Should I try take down ROL no revives? (first time)

Should I try take down ROL no revives? my first time trying to fully complete it champs i am going to use to complete it
4* 50/50 archangel unawakened
4* 30/30 SL sig 43 soon to be 40/40
4* 40/40 CAIW unawakened
5* 35/35 Morningstar unawakened (for black bolt only)
Those are my main champs I would use to complete ROL
could i do it no revives or should i wait for like 10 revives??
4* 50/50 archangel unawakened
4* 30/30 SL sig 43 soon to be 40/40
4* 40/40 CAIW unawakened
5* 35/35 Morningstar unawakened (for black bolt only)
Those are my main champs I would use to complete ROL
could i do it no revives or should i wait for like 10 revives??

the whole thing?
He is good in long fights lol just get him to 10 heat charges and bash away
What poison immunes do u have?
Vision would work but Vision's damage output is relatively low and would make it a longer fight. Either of the Captain Marvels (Cap or Ms) would work, any of the Hulks would work, and Ultron would work and has the benefit of having some heal. Actually, even Kamala Khan would probably work. There's also Hyperion, Medusa, Iceman, Black Bolt, and Abomination. And I believe Nebula and Dormammu are also double immune.