Scenarios to use NC Mordo BP-CW Electro as top choice offensive champions?

No just NOT for arena. 3/30 s are enough for that.
Since these guys that I focussed to build up a strong defense have become useless there now & kabam are adamant about NOT issuing RDTs, I want scenarios where these guys can be my go to option as an offensive champion.
Arena suggestions aren't needed. Cz bw ds sw thor were still useful in arenas but people were issued rank down tickets back then, to readjust them. But currently no love going for defense beasts.
Since these guys that I focussed to build up a strong defense have become useless there now & kabam are adamant about NOT issuing RDTs, I want scenarios where these guys can be my go to option as an offensive champion.
Arena suggestions aren't needed. Cz bw ds sw thor were still useful in arenas but people were issued rank down tickets back then, to readjust them. But currently no love going for defense beasts.
Mordo is good against BP CW when you accidentaly parry him. NC is a great offensive champ.
Other 2, I got nothing lol
I've maxed out Rogue, no need for mordo to deal with bpcw.
Few champions are actually made for defense, kabam explicitly knows it, that is why they've come up with e odd idea of diversity.
Edit: Forgot NC, lol. A strong attacker after you switch to Swashbuckling, but you will generally have to eat some degree of block damage to do so. In Neyaphem, he is unreliable for both parries and intercepts.
@eXtripa69 And not for AWD per se, but several champs are designed with the idea that they will be punching bags for players, and have abilities to punish that or make it harder to do so, most of which do very little on the Offensive side. Like how they refuse to let Abom poison on attacks, only when hit or made to bleed.
neither he's gonna make to my attack team anywhere as per my knowledge. So all those resources wasted & no remedy provided by kabam.
As we have mentioned many times now, we are still working on the Alliance Wars mode. So those Champions that you think right now might be less useful than they were before, might just become your favourites again.
This will be an iterative process, and will not be quick or easy, and we don't currently know what those changes will look like, but will definitely keep you guys updated as we have information to share!
If I could make one small suggestion: add points for defender kills that equals current points for defender diversity. That way if an alliance chooses to place 30 NCs amongst it's 3BGs then ultimately they can see if it is effective or not.
well that'd be greatly appreciated. Sooner the better, cz I'm holding all rank ups until the final outcome of this issue is in the horizon. (This hurts SA though)
agreed. But that still doesn't make them go to option for any offensive scenario.
SLs sp2 hits hard if u mess up, but will that make him a good defender? No.
Same with offensive abilities of champions that were basically designed for defense.
So, they can be go to options for Offense for certain scenarios if you have no one better because you ranked mostly Defense-oriented champs? ^.^; Let us hope that they just change War soon, and for the better, so we don't have to worry about where to use champs we cannot use as Defenders, but spent valuable resources to rank up.
It actually is true. People could use perfect block teams and then use electro to beat Wolverine. You could hold block and basically allow him to kill himself without ever allowing him to regen.
EDIT: And no it was not the ideal way to beat RoL. Guillotine or SL was still far easier.
NC can hit hard, but so can many others with added benefits (NC main utility is a hindrance or turned off on offense)
BPCW has purely defensive mechanics. You must get hit for reflect stun and the damage back counter to be used. Zero offensive use.
Mordo can hit harder than BPCW, by a great margin with heavies, but his mechanics are largely defensive as well. Power gain is nice, but outside of someone loaded with buffs, do very little damage. Other champs can do what he does and more.
Electro hits hard, but most of his utility again requires you to get hit. Well, he used to hit hard. New champs have made him just above average in that regard, plus they bring more to the table.
Bottom line is I can think of many champs I would bring to attack than these and I wouldn't miss a single thing they offer.
If only that was the one thing I found funny lol.
That should actually be the other way round but I don’t know how to edit.
Thor, Black Widow, Dr Strange, and Scarlett Witch wete issued RDT not because they were still viable in arena. It was because their champions stats were directly nerfed.
Whereas no changes were made to Mordo, Black Panther-Civil War, and Electro.
It's not that difficult of a concept to understand.
As for viability of Mordo, Black Panther-Civil War, and Electro outside of AW defense and Arena, you can use them in Act 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Also, event quests.
Again, as long as their stats are not changed in any way, their viability in majority of game content does not change.
