Maratox ★★★★★
Sasquatch and kindred are both tactic defenders and thus non-threats for pretty much any tactic attacker. Rintrah is non-tactic but everything he does is shut down by tactic attackers. Enchantress still requires you to play around her spells, and even tactic attackers don’t completely shut her down. She’s certainly the…
I’m on an iPhone 12 and experienced this issue
Ironheart destroys him
The reason is that ability accuracy has to check before immunity. You can’t be immune to something that never triggered in the first place
I’ve got KG and she hulk at r3, vision at r2, and gilly at r1. Gilly may go to r2 but I don’t see anything beyond that right now
Incoming crash out because that is not an easy path (nor the correct path) with those champs lol
The unstoppable from heavy hitter is known to linger slightly after the heavy attack is finished and not be affected by AAR… so are you just supposed to hope you don’t get punished interrupting the last hit?? Or are you supposed to interrupt mid heavy and be quick enough to dex the next hit?
Most likely it’s because while the shbleed dooboof damage is shown as one number, it’s actually 20-30 instant bursts of damage occurring at the same time, condensed into one number for clarity. Much like Shuri or any champ that stacks lots of DOT, the numbers eventually condense into one tick, but that damage is actually a…
Thing has access to stagger for one thing if you got clipped by a special 2(?) And warlock’s infection reduces offensive ability accuracy. So if you ticked down while you were attacking him it could prevent immortality from triggeringdans Are warlock and Thing able to shut down Herc’s immortality? Commentaire de Maratox décembre 2024
Very lackluster event. Not what a 10th anniversary deserves
Magneto - 1 revive Northstar - 2 revives Punisher 2099 - solo
Miss and evade are two completely different mechanics.
That would be buffet. Doesn’t stop the activation, but nullifies the buffs
It is not. You can rank up characters but They will always have the same number of stars
My guess is there’s a bit of a language barrier and op is asking about sleep
All mystics benefit from MD unless it specifies otherwise in their kit. Abs Man does benefit from it.
This is the villains variant. If you aren’t using a villain you’ll lose all your health very rapidly. Can’t see what champ you’re using but I assume they aren’t a villain
If you zoom in on this photo you see a hand that looks like it perhaps belongs to a champ that deals damage for each unique debuff on the opponent
He’s an incredibly good and meta champ. I have my 7 star at r3 sig 200 and he’s a staple in a lot of content
You either didnt select the attack tactic when entering war, or you didn’t realize that the pool of attackers changed and brought someone who doesn’t have the tag anymore
I’m saying you have to consciously pick “any” or “all” before you can hit confirm. It doesn’t default to either option, it’s blank. If your reading comprehension is so low that you don’t know what those two words mean when picking one of them then you’re just out of luck I fear.
I believe mister negative has an ability to do that as well but it’s based on how much dark energy he has
The best solution to this is require the summoner to pick and/or before they can leave that menu. That way people are well aware of what exactly they’re looking at. Having it auto pick “or” just opens up people to confusion
If I thought my account was hacked and they spent 10k units the last thing I would be doing is opening up crystals I didn’t remember having.
All red means is that the game thinks your team is not strong enough to do the content.
This highlights the wording well
Sinister is not bleed immune, he reduces damage by 100%. If the damage is increased beyond 100% (cough cough enhanced bleed) he’ll begin to take damage. And depending on who the defender was, that can equate to a lot of damage.
It’s all in the wording but as it was written by Demonzfyre is incorrect. If it says “immune to shock/shock effects” the defender is immune to all shock. If it says “immune to shock debuffs” then Silver Centurion would still work
Stryfe and bill have shock passives, not debuffs. Frostbite and onslaught’s neuroshock are passives, not debuffs. In this game, a debuff is not simply something that causes a negative effect. It has to be coded as a debuff. Otherwise it will be coded as a passive.
They shouldn’t need to because passive debuffs don’t exist.