Woody_feder ★★
I voted yes but it’s more of a possibly… I love having a r3 human torch and 5* r5 on my roster. It really helps out if I need him in war and quest at the same time! Also having 2 is pretty nice in some questing situations. Double pre fight for a boss fight… (with no recharge) yes sir!
Yep just screwed me! I had time for one more fight… act 7.3.3 well ****
Whew… I just had to do today’s 10 fights 😁
Yeah it’s happening randomly pretty annoy tbh it happened again today same quest different path
I’m torn! Help please… Cull or Venom… who is more helpful long term?
I was not super motivated to play at the time the event started… just totally burnt out on the game, stepped down from a leader position in to a lower alliance, ect. I decided about half way I wanted to get at least 15 points and ended with 19. So I’m pleased with what I am getting. Also enjoyed taking some time off from…dans Thronebreakers who did SOP: Did you complete all milestones? (27/27) Commentaire de Woody_feder août 2021
I was debating on putting them into king pin, but if I dupe Angela or king groot from the nexus… they will probably get them!
I had this problem too, I realized that it happened when I was taping with the tip of my thumb!… if I use the pads of my thumb the issue is not there. Idk if this will fix your issue just thought I’d pass along.
I like the new hood. He has most of his original utility with the shock and bleed refresh via Heavy as well as the fate seal on the sp2. I actually find the new invisibility mechanic more reliable as well. However, I found out the hard way that he cannot avoid the opponent sp3 while invisible lol. I also enjoy the burst…
Dang I see that my summons did not work 😂😅
Revive… I call thee back from the dead for an update on the state of affairs known as the hood buff! @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Miike"
I can kinda see your point… I have both as a 6* and I’d rather see/have a good mystic for rank 3 lol (completely selfish I know, but at least I’m honest)
Yes would love to hear a progress report for the hood! @"Kabam Miike" ? 😁
https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/252542/hood-changes-discussion-merged-threads#latest Here is the old thread... no info on when he may return as of yet 😞
I am ready for the buff to come back as well. I rather enjoyed his buff... I was going to revive the old thread but thought it might be too soon...
To everyone who suggested counter punch... I totally had not thought of using that to get the true strike. I will definitely play around with it!
Random thought: In order to offset the unit loss of the new arena system... they could buff the drop rates of the arena crystals for units... This would offset the loss from all players and encourage ppl to do more rounds of the arena seeing the crystals as a better more reliable source for units. I posted this in another…
Random thought to offset the unit loss of the new arena system... they could buff the drop rates of the arena crystals for units... (not like I think this will happen, but it would help things even out)
Also, another thought... I can’t sell my champs... but their usefulness has been taken away by this arena change... why do I need them again? Oh because there might be insane challenges like using a 3* Loki to beat a full path in act 5... hmm let me grind out units so I can complete that... oh wait you cut my ability to do…
Grinding out units seems like it will be much harder in this format. There is no place to get infinite streaks using only 4*. Same issue with trying to use only 5*s. Seems like ppl will be forced to only use 1/2 their roster for grinding units....
Honestly not a bad concept... this would decrease work on the servers if ppl had no reason to hoard phc and other champion crystals for the isodans How would you guys feel about removing ISO-8 from the game? Commentaire de Woody_feder mai 2021
When 4*s were a thing... I took og iron man to r5 over a duped star lord 😂 later rectified that when 12.0 rank downs came.
When these polls come out do you really think that the winner is not already chosen? #conspiracyTheory lol
Man I hope that is not true! (But probably is ...)
Lol killmonger... remember last time we got Angela who didn’t even need a buff as badly as any other champs...
Dead thread... can we get an update on when he may return new and improved!?? Or at least an update 😁
Yeah not sure what the point of this was...
A lot of mats in the overflow from the hood rdt... 😂. I actually like the champ, but just don’t know how useful he will be in up coming content 🤞.
So just curious if there is an update for when hood might return...?? I am overflowing mats with the rank down ticket and am hoping to use them on hood if he come back into the game In time.