Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    I know no one is going to look at comments or abilities but porthos guy just wants good posts buried so here it goes

    Spider Gwen

    - hunter spider mode
    if intercet opponent she can gain 1 passive cruelty buff increasing her crit damage 666
    max stack 6.
    stack are lost if she moves to trap spider mode
    - while in trap spider mode
    while hitting opponent with heavy she can gain
    spider trap buff, reducing opponent ability accuracy by 12%.
    max stack of 5.
    - sp1
    - hunter spider mode
    gain precision buff increasing her crit rate by x%
    - trap spider mode
    gain 5 evade charge passive gurantees to ignore opponent specials hits. max stack 10.
    if hit with heavy or intercepted she looses all evade charge.
    - sp2
    - hunter spider mode
    guranteed to armour break reducing opponent armour for 2000 rating for 12 seconds
    - trap spider mode
    puts weakness debuff on opponent reducing their attack by 70% for 12 seconds
    - sp3
    - Hunter spider mode
    guranteed to armour break opponent reducing armour for 2200 rating for 18 seconds
    - trap spider mode
    taunts opponents reducing their attack by 45% and increasing their special attack chances by 70%.

    - passive
    - 20% chance to armour break opponent for 500 for 9 seconds.

    - passive
    - all new all spider
    gain 35% ability accuracy against all spider verse villains

    - synergy

    - miles morales
    increase 5% attack for each evade charge

    - spiderman (classic)
    30% power rate against opponent who has debuff on them

    - doc oc
    all breakthrough durations increased by flat 4 seconds.

    - Gwens
    All gwenpool characters get +12% special attack
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Fixed it a little bit. You guys are free to review this one lol.


    Black Panther (classic):

    Sig ability:
    Ancestor's Knowledge:
    Foresight into the fight at hand gives BP a permanent 65% chance to ignore evade, autoblock, or unblockable buffs, and a 65% chance to remove an unstoppable or indestructible buff from the opponent.
    This is extraordinarily powerful. Perhaps too much so. Also, the fact that you ignore these buffs means that removing them is somewhat superfluous, and vice versa. They effectively accomplish the same result; no evade, no autoblock, no unblockable.
    Nairvehl wrote: »

    Vibranium Armor:
    Provides full immunity to bleeds.
    Has a 30% chance to shrug off shock debuffs and reduces all energy damage received by 20%.
    Gives an active armor up buff for 8 seconds every 3 seconds, increasing armor rating by 456 for every armor up.
    No bleeds, reduced energy damage, shrug off shock debuffs, and you get an active Armor Up buff every 3 seconds that will last longer than it takes for them to fall off. If this was everything, the Armor Up might need tweaking, but as a part of the whole, this is overkill. So, let's get into the math on the Armor Up buffs. Let's say that the fight only lasts 60 seconds. That means that over that amount of time, Black Panther would have acquired 20 Armor Up Buffs, and any given time, 3 of them would currently be active, giving him +1368 Armor Rating. For Nodes or Abilities that trigger whenever your Champion gains a Buff, this is going to cause some serious issues. As an example, this would constantly be feeding power-ups like Buffet.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Heart Shaped Herb:
    Provides immunity to all poisons of the battlerealm.
    Regenerates 2% health per second after dashing back and idling for .5 seconds.
    Interrupted when hit or moved.
    Poison immunity... Not really one of Black Panther's canonical powers. The regeneration is way too easy to trigger. I can dash back and idle for half a second right after a Parry. It's effectively infinite regeneration. As I said about Vibranium Armor, if this was everything, this might need tweaking, but as a part of the whole, this is overkill.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Vibranium Armory:
    His claws disintegrate metal at one touch, causing an armor break on metal champions, decreasing armor rating by 237 for 6 seconds from every heavy attack.
    On non-metal champs, his claws cause bleed for 79 damage per second for 4 seconds with every heavy attack.
    Max armor break stacks: 5
    Max bleed stacks: 6.

    Light and medium attacks have 20% chance to give a fury buff, increasing attack by 131 for 5 seconds.
    Max stacks: 5.
    Again, in concert with everything else, this is overkill. Heavy attacks causing Armor Break on metal Champions and Bleed on non-metal Champions is good, and the caps are fine, though the Bleed damage is a bit weak. The Fury buffs are also fine. This is, I believe, the most balanced of the base kit abilities, but I'd increase the Bleed damage. You're only doing 316 total Bleed damage, even though it triggers on every heavy attack.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 1

    Has a 40% chance to stun the opponent for 4 seconds.
    If the opponent has either armor break or bleed, then the chance and duration increases by 10% for every bleed or armor break debuff the opponent has.
    I like it.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 2

    T'challa's Vibranium claws lacerate the opponent, applying 4 armor breaks for 327 reduced armor rating for each debuff for 6 seconds on metal champions, 4 bleed debuffs on non-metal champions for 121 damage per second for 5 seconds.
    For symbiote champions, place a sonic disruption charge that deals 2% of the opponents max health as direct damage per second for 13 seconds.
    The sonic disruption charge can be applied only once, and it can be refreshed only once from a heavy attack.
    Again, that Bleed damage is low. You're only doing 605 total Bleed damage... Unless you meant that each Debuff does 121 Bleed damage, in which case, you're doing 2,420 Bleed damage over 5 seconds, and that's quite a lot for a 4-Star.

    Against Symbiotes, you're also knocking off an additional 2% damage per second for 13 seconds (26% of their max Health), and I'm not sure where that comes from. It's not a part of Black Panther's canonical kit, and the ability to refresh it comes out of nowhere. It triggers on SP2, doesn't say that it refreshes, but then says it refreshes once if you hit them with a heavy attack, so you can strip off an additional 52% of their max Health... On a SP2 attack. The wording needs to be more clear, but honestly, I'd strip it out entirely. It's insanely overpowered. If I'm fighting against a Symbiote Champion as an end-boss in some theoretical future Labyrinth of Legends-type event, that's nuts. Maestro in the Labyrinth of Legends has 3,386,998 Health, and should this theoretical end-boss Champion have the exact same amount of health, this would strip off 1,761,238.96 Health over 26 seconds. That's 67,739.96 damage per second.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Special 3

    For every armor break or bleed debuff that the opponent suffers from, apply 2 more debuffs, either reducing armor rating by 436 for 8 seconds or bleeding for 100 damage per second for 5 seconds.
    This can exceed the maximum stacks.
    If the opponent is suffering from a sonic disruption charge, this attack deals 30% more damage.
    The "exceeds maximum stacks" clause is clumsy. Maximum stacks should be exactly that. However, adding in 2 more Debuffs per Debuff they're already suffering from (which is a lot of overkill) shouldn't apply a different rate of Armor Reduction or Bleed Damage. It should be consistent across the entire kit. If they're suffering from 6 Bleeds, each doing 316 total Bleed damage, you're throwing on 12 more Bleed Debuffs, doing an additional 6,000 damage, for a grand total of 7,896 Bleed damage. If it's Armor Breaks, they'll already have 5 Armor Breaks for a reduction of 1,185 Armor Reduction, plus 10 more stacks further reducing Armor Rating by 4,360, for a total Armor Rating reduction of 5,545. On a 4-Star. That seems like way too much, no matter how you look at it. Not sure how much damage this attack does all by itself (before adding in Bleed or Armor Break), but I sincerely doubt that you're going to fire off a Special 2 and a Special 3 within 13 seconds, so that sonic disruption (which is more overkill) is going to be mighty hard to pull off.
    Nairvehl wrote: »

    Illuminati with Iron Man (OG), Doctor Strange, Captain America (OG and WW2):
    Black Panther starts the fight with one bar of power.
    Iron Man's Arc Overload activates everytime he reaches 3 bars of power.
    Doctor Strange's armor in armor mode has an increased armor rating of 379.
    Captain America's (both) block proficiency is increased by +343.
    The synergies for everyone except Black Panther are okay, but starting with one bar of power is a pretty mighty synergy.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Friends with Scarlett Witch and Vision(OG):
    Black Panther's chance to remove an unstoppable or indestructible buff is increased to a 75% chance.
    Scarlett has a 13% chance to gain a power gain buff for every buff she nullifies.
    Vision deals +300 energy damage from beam attacks.
    Scarlet Witch's synergy bonus is overpowered. She can nullify quite a bit, and it doesn't say how much Power she gains or how long the Buff lasts. For all we know, she gains 100% Power Meter over 1 second, and she can trigger it a lot.
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Romance with Storm:
    Black Panther's chance to shrug off stun debuff increases by 10%.
    Storm inflicts 2 shock debuff when she would normally inflict only one.
    Double the shock debuffs from Storm is pretty hefty.

    All in all, I'd recommend a rework of this rework. There's a lot in here that would make Black Panther pretty darn overpowered.

    Best wishes!
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    edited January 2019
    @Bodhizen. Thank you for your review. I thought a few things might not make sense or work in an awful manner.
    About the symbiote counter: in the comics, vibranium has a special resonating frequency that acts as a sort of kryptonite for symbiotes. My idea (I have decided to eliminate it from this champ though) was to redo BP's SP 2 to show him releasing a sound blast from his vibranium daggers, possibly by scrapping them together in an outward motion.

    Here is a fixed version of the fixed version though.


    Black Panther (classic) as a 4* at 5/50 with max signature level:

    Sig ability:

    Ancestor's Knowledge:
    Foresight into the fight at hand gives BP a permanent 45% chance for special attacks to ignore evade, auto block, unstoppable, and indestructible buffs on the opponent.


    Vibranium Armor:
    Provides full immunity to bleeds.
    Reduces all energy damage received by 20%.
    Gives an active armor up buff for 6 seconds every 5 seconds, increasing armor rating by 356 for every armor up.

