Why do you think we've seen a sharp decline in new mutant champs?

This is most definitely a speculation thread, but why do you think we've seen such a sharp decrease in new mutant champs? None this year, and only 3 in 2022. Personally I would get a kick out of Kabam folding this into the in-game storyline and doing their version of Decimation and House of M, but well see. That's just my thoughts. What about you?
Why do you think we've seen a sharp decline in new mutant champs? 228 votes
So OP that its difficult to decide which mutant to rank up.
and yes they want to bring up other classes and Nimrod shocks the mutants way harder than they expected. So, no more mutants for now.
I could go on an on, but there isn't much of space that this class doesn't cover
then champs that should be cosmic because the power cosmic mutated them... are science because... science class was low on champs (Fantastic 4).
Realistically.. its unfortunately Karnak was a flop on release... the idea of making champs dual class would actually solve a lot of these kinds of debates, as many champs really should be "two", much like how most champs have several tags, including some that are semi-opposite of eachother (merc villiain like Crossbones, Absman, and Taskfaster, merc hero like domino and several others, or how a group of heroes like the X-men can have villains).
I don't really see a steep decline myself. Mutant has sometimes had more champs added than the other classes (2016, 2018) but never the least (Science in 2017, Mystic in 2018, Tech in 2019, Tech again in 2020). If we look at the last three full years (2020 - 2022) Mutant had eleven champs added which is below average, but not the worst: Tech in the same span had nine champs added.
True, in the last two full years Mutant has had the fewest, but in each year it had one less than what you'd expect on average (3, instead of 4) which isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
In terms of total champs in the game, Mutant and Tech are tied, but not for last pace: for second to last place. Mystic is actually the lowest with 38 champs (compared to 40 for Mutant and Tech each). Given that the year isn't over yet, my guess is there are some mutants coming to balance things out.
(Also, my vote in this poll was my personal opinion, not the game team's... I love every mutant, but I love them all even more because of Apocalypse)
Mutants were considered far and away the best class. Very few.new champions released.
Cosmic was considered to divergent, you had the super usefuls like hyperions, hercules, corvus and cgr and the useless like groot, drax and phoenix. Addition of galan and hulkling has changed that 50-50 perception of the class.
Mystic was considered super useful with lots of champs pitching in but doom snd bwcv were way ahead of others. Enter Rintrah, Juggs gets a buff and now absorbing man.
Science was considered the most unique class. Lots of specific counters but only quake could really be taken in as an allrounder across content. Enter scorpion and spot whose kit works across a wide variety of content.
Skill was all about kingpin, aegon shang chi and nick. There were also a lot of duds in the class which made people hesitate on class selectors. Kabam has really strengthened that second tier skill champs with black cat, mantis and baron zemo.
Tech was far and away the worst class thanks to the various iron men. Now every tech champion has a solid niche - viv vision, shocker, future ant man. The one dud - Shuri was immediately corrected.
Got to give the new content team of Kabam props. They are definitely keeping us engaged while the bugs/issues are making the game a nightmare.
Mutant Spider Man
Mutant Iron Man
Mutant Captain Marvel
Mutant Dooooom
Not just in terms of quality but also in terms of quantity
Cosmic not only has the most number of champs but almost all comics released recently have been bangers, with Adam & Blue Marvel soon to join the ranks
Classes are pretty unbalanced right now
Can you tell us how much discussion there was about Goblin science/tech or Falcon tech/skill?