Kabam? Last day of Legends crystals brings a great opportunity.

This might be the best thing ever that you guys have done after the introduction of 7* is to give a great crystal but now that it's ending, I think it'll be appropriate to finally introduce the Paragon Objective Crystals instead of this nonsense for Paragons?

As THE Paragon, it's quite shameful to sit together with Cavaliers and be forced to open their crystals, they make fun of us and honestly it feels like a wet slap, we progressed to Paragon, why the crystals have not?

As THE Paragon, it's quite shameful to sit together with Cavaliers and be forced to open their crystals, they make fun of us and honestly it feels like a wet slap, we progressed to Paragon, why the crystals have not?
There can be only one! 👑👀
I normally don’t care much for titles, but adding a THE Paragon title in game is something i think the forums would cheer for.
Also genuinely is there going to be any more varient quests?? Those were so cool and unique!
In all seriousness though, are their plans to update this crystal to offer paragons some more value? Perhaps also the solo crystals as well?
But seriously OP has a point. Why don’t you guys update the solo or objective crystals? When you do it’s a mediocre update that gets outdated in a few weeks. I understand time constraints and such but this isn’t a huge ask, heck I’m paragon and getting cav objective crystals???
I’m all for prioritizing but I think keeping stores and crystals updated and current should be a bigger priority than it seems to be. Some of these have gone way to long without an update.
Players complain about it from time to time but it just gets ignored by the team, there are so many constructive comments here but miike will reply to that one comment which isn't lol
The only reason I said that in my comment is because there's very few on these forums that actually understand that someone who designs quest maps, isn't someone who designs champions or someone who develops abilities, isn't someone who can fix a bug.
Gone but never forgotten 💔