Dukenpuke ★★★
Voted for Swarm last week, Shriek this week.
On a positive note, I'm getting more practice dexing Maestro's SP1 and only mess up and die instantly about 25% of the time now. #SilverLinings
I'm having the same problem and thought it was just me. I took Null break, am not using Doom slap (ending with M/L combo enders), am punishing heavies and specials and nullifying placebos, and just can't seem to get charges. Even after my teammates have built up 15 tactician charges for me, I'm finding that I'm not doing a…
Kindred is great against Maestro FYI. There's a ton of them on AW boss island. So far, he's the only champ I've been able to manage a Maestro boss solo with (I don't have Kushala).
Buy raid tickets. A lot of them. You can buy them 99 at a time, multiple times.
This just happened to us too. We were at 11 tactician charges, and after one fight (by the tactician) we were down to only 5.
OG Ghost Rider
Also, apparently I suck at losing on purpose.
They specifically addressed this in the "what is/isn't allowed" post a few seasons ago.
No idea. I've never not been at 9000.
Uploading image again since the first image link appears to be broken.
Yes. Doing my normal AFKs to contribute towards alliance milestones. Came back to find that apparently my opponent did the same.
I didn't love or hate the show. It was fine. I think the entirety of the show was just a way to convey, If they find a way to work Maya into future projects, maybe they'll make her more interesting. TBH, her mother would have made a more interesting character than her.dans Thoughts about "ECHO" show and would you like to see Maya in MCOC ? Commentaire de Dukenpuke janvier 2024
We had a tie in our recently hosted battlegrounds tournament. The first match was a tie, and they split matches 2 & 3. The match ended a "tie" in the match history screen.
Our alliance was T3/T4 and finished around rank 100 in P4 most seasons (so rank ~400 overall). This season, we decided to go itemless (no boosts or heals, 40% revives only). We're 2-5 so far this season, and have fallen all the way to G1, Rank 6 (so 906 overall). Everyone in the alliance agrees that the current route is…
Depends on what you're using them for. 5* champs aren't going to get a ton of use for much longer, and I find JJ much more fun to play than Weapon X. If it was a 6*, I'd probably suggest Weapon X.
There's an easy way to fix this. Just pay out rewards based on how many points you contributed to the alliance event regardless of whether or not you're still in the alliance.dans Just kicked out from alliance without any warnings or anything. Commentaire de Dukenpuke décembre 2023
Cap IW. I R5ed mine and ascended him and have no regrets.
Horseman Wolverine with critical bleed is by far the best IMO. Weapon X is better than standalone OG Wolverine.
A Lexus.
I have 3 accounts, I got: Moondragon Professor X Shocker
If you opened banquet crystals before your 14-day alliance join timer expired, then you will not get credit for their opening in alliance milestones once the timer expires. They put up a post about this weeks ago, including a banner at the top of the forums. It was not ambiguous. Any crystals you bought or opened so far…
Assuming you don't sign in with one phone in one country, then sign in on another phone in an entirely different country 5 minutes later, you should be fine.
6* Ghost. I have 3 Paragon accounts and haven't pulled her on any of them.