Mysterio Bugged Interaction With Sabretooth

I am sorry if someone else posted this, but I came across a seemingly buggy interaction between Mysterio and Sabretooth. When Mysterio places his head block on Sabretooth it does not remove his regen stacks like normal. I am not sure if this is because Mysterio’s heal block is passive and so it doesn’t interact with Sabretooth’s regen correctly but it seems buggy. Sabretooth’s sig does not specify that the heal block has to be a debuff. Please look into this and fix it.

Besides ST’s regen is passive anyone so nullify and stagger wouldn’t prevent it anyway.
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It would be redundant to say when heal blocked his healing is blocked. HB has always “nullified” the regen and if looked into enough i feel you would find conformation somewhere. What isn't confirmed is if the heal block needs to be a debuff which isn’t made clear so the ability reads like any heal block, passive or debuff, should have the same effect.
Second, no where is it mentioned that heal block would remove his stacks of regen. Not in his spotlight, not in the description of his sig ability.
Third, as far as I can remember, every other champ with regen keeps their regen buff when they're healblocked. If the heal block ends and they have regen, the regen starts healing again. While ST healing is passive, it should still continue to heal after the heal block has fallen off.
The only reason why it might get reworded that they get removed after a heal block is because it would be tedious to have to not hit him while he's heal blocked to let some of those stacks fall off, but honestly his healing isn't that powerful that you can't brute force your way past it.
If I interrupt you while you are talking, you aren't removed, you just stop talking.
IMIW heal blocks Sabertooth in the EQ. It removes the stacks of regen.
I believe that its probably more due to Mysterios heal block being a passive ability against a passive ability. Definitely a weird interaction.
Patch 19.0
Bug Fixes and Improvements
• Ghost Rider’s Damnation will now remove Sabretooth’s Regeneration
To summarize, Mysterio heal block should remove the regen stacks. It's a bug, judging by how other interactions work and by the wording of the abilities.