White Magneto Special Attack Animations Reversed

Hey there,
Wasn't sure if this was a bug or intentional but white magneto had his special attack animations reversed. His special 1 uses the former sp2 animation and vice versa.
Read through his champion spotlight and multiple forum threads but didn't see this reported
Wasn't sure if this was a bug or intentional but white magneto had his special attack animations reversed. His special 1 uses the former sp2 animation and vice versa.
Read through his champion spotlight and multiple forum threads but didn't see this reported
I did read them. Take another look my friend. The descriptions match the old order. Also they match with the titles for the red version of magneto and he doesn't have them reversed. Furthermore all of the YouTube videos from the beta serves with White magneto had them in the traditional order.
Both have sp1 posted as "schrapnel" which is when he flings the metal schrapnel at you and both have the sp2 listed as "fracture" which is when he lifts off the ground and tries to hit you by fracturing the earth beneath you.