    Heart Shaped Herb:
    Provides resistance to all poisons of the battle realm, reducing poison damage by 15%.
    Regenerates .5% health per second after dashing back and and holding block for 1 second.
    Interrupted when receiving damage.

    Vibranium Armory:
    His claws disintegrate metal at one touch, causing an armor break on metal champions, decreasing armor rating by 237 for 6 seconds from every heavy attack.
    On non-metal champs, his claws cause bleed for 40 damage per second per bleed debuf for 4 seconds from every heavy attack.
    Max armor break stacks: 5
    Max bleed stacks: 6.

    Light and medium attacks have 20% chance to give a fury buff, increasing attack by 131 for 5 seconds.
    Max stacks: 5.
    If the opponent is not metal but is bleed immune, the debuffs for metal champions activates but at 60% of the armor reduction.

    Special 1

    Has a 40% chance to stun the opponent for 4 seconds.
    If the opponent has either armor break or bleed, then the chance and duration increases by 10% for every bleed or armor break debuff the opponent has.

    Special 2

    T'challa's Vibranium claws lacerate the opponent, applying 4 armor breaks for 327 reduced armor rating for each debuff for 6 seconds on metal champions, 4 bleed debuffs on non-metal champions for 42 damage per second for each debuff for 5 seconds.

    Special 3

    If the opponent is suffering from an armor break or bleed debuff, T'challa has a 50% chance to stun the opponent for 4 seconds.
    If the opponent is not suffering from either a bleed or armor break debuff, then he inflicts either 1 armor break for 7 seconds, reducing armor rating by 776; or 1 bleed debuff, dealing 751 damage over 3 seconds.


    Illuminati with Iron Man (OG), Doctor Strange, Captain America (OG and WW2):
    Black Panther has 12% increased power for the duration of the fight.
    Iron Man's Arc Overload activates every time he reaches 3 bars of power.
    Doctor Strange's armor in armor mode has an increased armor rating of 379.
    Captain America's (both) block proficiency is increased by +343.

    Friends with Vision (OG):
    Black Panther's chance for special attacks to ignore evade, auto block, unstoppable, or indestructible buffs is increased by 10%.
    Vision deals +300 energy damage from beam attacks.

    Romance with Storm:
    Black Panther's reduces 10% more energy damage.
    Storm gains a 11% chance to inflict 2 shock debuffs when she would normally inflict only one.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Note: the bleed damage may seem low, but 40 damage per second for 4 seconds is 160, but at max stacks of 6, it is a total of 960 damage.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited January 2019
    I did a slight reformat. Little hard to read in the original format
    Kalantak wrote: »
    I know no one is going to look at comments or abilities but porthos guy just wants good posts buried so here it goes

    Spider Gwen

    - 20% chance for every attack to armour break the opponent for 500 for 9 seconds.

    Does this still stack? That’d be absolutely MEGA if it did. Maybe a little too much so, honestly
    All-New, All-Spider
    - Gain 35% ability accuracy against all spider verse villains

    I like this. Sort of a danger sense thing
    Hunter Spider mode

    -If Spider-Gwen intercepts her opponent in this mode, she gains a permanent passive cruelty effect (Maximum stacks: 6)
    -These stacks are all lost if she switches to Trap Spider mode

    Okay, this scares me. Unless the values are reasonable, that’ll be a bit crazy. Maybe just make it a buff with a duration?
    Trap Spider mode

    - Landing a hit with her heavy attack in this mode grants Gwen a Trap Spider buff, reducing opponent ability accuracy by 12%(Max stacks: 5)

    I’ll guess that should be a debuff instead. That’s a big potential AAR, though. What’s the duration for the buffs? Would it be easy to reach 60% AAR?

    Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1

    In Hunter Spider mode

    - Grants a precision buff, increasing critical rating by x%

    How much crit? How long? Also, out of curiosity, is the special the same no-hitter she still has currently? This would be a great chance to change that.

    In Trap Spider mode

    - Gain 5 passive evade charges. These charges are spent to guarantee that Gwen will evade one special attack hit (Max stacks: 10)
    - If she is hit with a heavy attack or intercepted, she loses all her evade charges.

    That might be a little powerful. Guaranteed free evades as long as you land an L1? Maybe do it like miles morales, she can have charges, but not a 100% activation chance.

    Special Attack 2

    In Hunter Spider mode

    - Guarantees Armour Break, reducing opponent armour rating by 2000 for 12 seconds

    That is REALLY beefy

    In Trap Spider mode
    - Inflicts a weakness debuff on the opponent reducing their attack by 70% for 12 seconds

    That is also REALLY beefy

    Special Attack 3

    In Hunter Spider mode
    - Gurantees Armour Break, reducing opponent armour for 2200 rating for 18 seconds

    In Trap Spider mode
    - Taunts opponents, reducing their attack by 45% and increasing their special attack activation chance by 70%.


    - miles morales
    increase 5% attack for each evade charge

    - spiderman (classic)
    30% power rate against opponent who has a debuff on them

    - doc oc
    all breakthrough durations increased by flat 4 seconds.

    - Gwens
    All Gwen characters get +12% special attack

    The synergies are okay

    The big thing I have to say about this is that it could be good with the right values, and just a bit more fleshing out. You’re absolutely on a good track, though
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Champion Redesign: Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) is definitely in need of a face-lift. He's a pretty popular character (especially after the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse film having come out), but as a Champion, he's somewhat underwhelming. He's not the worst Champion, but he's far from the best. He occupies the "meh" tier of Champions and his abilities don't make him that much different from Spider-Man to play. He dodges less often, doesn't Armor Break, doesn't seem to hit quite as hard... He should be a pretty difficult fight, but so long as you can control his power, once his Evade charges are gone, he's a pretty standard fight. For someone whose powers are supposed to be the same as Spider-Man's, his usefulness as either an attacker [like Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced)] or a defender [Like Spider-Man] is less than ideal.

    It is my hope that this revision will make Spider-Man (Miles Morales) a valuable addition to any team's attack or defensive roster.

    Signature Ability - Venom Blast:
    All Attacks: Miles’ self-training and newfound experience in the Contest grants a 15% chance to trigger an additional Venom Blast after using a Light or Medium Combo-ender. Longer combos grant a higher chance to trigger a Venom Blast, up to a max of 5 hits.

    Evasion (Passive): Miles’ begins the fight with 5 Spider-Sense charges. Each charge grants him a Passive 6.50% chance to Evade incoming attacks at the cost of 1 charge.
    • Whenever an opponent uses a Special Attack, Miles gains 2 charges of Spider-Sense to help him better avoid imminent danger.
    Heavy Attacks: When charging a heavy attack for 1.0 seconds, Miles has a 100% chance to inflict a bio-electric shock on a successful Heavy Attack. This inflicts a Shock debuff that deals 1324.05 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
    • Genetically-altered Champions: Abomination, Agent Venom, Archangel, Beast, Captain America, Captain America (Infinity War), Captain America (WWII), Captain Marvel, Carnage, Electro, Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok), Joe Fixit, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Omega Red, Quake, Red Hulk, Red Skull, Rocket Raccoon, Rogue, Sentry, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Spider-Man (Symbiote), Symbiote Supreme, Thing, Venom, Venom the Duck, Venompool, Void, Winter Soldier, and Wolverine (X-23).
        Spider Camouflage: By dodging back and idling for 1.50 seconds, Miles' blends in with his surroundings, gaining near invisibility. So long as Miles remains motionless, basic Attacks have a 50% chance to Miss, doing no damage.
        • Whenever Miles Evades a Heavy or Special Attack, this Camouflage effect triggers, lasting for 7.50 seconds. This camouflage remains even if Miles moves.
        Superhuman Stamina: Miles Morales' advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. Fatigue effects have their duration and effectiveness reduced by 70%.
        Superhuman Durability: Miles' more resistant to impact forces than most humans. Physical-based basic attacks deal 25% reduced damage.

        Special 1: Triple Web Shot – Three well placed shots from a borrowed set of fantastic web shooters.
        • 75% chance to inflict Weakness, decreasing the target's Attack by 40% for 7.0 seconds.
        • 30% chance to inflict Armor Break, reducing the target's Armor Rating by 441.35 for 7.0 seconds.
        Special 2: Pow! Thwack! Sizzle! – One punch, one roundhouse kick, one backflip kick, then a double dose of Venom Blast.
        • This attack inflicts two Shock debuffs that each deal 1891.5 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. These Shock debuffs inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
        • Miles' unpredictable Venom Blast has varying effects based on Champion Class. The chance to activate a Venom blast is increased by up to 12% the smaller the target is.
        • Science and Cosmic Champions: 65% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.50 seconds.
        • Tech and Skill Champions: 60% chance to Power Drain the opponent, removing 28% of the opponent's Max Power.
        • Mystic and Mutant Champions: 70% chance to Fatigue the opponent, reducing Critical Hit Rate by 18% for 7 seconds.
        Special 3: Flurry of Blows – With a barrage of strikes, Morales does his best to earn the Spider-Man mantle.
        • This attack inflicts a massive bio-electric Shock debuff that deals 3783 direct damage over 6.0 seconds. This Shock debuff fails to trigger any abilities that activate whenever a damage over time effect or debuff is placed upon an opponent, such as Willpower. It also fails to trigger any abilities that activate when it expires. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
        • Due to the stress of using this attack, Miles suffers from Exhaustion for 10.0 seconds, reducing his Critical Hit Damage Rating by 50% and the potency of Power Gain effects (including power gained by attacking) by 25%.

