Razim_Çepuusketit ★
I’m just wondering because the language of the Sig Ability implies that he would gain power. Have you tested it?
New movie. Even if YJ isn’t in it.
I don’t want to be a buzz kill, because I love Magik, but I think saying that she matches up good against everyone... But she has one of the highest quantities of “great” match ups because her core attributes are power lock and great special damage. If debuffs can be placed on a champ, and they don’t have an ability to…
I’m definitely with you. As a more casual player of the game, I don’t want to spend 10 hours a day for the next two months to 100% act 5! I’m in two bands and I jam pretty much every other day, and I’m in school. I don’t kno if I will ever fully explore Act5.
Yo dude, give more options. It’s not that hard.
Or give more options to choose from! I’m not fully confident in saying GG is a great pull for a 6*, but he’s up there.
I say jo fixit bc Shulk has a great stun synergy that can be used to give champs 100% stun chance on specials like blade, Hyperion, OG Thor, Storm, LC, etc.
I’m sorry, but Void is absolutely god tier. His utility is awesome and he is a lot of fun to play.
I want to see Kabam make Whoopie Goldberg in MCOC. She would be the best champ in the game... lol
Killmonger’s great utility comes from the skill of playing his style to trigger his buffs. Better synergies, although electra can be used in some pretty sweet teams.
And kabam should also not nerf trash champs that become great with synergies like when Loki got nerfed.
That was your pull for your profile champ in forums
Does Joel still have his original account from b4? I can’t find it.
And his degen damage is amplified by (insert number Kabam) if the loading screen takes longer than 20 seconds. 👍😆👍
That actually sounds like a fun EQ boss! Kabam knows exactly how to make outrageous EQ fights!!! Just look at this month!
They could make a “Blade Immune” node... :D
Let’s be honest, kabam doesn’t know how to fix the unfair problems with the evade. Evading is the most sporadic mechanic in the game whenever a defender has an evade ability. There are different kinds of evades for different champs, which can synergize with a node to create an uncontrollable, completely unfair, and almost…
I feel like with the consistency of this bug and the duration of its existence could mean that it isn’t supposed to happen, but it is just a tendency that all evade champs after they evade sometimes. Kabam say they “fixed” it, but the only real way to fix it is to increase the overall distance of the evade so there is…
I also remember fighting a Mordo in the modok’s labs type of quest with a boosted attack/health. The the only concern I had was that he had mesmerize. When I fought him with some random champ, the mesmerize and his astral evade synergized in such a weird way to where if mesmerize triggered, it also applied the degen and…
That’s 100%. Mordo gets kills off of catching the attacker off guard if they brought in a champ expecting a different mystic.
Can I override my vote by using a fill-in? ... Mordo is weird. He’s a GC mystic that relies on the finesse of his heavy and SP1 to get the most damage when he is not facing the “Lots o’ Buffs” Champs where he can use his SP2. Even there, to maximize his damage, you have to hold the heavy. He’s a good AW defender who is…
When it comes to the science debate like this, everyone has their own opinion. I Red hulk has the most reliability when it comes to overall damage in fights against ANY champion. You know that he hits very hard when he’s at 10 heat charges. There is 100% to gain 2 by using L1s. With Luke cage’s and void’s damage, there is…
So if Hyperion would be broken with that 100% chance on his SP2, why aren’t people taking advantage of the fact that there is a way to give him a 100% stun? People like using three black bolts and Ronan in a team with hype so his buffs last longer, but nobody uses a 3, 4, and 5* she hulk plus either DD to increase his stun…
Definitely Homer Simpson.
Why not bring it back to promote the new movie? They should bring him back because his value is 10x less than it once was. There are better champs out there, and kabam won’t lose sleep for handing out a few Red Deadpools. Not like if kabam accidentally pressed the button to make a 5* featured arena for a SW(if there was…
Hela is great. Doesn’t need to be awakened. I think a lot of people forgot about how good hela’s synergies are when used in an asguardian team synergy. If you have a 4* Loki, awaken him and throw him in a team with that hela.
Yes, people are going to look at your classic ultron and think,”gee, what a cool guy! I know that I can trust him with my money.”
If you don’t have counters to healing for the first day of healing, just bring in raw damage champs. I used my r5 4* Magik and played regularly with SP2 spam... her powerlock debuff from her SP2 applies twice, once for each hit. They heal from the first debuff, but I’m dealing way more damage than what is being healed with…
iTunes is a good remedy. There’s this one song by Lifehouse called “First Time” that is great for MCOC...