
  • You fail to realize there’s different levels of paragon, it’s not one group all the same. I’ve been playing this since release, I have only 3 r5, getting matched with people with 10 or whatever it’s like I’m a cav going against a TB or something. Now it was my decision to stop spending while bugs go unaddressed, cause I…
  • It’s happening to me also, so much for the we will even out wins and losses so everyone can enjoy some sorts progress. Left completely stagnant with only matching with people who obviously need a real life and complete god rosters. Nothing fun about being how matchmaking is and just makes a lot players not want to do it if…
  • What’s funny is released that before the update so people can’t even try him out 1st. Bit premature I’d say. Lol
  • I have noticed a definite increase in input issues, that and the AI on roids. For me most noticeable is it says parry on the screen but the defense still keeps coming. In every game mode including arena. The other biggest one that happens 99% of the time is when parry does work the defense immediately breaks out and slaps…
  • Matchmaking has stopped me dead in my tracks at plat 2, I have 2 r5 6*s and being put up against god rosters every day. It’s a win one and loose 20 rinse and repeat. I like the mode but unfortunately there’s no entertainment whatsoever in getting stomped on day in and day out with roided out rosters. If this is the way…
  • Hey Chuck you responded to my add needing players for smash, I had just checked the post. We do have enough spots to accommodate you 4, I tried looking you up on line and in game also with no luck. My game name and line Id is not Unicron anymore, people kept calling me the horned horse so I changed it to ARCHITEUTHIS 34.…
  • Hey chuck, yeah we have spots open, I didn’t receive a request so I’ll try to look you up on line. Unicron was my original Mcoc name, my line ID and game name is ARCHITEUTHIS 34
  • @"Kabam Miike" i just wanted to take a sec and thank you for keeping us updated as you knew. I’ve played Mcoc since day one, but transformers was definitely my childhood favorite and was so fun playing some of my favorite decepticons. Forums can be a cruel place and why I don’t read forums much. But I wanted a positive…
  • We could potentially yes. We run map 6 and plat4 is where we’ve made it so far. What’s your line ID? I can get a chat set up and we can see if we all want the same stuff and good fit and all
  • We need 9 players, if you can’t find me on line try looking me up in game and we can get set up there. Same Architeuthis name in game, my profile pic is apoc from the realm shitting down package
  • @"Kabam Miike" wheres the comp you said was coming today? I’d rather have that game back, but just asking from your post about it
  • Miss that game. Had its issues but it sure was fun playing the characters I loved so much in my childhood during gen1
  • Unicron* that’s why I changed it. Autocorrect makes me a horned horse. Lol
  • My game name is no longer unicorn, it’s ARCHITEUTHIS 34 in game and on line, we can sure tallk and go from there. Hit me with your line ID or in game and we can talk.
  • All I know, in the past when there’s a bug that summoners took advantage from, kabam immediately shut the game down on emergency maintenance and banned people, this bug affects everyone in every platform, making people use items to just play. Where’s the maintenance? There is none when it benefits kabam. And what great is…