        • Enemies with Electro or Iron Patriot: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
        • Nemesis with Venom: All Champions gain +6% Attack.
        • Teammates with Spider-Gwen: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
        • Training the Opposition with Omega Red: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Venom Blasts have a 15% increased chance to Stun, Power Drain, or Fatigue the opponent. Omega Red: Death Spores reduce the opponent's Armor Rating by an additional +150 and deal an additional 75% damage per second.
        • Trust with Captain America: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Spider-Sense Charges grant an additional +7.5% chance to Evade incoming attacks. Captain America: Well-timed blocks inflict Heal Block for 6.50 seconds.
        • Civil War Hero with Iron Man and Captain Marvel: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Whenever an opponent triggers a Debuff on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he gains a Power Gain buff that grants him 12% of a Bar of Power over 3.0 seconds. If a Power Lock Debuff is triggered on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he immediately shrugs off this Debuff and gains 50% of a Bar of Power. Iron Man: Iron Man becomes immune to Armor Break and Armor Shattered Debuffs. Captain Marvel: Fury Buffs have their potency and duration increased by 50%.
        • Champions Teammates with Cyclops (Blue Team), Falcon, and Wasp: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Miles' Spider-Camouflage grants him an additional 25% to Evade incoming basic attacks. Cyclops (Blue Team): Special Attacks deal +12% damage. Falcon: Falcon's basic attacks deal 40% more damage. Wasp: Opponents must hit Wasp 3 times in succession to reset her Combo Meter.

        1. Unstoppable Colossus
        2. Magneto
        3. Spider-Gwen
        4. Captain Marvel
        5. Hulkbuster
        6. Iron Fist
        7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
        8. Falcon
        9. She-Hulk
        10. War Machine
        11. Superior Iron Man
        12. Colossus
        13. Black Panther
        14. Gamora
        15. King Groot
    • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
      edited January 2019
      Champion Redesign: Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

      Spider-Man (Miles Morales) is definitely in need of a face-lift. He's a pretty popular character (especially after the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse film having come out), but as a Champion, he's somewhat underwhelming. He's not the worst Champion, but he's far from the best. He occupies the "meh" tier of Champions and his abilities don't make him that much different from Spider-Man to play. He dodges less often, doesn't Armor Break, doesn't seem to hit quite as hard... He should be a pretty difficult fight, but so long as you can control his power, once his Evade charges are gone, he's a pretty standard fight. For someone whose powers are supposed to be the same as Spider-Man's, his usefulness as either an attacker [like Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced)] or a defender [Like Spider-Man] is less than ideal.

      It is my hope that this revision will make Spider-Man (Miles Morales) a valuable addition to any team's attack or defensive roster.

      Signature Ability - Venom Blast:
      All Attacks: Miles’ self-training and newfound experience in the Contest grants a 15% chance to trigger an additional Venom Blast after using a Light or Medium Combo-ender. Longer combos grant a higher chance to trigger a Venom Blast, up to a max of 5 hits.

      Evasion (Passive): Miles’ begins the fight with 5 Spider-Sense charges. Each charge grants him a Passive 6.50% chance to Evade incoming attacks at the cost of 1 charge.
      • Whenever an opponent uses a Special Attack, Miles gains 2 charges of Spider-Sense to help him better avoid imminent danger.
      Heavy Attacks: When charging a heavy attack for 1.0 seconds, Miles has a 100% chance to inflict a bio-electric shock on a successful Heavy Attack. This inflicts a Shock debuff that deals 1324.05 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Genetically-altered Champions: Abomination, Agent Venom, Archangel, Beast, Captain America, Captain America (Infinity War), Captain America (WWII), Captain Marvel, Carnage, Electro, Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok), Joe Fixit, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Omega Red, Quake, Red Hulk, Red Skull, Rocket Raccoon, Rogue, Sentry, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Spider-Man (Symbiote), Symbiote Supreme, Thing, Venom, Venom the Duck, Venompool, Void, Winter Soldier, and Wolverine (X-23).
      Spider Camouflage: By dodging back and idling for 1.50 seconds, Miles' blends in with his surroundings, gaining near invisibility. So long as Miles remains motionless, basic Attacks have a 50% chance to Miss, doing no damage.
      • Whenever Miles Evades a Heavy or Special Attack, this Camouflage effect triggers, lasting for 7.50 seconds. This camouflage remains even if Miles moves.
      Superhuman Stamina: Miles Morales' advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. Fatigue effects have their duration and effectiveness reduced by 70%.
      Superhuman Durability: Miles' more resistant to impact forces than most humans. Physical-based basic attacks deal 25% reduced damage.

      Special 1: Triple Web Shot – Three well placed shots from a borrowed set of fantastic web shooters.
      • 75% chance to inflict Weakness, decreasing the target's Attack by 40% for 7.0 seconds.
      • 30% chance to inflict Armor Break, reducing the target's Armor Rating by 441.35 for 7.0 seconds.
      Special 2: Pow! Thwack! Sizzle! – One punch, one roundhouse kick, one backflip kick, then a double dose of Venom Blast.
      • This attack inflicts two Shock debuffs that each deal 1891.5 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. These Shock debuffs inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Miles' unpredictable Venom Blast has varying effects based on Champion Class. The chance to activate a Venom blast is increased by up to 12% the smaller the target is.
      • Science and Cosmic Champions: 65% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.50 seconds.
      • Tech and Skill Champions: 60% chance to Power Drain the opponent, removing 28% of the opponent's Max Power.
      • Mystic and Mutant Champions: 70% chance to Fatigue the opponent, reducing Critical Hit Rate by 18% for 7 seconds.
      Special 3: Flurry of Blows – With a barrage of strikes, Morales does his best to earn the Spider-Man mantle.
      • This attack inflicts a massive bio-electric Shock debuff that deals 3783 direct damage over 6.0 seconds. This Shock debuff fails to trigger any abilities that activate whenever a damage over time effect or debuff is placed upon an opponent, such as Willpower. It also fails to trigger any abilities that activate when it expires. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Due to the stress of using this attack, Miles suffers from Exhaustion for 10.0 seconds, reducing his Critical Hit Damage Rating by 50% and the potency of Power Gain effects (including power gained by attacking) by 25%.

      • Enemies with Electro or Iron Patriot: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
      • Nemesis with Venom: All Champions gain +6% Attack.
      • Teammates with Spider-Gwen: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
      • Training the Opposition with Omega Red: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Venom Blasts have a 15% increased chance to Stun, Power Drain, or Fatigue the opponent. Omega Red: Death Spores reduce the opponent's Armor Rating by an additional +150 and deal an additional 75% damage per second. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
      • Trust with Captain America: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Spider-Sense Charges grant an additional +7.5% chance to Evade incoming attacks. Captain America: Well-timed blocks inflict Heal Block for 6.50 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
      • Civil War Hero with Iron Man and Captain Marvel: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Whenever an opponent triggers a Debuff on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he gains a Power Gain buff that grants him 12% of a Bar of Power over 3.0 seconds. If a Power Lock Debuff is triggered on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he immediately shrugs off this Debuff and gains 50% of a Bar of Power. Iron Man: Iron Man becomes immune to Armor Break and Armor Shattered Debuffs. Captain Marvel: Fury Buffs have their potency and duration increased by 50%. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
      • Champions Teammates with Cyclops (Blue Team), Falcon, and Wasp: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Miles' Spider-Camouflage grants him an additional 25% to Evade incoming basic attacks. Cyclops (Blue Team): Special Attacks deal +12% damage. Falcon: Falcon's basic attacks deal 40% more damage. Wasp: Opponents must hit Wasp 3 times in succession to reset her Combo Meter. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

      1. Unstoppable Colossus
      2. Magneto
      3. Spider-Gwen
      4. Captain Marvel
      5. Hulkbuster
      6. Iron Fist
      7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
      8. Falcon
      9. She-Hulk
      10. War Machine
      11. Superior Iron Man
      12. Colossus
      13. Black Panther
      14. Gamora
      15. King Groot

      Note: If a moderator could delete my previous post, it would be greatly appreciated. Some of the formatting got screwed up. @Kabam Porthos

      Also, reviews are welcome. @Magrailothos @Whododo872 @Nairvehl
    • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
      Champion Redesign: Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

      Spider-Man (Miles Morales) is definitely in need of a face-lift. He's a pretty popular character (especially after the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse film having come out), but as a Champion, he's somewhat underwhelming. He's not the worst Champion, but he's far from the best. He occupies the "meh" tier of Champions and his abilities don't make him that much different from Spider-Man to play. He dodges less often, doesn't Armor Break, doesn't seem to hit quite as hard... He should be a pretty difficult fight, but so long as you can control his power, once his Evade charges are gone, he's a pretty standard fight. For someone whose powers are supposed to be the same as Spider-Man's, his usefulness as either an attacker [like Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced)] or a defender [Like Spider-Man] is less than ideal.

      It is my hope that this revision will make Spider-Man (Miles Morales) a valuable addition to any team's attack or defensive roster.

      Signature Ability - Venom Blast:
      All Attacks: Miles’ self-training and newfound experience in the Contest grants a 15% chance to trigger an additional Venom Blast after using a Light or Medium Combo-ender. Longer combos grant a higher chance to trigger a Venom Blast, up to a max of 5 hits.

