5tarscream ★
You’d think the Chinese government would have better things to do than block mcoc access. It’s not that my vpn isn’t working it’s specifically not working for mcoc, and only mcoc.
In-Game Name: Starscream Device and Model: IPhone 8 Plus Device Operating System: iOS14.1 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 29.2 Game Mode: Alliance War. Description of the Issue: Crashing and lag. Unable to log in for long periods of time and when finally logging in the game is slow and unresponsive and…
Mine are pretty balanced I think Science : HT, SpiderG, Thing, Quake Skill: Sucks XBones and Elsa I guess Mutant: Domino, NC, Omega, AA, Sabre Cosmic: Sucks Cull Tech: Stark Spidey, Sentinel, Yondu, Star Lord Mystic: Ghost Rider, Doom, BWCV, Guillotine
Not sure if you're joking or not? You seem to only have Storm ans Colossus duped and you're missing Domino, Omega, Archangel
Stark Spidey Ghost Rider and Blade for AW. Gwenpool, Hood, Venom for AQ, Domino, Doom, Sentinel, IMIW, Korg AW Def.
I think these alliances looking for S1 and only running map 3 are in for a shock. We run 344 and have been S2 forever, our members are generally rated around 500k.
Ahh the juggernaut strats
WeChat because line and discord are both banned in China
Realistically none of them are top tier on attack and imiw can be a pain on defense at least.
Options two and three are basically the same
I have the same issue on my iPhone. There is a thread under bugs and issues
Same issue game crashing after showing logo. iPhone 8Plus Version 13.5.1
Bait the special and evade the first hit. Bait the heavy and counter with a heavy. It only reflects light/medium attacks. Throw a heavy or save your sp3.
Skill 1. Blade 2. AEgon 3. Killmonger 4. Gwenpool 5. Korg Science 1. Cap IW 2. Quake 3. Thing 4. Void 5. Hulk Ragnarok Mystic 1. Magik 2. Dormammu 3. Ghost Rider 4. Symbiote Supreme 5. Dr. Voodoo Cosmic 1. Corvus Glaive 2. Venom 3. Medusa 4. Hyperion 5. Cull Obsidian Tech 1. Stark Spiderman 2. Ghost 3. Star Lord 4.…
I actually quite like The Champion's SP3. Joe Fixit's is brutal.
Duped Luke Cage
Neither is great. Medusa/Hyperion/Angela and Venom are all better imo. Hyperion brings utility and some dmg. Champion has some fun animations and specials.
Wales? Whales?
Commonly known as traitor day by Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and her loyal subjects.
Summoner rating/number of champions. That way the guy with all maxed out 3* isn't seen as being on the same level as the guy who sold everything but 30 5*. I could essentially have 3 champs for AQ. 3 for AW attack and 5 for AW defense and sell everything else and get matched with a player with much much weaker champions.…
Deserved. Next.
I FINALLY duped my 4* Star Lord yesterday from a PHC no less.
We are rated around 5 million and ranked S2. We keep facing 7-8 million rated Bronze 2 teams. The more we lose the higher the opposition alliance is rated in the next war. It's pretty stupid.
You lost because they got more points.
Got 4* Quake over the weekend
Why would you want to spend money on this game?
I've noticed a lot more 3 and 4* pulls recently. I've been recording my crystals this month and I've had 5 3* and 2 4* in 42 PHC. Compared to the past that's real high. I also managed to pull Darkhawk froma 4* then duped him from phc the next day the other 4* was Elektra. My 3* were Crossbones, Captain Marvel, Proxima…