Dark Artifact Crystals

I think I see a problem with these crystals.
For advanced players who have access to 5* crystals, doing every milestone everyday is just enough to get three crystals. However, I don’t think it’s enough to get three of ANY crystal - because the 6 crystals rotate each week in sets of 3, you will only get enough for a third crystal in the final week and will only be able to spend it on the three crystals available that week. That’s kind of not cool.
You said one of the main attractions of these new crystals was the chance to get a specific champ. Well for me, that’s StarLord, but according to the schedule of his crystal’s availability, I will only be able to take two chances at him instead of three. Whereas, if i or anyone else wanted Quake or Voodoo, there are three chances at those champs.
Again, not cool. Unless I’m mistaken, so please tell me I am.
For advanced players who have access to 5* crystals, doing every milestone everyday is just enough to get three crystals. However, I don’t think it’s enough to get three of ANY crystal - because the 6 crystals rotate each week in sets of 3, you will only get enough for a third crystal in the final week and will only be able to spend it on the three crystals available that week. That’s kind of not cool.
You said one of the main attractions of these new crystals was the chance to get a specific champ. Well for me, that’s StarLord, but according to the schedule of his crystal’s availability, I will only be able to take two chances at him instead of three. Whereas, if i or anyone else wanted Quake or Voodoo, there are three chances at those champs.
Again, not cool. Unless I’m mistaken, so please tell me I am.
Dungeons are around for exactly 6 weeks, or 42 days. You can get a maximum of 1950 artifacts a day. At 42 days, that’s 81,900 artifacts, which is just enough for three 5* crystals at 27,000 artifacts a piece, a total of 81,000 artifacts. Missing a single whole day of dungeons forfeits your chance at 3 crystals.
So the only time to have a chance at three crystals is on the FINAL day of dungeons. This means three chances at half of the offered champs, and only 2 chances at the other half.
They should either put all crystals in all the weeks or atleast for the final week.
Not sure I get you. I’m inferring you mean the crystals will be around after the dungeons end, which is not the case. They said the crystals will rotate and release each week, for six weeks, and that the last week will be shorter. The crystals disappear when the dungeons do. I’d love to have this confirmed - I’d love for Kabam to chip in on a lot of the other points I raised, too - but I’m almost certain this is the case.
This is basically the TL;DR of my lengthy post. Isn’t it stupid? It makes the one set less appealing than the other for no other reason than scheduling.
The other problem is that those between 4200-5499 prestige will be 900 artifacts short of a third crystal even if we 100% all milestones given to us, due to issues in the first 3 days
Ah damnit. I didn’t notice this. This changes everything...
This is something I would love to get an answer for. Why not gift the backdated rewards for those missed shards based on their admitted mistake with the brackets.
This is something we're well aware of, and are looking into. I swear I posted on that somewhere, but I can't seem to find it so I might have missed that. Sorry about that!
This is true. You may not get a shot at every crystal that you want, but that's why it's going to be important for you to pick and choose carefully. These crystals are still the greatest chance you have at any specific Champion, but that doesn't mean that you're going to be able to get every crystal that you want (if they're spread out this way).
You're going to have to pick and choose!
So what was the point in running the first 5* crystal, since it literally was impossible to purchase. Why not just run it again at the end of the event?
I have been inquiring about this since the change. I personally have not seen any response to this until now. I appreciate the response and am glad to hear it is being looked at. Hopefully a solution is soon. Thank you
That’s irrelevant.
The potential rewards are in sets. It would not have been possible to run the 3-Star or 4-Star without the 5-Star Crystals as well.
The real question is why didn't you delay the crystals a week so people could get artifacts for them? This way they could get 3 of the same crystal instead of 2, assuming it's one of the ones in rotation 1. I highly doubt it was planned that way, there is no rhyme or reason to it.
Maybe run the first batch one more time after the event for those who are saving for something in that group?
I think you’ve missed my point Miike. Why didn’t you not run any of the crystals in the first week, and either start the cycle a week later, or move the first lot of crystals to the end? Can you see why it seems so ridiculous to run a crystal that is literally impossible to buy?
That is, quite literally, the point of this thread: we lose a week of crystals (more or less) because no one has the artifacts to buy them.
On a related note, will we see artifacts available in more areas of game play any time soon?
Dr. Zola
@Kabam Miike any update on this? Reaching the half way point of dungeons. Would like to know what I’m grinding for these next 3 weeks. Thanks.
You also earn infinity dust. It’s not just about dark artifacts, imo those are just a bonus reward.
Infinity dust, sure. But being able to open either 2 or 3 of the dark artifact 5* crystals is pretty significnat considering the time invested. Getting the infinity dust necessary or the 5* AG is achievable without doing every milestone for dungeons every day.
Not everyone is going for the 5* ag. So obtain as much dust as possible for t2a or other rank up materials will make people go for the milestones in dungeons anyways. Plus you don’t have to buy 5* crystals with the artifacts. So if you don’t have enough for a 5* could always buy up 4* versions. Of course they should just hand out dark artifacts to everyone that wasn’t getting the 7.5k milestone from the start. 🤔
If people get free dark artifacts and infinity dust then everyone should. Or no one should.
I've seen Kabam Miike post a reponse to this before as well. Just couldnt find it either