AW leaderboard - incorrect points

AW leaderboard just went live and it shows three Gold alliances as master rank 1, 2 and 3
Those alliances have impossible scores that are higher than the points you can possibly get with three wins in tier 1 with 3 BG wars
We won first 3 matches in tier 1 (3 BGs) with low deaths, and yet the alliances that are rank 1-3 are over a million points ahead of us in the leaderboard
Compare spots 1-3 and spots 4-5 (4-5 won all tier 1 wars)
Something is seriously broken with the points calculation for top 3 alliances, their scores are technically impossible even for completely flawless tier 1 clear, please look into it
!! To explain further
Max points for a tier 1 win with full exploration/ full diversity and no deaths - 1,538,400 points
1,538,400 =
8 (tier 1 multiplier) multiplied by:
(30 000 for the win +
60 000 (3*20 000) for BG clear +
58200 for exploration +
495 * 80 attack bonus +
150*3 = 4500 diversity)
In three wars at most you can get 4,615,200 points (3*1,538,400) as absolute maximum without dying once
Top 3 alliances currently have
1. 8 090 280 points
2. 6424 560 points
3. 5 426 052 points
Which is more than the maximum you could technically achieve (see above)
Hopefully it’s a glitch in points calculation. It needs to be fixed asap
Those alliances have impossible scores that are higher than the points you can possibly get with three wins in tier 1 with 3 BG wars
We won first 3 matches in tier 1 (3 BGs) with low deaths, and yet the alliances that are rank 1-3 are over a million points ahead of us in the leaderboard
Compare spots 1-3 and spots 4-5 (4-5 won all tier 1 wars)
Something is seriously broken with the points calculation for top 3 alliances, their scores are technically impossible even for completely flawless tier 1 clear, please look into it
!! To explain further
Max points for a tier 1 win with full exploration/ full diversity and no deaths - 1,538,400 points
1,538,400 =
8 (tier 1 multiplier) multiplied by:
(30 000 for the win +
60 000 (3*20 000) for BG clear +
58200 for exploration +
495 * 80 attack bonus +
150*3 = 4500 diversity)
In three wars at most you can get 4,615,200 points (3*1,538,400) as absolute maximum without dying once
Top 3 alliances currently have
1. 8 090 280 points
2. 6424 560 points
3. 5 426 052 points
Which is more than the maximum you could technically achieve (see above)
Hopefully it’s a glitch in points calculation. It needs to be fixed asap
From what I understood from the leaderboard and in relation to these alliances, the tier where they are, the multiplier must be wrong, which is why I gave this surreal score.
Kabam is better off finishing the season quickly and correcting these errors than doing what they did in past seasons in which scoring errors happened, and in the end they didn't correct them correctly.
Kabam: Nobody Cares
They have a low rating and there is no way they could have earned enough points to place in master top 10 at season start (it’s highly unlikely they play in tier 1)
The whole leaderboard needs to be reviewed for such cases
Even though I think they should cancel the season.
But if it happens as you say, last season with kabam's mistakes trying to correct the leaderboard, there were alliances that were favored and others that were harmed. So I think it's better to nip the problem in the bud, end the season and reward the alliances for their graduation.
They do nothing
and they will not answer
remember the off season war who was counting
Offical Kabam - we got compensation
Thats enough
Sorry for not replying. Lots going on. This is being looked into right now.