MawrCalleach ★
Don't have experience with mojo, but I can say that sentinel ramps up significantly faster with his awakened ability. Others just don't need it as much imo.
Good test. Imo it doesn't really affect you as much,because offensively you don't need more than 1 and defensively he gains enough armor ups to be annoying. Next time please use comas and full stop
Overpowered: Aegon Underpowered: Groot
From my roster- 5/65 Medusa 5/65 Domino 5/50 Quake(yes I love her that much)
I really love my Angela. Her dmg output isn't the highest, but it just feels nice to play her.
Thank you. Yes it was EQ and no,I didn't check nodes.
That's actually player's fault,you are not lifting your thumb(the one that holds heavy) fast enough,so she doesn't react to the next interaction. I am an old android user(galaxy J5) and have no problem. Dave made a video about it-look up "why people fail at quaking" or something like that
My account was 13 months old,but I played for just 5 or 6 of those. I was about 150k in rating and did it with 3 r5 4* and 2 r4 4* Team was Quake,Gwenpool,Sparky(5/50), the others I can't remember
Can be because of other thing but the pain only triggers when playing. Maybe you lack certain vitamins or proteins or something
Yeah pulling great champion is hard,but pulling Elektra 3x straight is not so much I'd rather normal crystals to stay and make nexus more accessible
My only 5/65, team is Domino,Rulk, Massacre,OG Cap, Sup IM Not focusing on heavies it takes around 80 hits,focusing it's around 40
My first was red cyclops,but it was followed by Human Torch and Angela. Your luck will get better
Almost anyone can get you through act 5.3. His ramp up is pretty slow
It's too small. And Namor is not that great without awakened ability. Don't go for variant 4, your roster is not capable of it.
Sentinel,he's a ticket to v3 +take up ghost,she's great there even as a 4star Also if you're not uncollected, Corvus is great help when you decide to go for it
Spend less time playing this game
Better of these 2 definitely. Best? Ghost,Omega, Corvus come to mind first Any bleed immune will do fine
Ramp up Corvus and expect to use revives,it's very hard to do without them.
He's very bursty,it's not that easy to keep up bleed stacks on you when you're baiting specials,but he's got great damage if you can
Needs to be awakened and then with ghost and wasp he's good
Didn't play Darkhawk that much,but he really needs to be awakened. I'd take up Dock Oc for power control
I actually like him,but he's still bad
Whoa,what a ghost roster
That exactly. Also don't think there is a 5/65 storm
You got really lucky! Congrats!
Where are you progression wise? Also who are your other r4/r5 champs,what are you aspiring to accomplish? Need more info
Tons of utility and great damage. Cull is being rebalanced,so maybe he's gonna be better after that.
I found 5.4 100% easier than 5.3 just simply because it's not so long and boring,so I wouldn't mess up that much. It really shows if you're using the right class,where as in 5.4 you just use tops
IMO, Namor is more important in today's meta, bypassing a lot of silly damage. Then again,I'm buyest,because I don't like Blade's animations and his damage is lacking in soon to be 2020.
I envy you that Quake so much! She doesn't really need it,but who cares. Do what you want :)