Over 2 years....

I have been playing for 3 years now, and I am sorry but it is way past due time to increase sommoner levels
this game is no longer geared to ranked 5 level 99 4* champs.
my long term alliance is slowly falling apart over this and the friends I have made are dropping/leaving the game one by one
Kabam the time is past due raise the levels soon, real soon as I am becoming one who is on the razors edge of leaving
I would love o hear from long term end game players on this
this game is no longer geared to ranked 5 level 99 4* champs.
my long term alliance is slowly falling apart over this and the friends I have made are dropping/leaving the game one by one
Kabam the time is past due raise the levels soon, real soon as I am becoming one who is on the razors edge of leaving
I would love o hear from long term end game players on this
To be honest, it's not clear what exactly you want. If you'll remember, gaining a level would refill your energy, provide some rank up resources, and often (not always) give you a mastery point.
What exactly is your issue? You say that 4* champs aren't cutting it anymore. Raising the level cap won't change that. Additional energy or rank up resources won't change that. Are you proposing that more mastery points get added?
I want to be on your side, but it's not clear right now. How is a stagnated level cap driving your alliance away from the game? It seems that raising the level cap is the means to an unknown end. What precisely do you really need from the game? More mastery points? More 5* shards? More rank up resources?
This is something that we have discussed in the past, however we are not yet ready to increase the Level Cap. The reason here is that we're not yet ready to give anything more with the growth in levels. All of our Content is designed around the current Energy Cap, and we're not yet ready to give more Mastery Points.
It is something that we're looking into for the future, but do not have any immediate plans to do so at this time.
thx for the reply....I can understand the energy cap "except for last month" I am talking more along the lines that the game is no longer geared towards level 99 ranked 5 four star champs, so I feel an increase to at least 65 for masteries is long over due
yes, more master points at least up to level 65, this would help level the playing field a bit but Miike already said not happening
it would be nice to get rid of those 40% & 50% exp boost and get something that helps players in my position
Masteries are tuned around the current setup. We don't want everybody to have "every mastery" or once again create a situation where there is one mastery setup to rule them all. Choosing your Mastery setup should be about making choices, and ensuring that your setup is customized to you, your play style, and the Champions you like to use.
Unfortunately, this means that we cannot, at this time, release more Mastery Points.
that sound you just heard, was my will to play leaving the room LOL thx Miike and thx for the Dungeons
I wouldn't want this... what purpose would it serve?
Personally, I'd love to see the flip side of this. Instead of more mastery points, I'd love to see more masteries. It's been several years since anything has been added. And in that time, masteries like detect class, wisdom, intelligence, pittance, and prosperity have been rendered obsolete by the current state of the game. Plus, there has been a slew of new champs with various abilities introduced. These abilities open up a lot of possibilities for new mastery builds that are constructed around certain champs or teams.
We have deep wounds to extend bleed effects. How about something similar for effects like poison, incinerate, and cold snap?
We have extended and enhanced fury, but nothing for extending or enhancing armor up effects. And we have recovery to enhance regen, but nothing to extend it.
The class masteries could be retooled...face it, locking certain classes into either offense, defense, or utility is arbitrary and a bit lazy. Mystic Dispersion is clearly the most used one. Collar Tech or Pure skill is likely a distant 2nd. I don't know a single person who has ever invested into Cosmic Awareness. EVER. I'm not saying get rid of them, but add more options and reduce the point requirement necessary to use them.
All of these would discourage "one mastery setup to rule them all" and could help shine a light on certain champs who are otherwise lacking. Plus, it opens the door down the road to slowly add more mastery points if that is indeed what you want to do.
Keep in mind, when they increased the level cap from 50 to 60, you got 1 point at 55 and 1 at 60. You stopped getting 1 per level once you hit 50. Something to keep in mind.
Also, I'm not sure how that would "level the playing field". Just about everyone has the same number of mastery points and access to the same masteries. Maybe this wasn't the phrase you were going for.
I'm all for masteries getting re-tooled in some fashion. But again you said that you're limited because 4* champs aren't enough. I'm not sure any changes to the masteries are going to make a big enough impact to matter if that is indeed your biggest concern.
However, hearing that the game is designed around 70 energy max is mind bottling. Like my mind is in a bottle. I'm not sure how 5-10 more energy for max level players would change much of anything, other than making the quality of life for players a wee bit better. Like actually completing a quest path in one sitting.. without buying a refill. I guess I answered my own pondering there though.
We should be continually rewarded at least on some scale for anything we are putting our time into doing in this, or any game, on some level.
nope you got a point per level if I recall correctly
Mastery points excuse is a BS idea, I mean also on the energy, how can last months event quest be based off 70 energy 😂😂 that’s crazy!
You can still give things for levelling up without touching on mastery points, how about shards, how about cats, gold... tons of items and resources could be rewards.
It has nothing to do with mastery points, half are broken, some are still “coming soon” for 2 years.
It’s a shambles we can’t level up past 70, it’s such a strange number to stop at too.
I'm pretty sure that what @Kabam Miike is implying, but perhaps is not allowed to state explicitly, is that Kabam isn't going to give more mastery points until they make more masteries to use them on. Making more masteries may be something Kabam is working on, but cannot discuss until they are ready to release them, and that time might be a ways off yet.
Yes, you did. By definition, anything valuable enough to ask for is potentially valuable enough to affect the balance calculations of the game. There's no such thing as something we should care about but the game devs should not care about.
That's not a statement on whether the energy balance in the game is correct or not. I'm not convinced it is. It is simply a statement on the fact that anything worth asking for and has the potential to benefit the players is, by definition, something that would change the game in some significant way.
The game is evolved past 4* for YOU. New players still need/use them. Not everyone has been playing for 3 years. I've been playing since release and still use them to this day. You arent the only one playing.
This a deceiving statement, given that the current energy cap isnt enough to do one full path of the most energy demanding quest, about the extras, there is no need for mastery points(tho would be nice) but instead frag crystals, t4bc or alphas could be put in as well as gold or something that isnt too much, but does gelp progression/expansion wise