Corvus bugs

@Kabam Zibiit as you have told me to put it in the bugs and known issues category here it is
1.corvus interaction with physical resistance
When he applies an armor break his damage against champions with physical resistance or nodes with physical resistance is greatly reduced whether this is an intended reaction between armor break and physical resistance corvus has true damage so it should not matter anyway
2. Corvus immunity does not always work ( more prominently in map 7) he will sometimes take damage against freezerburn bleed and shock nodes and coldsnap from iceman signature ability
here is a link to another post with evidence
3. Corvus sp1 attack bonus is being considered a buff
when corvus applies an armor break and uses an sp1 he gets 100% of his base attack as a bonus but it does not appear as a buff or is described as a buff yet it still activates buffet
Please acknowledge all of the bugs above
1.corvus interaction with physical resistance
When he applies an armor break his damage against champions with physical resistance or nodes with physical resistance is greatly reduced whether this is an intended reaction between armor break and physical resistance corvus has true damage so it should not matter anyway
2. Corvus immunity does not always work ( more prominently in map 7) he will sometimes take damage against freezerburn bleed and shock nodes and coldsnap from iceman signature ability
here is a link to another post with evidence
3. Corvus sp1 attack bonus is being considered a buff
when corvus applies an armor break and uses an sp1 he gets 100% of his base attack as a bonus but it does not appear as a buff or is described as a buff yet it still activates buffet
Please acknowledge all of the bugs above
2)They have acknowledged in the past, they don’t acknowledge every post about it.
P.s. true damage ignores armor not resistances.
Also about physical resistance it’s not exclusive to him but if anyone with an armor break should be affected it should be him due to true damage
@CoatHang3r here won’t blame you though not many people know about it
This was against a resistor and adaptive node with 12 physical resistance buffs built up
For Corvus armor break against physical resistance
And as for the immunity bug there is a video in the original post
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Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.” You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”
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Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
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I’m using on iPad
Using WiFi don’t use cellular
And I’m on iOS 12.01
Also thanks so much for finally replying hopefully the bugs can be resolved