Furrymoosen ★★★★★
If you got it from the webstore, hitting the manage button in game gives you this message:
I'd definitely recommend A Quiet Place and Jack Ryan if you haven't seen either of those. He's no Leo, but he's got some good range. I don't think that Pedro can't do the role justice, I just really like John Krasinski and think he was a good Reed for the 5 minutes he got to do it in Dr Strange.
I'm mostly just upset that it's not John Krasinski as Reed Richards, but we've known that for awhile anyway. Apparently I just haven't fully processed my grief yet. As far as the movie goes, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic that this will finally be the one.
I'd definitely recommend pushing to get despair and deep wounds unlocked, but more than those I'd aim for stupefy in the proficiencies tab. It'll make your stuns last longer, which is very helpful against certain champs and in PvP content. I'd also recommend keeping dexterity at 1/3. That'll free up a couple points that…
You have to throw a special to reflect it the first time, then charge him back up and parry it back the next time. Be sure to read through the phases in his kit to see how they change. They're subtle changes, but as you can tell they can really throw off the fight if you aren't prepared.
They will be capped at 50% power returned, so an SP2 won't generate more than one bar returned.
Not really sure why LDS didn't work, but this is actually a very cheese-able fight. I used 6r3 (at the time) Void, reversed the healing and just took advantage of it. She melted in no time.
That's an unfair characterization. No one owes you anything just because you can't spend. That's a more entitled attitude than those that do spend have. I am far from a whale. I buy that sigil and that's it. The game mode doesn't "force" you to do anything. And you're right, it's a game mode that is available for everyone…
There are two limitations that exist that nearly every player will experience at least one of: roster strength/diversity and skill. BGs is hard early on for players simply because you need to develop both, so you hit a cap. Low level players shouldn't have an easy road to all the rewards just because they want them. BGs is…
You really can never say a single word to anyone that necros a post. You are the chief culprit.
It likely refers to the effectiveness of his taunt. Increasing HIS ability accuracy would increase the chance to place taunts, but increasing the ability accuracy of his taunts would make his taunts more potent.
I don't think digital purchases fall under the umbrella of imported and exported goods. Really wouldn't worry about it.
That's what I thought too. The one time they share information quickly instead of playing their games and it's one of the more useless things that they've put together. Some hardcore whiplash going from excitement to extreme disappointment.
It would be, but they'd have to chat ban you and all your friends to start in that direction. Better to shut it down, but they continue to want to give players a space to interact. It's definitely in part Kabam's fault that global chat is where it is simply because they're doing nothing about it, but it's also the fault of…
Apparently your problem is reading into things that haven't been said. Global chat simply shouldn't exist because of what it is. But players have the option to turn it off. To choose not to and then constantly complain about it is only creating problems for yourself. Obviously you enjoy global chat and are clearly a…
You do have the option to avoid triggering her sandstorm. It's actually almost entirely in your control.
It's not a discussion if you never respond to any of your posts. Grow up and stop taking every moment you can to tattle on the cesspool that is global that you continue to actively choose to be a part of. You're accomplishing absolutely nothing.
The reporting system doesn't ban people, the review of their accounts does. They're not banning people because they're reported, but because they did something worth being banned for.
I won't jump on the skill issue bandwagon (though it is part of your issue), but I'll start the knowledge issue one. The meta isn't limited to science champs. There are both science and cosmic champs available on the attack side (plus a couple others), and it's a pool of about 40 of them. Your deck is capped at 30. Since…
Definitely missed that part. I do wish they just banned players outright instead of just chat ban. If you're that awful to people that you need to be silenced, you should lose more than just a fairly useless chat privilege.
Edit: missed the chat ban part. They're just about always permanent, but depends on severity. There's no such thing as just messing around if you've been terrible enough to get a ban.
Players that pause for a guaranteed 15k points instead of playing the game. It's a garbage way to play, but don't let anyone convince you that it's cheating. Kabam has said that while they don't like it, it isn't cheating.
They're not nerfed yet. You've got one more war to enjoy them.
Just discovered who the newest shadow banned player here is. Good ole DeathmoreThanos aka Yokozuna is out another account. Many thanks to the community team!
They go to your Twitch account and you have to claim them there before they go to your game account.
Drops only work live.
That was my first thought. It's also a pretty useless update given that you can play for 10 minutes and be done. Why would we need to be able to track it everywhere in the game all the time if it barely takes time to complete it doing whatever we want?
Demonz is correct. The time you're concerned about is the window they scheduled with Twitch when the Livestream would take place. It's not the window of time you have to claim the drops. You have a week to claim them, as you can see here:
Did you hit a button that said claim on them? When I went into my twitch drops menu, it also showed everything from the last stream they did drops on as already claimed. I had to claim the new ones individually and it was somewhat hard to see where they were.
Let's just understand that "they" is Twitch and not Kabam. There may not be anything they can do.