Re: Ultron's domain upgrade

Will the firewall feature where if you can beat 5 zones your progress will be saved and you can start immediately from zone 5 for the next cycle of incursions etc be starting in September as well?
I would prefer 25K artifacts for 2K 6* shards
I guess this was mentioned in roadmap..
No zone, No Cooldown ?
and that for sector 8?
So far, sector 6 has been an easy way to get the milestones for most weeks (as players usually do sector 7 just once).
But now it seems like I have to play sector 7 for most weeks which is certainly more difficult than sector 6 and requires the top of the roster (rank 5 5*s).
Also have mixed feelings about limiting to zone 10 in sector 7. I don't really care what is the limit in sector 8, as I can barely reach zone 10 most of the time in sector 7.
You guys seem to be making incursions geared towards the players that have completed most the content and making it more difficult for people that play it for fun and some good rewards. Not what I expected after all the long ass roadmaps.
I would hope not
For EXISTING Objectives that people still have in their list that they haven’t done yet, instead of finding the time to run Incursions for that Cav (sector 7) version now, can they wait for Sector 7 to become easier and then do the existing Objective and still get the Cav Crystal that is currently specified in rewards ?
And I assume for any NEW Objectives that drop each day after this goes live, that those new ones will be changing to Sectors 7 vs 8 for the UC vs CAV Crystal as reward (instead of 6 vs 7 now) ?
But in general, I’ll concur with someone else above, would rather be able to still have choice between 6+7 (in addition to new 8), instead of no longer being able to get any 6 rewards going forward. I’m sure the new-7 will be more difficult than the old-6. And would just be another reason people may not want to continue Incursions if they’re gonna be forced up to a harder difficulty (new-7) in order to get rewards.