Season5 punishment

@Kabam Miike Why won’t Kabam just do what they should’ve done 4 seasons ago?? When someone is caught cheating, whatever season rewards they would’ve received that season get removed! Next season, they can try again. If they get caught a second time, 2 season ban from rewards. Third strike and your out! Simple and easy. The rest of the alliance doesn’t get hurt, it doesn’t punish other alliances in lower ratings and it removes the incentive to cheat since the rewards for winning an individual war pale in comparison to the season ending rewards!
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Do you even comprehend what you write?
I believe in proportional punishment, but even so the bottom line is if a player is someone who will quit if they receive a harsh punishment for cheating, that's a player we can do without. At some point, the whole point of punishment is to say: play fair or leave. We don't care which one you do, but until you pick one we will keep hammering you until you're forced to choose.