      Evasion (Passive): Miles’ begins the fight with 5 Spider-Sense charges. Each charge grants him a Passive 6.50% chance to Evade incoming attacks at the cost of 1 charge.
      • Whenever an opponent uses a Special Attack, Miles gains 2 charges of Spider-Sense to help him better avoid imminent danger.
      Heavy Attacks: When charging a heavy attack for 1.0 seconds, Miles has a 100% chance to inflict a bio-electric shock on a successful Heavy Attack. This inflicts a Shock debuff that deals 1324.05 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Genetically-altered Champions: Abomination, Agent Venom, Archangel, Beast, Captain America, Captain America (Infinity War), Captain America (WWII), Captain Marvel, Carnage, Electro, Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok), Joe Fixit, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Omega Red, Quake, Red Hulk, Red Skull, Rocket Raccoon, Rogue, Sentry, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Spider-Man (Symbiote), Symbiote Supreme, Thing, Venom, Venom the Duck, Venompool, Void, Winter Soldier, and Wolverine (X-23).
      Spider Camouflage: By dodging back and idling for 1.50 seconds, Miles' blends in with his surroundings, gaining near invisibility. So long as Miles remains motionless, basic Attacks have a 50% chance to Miss, doing no damage.
      • Whenever Miles Evades a Heavy or Special Attack, this Camouflage effect triggers, lasting for 7.50 seconds. This camouflage remains even if Miles moves.
      Superhuman Stamina: Miles Morales' advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. Fatigue effects have their duration and effectiveness reduced by 70%.
      Superhuman Durability: Miles' more resistant to impact forces than most humans. Physical-based basic attacks deal 25% reduced damage.

      Special 1: Triple Web Shot – Three well placed shots from a borrowed set of fantastic web shooters.
      • 75% chance to inflict Weakness, decreasing the target's Attack by 40% for 7.0 seconds.
      • 30% chance to inflict Armor Break, reducing the target's Armor Rating by 441.35 for 7.0 seconds.
      Special 2: Pow! Thwack! Sizzle! – One punch, one roundhouse kick, one backflip kick, then a double dose of Venom Blast.
      • This attack inflicts two Shock debuffs that each deal 1891.5 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. These Shock debuffs inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Miles' unpredictable Venom Blast has varying effects based on Champion Class. The chance to activate a Venom blast is increased by up to 12% the smaller the target is.
      • Science and Cosmic Champions: 65% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.50 seconds.
      • Tech and Skill Champions: 60% chance to Power Drain the opponent, removing 28% of the opponent's Max Power.
      • Mystic and Mutant Champions: 70% chance to Fatigue the opponent, reducing Critical Hit Rate by 18% for 7 seconds.
      Special 3: Flurry of Blows – With a barrage of strikes, Morales does his best to earn the Spider-Man mantle.
      • This attack inflicts a massive bio-electric Shock debuff that deals 3783 direct damage over 6.0 seconds. This Shock debuff fails to trigger any abilities that activate whenever a damage over time effect or debuff is placed upon an opponent, such as Willpower. It also fails to trigger any abilities that activate when it expires. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Due to the stress of using this attack, Miles suffers from Exhaustion for 10.0 seconds, reducing his Critical Hit Damage Rating by 50% and the potency of Power Gain effects (including power gained by attacking) by 25%.

      • Enemies with Electro or Iron Patriot: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
      • Nemesis with Venom: All Champions gain +6% Attack.
      • Teammates with Spider-Gwen: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
      • Training the Opposition with Omega Red: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Venom Blasts have a 15% increased chance to Stun, Power Drain, or Fatigue the opponent. Omega Red: Death Spores reduce the opponent's Armor Rating by an additional +150 and deal an additional 75% damage per second. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
      [*] Trust with Captain America: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Spider-Sense Charges grant an additional +7.5% chance to Evade incoming attacks. Captain America: Well-timed blocks inflict Heal Block for 6.50 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.[/list]
      [*] Civil War Hero with Iron Man and Captain Marvel: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Whenever an opponent triggers a Debuff on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he gains a Power Gain buff that grants him 12% of a Bar of Power over 3.0 seconds. If a Power Lock Debuff is triggered on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he immediately shrugs off this Debuff and gains 50% of a Bar of Power. Iron Man: Iron Man becomes immune to Armor Break and Armor Shattered Debuffs. Captain Marvel: Fury Buffs have their potency and duration increased by 50%.
      [*] Champions Teammates with Cyclops (Blue Team), Falcon, and Wasp: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Miles' Spider-Camouflage grants him an additional 25% to Evade incoming basic attacks. Cyclops (Blue Team): Special Attacks deal +12% damage. Falcon: Falcon's basic attacks deal 40% more damage. Wasp: Opponents must hit Wasp 3 times in succession to reset her Combo Meter. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.[/list]

      1. Unstoppable Colossus
      2. Magneto
      3. Spider-Gwen
      4. Captain Marvel
      5. Hulkbuster
      6. Iron Fist
      7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
      8. Falcon
      9. She-Hulk
      10. War Machine
      11. Superior Iron Man
      12. Colossus
      13. Black Panther
      14. Gamora
      15. King Groot

      Note: If a moderator could delete my previous post, it would be greatly appreciated. Some of the formatting got screwed up. @Kabam Porthos

      Also, reviews are welcome. @Magrailothos @Whododo872 @Nairvehl
    • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
      Champion Redesign: Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

      Spider-Man (Miles Morales) is definitely in need of a face-lift. He's a pretty popular character (especially after the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse film having come out), but as a Champion, he's somewhat underwhelming. He's not the worst Champion, but he's far from the best. He occupies the "meh" tier of Champions and his abilities don't make him that much different from Spider-Man to play. He dodges less often, doesn't Armor Break, doesn't seem to hit quite as hard... He should be a pretty difficult fight, but so long as you can control his power, once his Evade charges are gone, he's a pretty standard fight. For someone whose powers are supposed to be the same as Spider-Man's, his usefulness as either an attacker [like Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced)] or a defender [Like Spider-Man] is less than ideal.

      It is my hope that this revision will make Spider-Man (Miles Morales) a valuable addition to any team's attack or defensive roster.

      Signature Ability - Venom Blast:
      All Attacks: Miles’ self-training and newfound experience in the Contest grants a 15% chance to trigger an additional Venom Blast after using a Light or Medium Combo-ender. Longer combos grant a higher chance to trigger a Venom Blast, up to a max of 5 hits.

      Evasion (Passive): Miles’ begins the fight with 5 Spider-Sense charges. Each charge grants him a Passive 6.50% chance to Evade incoming attacks at the cost of 1 charge.
      • Whenever an opponent uses a Special Attack, Miles gains 2 charges of Spider-Sense to help him better avoid imminent danger.
      Heavy Attacks: When charging a heavy attack for 1.0 seconds, Miles has a 100% chance to inflict a bio-electric shock on a successful Heavy Attack. This inflicts a Shock debuff that deals 1324.05 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Genetically-altered Champions: Abomination, Agent Venom, Archangel, Beast, Captain America, Captain America (Infinity War), Captain America (WWII), Captain Marvel, Carnage, Electro, Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok), Joe Fixit, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Omega Red, Quake, Red Hulk, Red Skull, Rocket Raccoon, Rogue, Sentry, She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Spider-Man (Symbiote), Symbiote Supreme, Thing, Venom, Venom the Duck, Venompool, Void, Winter Soldier, and Wolverine (X-23).
      Spider Camouflage: By dodging back and idling for 1.50 seconds, Miles' blends in with his surroundings, gaining near invisibility. So long as Miles remains motionless, basic Attacks have a 50% chance to Miss, doing no damage.
      • Whenever Miles Evades a Heavy or Special Attack, this Camouflage effect triggers, lasting for 7.50 seconds. This camouflage remains even if Miles moves.
      Superhuman Stamina: Miles Morales' advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. Fatigue effects have their duration and effectiveness reduced by 70%.
      Superhuman Durability: Miles' more resistant to impact forces than most humans. Physical-based basic attacks deal 25% reduced damage.

      Special 1: Triple Web Shot – Three well placed shots from a borrowed set of fantastic web shooters.
      • 75% chance to inflict Weakness, decreasing the target's Attack by 40% for 7.0 seconds.
      • 30% chance to inflict Armor Break, reducing the target's Armor Rating by 441.35 for 7.0 seconds.
      Special 2: Pow! Thwack! Sizzle! – One punch, one roundhouse kick, one backflip kick, then a double dose of Venom Blast.
      • This attack inflicts two Shock debuffs that each deal 1891.5 direct damage over 5.0 seconds. These Shock debuffs inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Miles' unpredictable Venom Blast has varying effects based on Champion Class. The chance to activate a Venom blast is increased by up to 12% the smaller the target is.
      • Science and Cosmic Champions: 65% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.50 seconds.
      • Tech and Skill Champions: 60% chance to Power Drain the opponent, removing 28% of the opponent's Max Power.
      • Mystic and Mutant Champions: 70% chance to Fatigue the opponent, reducing Critical Hit Rate by 18% for 7 seconds.
      Special 3: Flurry of Blows – With a barrage of strikes, Morales does his best to earn the Spider-Man mantle.
      • This attack inflicts a massive bio-electric Shock debuff that deals 3783 direct damage over 6.0 seconds. This Shock debuff fails to trigger any abilities that activate whenever a damage over time effect or debuff is placed upon an opponent, such as Willpower. It also fails to trigger any abilities that activate when it expires. This Shock debuff inflicts 50% more damage against Champions that have been genetically altered.
      • Due to the stress of using this attack, Miles suffers from Exhaustion for 10.0 seconds, reducing his Critical Hit Damage Rating by 50% and the potency of Power Gain effects (including power gained by attacking) by 25%.

