Rebalancing is disappointing...

HT does not instantly go to 20 temperature in 2 seconds. Tested it and it took a couple parries to get there.
Maw is still hot garbage. His damage is probably still worse than a 3* as far as I saw from my testing.
Cull is actually still good. The rebalance makes him hit a little harder on earlier fights. Wish his BP was increased
Don’t know much about namor and annihulus since I can’t test them at higher rarities
Maw is still hot garbage. His damage is probably still worse than a 3* as far as I saw from my testing.
Cull is actually still good. The rebalance makes him hit a little harder on earlier fights. Wish his BP was increased
Don’t know much about namor and annihulus since I can’t test them at higher rarities
Edit: spelling
This is what we meant all along everybody, small changes to numerical values that make Champions a little more viable, or puts them back in line with others if they're outpacing the rest of the crowd too much.