flapjax ★★★
I'm guessing they're asking if there's promo codes like with Strike Force. No, there isn't.
Tbh this is exactly why I'm not bothering with Necropolis. I have awful luck so I know my 2-3 would be something I don't want, and all the resources spent ranking and completing it will be wasted.
I mean first of all it's the weekend, so all the Kabam employees won't be on until tomorrow. Secondly, not to diminish Kabam Miike's power, but he can't just snap his fingers and nerf Act 6 for you, it doesn't work that way.
It's Kindred, Vox, Futon, Gladiator, Ironman and Werewolf most likely. Unsure the filler but probably 1-2 good champs and then some unbelievable trash.
OK if you're legit looking for help, I'd do the following. Work on your Masteries. Brian Grant has a begginer mastery video, it's a bit old but nothing has really changed. https://youtu.be/jL3GgF7WkAE?si=WPixoHmzbwQijSZi Focus on working on Doom, Apoc, Nick Fury, and Ultron. If you get these 4 leveled up, you should have…
Post your roster I wanna see this trainwreck
Yeah but have you tried harder?
Have you tried not dying
This has to be a troll right lol
No? You're not meant to be swimming in R4s below Paragon, as it's the literal gate to the title. It's actually super easy now, just keep doing Act 8 you get a bunch of mats and gems.
I'd R3 my KM in a heart beat. Granted mines awakened but even unawakened he is such a tank on defense.
See the cool thing about this game is I would never even consider R2ing Elsa, especially over a lot of these champs. I R2'd my Mangog and people say the same amount him, but I love the big red derp. 40 second BG kills, multiple defensive war kills, time outs and kills on BG defense. He's a menace. Plus he was an MVP for…
I mean this is the down side to nerfing Acts 4 and 5, and what I was worried about. People are going to cruise through 4 and 5 now and hit 6 and think it's way too difficult. It's the most difficult Act factoring in what an account would look like at that time.
I mean he's gonna be a right menace on defense at least @ThePredator1001 I dueled yours a few times and even for a duel hes annoying not even sure what you're supposed to do if he gets that glancing up lmao takes forever.
No but definitely don't try and refund it without contacting Kabam Support or you'll be in Kabam unit jail.
If only they had rewards come out at the same time for like the past year or something 😕
@ItsClobberinTime quick we need the zombie memeeeeee
@"Kabam Jax" you were in the room! You said, and I Quote "ooooooo" when he mentioned it!!! He says he's on the short list to have a numbers pass which isn't as exciting as a rework but it's something!
On average how many revives was the "easy" path?
They said there would be exactly 1 R3 in Cyber Weekend deals, my guess is for spending a boatload of cash. We'll probably see some R3 gems or crystals for placing super high in solo milestones for the Banquet, and maybe small amounts of T4A in the Banquet crystals (similar to T6CC in last years). I don't except the R3…
I have 3 R2s and enough T6CC for the other 3 classes I didn't R2, just not champs I'm interested in taking up. I still have the R2 gem from 8.3 too. People will claim its the wallet but the only thing I've bought this year is the Plat pass for Morbius. I buy 10 t6cc crystals from the Glory and BG store each week, and…
Aw man woke up too late for this week's exploits :neutral:
Yeah I fought a few in Arena and was wondering why they were dying so fast lol
I have a feeling I'm going to hate the next season lol...I have like no attack options rip
To get out of Uru 2 and into Uru 1 right now its like 160 pts. When I looked top of Uru 3 was 140.
It's for his Sig Ability, since yours is unawakened it does nothing.
I once had a dream (I guess nightmare) that I accidentally R5'd Iron Fist and he was my profile pic and it was just the worst.
For me it depends on what you're focusing on. If it's War or BGs I think Abs is a bit better, but Doom is still such a beast in Act content, he's just a but slow and easier to take down in BGs. If Necropolis is any concern to you, maybe wait until we see who is more useful there.
They got a 6 star nexus from the Cav.
I did Hulkling, Morbius and Kingpin. Kingpin for Hulk, Morbius for Sassy, Hulkling for iBom, Hulkling/Kingpin for Knull, Kingpin for Kushala and Hulkling for Cheeilth.