      • Enemies with Electro or Iron Patriot: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
      • Nemesis with Venom: All Champions gain +6% Attack.
      • Teammates with Spider-Gwen: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
      • Training the Opposition with Omega Red: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Venom Blasts have a 15% increased chance to Stun, Power Drain, or Fatigue the opponent. Omega Red: Death Spores reduce the opponent's Armor Rating by an additional +150 and deal an additional 75% damage per second. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
      • Trust with Captain America: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Spider-Sense Charges grant an additional +7.5% chance to Evade incoming attacks. Captain America: Well-timed blocks inflict Heal Block for 6.50 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
      • Civil War Hero with Iron Man and Captain Marvel: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Whenever an opponent triggers a Debuff on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he gains a Power Gain buff that grants him 12% of a Bar of Power over 3.0 seconds. If a Power Lock Debuff is triggered on Spider-Man (Miles Morales), he immediately shrugs off this Debuff and gains 50% of a Bar of Power. Iron Man: Iron Man becomes immune to Armor Break and Armor Shattered Debuffs. Captain Marvel: Fury Buffs have their potency and duration increased by 50%.
      • Champions Teammates with Cyclops (Blue Team), Falcon, and Wasp: Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Miles' Spider-Camouflage grants him an additional 25% to Evade incoming basic attacks. Cyclops (Blue Team): Special Attacks deal +12% damage. Falcon: Falcon's basic attacks deal 40% more damage. Wasp: Opponents must hit Wasp 3 times in succession to reset her Combo Meter. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

      1. Unstoppable Colossus
      2. Magneto
      3. Spider-Gwen
      4. Captain Marvel
      5. Hulkbuster
      6. Iron Fist
      7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
      8. Falcon
      9. She-Hulk
      10. War Machine
      11. Superior Iron Man
      12. Colossus
      13. Black Panther
      14. Gamora
      15. King Groot

      Note: If a moderator could delete my previous post, it would be greatly appreciated. Some of the formatting got screwed up. @Kabam Porthos

      Also, reviews are welcome. @Magrailothos @Whododo872 @Nairvehl
    • This content has been removed.
    • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
      How do I get off this thread? I left a comment ages ago, and now I want out.

      You can never leave...

      Or alternately, I'm guessing that you've bookmarked the page. Go to your bookmarks and unsubscribe. Or deselect the little yellow star at the top right of the page.

      I didnt book mark. I just have settings to notify me of a comment is made on a thread, which I want to keep for other threads I’m interested in, but die in a short time.

      I’m just stuck here in this room filed with great ideas falling in deaf ears.

      It falls on the ears of everyone in this thread. The longer we keep it alive, and the more we put into it, hopefully something here could have a chance of becoming more than an idea
    • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★

      To help make this discussion as constructive as possible, if there's a Champion you're unhappy with and would like to see them made more powerful, think about including some of the following points in your comment:

      - Name of the Champion you would like to be changed
      - Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why
      - How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

      Champion: Iron Man (original)
      Features: His Sp2 cannot be used after a 5 hit combo, enemy parries it 100% of the time.
      Change: Allow his Sp 2 to be used after a 5 hit combo (just like every other champion in the game) and not auto-parried by ... everyone ...

      Champion: Iron Man (Original) & Iron Man (Superior)
      Features: Identical attack sets.
      Change: Just like the updates to seperate Hulk & Abomination, please change their attack sets a bit so they aren't exact clones of each other.

      Champion: Colossus & Unstoppable Colossus
      Features: Identical attack sets
      Change: Just like the updates to seperate Hulk & Abomination, please change their attack sets a bit so they aren't exact clones of each other.

      Champion: Colossus
      Features: none
      Change: give him something ... "useful". Heck, go ahead and compare him now to Thing or Hulk (Ragnarok) .. and he's just a joke .. he needs some abilities .. heck, you went overkill with Thing .. but have ignored Colossus ... try spreading it out a bit and not overloading a single champ and ignoring others :disappointed:

      Champion: Unstoppable Colossus
      Features: Unstoppable
      Change: Why does Juggernaut get unstoppable at start of fight, but U.Colossus does not?

    • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
      Werewrym wrote: »
      Suggested Improvements: If DPX is going to have power gain, it should be something similar to what Hyperion and Mordo have.

      Please no ... didn't they "nerf" Dr. Strange, somewhat becuse of this automatic power gain? then started adding champs even worse? (ie Hyperion, Mordo, etc.) :( automatic power gain is borderline "toxic" .. it gives very little counter play ability and just gives the AI the option to turtle up and instant kill you ... had enough of those already, please no more ..

    • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
      dot_ditto wrote: »

      To help make this discussion as constructive as possible, if there's a Champion you're unhappy with and would like to see them made more powerful, think about including some of the following points in your comment:

      - Name of the Champion you would like to be changed
      - Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why
      - How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

      Champion: Iron Man (original)
      Features: His Sp2 cannot be used after a 5 hit combo, enemy parries it 100% of the time.
      Change: Allow his Sp 2 to be used after a 5 hit combo (just like every other champion in the game) and not auto-parried by ... everyone ..

      I have to disagree with you there. The option to use his special 2 after a combo is dependent on skill and, more importantly, speed. I can hit the power button for SP2 and hit the opponent very easily after a combo.
    • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
      @Whododo872 @Bodhizen @Magrailothos @XxOriginalxX
      @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra and others.

      I just wish Kabam could use this as an incentive to bring more people into the player base (and bring oldies back);
      by holding champion idea tournaments. These would allow people to write up sketches of either new champions or old ones and put to a vote which one of what class was the most interesting/ excitable, and Kabam would either rework that champ, or build the new one according to those sketches. And the winner, and a few invited players, can test out those ideas/ mechanics before initial release. (And possibly have that champ as a 5*? that last bit was a stretch lol)
    • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
      Nairvehl wrote: »
      @Whododo872 @Bodhizen @Magrailothos @XxOriginalxX
      @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra and others.

      I just wish Kabam could use this as an incentive to bring more people into the player base (and bring oldies back);
      by holding champion idea tournaments. These would allow people to write up sketches of either new champions or old ones and put to a vote which one of what class was the most interesting/ excitable, and Kabam would either rework that champ, or build the new one according to those sketches. And the winner, and a few invited players, can test out those ideas/ mechanics before initial release. (And possibly have that champ as a 5*? that last bit was a stretch lol)

      That would be a fun idea, and I think would get a lot of the creative side of the community intrigued. Would make buffing characters easier. Do a community poll of what character(s) should be buffed next and then say go wild to the community, pick a top option, have maybe top 5 contenders be able to test and mess, among other beta testers...this seems like a no brainer
    • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
      Nairvehl wrote: »
      @Whododo872 @Bodhizen @Magrailothos @XxOriginalxX
      @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra and others.

      I just wish Kabam could use this as an incentive to bring more people into the player base (and bring oldies back);
      by holding champion idea tournaments. These would allow people to write up sketches of either new champions or old ones and put to a vote which one of what class was the most interesting/ excitable, and Kabam would either rework that champ, or build the new one according to those sketches. And the winner, and a few invited players, can test out those ideas/ mechanics before initial release. (And possibly have that champ as a 5*? that last bit was a stretch lol)

      That would be a fun idea, and I think would get a lot of the creative side of the community intrigued. Would make buffing characters easier. Do a community poll of what character(s) should be buffed next and then say go wild to the community, pick a top option, have maybe top 5 contenders be able to test and mess, among other beta testers...this seems like a no brainer

      Exactly. Plus, Kabam would be helping themselves out by showing that they care about their customers, their wants, disagreements and happy moments playing the game.
    • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,206 ★★★★★
      Nairvehl wrote: »

      Black Panther (classic):

      Sig ability:
      Ancestor's Knowledge:
      Foresight into the fight at hand gives BP a permanent 65% chance to ignore evade, autoblock, or unblockable buffs, and a 65% chance to remove an unstoppable or indestructible buff from the opponent.


      Vibranium Armor:
      Provides full immunity to bleeds.
      Has a 30% chance to shrug off shock debuffs and reduces all energy damage received by 20%.
      Gives an active armor up buff for 8 seconds every 3 seconds, increasing armor rating by 456 for every armor up.

      Heart Shaped Herb:
      Provides immunity to all poisons of the battlerealm.
      Regenerates 2% health per second after dashing back and idling for .5 seconds.
      Interrupted when hit or moved.

      Vibranium Armory:
      His claws disintegrate metal at one touch, causing an armor break on metal champions, decreasing armor rating by 237 for 6 seconds from every heavy attack.
      On non-metal champs, his claws cause bleed for 79 damage per second for 4 seconds with every heavy attack.
      Max armor break stacks: 5
      Max bleed stacks: 6.

      Light and medium attacks have 20% chance to give a fury buff, increasing attack by 131 for 5 seconds.
      Max stacks: 5.

      Special 1

      Has a 40% chance to stun the opponent for 4 seconds.
      If the opponent has either armor break or bleed, then the chance and duration increases by 10% for every bleed or armor break debuff the opponent has.

      Special 2

      T'challa's Vibranium claws lacerate the opponent, applying 4 armor breaks for 327 reduced armor rating for each debuff for 6 seconds on metal champions, 4 bleed debuffs on non-metal champions for 121 damage per second for 5 seconds.
      For symbiote champions, place a sonic disruption charge that deals 2% of the opponents max health as direct damage per second for 13 seconds.
      The sonic disruption charge can be applied only once, and it can be refreshed only once from a heavy attack.

      Special 3

      For every armor break or bleed debuff that the opponent suffers from, apply 2 more debuffs, either reducing armor rating by 436 for 8 seconds or bleeding for 100 damage per second for 5 seconds.
      This can exceed the maximum stacks.
      If the opponent is suffering from a sonic disruption charge, this attack deals 30% more damage.

      That's an impressive redesign, @Nairvehl. Black Panther would be a top-tier champion with all that - double immune, partial True Accuracy; regeneration, counters Indestructible buffs; plus self-stimulating Fury effects, and special effects against Symbiote champions... For me, it's kind of too powerful and leaves the 'classic' panther looking like a completely different champion.

      I like the way you've done the antimetal effects of vibranium - nice to have someone other than Magneto targeting metal opponents. Also some incorporation of the effects of the heart-shaped herb in passive and Sig effects. The regeneration seems fairly powerful; but if it's only active whilst idling (rather than whilst holding block), I guess it wouldn't actually get that much up-time as it leaves you wide open to attack.

