Just kicked out from alliance without any warnings or anything.

Just like the title says i got kicked from alliance without any explanation, i don't know the reason for it too i was playing actively. So my question is am i got screwed over from alliance banquet rank rewards because i spend like 5k-6k units on that alliance and got every milestone award but they just kicked me without even explanation.
And did you meet the alliance expectations?
Alliance leaders need the ability to kick players who are abusive, who cheat, who don't follow directions, who are otherwise a disruption to the alliance. That power can be abused, and that's unfortunate when it happens, but it cannot be taken away. Unless you're going to require alliance leaders to be answerable to Kabam customer support, there's no practical way to regulate the actions of alliance officers.
And who are you to say that if an alliance leader feels someone needs to be kicked, they can simply wait until an event is over? I once kicked a member who was being abusive in chat. No one is going to tell me I have to wait a couple weeks to do it. If you want that sort of power over all the alliances in the game, good luck suggesting it. It'll happen over my dead body. The sort of bad conduct that would incentivize is beyond ludicrous to contemplate.
And good luck deducting points from milestones, because milestone rewards are granted immediately. Kabam is not going to pull rewards back, nor are they going to spend tons of developer time unwinding milestone points after the fact. Good luck suggesting that one as well.
Kabam has, in the past, and at their own discretion, done things about lost rewards when players were kicked from alliances. That's fine. But Kabam has no business deciding how alliances are run. You are there if alliance leadership wants you there and the other members want you there. You have no right to be in an alliance, you have no right to appeal being kicked, you have no rights at all except those granted to you by the other members of the alliance. If you don't like it, find another alliance or make one of your own.
This sounds easy until you actually have to write down a procedure for this that will work for all players and all circumstances that doesn't require humans to hand analyze and judge every situation before rewards are calculated.
The lockout period guarantees you can't collect milestones from more than one alliance. The fact you have to be a member of the alliance when rewards are sent out guarantees you can't collect rank rewards from more than one alliance. Eliminate either of those two requirements and you have to find solutions to those two problems that will work for all cases automatically. It only seems easy if you haven't actually tried to create a *complete* solution. Because these aren't random weird features, they *are themselves* solutions to problems that are there deliberately.
Support won't do anything and they won't investigate anything.
On one hand, this sounds fair as if you are going to rob someone of their rewards, whatever they contributed should be forfeit towards the alliance as well. If they aren’t a high contributor to begin with, that’s probably the reason they are getting kicked.
On the other hand, players with toxic behavior but high contribution could impact the score of the alliance, choose to leave at any given moment and cost you guys points perhaps another player could have granted, and just cause havoc overall with leverage.
Of course this idea is impractical as it would be silly to revert rewards the alliance has already achieved and is certainly not worth the trouble in dealing with.
Building on this idea, perhaps not revert the points that were contributed upon being removed from the alliance, but as atleast some sort of compensation, allow the player to receive any upcoming milestones they have not gotten based off how many points they contributed. That could be a fair enough solution to players that have been wronged, but just a thought of course.
Imagine having members kick safe, lurking in alliances, until rewards are paid out.
Half of the alliances would collapse for start, officers will start to leave their alliances to find other allies to leech as members, and over time the whole idea of an ally will be destroyed.
On the other side, I really wish no one would set himself for kick with his behaviour during/after events until rewards are given out especially if they contributed.
It’s a dumb thing to do, but the dumbest is creating a post in forums asking for rules to change to suit your dumbness.
No serious ally kick anyone without serious reason, especially during big reward ally events.
The system is great as it is.
It’s not perfect, but the majority of players get what they deserve.
I personally can’t find any way to improve things for those that are getting kicked, without harming alliances functionality or the game’s functionality in general 🤷♂️
Fact: if you have money you have so many friends. If you have nothing, friends will away from you. They need your money (units).
The people who get kicked now can do whatever they want once they contribute the minimums and they will still get ranked rewards either way. In fact, in an alliance that agrees to contribute a certain amount, a player can simply defect and contribute the bare minimum and then coast. Nothing the other players say or do can compel that player to do anything, and they are guaranteed rank rewards.
So basically, in exchange for making sure someone can't get kicked and lose rewards without good reason, you're also making sure anyone who gives a good reason to be kicked and lose rewards also cannot lose anything and meanwhile anyone who joins later gets nothing. Five seconds late and you're screwed with no way to join.
This works, if the problem you are trying to solve is to completely neuter alliance leaders. But that's not a problem I particularly want Kabam to solve. And given the number of players who ask questions about whether they can still join alliances after the event starts, this will also give rewards to players who currently lose them at the expense of taking rewards away from other players who currently get them. And I would bet there are more late joiners than there are innocent kick victims.
An even easier thing to do is nothing, which seems to hurt fewer players.
a. attendance issue
b. performance issue
c. lack of common sense
d. found a replacement killer
x. you're boring
y. I'm bored
z. all of the above
Have a nice life.
The reason why they have the current system in place was because the big alliances back in the day would bring in their second, third, 12th accounts, build up their score, then bring back the primary account to access the ranked rewards. There were a lot of other loopholes that players took advantage of as well.
Sucks for the OP because there are times when there's no rhyme or reason for the boot. If there was, then be a team player, do what is asked of you. If it wasn't, other members of the ally will notice and the ally will be unstable because no one will trust leadership and they'll jump ship when rewards are dished out. Karma is a vengeful you what what.
because they don't like you.
because they want a mate in,
because whatever.
if kabam had lockouts in and made it so allies could not kick that would suck.
alliances should be able to change members whenever they want. for whatever reason you want.
the fact you miss out on rewards for being kicked sucks, but not giving alliances control over members would also suck.
if its not banquet its war season rewards, if not war season rewards its bg season rewards, if not bg season rewards its aq rewards, there is so many different cutoffs there is barely any time where an alliance can kick someone without them missing something.
unfortunately the way kabam have the alliance rewards is at fault not the alliance kicking.
but maybe due to the fact that there is the cutoff to score points they could still look to give the rank rewards based on the alliance you contributed points to as it is only possible for you to contribute points to one alliance.
the 14 day cutoff already makes it so that you can not double dip milestones in alliances, also makes it so alliances can not chop and change members to inflate scores.
i don't think you should need to be in the alliance at the end of the event but you should get the rewards for the alliance you contributed points towards.