Zekir ★★
You ACTUALLY had expectations? My condolences for the spent energy.
Ultron 1 shot all 5 rounds. Regaining health on Energy Dmg was helpful.
Looks P2W to me. "Bonus rations for purchases"
I was about to say Fire at E4. 🤔
Whatchu talkin bout fam? Solo is still here...
Learn something new everyday. I don't think his Harvest ever got changed, so it might just be my misinterpretation of the ability. Thanks for clarifying. It makes sense with Red Mags too as an Auxiliary Dmg ignoring the cap. Now I need to check if Juggs does the same with his burst dmg at 10 Unstoppable during SP2 🤔
(This screenshot was taken after I posted the comment, did it as a quick fight so the dmg is less than the previously mentioned Harvest)
Went through different content. Galan successfully bypassed most Dmg Caps except Rage. Hit for 235k~ Harvest on Starlord in LoL, and Walked through Safeguard nodes. Destroyed a Sig 200 Red Mag in 22 hits, completely ignoring his Sig Ability. As far as I'm aware, and concerned, Galan's Harvest has always been Multiple…
Oh good to know. I guess I wasn't quite paying attention because I've used Galan on rage before and got through quickly, then again I was also doing SP2 for Incinerates.
Harvest is like Whiplash. It's multiple detonations.
If we're talking regrets for Rank Ups R3 Zemo - aside from the Root Nerf.... I mean Root Fix.... he's been a pretty underwhelming champion. I see some folks destroy with him, but to me personally, he's lacking oomph. He's annoying as a defender, when nodes are there to assist with his annoying kit, but as a player…
Psychic Thorns 7 fights in a row with Angela. Or Fisticuffs + Aspect of Nightmares 3 times in a row with Herc. Pick your poison...
I've come across this a few times. It's actually quite frustrating to deal with. Tyranny or the Hero version, and the defender is the type that is suppose to gain zero power, yet they gain it like they're Energize 200%
OP, just so you know, Galan can bypass any "Dmg Cap" because he's not hitting with one singular hit. He's hitting multiple times for small numbers. Hopefully this clears up one of the biggest misunderstandings people have about Galan and Harvest. (I use Galan to ignore Rage)
Kabam already proved they can shut down Hercules with just 1 or 2 nodes. Yeah, he can still go immortal, but when he hits like a noodle with PULL and DoT reduction/nullification nodes, they aren't as worried about him anymore. Throw in Fisticuffs + Aspect of Nightmares and your Herc is no longer a concern (How all my herc…
Send support a ticket. Forums is the worst place to post this kind of issue. Also it's the weekend... there won't be any of the big wigs on forums
Hard to say if that first is a mod... what rank was Sersi?
Where did you get your info from? R5 6* is ~ R2 7*..... same as R2 6* is ~ R5 5*... Ascension gives it an entire tier up, so Ascended R5 is close to R3 7*
LET'S TURN THIS INTO A 6* ASCENSION POST! My Ascension Choice. Quite happy with the additional 35-40k Harvest
I appreciate the... positive vibes... but still annoying to be q dodged so many times.
This is an issue with the Matchmaking itself. You literally want to keep checking to make sure the correct BG stays up. We are a 1 BG Alliance and we got thrown into a 2 BG battle. Zero defenders placed in BG2. I have been checking it every half a day, and two times it went from the saved 1 BG to 2/3
Wasn't an optimal rotation, but lets add this furry fella to the list. I'll try again later. Been grinding EQ Exploration, so mind was not all here haha.
The stuff people always hit Skip on? I think that's considered Story Dialogue
Idk what the odds are, but I have yet to dupe a 7*. Surfer - Gamora - Venom - Storm X - Rocket - Spiderman - Wong - Mysterio I'd really like dupes on Surfer, Rocket or Wong, but doesn't look like I'm getting there anytime soon.
That's sorely disappointing since War usually has active objectives, but needless BG slots because settings don't properly save is annoying.
Set a reminder for the last day to use them on the 6* Nexus. Chances are Support and the game team aren't really communicating. So better safe than sorry
Kabam already announced back when 6*s were first becoming a thing, Quake will never see 6* Form. Pretty sure they said Magik was gonna be a very late add, not sure if that plan changed.
Sigil or OG?
I'm between Galan and Spot. May do Spot since he's an underestimated champ.