Not your Typical 5/65 champs

Anyone have some unconventional 5/65 champs. I saw a crossbones post for someones first 5/65 and it is refreshing to see. I have a corvus myself so I am not anything different than the rest, but its cool to see gameplay or stats of some random 5/65s.
My next potential candidates are Carnage, Luke Cage or Corvus.
Go For That Carnage
You have to save money and pots so conventional approach isn't bad further you also need a good defence so i guess wasting resources on ineffective champs is waste of time and effort
P.s Xbones is great champ
Here Before all the Omega redddddddd Hype begins!
MODOK, nice! Must be a total monster!!!
Given my other r4's are x23, sl, and luke cage, im thinking x23 once i 100% explore act 5.