HCMmcoc ★
It is my 6 star Hercules! He is so much fun to play and I really hope I can dupe or awaken him in 2022. Happy Holidays all! #12DaysofMCoC #sweepstakesentry
are you still looking? my alliance does map 5 3 bgs and get around 225 million aq score weekly. War is optional but participating in it is helpful. We were gold 3 last war season.
i still cannot see it even on my laptop,,,
I still cannot see it too. My forum name and in game name is different so I am wondering if that is the problem. Please help.
i dont think anyone found it in the legendary level yet (tier 4)
i just did the epic path with iron fist and green goblin and got the 5 star awakening gem. waiting on information for the legendary level if anyone has it.
Do you do war? I am looking to slow down a little from map 5. Not a boss killer or super skilled but can do my lane in aq in a timely manner. War is ok as long as its not stressful or competitive
My understanding is that you will need to have brought one before entering the side quest.
congrats! I am working my way through it currently. I did 100% of 5.1 and 5.4. Working on 5.3 right now then 5.2. I agree it can be exhausting.
thanks for the analysis. it try to do at least the first two or three milestones in every arena.
I dont think we as a player can do this.
fury, korg, thing, and modok...
Thanks for the clarification. let's get some acorns!
thanks for doing this. it even answered some questions I had and were too embarrassed to ask.dans Frequently Asked Questions about Combat and Combat mechanics Commentaire de HCMmcoc janvier 2020
IGN: Herochampman I would love to get the 2 GGC's if I win The best thing to happen to me in the game this year is after months of putting it off thinking I was not ready to do Act 5.2.4 to 5.2.6, I went to MacDonald's for lunch which was close to my office and decided to give it a try. I pleasantly surprised myself and…
totally agree. i want the chair as a playable champ.
Killmonger in my opinion
Currently science cos I got CAIW several weeks ago, otherwise it might be cosmic for CG.
I also have void as an option too
I hope so but we will have to wait and see.dans Are you expecting Dr. Doom to be a beyond god tier mystic champ? Commentaire de HCMmcoc octobre 2019
What sig is he right now?
I agree with Bruinsfan8510. He has great utility depending on what you need him to do.
Yes but they can ask and try to get better times. At my workplace most maintenance is around midnight or weekend nights.
I have ghost at 3/45 but still find it hard to use her well.
Cap IW if duped and high signature . OR if duped and high signature.
Cap iw. I have him and he is great
It is not really Kabam but apple or google charging the sales tax. There is always sales tax when you buy something on Apple at least.
i would like to have blade but only have KM right now.
I love my 5/50 iceman