Why do you think we've seen a sharp decline in new mutant champs?

GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
This is most definitely a speculation thread, but why do you think we've seen such a sharp decrease in new mutant champs? None this year, and only 3 in 2022. Personally I would get a kick out of Kabam folding this into the in-game storyline and doing their version of Decimation and House of M, but well see. That's just my thoughts. What about you?

Why do you think we've seen a sharp decline in new mutant champs? 228 votes

The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
Madman_marvinHorror_punkManup456ccrider474Blackfriar63Bpn88855Leiva_darkDarkrider05FrankWhitehydrogohardbuttersBuildkikiFurieuxCupidtntslRepto23KerneasRisenfromhellLiquidkoldGrootman1294 95 votes
Horseman and Cerebro pre-fights have made it difficult to design balanced mutants
Kabam MiikeDeeparviLongshot_33RayhanIshaqueOsfan8WorknprogressSandeepSMaxtheSilentJaycray81MoosetiptronicEternity0JimmyBWordunkenDart1981Nichj99BAStrongVbnmepathak_arpMauledDfour24 37 votes
Nimrod and Omega Sentinal erridicate mutants too easily
DL864heruheru511BluestoneRasiloverrockykostonpseudosaneTheKiryuAyden_noah1captain_rogersRebarkBadVibesforeverVendemiaireShenkthewass1980I99y_P0P4cCc4VannulloydhdsjskskskRaul_ColombiaJCK555 23 votes
Scarlet Witch said "No more mutants" and poof
Crys23World EaterHort4benshbphillgreenCassySyndicatedGasHaulerGarloTKS87EgretM410or_StrongLovejoy72redsoxpatsfan89DeNeDieDanimal920RookiieSonOfArgu16laserjohn26Knordy 43 votes
Something else entirely
BigPoppaCBONESnakeEyes69LeNoirFaineantHeinz11KyrieRedChewybuccaSundance_2099TatIamnikeBuzerk1969SavageBreaker69spiderbites0196PikoluThoye3TheExit27BigBusterFerahgoNortherehGrassKnucklesRealWizard 30 votes


  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Nimrod and Omega Sentinal erridicate mutants too easily
    Mutant class is still OP.
    So OP that its difficult to decide which mutant to rank up.

    and yes they want to bring up other classes and Nimrod shocks the mutants way harder than they expected. So, no more mutants for now.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
    Not saying we don't need more of them, but the class has really everything. Even if you subtract the most insane champs like Magento and Apoc, the class still offers everything. Everest content? Got you covered (Stryfe). Quick burst? Say no more (Sunspot). Or DoT? Sure (AA, Toad). Immunity? Emma, Omega. Defense? WpnX, Bishop, Sauron. Big SPs? Bishop, Gambit, Sunapot...

    I could go on an on, but there isn't much of space that this class doesn't cover
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    It's always been an ongoing process, and at any given time you'll find one Class more heavy than others. Eventually, they're all added to. I don't believe it will ever look like an even split.
  • spider_man_guy_123spider_man_guy_123 Member Posts: 162 ★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful

    Mutant class is one of the bottom classes currently, we definitely need more champs for it. Particularly champs that don't require much investment. Most of the top mutants need dupe (aa, kitty, omega red, domino, namor, toad, colossus).

    Aa doesn’t need dupe kitty doesn’t need dupe domino doesn’t NEED dupe, also apoc doesn’t need dupe, bishop, storm x, havok, magneto, professor x. There’s probably more that i am forgetting. Mutant class is top 3 class easily. Also toad and colossus and namor are not “top mutants”
  • MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
    Horseman and Cerebro pre-fights have made it difficult to design balanced mutants
    I love the team aspect of mutants.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
    Looking at DNA3000’s list I’m wondering where the mystic are?!?! Cosmic need to cool it for a bit.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,120 ★★★★★
    June is supposed to be a mutant event so looks like you'll be getting more mutants sooner than rather than later.
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Something else entirely

    Mutant class is one of the bottom classes currently, we definitely need more champs for it. Particularly champs that don't require much investment. Most of the top mutants need dupe (aa, kitty, omega red, domino, namor, toad, colossus).

