So much for the maintenance!

The Nick Fury LMD bug is still there and the persistent charges still don't show up and I seriously doubt that the stability issues have been solved.
Considering the number of issues present in the game this month, why isn't kabam resolving these or at least address them properly.
And I know that if there was a bug that benefitted players like able to get exploration rewards multiple times, etc. It would have been fixed right away or at least a warning will be issued about potential ban. So are the issues/bugs only important to be addressed by kabam if they benefit the players?
I'm not trying to start a compensation post, I just want the game to be playable.
Other people are welcome to address more issues present, so we can at least know and are not surprised when we enter a fight.
Considering the number of issues present in the game this month, why isn't kabam resolving these or at least address them properly.
And I know that if there was a bug that benefitted players like able to get exploration rewards multiple times, etc. It would have been fixed right away or at least a warning will be issued about potential ban. So are the issues/bugs only important to be addressed by kabam if they benefit the players?
I'm not trying to start a compensation post, I just want the game to be playable.
Other people are welcome to address more issues present, so we can at least know and are not surprised when we enter a fight.
This discussion has been closed.
Dna3000 has a good explanation for what actually goes on.