Furrymoosen ★★★★★
Ever download the game from somewhere other than the App store?
In 99.9% of these scenarios Kabam correctly banned someone. So it's not a matter of what the easier assumption is, it's a matter of what the more likely scenario is. We just had an adventure the other day with a player that swore up and down that he was banned unfairly and that the only possible reason he was banned was…
Did you not look at the picture and see it's a deathless synergy with deathless She-Hulk? Or the title?
The last time the trello board was updated was a couple months ago when they said they were starting it up again. At this point, that thing is all talk. At some point Kabam needs to hire a chief accountability officer to make sure they actually do what they say they're going to do.
Let someone else play your account while you weren't using it? We can help you look inside to discover what you did wrong, but literally no one on the forums can help you solve this issue because it is a support issue and they've already said nothing is going change.
Play more, open more. Players can get past using 5* completely in their first few weeks, yet you've been sitting on a 5* for years. It doesn't really matter how long you've been playing for if you haven't actually been playing. And yeah, getting new champs to try out is nice, but a 7* at its worst is already considerably…
Yes, 17 points including the She-Hulk objective. 8 points available in the gauntlet.
Yes. Deathless objectives are bonus objectives.
Not unless you have a champ that is two classes. You need mystic, cosmic, and skill, plus an extra tag each.
Odin is very good for metal cosmic.
That's why I lost any health. Thankfully it was an early one. I got into a habit of immediately backing up after my SP3 to avoid that and it helped a good bit. This was far from my first try lol
Here with the solo you've all been waiting for.
You're going to interact with his projectile twice, so he is going to throw two specials. The first one, you throw a special into a projectile. Then you push him to SP1 with charges again. On the second projectile, you parry it back.
What if I told you that you defeated Nimrod and not Omega Sentinel?dans Completed a 10th Anniversary Challenge but didn't get credit. Commentaire de Furrymoosen 1 janv.
In every phase after the 1st, you have to throw a special into the beam first, then parry it the second time. Be sure to read through his phases. It will be very helpful.
Might be an issue on your banks end. They may be questioning the purchase.
That's mostly TB accounts complaining. Because in reality, even for UC accounts (especially nowadays), a 300k health pools in a fight with no nodes is easy, it just takes a little bit of time. Players jump in, see 80k PI on the opponents, and freak out that it's too hard instead of actually taking the fights and seeing it…
Those accidental purchases are still a miracle. There's nothing to touch on the home screen where those buttons show up on the offer, so how that happens will never make sense anyway.
I think they're getting the same mysterium, but lower than that may be less. It is possible that mysterium is also the same, but either way the opponents are very different levels of difficulty as you work your way down.
The setup is the same, the difficulty is different. If it weren't, we'd have an army of Proven accounts in here complaining about champs with 300k health pools.
Where your roster is at, I would start with the top of your roster and work your way down. Don't use champs with a PI below 13k. If you have to use champs lower, then you need to sandbag, so use the best two champs available with a 4R1. You may still quickly run into some trouble though. For the time being, your arena…dans Not getting Thanos/Kang team in basic arena after win streak 10 Commentaire de Furrymoosen 1 janv.
How in the world did you "accidently" purchase the one bundle that you were supposed to save the tickets for?
OP was kicked for cause. They lost the rewards, they weren't taken from them. Kabam MIGHT give them to them, but they shouldn't.
The opponents and mysterium adjust based on progression, so it is both the same and not the same. Either way, quest progress was never going to reset, so there's that.
That 3x 5* matchup is super manageable. I do hope that is not what OP is referring to as a death match. But you've also got 45k PI which helps rather than 40k or less.dans Not getting Thanos/Kang team in basic arena after win streak 10 Commentaire de Furrymoosen 1 janv.
They let them have that name so far. It'll be banned when they're back in the office.
Well now what are we supposed to do with OP's strong and unbreakable defense of being kicked for no reason? Good detective work here. 2025 is brought to you by established forums members solving mysteries and not taking people at their word.
My mix is even worse. I've got 20 total, 5 mutant and 1 skill.
It depends on how quickly you travel. If you're moving at a normal pace, you're fine. If you're in India one second, 5 minutes later you're in the UK, and then another 5 minutes later you're back in India, they'll catch it. But regular travel shouldn't trigger anything.
I typed the numbers that I typed. And no, two 5* and one 4* don't magically make a higher PI. It lowers the opponents difficulty. The algorithm finds you matches based on a difficulty multiplier (different from streak multiplier) which is based on the strength of your team. At some streak levels (specifically where you are…dans Not getting Thanos/Kang team in basic arena after win streak 10 Commentaire de Furrymoosen 1 janv.