War Sick and Tired is BUGGED!!!

So this war the sick and tired attacker tactic has been incredibly bugged.
I have 2 instances in the video below, where havok fails to put healblock despite having 3 debuffs on the opponent.
1) ihulk at about 20%
2) terrax when he gets to 40ish percent.
Ive also had teammates complain to me that their debuffs werent healblocking. here is an instance.
Using Knull (sick and tired) vs safeguard King Groot

This rolling the dice whether the tactic will work or not is so unfair, especially with such a roadblocking defender tactic.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax Can you please send this to the team and have this fixed asap. This nonsense is costing us bonuses and items.
I have also watched various instances (in this war alone) across various aliances of the attacker tactic bugging out. This does NOT reflect a free and fair environment for higher alliance war.
I have 2 instances in the video below, where havok fails to put healblock despite having 3 debuffs on the opponent.
1) ihulk at about 20%
2) terrax when he gets to 40ish percent.

Ive also had teammates complain to me that their debuffs werent healblocking. here is an instance.
Using Knull (sick and tired) vs safeguard King Groot

This rolling the dice whether the tactic will work or not is so unfair, especially with such a roadblocking defender tactic.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax Can you please send this to the team and have this fixed asap. This nonsense is costing us bonuses and items.
I have also watched various instances (in this war alone) across various aliances of the attacker tactic bugging out. This does NOT reflect a free and fair environment for higher alliance war.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
this is from another thread, the defensive tactic seems bugged too
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Jax
very weird interactions.
Today from a chat Havok as the attacker again
BTW we stopped using Havok in wars becuase it is very bugged
This is my video. The surfer is on node 20 on a t2 AW map.
I went in knowing petrify would do nothing. I knew heavies would trigger a conduit debuff, but capIW's sp1 would not (-100% DAAR). When I heavied while masochism was on cooldown, I figured the masochism debuff would be removed, similar to what happens when king groot is knocked down when he has a fury. What I didn't expect is that conduit debuff to be replaced with an invisible, permanent conduit debuff that I couldn't wait out, see or outdamage. Cost me a death, but we won handily in the end.
Clearly a bug in the long list of bugs associated with conduit.
And in classic kabam fashion, our alliance used the bugged aspect of this interaction, placed surfer on node 20 in all bgs, collected ~8 deaths across them all and won the next war.
Tagging @RichTheMan since he wasn't completely aware of the issue when reporting on it on Sept 5th's MCN, but I appreciate the spotlight put on it. Also tagging @Kabam Zibiit because this is a different but nonetheless annoying bug.
Sick and tired has been bugged all season with Havok and CMM. IS the team working on this? With best options already banned, this can be made nastier easily if tactics arent working.