Lvernon15 ★★★★★
I’m in lvt, and yeah us matching today makes no sense, especially when other alliances like ssx are constantly matching p1 alliances, matchmaking is massively flawed currently
An ally shouldn’t be able to lock in podium without even matching the 3 or 4 allys closest to them at all, simple as that
Maybe look at the definition of nerf
Here’s an idea, know how top tier war works and know resources expire
No he’s not gonna have much use
Ah yes because everyone is gonna get so much use from bpcw
Ah yes, definitely no changes to the tactic, nothing at all
Fr players are all robots no people
Needs to be delayed 2 weeks
At a minimum make rematches possible for the top of the top alliances, for us in gt without them the season would’ve literally been over in war 3 without rematches, would completely destroy the enjoyment of war
One word to describe it Greedy
Ah yes, let’s buff arguably the best champ in the game
Pretty happy
Yeah probably been about a year since I was active here now honestly
Forums still remember I exist?
Kabam not doing things properly as usual
99.9999% sure they tossed the t3-5 data in with the tier 1-2, haven’t heard of a single doom ban in tier 1, and I’m in a lot of chats with t1 players, also playing an alt around the tier 2/3 border he was barely ever banned so very much doubt tier 2 banned him much as well
Always torch since I got a very mystic heavy defence roster, then usually scorp and peni are my top 2 other bans, don’t have either, warlock I ban a fair bit on bulwark but probably won’t with the evade meta
My personal idea to make aq less boring js to delete it
This looks great, really looking forward to it
Love when this randomly happens and you’re using quake and just get 20 aftershock cycles
Ah yes, let’s add stuff to buy for loyalty when playing war uses all the loyalty you gain, basically just telling people to not actually push in war here
With this event we can buy the r4 resources as soon as we get the currency, so can buy quickly? Instead of waiting all month like others
I’m a fan, should change things up a bit more between seasons
Yeah would love some sort of title for people who did the original act 6 100% before the first round of nerfs
It used to be based on ally rating and it led to alliances that didn’t care about war matching the best of the best, wr is much better than that was
That rarely happens
Quake please no, magik I’d love to see as a 6* though