Mfalls ★
Yes it would be my first R5
If you use DV SP1 on an even combo it should hopefully counter the EM Buff unless it is in fact a passive buff, then you are just screwed!
If you are expecting them to care or do anything for you, don’t hold your breath, their history says they will say it’s your problem, and they won’t help you at all...
The player base has the power to helps them accountable yet in large refuse to.
Didn’t you read the error it’s YOUR network that is having the issues...
Are lvl 1 AQ/AW pots anything more than a waste of space?
That’s their MO, hence why they disappear from difficult topics and post constantly on simple or silly posts.
Reality is it’s past quitting time for the weekend I wouldn’t expect anything more until Monday about 10pst
Well it’s been about an hour now and sounds like “the fix” didn’t work. Are these rewards supposed to appear in mail, just appear when the app opens or elsewhere in the game? It’s going on 6pm on a Friday out there I hope those able to fix it before they leave for a couple of days...
O Oh and by the way the 20% bonus isn’t kicking in on gold either.
So I got the crystal but not the option to choose a compensation...
When the game crashes during the “compensation” and makes it unplayable for extended periods of time will there be compensation for the compensation? I’m saying this tongue and cheek hoping it won’t be true but having a bad feeling it will happen.
So the basis of what I gather is that there has been a significant decrease in how much the Summoners are appreciated this year over last. Compensation is down, the event is 1/4 as long, and all of this is on the heels of major issues that potentially damaged summoners devices. Typically loyalty is rewarded by increased…
How hot is your phone when this happens?
It’s not ignorance the decreasing value of these makes it so the probability of you spending real money for higher lvl revives and health increases as the difficulty of AQ/AW increase. I suggest buying high lvl health with glory to offset this issue.
From what is posted on forums multiple times they use google servers to run the game.
When there is still a large portion of the player base that continues to spend as if nothing is wrong then they have no incentive to fix the issues. Complaints on the forums don’t affect their bottom line therefore don’t exact change. Only changes in their cash flow affect change.
Use Medusa with her armor shatter and none of these mechanics trigger while his armor is shattered
Games has barely worked at all today
So leaving a node up is between a 250-370 point swing.
When you break it down like that it makes a lot more sense than it did to me sense I hadn’t ever heard it broken down like that thanks!
I get the one node left up, and the boss kills were 3-3. Like I said I know it’s possible but the probability of the difference in 8 defender kills being only 1 attack bonus is low. A difference of 4 attack bonus swings the win to us.
I should have added, my wife hates this game enough and she would kill me if she knew I spent money on this game!
There has definitely been a change in the mechanics of how her resilience works, wether or not they will say that the current state or the previous one is how “it is intended to work” is a matter for debate, and kabam will have the ultimate say. Unfortunately my bet is they will say the current iteration is the intended…
I for one am still waiting to see what they have decided they will give us as compensation for melting phones before I start contemplating buying offers again.
According to everything that moderators say the content team is different than the technical team and they don’t cross over to help with issues. Therefore new content has nothing to do with technical issues.
These shouldn’t be mutually exclusive, they should fix their servers and they should compensate the player base (customers) when their product under performs, well that’s if they want to keep people spending. If they don’t care about keeping customers happy and spending money then by all means disregard how the customer…
Kabams stance on 30 minute timers is that they are a bigger burden on the player base than 60 minute timers.
A game down again, speaking of which what happened to the compensation for all of the over heating issues from last month.