      For me, this isn't what I'd see as a resign of the 'Classic' BP, but it might be a new champion more akin to Black Panther as he's portrayed in the Illuminati, or in the Infinity storylines; which I'm less familiar with. It would be great to see some of these thoughts (like the antimetal effects, Sig and herb effects) added to classic BP, though.
    • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,206 ★★★★★
      edited January 2019
      Ah, I see you've already had some of this feedback, @Whododo872. Sorry!

      Your last effort is less overpowered; definitely more balanced. I think this would be an interesting 'Infinity' variant on Black Panther; but as I said I'd love to see the classic panther receive a few of the benefits you describe; whilst remaining faithful to how he was portrayed in the 70s/80s/early 90s.
    • AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★
      edited January 2019


      Signature Ability:

      Gambit increases his critical damage rate by 5-20% for each Kinetic Charge and Prowess Buff active.

      Gambit increases his perfect block chance by 3-5% for each Kinetic Charge.

      Passive – Kinetic power:

      Each kinetic charges, increases his Power Gain Rate by 5%.

      Gambit has a high precision accuracy, each kinetic charge reduces the chance to evade and triggering an auto block by 10%. ( 10 kinetic charges = 100% ).

      Gambit's unique armor grant him 600 Physical Resistance and 22% bleed Resistance. Once Gambit has lost 20% of his max Health from Physical Damage, the armor breaks.


      Gambit Charges his weapon, gaining a passive Kinetic Charge (Max: 10) for every 0.9 seconds.
      Whenever Gambit is struck by a combo-ending attack, he has a 50% chance to Fold and lose all his Kinetic Charges.

      Critical Hits:
      45% chance to place a kinetic bomb on the opponent. Kinetic bomb are Passive and deal 1127.65 Energy Damage when they explode / expire (10 seconds).

      Heavy Attack:

      This attack causes all kinetic bomb's to explode / expire instantly and deal an additional 282.72 Energy Damage each.

      65% chance to steal 3-5% of the opponent’s power per kinetic bomb exploded on the opponent.

      Gambit cashes out, converting his Kinetic Charges to Prowess Buffs, each increasing Special Damage by 18% for 10
      .  (+1 second per each kinetic charges. 10 Kinetic charges = Prowess buff duration = 20 seconds.)

      Special Attacks: Gambit’s Ability Accuracy increases by 2% for each Kinetic Charge he has during Special Attacks.
      Special Attack 1: 

      This attack has a 85% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds. The chance to Stun increases based on how low the opponent’s Armor is.
      This attack stores up to 2 kinetic bomb charges on the opponent.

      Special Attack 2:

      This attack has a 100% chance to give the opponent a Concussion, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 85% for 11 seconds ( +1 second per prowess buff active. Max: 21 seconds ). The Potency of this effect is affected by Class relationships.
      This ability is stronger against Champions that Gambit has a class advantage against, skill Champions. Meanwhile, it is weaker against Tech Champions.

      + 10% per each prowess buff active to Armor Break, removing 2000 Armor Rating for 10 seconds. ( +1 second per each prowess buff active. ( 10 prowess buff = 100% chance to armor break for 20 seconds. )

      Special Attack 3:

      This attack has a 80% chance to Paralyze the opponent for 5 seconds, Stunning them and reducing their Power and Health gains by 70%.
      Paralyze also counts a Stun effect, meaning it can be decreased or increased by other effects in the game, like the Limber and Stupefy Mastery.

      Synergy Bonuses
      • Friends (+6% Armor) – Wolverine (X-23)
      • Enemies (+7% Critical Chance) – Magneto
      • Teammates (+5% Perfect Block Chance) – Beast or Nightcrawler
      • Unique Synergy with Bishop: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
        • Gambit: Special Attacks are Unblockable when triggered with 10 prowess buffs.
    • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
      edited January 2019
      Nairvehl wrote: »
      dot_ditto wrote: »

      To help make this discussion as constructive as possible, if there's a Champion you're unhappy with and would like to see them made more powerful, think about including some of the following points in your comment:

      - Name of the Champion you would like to be changed
      - Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why
      - How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

      Champion: Iron Man (original)
      Features: His Sp2 cannot be used after a 5 hit combo, enemy parries it 100% of the time.
      Change: Allow his Sp 2 to be used after a 5 hit combo (just like every other champion in the game) and not auto-parried by ... everyone ..

      I have to disagree with you there. The option to use his special 2 after a combo is dependent on skill and, more importantly, speed. I can hit the power button for SP2 and hit the opponent very easily after a combo.

      I used to be able to hit it every time, no issues ... but recently it's been changed . again ..
      (and no, it's not a skill issue, I've been playing game since before masteries were introduced ... and I remember back when a lot of SP2 were doing this ... they fixed them then, with the claim "all sp2 should work after a combo" .. and they did fix them .. Iron man included ... only recently, (couple months?) have I noticed he's suddenly been unable to .. again ..

      So no, you're wrong here, something's changed in the game relating to him .. it's not a skill/timing issue ..

      If you can do it, please show a recent video of it, would love to see you pulling it off .. let's say in arena after match 20 .. ;)
    • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Signature Ability:

      Gambit increases his critical damage rate by 5-20% for each Kinetic Charge and Prowess Buff active.

      Gambit increases his perfect block chance by 3-5% for each Kinetic Charge.

      Passive – Kinetic power:

      Each kinetic charges, increases his Power Gain Rate by 5%.

      Gambit has a high precision accuracy, each kinetic charge reduces the chance to evade and triggering an auto block by 10%. ( 10 kinetic charges = 100% ).

      Gambit's unique armor grant him 600 Physical Resistance and 22% bleed Resistance. Once Gambit has lost 20% of his max Health from Physical Damage, the armor breaks.

      I love everything here. The ability to ignore evade or auto block completely when reaching 10 kinetic charges.
      Also like the bit about power gain, but I would put it down to 2% each to not be overpowered.
      Interesting idea with his unique armor. Adds a level of quirkiness to the champ that forces you to either take as little damage as possible or rinse through your opponent as fast as you can before you start taking huge amounts of damage.
      Agresssor wrote: »

      Gambit Charges his weapon, gaining a passive Kinetic Charge (Max: 10) for every 0.9 seconds.
      Whenever Gambit is struck by a combo-ending attack, he has a 50% chance to Fold and lose all his Kinetic Charges.

      Critical Hits:
      45% chance to place a kinetic bomb on the opponent. Kinetic bomb are Passive and deal 1127.65 Energy Damage when they explode / expire (10 seconds).

      Heavy Attack:

      This attack causes all kinetic bomb's to explode / expire instantly and deal an additional 282.72 Energy Damage each.

      65% chance to steal 3-5% of the opponent’s power per kinetic bomb exploded on the opponent.

      Gambit cashes out, converting his Kinetic Charges to Prowess Buffs, each increasing Special Damage by 18% for 10
      .  (+1 second per each kinetic charges. 10 Kinetic charges = Prowess buff duration = 20 seconds.)

      I personally would be ok with him still gaining kinetic charges through blocking, even though he is taking damage while doing so, as well as the chance for him to fold after combo-ending attacks; but the other things you mention here are a bit overpowered.
      The kinetic bomb that you mention is very powerful for a 4* champ (I'm gonna assume you're talking about a 4* because the other rates are reasonably balanced for one). The damage it gives, plus the rate at which you can apply it makes it very easy to rinse out other 4*. Just block and gain 10 kinetic charges, hit the opponent with critical hits to apply at least 3 bombs, parry then heavy attack to deal extra damage, steal a bit of power from the opponent to hit them with a special attack once the kinetic charges are converted to prowess buffs, and done; that opponent with the same PI (which is what most developers are looking at when making buffs or champions) is done fairly quickly.
      I would say to either decrease the rate at which the bombs can be applied or the damage that they give when expired or detonated. Plus, the prowess buffs give an insane amount of extra damage to specials. I think it would be best it you decrease the percentages just a little bit.
      I am liking the changes so far though.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Special Attacks: Gambit’s Ability Accuracy increases by 2% for each Kinetic Charge he has during Special Attacks.
      Special Attack 1: 

      This attack has a 85% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds. The chance to Stun increases based on how low the opponent’s Armor is.
      This attack stores up to 2 kinetic bomb charges on the opponent.

      Special Attack 2:

      This attack has a 100% chance to give the opponent a Concussion, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 85% for 11 seconds ( +1 second per prowess buff active. Max: 21 seconds ). The Potency of this effect is affected by Class relationships.
      This ability is stronger against Champions that Gambit has a class advantage against, skill Champions. Meanwhile, it is weaker against Tech Champions.

      + 10% per each prowess buff active to Armor Break, removing 2000 Armor Rating for 10 seconds. ( +1 second per each prowess buff active. ( 10 prowess buff = 100% chance to armor break for 20 seconds. )

      Now that the first special definitely applies 2 kinetic bombs on the opponent, I can confidently say that the damage the kinetic bombs do must be decreased, by at least 100-300 points. If you want to keep the damage and the chance to apply bombs where it is right now, then I would suggest to implement a chance for the opponent to either shrug off the bombs or for the bombs to have a chance to fail detonating.
      BTW, I like the concept of the kinetic bombs, they're just too powerful at the moment.
      The concussion length without prowess buffs influencing the timer is long time already. Please either decrease the time added per buff to .5 seconds or decrease the starting length to begin with.
      You also mentioned strength proportionate to class relationships. How much stronger or weaker is the effect? I'm wondering about this one.
      The second thing you mentioned about the special 2 was just oddly worded at the beginning. I didn't see the word chance after 10%.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Special Attack 3:

      This attack has a 80% chance to Paralyze the opponent for 5 seconds, Stunning them and reducing their Power and Health gains by 70%.
      Paralyze also counts a Stun effect, meaning it can be decreased or increased by other effects in the game, like the Limber and Stupefy Mastery.