    Aa doesn’t need dupe kitty doesn’t need dupe domino doesn’t NEED dupe, also apoc doesn’t need dupe, bishop, storm x, havok, magneto, professor x. There’s probably more that i am forgetting. Mutant class is top 3 class easily. Also toad and colossus and namor are not “top mutants”
    AA, kitty, and domino absolutely need awakening. I didn't even mention apoc or bishop for needing dupe. Colo, Toad, and Namor are top mutants and better than Storm X and Havok, who you listed. Cosmic, Science, Mystic, Skill, and probably Tech are much more valuable than Mutant now.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 753 ★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Kabam typically adds about 24 champs to the game every year. There are six classes, so on average you would expect about four champs of each class per year. This is the actual breakdown, by class, per year (according to Auntm.ai):

    I don't really see a steep decline myself. Mutant has sometimes had more champs added than the other classes (2016, 2018) but never the least (Science in 2017, Mystic in 2018, Tech in 2019, Tech again in 2020). If we look at the last three full years (2020 - 2022) Mutant had eleven champs added which is below average, but not the worst: Tech in the same span had nine champs added.

    True, in the last two full years Mutant has had the fewest, but in each year it had one less than what you'd expect on average (3, instead of 4) which isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

    In terms of total champs in the game, Mutant and Tech are tied, but not for last pace: for second to last place. Mystic is actually the lowest with 38 champs (compared to 40 for Mutant and Tech each). Given that the year isn't over yet, my guess is there are some mutants coming to balance things out.

    I remember the great Science drought of 2016/2017! What a time... Fun fact, MODOK was going to be Tech, but had his class changed because we didn't have a Science Champ in quite some time.

    (Also, my vote in this poll was my personal opinion, not the game team's... I love every mutant, but I love them all even more because of Apocalypse)
    Is this why your profile pic never change? While ours keep changing from time to time
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Kabam typically adds about 24 champs to the game every year. There are six classes, so on average you would expect about four champs of each class per year. This is the actual breakdown, by class, per year (according to Auntm.ai):

    I don't really see a steep decline myself. Mutant has sometimes had more champs added than the other classes (2016, 2018) but never the least (Science in 2017, Mystic in 2018, Tech in 2019, Tech again in 2020). If we look at the last three full years (2020 - 2022) Mutant had eleven champs added which is below average, but not the worst: Tech in the same span had nine champs added.

    True, in the last two full years Mutant has had the fewest, but in each year it had one less than what you'd expect on average (3, instead of 4) which isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

    In terms of total champs in the game, Mutant and Tech are tied, but not for last pace: for second to last place. Mystic is actually the lowest with 38 champs (compared to 40 for Mutant and Tech each). Given that the year isn't over yet, my guess is there are some mutants coming to balance things out.

    I remember the great Science drought of 2016/2017! What a time... Fun fact, MODOK was going to be Tech, but had his class changed because we didn't have a Science Champ in quite some time.

    (Also, my vote in this poll was my personal opinion, not the game team's... I love every mutant, but I love them all even more because of Apocalypse)
    This is the kind of behind the scenes content I’m here for.

    Can you tell us how much discussion there was about Goblin science/tech or Falcon tech/skill?
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Because last year everyone kept screaming no more mutants….

    DNA3000 said:

    Kabam typically adds about 24 champs to the game every year. There are six classes, so on average you would expect about four champs of each class per year. This is the actual breakdown, by class, per year (according to Auntm.ai):

    I don't really see a steep decline myself. Mutant has sometimes had more champs added than the other classes (2016, 2018) but never the least (Science in 2017, Mystic in 2018, Tech in 2019, Tech again in 2020). If we look at the last three full years (2020 - 2022) Mutant had eleven champs added which is below average, but not the worst: Tech in the same span had nine champs added.

    True, in the last two full years Mutant has had the fewest, but in each year it had one less than what you'd expect on average (3, instead of 4) which isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

    In terms of total champs in the game, Mutant and Tech are tied, but not for last pace: for second to last place. Mystic is actually the lowest with 38 champs (compared to 40 for Mutant and Tech each). Given that the year isn't over yet, my guess is there are some mutants coming to balance things out.

    I remember the great Science drought of 2016/2017! What a time... Fun fact, MODOK was going to be Tech, but had his class changed because we didn't have a Science Champ in quite some time.

    (Also, my vote in this poll was my personal opinion, not the game team's... I love every mutant, but I love them all even more because of Apocalypse)
    So apoc boosts cyclops more than we thought?
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
    Well, we know in June there will be new Mutant champs. My money is on Legion and Polaris
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