hyp3r05 ★
Overseer is amazing, I use him at sig 20 in a ton of content. Storm X is also really good and fun to play. While I don’t have Emma frost she just carried one of my friends through a decent chunk of 8.4 unduped at r1
Yes and she’s still one of the best mystic champs imo. She cleared so much content for me in acts 5&6 as a 5* and acts 7&8 as a 6*. Good luck getting the mystic queen.
I’d wait, then you can test deathless vision and decide between him and Iron Man
I did the storm px with the 6* at r3 and she killed it. The 5* at r5 should do it, even easier if you can ascend her as well.
Favorite champ of all time. First sig 200, r4, r5, and ascended. No thoughts, only degens. The goat for maybe 3 fights.
I have a rank 3 overseer, no regrets
DKG: 8 Herc: 5 Photon: 4 Void: 17 💀
Build up indefinite armor breaks with sp1 when you have furies, use your striker when you can to get a big heavy when you have furies. You can tank the sp2 with DKG so if he gets 2 bars of power it isn’t terrible. If you can manage to get the 10 armor breaks then you can go for special threes for regen and damage if you…
Deathless KG does so little damage in this fight, my strategy was build indefinite armor break with the sp1 while you have furies, then relic into a heavy. It worked decent enough.
Elders marks look like they’d have a nice crunch. And honestly if someone left a bowl of gold on a table I’d snack on it.
For this do your 7*s need to be ranked and/or leveled? And do you build up the win streak with lower rarity champs or just use the 7*s?
Insanely worth it, best champ in the game right there. And once you get her awakened with some sigs she gets even better
Scarlet Witch
Oh thank you. Nevermind then average case of someone not being able to read lol.
Deathless guillotine is one of my favorite champs in the game right now, she just shreds through content. I haven’t tried deathless KG yet but the one war I brought him in he did pretty well
Sauron. The Dino man is silly
I took overseer to r3, his sig while nice only comes into play in longer fights. Unfortunately he hits too hard and doesn’t let fights go that long.
I’m going to solo glykhan on my first attempt (I’ve got 800 units already down the drain)
Ironheart, mm combos till her tracking applies then it’s a really easy fight. DDHK was my backup option but I ended up not needing him
Scarlet Witch, Viv Vision, Ironheart
He may not be the popular choice. But the space rock man is fun to play.
Easily done with a r3, definitely doable with a r2 if you have two other champs that can do hulking, Dani, and spam. Thanks for letting us know about this cheese man 🙏🙏🙏
This is how I learned that the path I did for completion was the harder path… There are some nice pointers here that will hopefully help with my second run. And hopefully this time I won’t want to throw my phone across the room while fighting photon
I believe three is what you are supposed to have right now, the fourth is in Winter of Woe and the fifth hasn’t been released iirc
She definitely hasn’t. Even unduped she has nice damage output without any ramp up. Yeah. Someday I’ll get her o7
Unfortunate that my favorite champ is locked behind top 10 alliance war ranks. But if an alliance places top 10 two seasons in a row there probably will be someone who ranks her.
I used a r4 5* Scorp for that fight and it worked pretty well
Science - Scorp and Photon Skill - Cat lady and Kingpin Mutant - Onslaught and Domino Cosmic - Medusa and Hulkling Tech - Guardian and Viv Mystic - Abs man and classic Scarlet Witch
Almost a month 💀