      This last one was actually pretty balanced with the other elements of the champion. Which actually makes this the weakest special attack that you had written lol.

      Agresssor wrote: »
      Synergy Bonuses
      • Friends (+6% Armor) – Wolverine (X-23)
      • Enemies (+7% Critical Chance) – Magneto
      • Teammates (+5% Perfect Block Chance) – Beast or Nightcrawler
      • Unique Synergy with Bishop: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
        • Gambit: Special Attacks are Unblockable when triggered with 10 prowees buffs.

      The synergies are ok, except for the last one. You listed a benefit for Gambit, but not for bishop. As far as I know, that is unique to sentinel.

      Overall, I like this rework of Gambit. A bit of power steal, a benefit at the beginning from his armor, and a new mechanic with the kinetic bombs.
      I hope I wasn't too harsh with your idea, but I would like to see more ideas from you in the future. This one was dope.
    • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
      edited January 2019
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Signature Ability:

      Gambit increases his critical damage rate by 5-20% for each Kinetic Charge and Prowess Buff active.

      Gambit increases his perfect block chance by 3-5% for each Kinetic Charge.
      Generally speaking, it's great to assume the maximum when working out such revisions, but it's okay. Here we go.

      I'm concerned that this is going to be far too powerful. He's going to increase his Critical Damage rating by 200% and his Perfect Block Chance by 100% (Assuming static increases, but that's not how the ability is worded. It's worded to work exponentially, but we'll assume static increases for now.). Then if he's got 10 Prowess buffs active, that'll increase his Critical Damage by another 200%. Since a 4-star Gambit's Critical Damage rating is 777, that's going to increase that up to 3,885. Compare that to a 4-star Scarlet Witch, whose Critical Damage rating can go up to 3,302.45, and I'm pretty sure that the game developers decided that she was too powerful to include as a 5-star for that very reason. So... in essence, every block will be a perfect block, and every crit will throw down like Scarlet Witch (before furies).
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Passive – Kinetic power:

      Each kinetic charges, increases his Power Gain Rate by 5%.

      Gambit has a high precision accuracy, each kinetic charge reduces the chance to evade and triggering an auto block by 10%. ( 10 kinetic charges = 100% ).
      You've got +50% Power Gain rate, and your opponent can't auto-block or evade. This, in and of itself, would make Gambit a God-tier Champion.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Gambit's unique armor grant him 600 Physical Resistance and 22% bleed Resistance. Once Gambit has lost 20% of his max Health from Physical Damage, the armor breaks.
      600 Physical resistance is hefty, and 22% Bleed Resistance is kind of meh. The fact that he loses it when he reaches 80% makes me wonder if it's really worth it.
      Agresssor wrote: »

      Gambit Charges his weapon, gaining a passive Kinetic Charge (Max: 10) for every 0.9 seconds.
      Whenever Gambit is struck by a combo-ending attack, he has a 50% chance to Fold and lose all his Kinetic Charges.
      How does he gain Kinetic Charges? Every time he blocks? Well-timed blocks? Every 1.0 seconds while blocking?
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Critical Hits:
      45% chance to place a kinetic bomb on the opponent. Kinetic bomb are Passive and deal 1127.65 Energy Damage when they explode / expire (10 seconds).

      Heavy Attack:

      This attack causes all kinetic bomb's to explode / expire instantly and deal an additional 282.72 Energy Damage each.
      So, he places bombs that deal approximately 7% (each) of a 4-star's Maximum Health in damage, and then when he lands a Heavy Attack, that gets bumped up to 8%. There's no telling how many bombs you can place, so let's say that you can place a maximum of 3 bombs (before they explode on their own). That would mean that you're easily blowing off 21-24% of an equivalent opponent's Health Bar and there's no way to prevent that. You can wash, rinse, and repeat that.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      65% chance to steal 3-5% of the opponent’s power per kinetic bomb exploded on the opponent.

      Gambit cashes out, converting his Kinetic Charges to Prowess Buffs, each increasing Special Damage by 18% for 10
      .  (+1 second per each kinetic charges. 10 Kinetic charges = Prowess buff duration = 20 seconds.)
      Add in the fact that you can Power Steal up to 15% of the opponent's Power Meter (assuming that cap of 3 from before, though there's no limit set) when you blow off 21-24% of your Opponent's Health Bar, this is way over the top. You're also doubling the duration of the special damage increase from the original.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Special Attacks: Gambit’s Ability Accuracy increases by 2% for each Kinetic Charge he has during Special Attacks.
      Special Attack 1: 

      This attack has a 85% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds. The chance to Stun increases based on how low the opponent’s Armor is.
      This attack stores up to 2 kinetic bomb charges on the opponent.
      This is going to blow another 14-16% of the opponent's Health Bar due to these kinetic bomb charges that the opponent can't get rid of.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Special Attack 2:

      This attack has a 100% chance to give the opponent a Concussion, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 85% for 11 seconds ( +1 second per prowess buff active. Max: 21 seconds ). The Potency of this effect is affected by Class relationships.
      This ability is stronger against Champions that Gambit has a class advantage against, skill Champions. Meanwhile, it is weaker against Tech Champions.

      + 10% per each prowess buff active to Armor Break, removing 2000 Armor Rating for 10 seconds. ( +1 second per each prowess buff active. ( 10 prowess buff = 100% chance to armor break for 20 seconds. )
      Almost double the Concussion duration. Then it inflicts Armor Break, removing a massive amount of Armor Rating for a very long duration. Follow that up with a SP1 for that Stun, and this is even more nuts.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Special Attack 3:

      This attack has a 80% chance to Paralyze the opponent for 5 seconds, Stunning them and reducing their Power and Health gains by 70%.
      Paralyze also counts a Stun effect, meaning it can be decreased or increased by other effects in the game, like the Limber and Stupefy Mastery.
      You slightly reduced the Paralyze chance (down by 9%), but almost doubled the duration.
      Agresssor wrote: »
      Synergy Bonuses
      • Friends (+6% Armor) – Wolverine (X-23)
      • Enemies (+7% Critical Chance) – Magneto
      • Teammates (+5% Perfect Block Chance) – Beast or Nightcrawler
      • Unique Synergy with Bishop: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
        • Gambit: Special Attacks are Unblockable when triggered with 10 prowees buffs.
      Now his Specials are unblockable with 10 Prowess Buffs for up to 20 seconds, and Bishop gets nothing anyway. This is also overpowered.

      The concept of kinetic bombs is okay, except that Gambit generally can't use his powers on living matter or organic molecules. I'm all for Gambit blowing things up, but that's generally why he uses playing cards to accomplish this. If he were creating Kinetic Bombs out of his playing cards for damage (not passive bombs that will go off, Quake-style), then I think that might be of some value, conceptually, but it's not working here. Gambit is also getting way too much in this kit with the Kinetic charges and the Prowess buffs; it's overblown. He's a Champion that could possibly use a bit of work, but not this much work.

      The real gem is the notion that his Kinetic charges actually do something to benefit him without having to be converted into Prowess buffs. But, what the Kinetic charges are doing in this rework... It's way too much. I'd recommend toning this way down, and maybe using a less eye-straining color.

      Best wishes!
    • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
      edited January 2019
      Champion Rework: Groot


      Signature ability (based on LV. 99): I Am Groot!

      - Groot’s passive nature increases his defensive capabilities the longer he fights, granting up to +20% regeneration buff potency, block proficiency, and armor rating based on lost Health (reaches maximum potency at 20% health). He also gains up to a flat 10% potency increase to his debuff duration reduction

      - Rooted’s damage bonus now lasts for a duration of up to 3 seconds (can affect special attacks)

      - Additionally, Groot begins the fight with 3 Root charges

      Base Kit

      - Groot’s alien tree physiology grants him Bleed immunity, and reduces the duration of all debuffs by 65%
      - Groot is a tree, and is vulnerable to fire, taking 100% more damage from incinerate debuffs

      Rooted Strength

      - Dashing back and holding block for 1 second grants a Root charge. Each charge grants 60 physical resistance, regenerates 12 health per second, and increases defensive power gain by 2% per charge (Max stacks: 10)

      - Upon reaching 10 stacks and idling for 1 second, Groot becomes Rooted, and is unstoppable as long as he remains motionless. He also gains 3 indestructible charges once he becomes Rooted, taking no damage from one attack for each charge

      - While Rooted, Groot’s passive regeneration increases to 30 health per second per charge

      - As soon as Groot moves (does literally anything except holding block), he loses all his charges (roots, indestructible, unstoppable, all of it) and his next attack gains +100% attack and +100% critical damage. This does not apply to Special Attacks (they have their own Rooted stuff)

      - These root charges can also be expended through his special attacks

      Heavy Attacks

      - Groot increases the mass of his fist by forming more wood around it, granting a 1% stacking attack increase that reaches up to 20% while charging the heavy to add onto the heavy attack’s damage

      Special Attacks

      Special 1

      - This attack ignores all armor and resistances

      - If Groot is Rooted, this attack Armor Breaks, decreasing opponent armor by 800 for 12 seconds, then he loses all his Root charges

      Special 2

      - Groot activates his regenerative abilities, granting a Regeneration buff for 1500 health over 6 seconds

      - If Groot is Rooted, this Regeneration’s duration is doubled, then he loses all his Root charges

      Special 3

      - Groot becomes Rooted after this attack if he was not already upon its activation

      - Groot Plants his opponent with this attack, stunning for 3 seconds and reducing ability accuracy by 100% for the duration of the debuff

      - If Groot was Rooted upon landing this attack, he gains his Rooted damage bonus after this attack for 5 seconds, then he loses all his Root charges

      New Synergies (he can keep his old ones too)

      Tree with Thor (Ragnarok) and Thor

      Groot: Rooted grants 4 indestructible charges instead of 3
      Thor (Ragnarok): +3 seconds to Thunder God’s Wrath duration
      Thor: Special Attacks grant a 80% chance to Shock, dealing 20% of Thor’s attack over 4 seconds

      Tree with King Groot

      Groot: Begin the fight with 2 additional Root charges
      King Groot: +15% fury potency

      I am Groot! with Groot

      All champions gain +6% health

      The goal here was to give him sustainability, a bit of damage in some burst potential, and maybe make him an occasional defensive pain if you aren’t paying attention. Nothing groundbreaking, but nothing like the twig he is now. Feedback is always welcome, as usual! And if anyone wants to see me rework someone in particular next, let me know who!
    • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
      Whododo872 wrote: »
      Champion Rework: Groot


      Signature ability (based on LV. 99): I Am Groot!