Just like how shops are not gonna refund you money for a shirt that you bought just because yoir favourite restaurant banned that shirt. You can still wear that shirt under other circumstances. The fact that you buy that shirt just to wear it to said restaurant and nowhere else is besides the point.
I'm not searching for an opinion where I "can" or "may" use them. I want a solid scenario where these champions will be a go to option over other offensive beasts. Bcz I have my attack, questing, AQ team pretty much set.
& YES they're well aware of tailor made defensive champions n how excessively people used them over other champions in defense. That is exactly why they're punishing people for placing duplicates. Be it directly to the character, or to the circumstances of the usage of the character, a NERF is a NERF & should be treated in a similar manner.
The "store n the resturant" are same here, they're interlinked & very much aware how changing rules in one place will affect the other.
nah. I'm the same, the shirt has lost value, bcz someone else owns a similar shirt, n the company, after selling me the shirt, has set a rule that no two members can wear the same shirt. So yes it's their fault.
I am quite sure there are a few champions in the game where 90% of their utility goes only towards defense. Other than that, yea. Most defenders in the old war system can still be used well in offense, such as Magik, Dormammu, Hyperion and more.
Please don't start another week of broken AW. Take it down and fix it. Forcing us to play this garbage is making me not want to play the game.
I cannot wear it on a different day, neither can I go elsewhere. Bcz someone else will have similar one in both the scenarios nd it will be punishable for either him or me. I haven't bought it to keep it in a shelf for any single day, I want to use it everyday, nd so does others.
nobody is forcing you to play it. you don't have to start matchmaking if you don't want to play.
Than you will have another huge wave of negatve comments coz we are now upgrading crappy champs because of your mistakes on current war system and refuses to give us RDT...
I was wondering if it works this way. The shop sells the "odd-looking" shirt. Shops gives incentive to wear the shirt to get discounts / rebates.
Now the shop values customer who wears a different shirt on any day if someone else already wore that design into the shop.
"odd-looking" = champs with high defensive ability
incentive & discount / rebates = use in AW to earn shards
values customer with different shirt = defender diversity
No champion is designed for defense. To be specific, no champion is designed to be placed on a defensive map by players. Some champions have stronger defensive abilities than others, but that's actually not the criteria players use to choose the "best defenders." The best defenders are actually the champs that the computer AI plays the best not the champions with the best defense.
For example, Dr. Strange isn't placed on defense because he's a "designed for defense" champ. It is (usually) specifically for unblockable special two. The AI isn't all that great at controlling combat, so attacks that don't require a lot of skill to use become better on defense than attacks or attack powers that require skill or special tactics to use. Electro is tagged as #Offensive but his electrostatic strike back damage make him a decent defender because once again, it is a source of damage the computer doesn't need skill to use against another player.
Limbo and Coldsnap are very useful on defense, but they are not specifically defensive abilities: they are equally useful on offense and both Magik and Iceman are considered good attackers. Meanwhile Ultron's heals are clearly a defensive ability but that defensive ability makes him a very valuable attacker. Once they descaled healing in AW he became less valuable as a defender. Basically, Ultron's heals are a defensive ability that players can get a lot of mileage for when they control him, but the AI doesn't get as much mileage on now when the AI controls him. So that's a defensive ability that works better when it is defending an attacker.
How good a defender is, is really a function of how good the AI is compared to the skill of the player. When the skill of the player is relatively low, champions like Ant-Man and Luke Cage can be pretty good defenders because of their respective abilities. They become lesser defenders not because the players can skill their way past those abilities but rather because players become skilled enough to nullify their attacks which are easy to evade. Then the Yellowjackets and Magnetos become good defenders. At the highest skill levels anything that can be avoided generally is avoided, and the very best defenders become the defenders that have tricks that are either impossible to avoid or difficult to consistently avoid.
Champions look like they were "designed for defense" only if you view everything as having been designed for your specific skill level, and no other player in the game.
Again, fundamentals. There is no nerf, at all. If they give u RDT, then they should charge you extra because now your maxed out Iron Patriot is a viable defender.
So when a champ is affected by circumstances and becomes a useless defender you ask for RDT, but when a useless champ suddenly becomes a useful defender you get to enjoy the benefits with no strings attached?