ther doss it. Not sure how it works out. My ide
in the highest tiers of war if everyone tanks to get easier opponents, then all they are doing is fighting themselves. tanking alliances fight other tanking alliances.
its also counterproductive. (at least in the old system) you are much more likely to get a favorable match up if you have low prestige with a high war rating.
may tanking alliances ALWAYS be in platinum 2 or 3.
All they need to do is place a 1* as boss and leave the rest empty map. Too easy to loophole around this.
Another idea: The war rating gained/lost is based on the point difference; if they tank, they won’t lose much war rating then
Unless everyone from your alliance goes from 0 to 100% in say the last hour of war, they just need to prevent getting out tanked by moving along the map and keeping point difference lower. To make things worse, now u r giving any alliance the ability to manipulate war rating (eg. Sister alliances)
Interesting. I really like this idea.
Keep in mind new AQ rewards are also giving out much better rankup materials as top rewards, AW season rewards shouldn't be all about rankup materials anyways.
I still believe AW season can be salvage instead of scraped. One way or another top alliances will always have op roster from spending or winning more anyways, its just the season rewards disparity is way too big and way too lucrative to drive unwanted behavior.
Map 7 has taken priority over AW for some alliances this week. Freezing war rating in the off-season could solve the concern you've detailed in your OP. It would also cause numerous tertiary effects, many of which would be detrimental such as alliances not being able to increase war rating/move up tiers in the off-season, players not being able to start a new alliance after a season ends for the previously mentioned reason, and end-game players receiving an additional advantage over players trying to catch up because of such end-game players' alliances being locked in high war tiers for the coming AW season.
Good idea!
Just wanted to drop in to let you know that we understand how important this is to everybody, and that we are aware of the situation. Unfortunately, as you can all see from just the discussions here, it is not an easy one to solve. We don't want to implement anything that will punish Alliance's playing fairly and competitively.
At this time, we don't have any plans that we're ready to implement, but are not ignoring this behaviour.
Honestly, I don't see a world in which that's gonna happen. If Seasons are scrapped, those rewards will be too. The reason that the Season's rewards can be as good as they are is because of how competitive the game mode is.
this part sounds amazing
It's not competitive when you have cheating alliances that rig the system. You want a competition then instead of docking points for cheaters, lock them out of season rewards. You bet real quick people would build alliances that are on the straight.
How about you remove War Rating altogether and instead replace it with Win/Loss/Tie records? That way, alliances with the higher W/L/T ratios are faced with other alliances with similar W/L/T ratios.
"Well can't you still tank and face alliances with lower W/L/T ratios?" -- True, you can. What I propose to mediate this issue would be that each tier requires a certain W/L/T ratios. The higher the ratio, the higher the tier you are in. What do you think?
definitely NOT going to happen.
Most alliances during off season, don't boost, save, buy and store as many resources for next season. So yeah they are going to lose wars. And if your alliance says boost on off season, then hey, you knew what you're getting into at the top.
What about people getting kicked right after the last war of the season? Then Kabam turns around and say tough luck guy. I mean, take care of the real issues first.
Those trying to move up can do so during the season.