      - Groot’s passive nature increases his defensive capabilities the longer he fights, granting up to +20% regeneration buff potency, block proficiency, and armor rating based on lost Health (reaches maximum potency at 20% health). He also gains up to a flat 10% potency increase to his debuff duration reduction

      - Rooted’s damage bonus now lasts for a duration of up to 3 seconds (can affect special attacks)

      - Additionally, Groot begins the fight with 3 Root charges

      Base Kit

      - Groot’s alien tree physiology grants him Bleed immunity, and reduces the duration of all debuffs by 65%
      - Groot is a tree, and is vulnerable to fire, taking 100% more damage from incinerate debuffs

      Rooted Strength

      - Dashing back and holding block for 1 second grants a Root charge. Each charge grants 60 physical resistance, regenerates 12 health per second, and increases defensive power gain by 2% per charge (Max stacks: 10)

      - Upon reaching 10 stacks and idling for 1 second, Groot becomes Rooted, and is unstoppable as long as he remains motionless. He also gains 3 indestructible charges once he becomes Rooted, taking no damage from one attack for each charge

      - While Rooted, Groot’s passive regeneration increases to 30 health per second per charge

      - As soon as Groot moves (does literally anything except holding block), he loses all his charges (roots, indestructible, unstoppable, all of it) and his next attack gains +100% attack and +100% critical damage. This does not apply to Special Attacks (they have their own Rooted stuff)

      - These root charges can also be expended through his special attacks

      Heavy Attacks

      - Groot increases the mass of his fist by forming more wood around it, granting a 1% stacking attack increase that reaches up to 20% while charging the heavy to add onto the heavy attack’s damage

      Special Attacks

      Special 1

      - This attack ignores all armor and resistances

      - If Groot is Rooted, this attack Armor Breaks, decreasing opponent armor by 800 for 12 seconds, then he loses all his Root charges

      Special 2

      - Groot activates his regenerative abilities, granting a Regeneration buff for 1500 health over 6 seconds

      - If Groot is Rooted, this Regeneration’s duration is doubled, then he loses all his Root charges

      Special 3

      - Groot becomes Rooted after this attack if he was not already upon its activation

      - Groot Plants his opponent with this attack, stunning for 3 seconds and reducing ability accuracy by 100% for the duration of the debuff

      - If Groot was Rooted upon landing this attack, he gains his Rooted damage bonus after this attack for 5 seconds, then he loses all his Root charges

      New Synergies (he can keep his old ones too)

      Tree with Thor (Ragnarok) and Thor

      Groot: Rooted grants 4 indestructible charges instead of 3
      Thor (Ragnarok): +3 seconds to Thunder God’s Wrath duration
      Thor: Special Attacks grant a 80% chance to Shock, dealing 20% of Thor’s attack over 4 seconds

      Tree with King Groot

      Groot: Begin the fight with 2 additional Root charges
      King Groot: +15% fury potency

      I am Groot! with Groot

      All champions gain +6% health

      The goal here was to give him sustainability, a bit of damage in some burst potential, and maybe make him an occasional defensive pain if you aren’t paying attention. Nothing groundbreaking, but nothing like the twig he is now. Feedback is always welcome, as usual! And if anyone wants to see me rework someone in particular next, let me know who!

      So in a way he seems like ghost? The dashing back and gaining damage mechanic I mean, very Interesting, would make him better. But I feel he’d still feel slow and boring to play, holding block isn’t really a fun mechanic. Just a little suggestion for the rooting mechanic instead how about.

      Uprooted: whenever Groot successfully triggers dexterity against an opponents special attack, he instantly prepares to strike back, gaining 50% attack and 50% additional crit damage rating for 4 seconds. This ability has a 10 second cooldown.

      Rough concept idea. But I think if that was combined with you’re already created, you could play defensive until the opponent gets a special, maybe get 9 root charges, dexterity the special, get one more charge then go in for mega damage. That, to me would just be more fun. Overall I like the rework. I assume he keeps bleed immunity, i would hope so lol
    • AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★
      I am very pleased that you liked my ideas about Gambit, your opinion will help me in the future, unfortunately English is not my native language, so I used different translators to more or less express my idea, I will be very happy if you take my idea and correct it, the one who knows English well. I admit that somewhere I may have increased it, but from going above what you said, I can offer an edited version.
      Gambit Edited
      Signature Ability:

      Gambit increases his critical damage rate by [X] for each Kinetic Charge and Prowess Buff active.
      Gambit increases his block profiency by [X] for each Kinetic Charge and Prowess Buff active.

      Passive – Kinetic power:

      Each prowess buff, increases his Power Gain Rate by 2%. [10 prowess buff = 20% and why not per each kinetic charge ? beacause Gambit's special attack 1 has 85% chance to stun + how low is the opponent's armor is + ability accuracy increases by 2% for each kinetic charge and prowess buff he has during special attack's so...then it will be too Op... stack 10 kinetic charges and keep the enemy in stun by SP 1 the whole fight.]

      Gambit has a high precision accuracy, each kinetic charge reduces the chance to evade and triggering an auto block by 10%. ( 10 kinetic charges = 100% ).

      Gambit's unique armor grant him [X] Physical Resistance and 22% bleed Resistance. Once Gambit has lost 20% of his max Health from Physical Damage, the armor breaks.


      Gambit Charges his weapon, gaining a passive Kinetic Charge (Max: 10) for every 0.9 seconds.
      Whenever Gambit is struck by a combo-ending attack, he has a 50% chance to Fold and lose all his Kinetic Charges.

      Critical Hits:
      45% chance to place a kinetic bomb on the opponent. Kinetic bomb are Passive and deal [X] Energy Damage when they explode / expire (10 seconds). Max: 5 stacks. I think it will be enough considering that Gambit has 20- 25% a critical chance.

      Heavy Attack:

      This attack causes all kinetic bomb's to explode / expire instantly and deal an additional [X] Energy Damage each.

      If Gambit has 5 or more kinetic chargeprowess buff
      • Opponents generate 80% less Power from this attack.
      Gambit cashes out, converting his Kinetic Charges to Prowess Buffs, each increasing Special Damage by 18% for 10
      .  (+0.5 second per each kinetic charges. 10 Kinetic charges = Prowess buff duration = 15 seconds.)

      Special Attacks: Gambit’s Ability Accuracy increases by 2% for each Kinetic Charge and Prowess buff he has during Special Attacks.
      Special Attack 1: 

      This attack has a 85% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds. The chance to Stun increases based on how low the opponent’s Armor is.
      This attack stores up to 2 kinetic bomb charges on the opponent.
      Special Attack 2:

      This attack has a 70% chance to give the opponent a Concussion, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 85% for 10 seconds ( +0.5 second per prowess buff active. Max: 15 seconds ). The Potency of this effect is affected by Class relationships.
      This ability is stronger against Champions that Gambit has a class advantage against, skill Champions. Meanwhile, it is weaker against Tech Champions. [ 80% chance against Skill champions and 60% chance againts Tech champions ]

      50% chance to Armor Break, removing 1000 Armor Rating for 10 seconds. ( +0.5 second per each prowess buff Max: 15 seconds. + 5% chance per each prowess buff + removing additional armor rating by 100 per each prowess buff. Max: 2000. )
      Exemple: 2 prowess charges = 60% chance to armor break removing 1200 armor rating for 11 seconds.

      Special Attack 3:
      This attack has a 80% chance to Paralyze the opponent for 5 seconds, Stunning them and reducing their Power and Health gains by 70%.
      Paralyze also counts a Stun effect, meaning it can be decreased or increased by other effects in the game, like the Limber and Stupefy Mastery.
      Synergy Bonuses
      • Friends (+6% Armor) – Wolverine (X-23)
      • Enemies (+7% Critical Chance) – Magneto
      • Teammates (+5% Perfect Block Chance) – Beast or Nightcrawler
      • Unique Synergy with Bishop: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
        • Gambit: Special Attacks are Unblockable when triggered with 10 prowess buffs.
        • Bishop: Start with +2 Prowess and 8% Power.
    • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,206 ★★★★★
      Whododo872 wrote: »
      Champion Rework: Groot


      Signature ability (based on LV. 99): I Am Groot!

      - Groot’s passive nature increases his defensive capabilities the longer he fights, granting up to +20% regeneration buff potency, block proficiency, and armor rating based on lost Health (reaches maximum potency at 20% health). He also gains up to a flat 10% potency increase to his debuff duration reduction

      - Rooted’s damage bonus now lasts for a duration of up to 3 seconds (can affect special attacks)

      - Additionally, Groot begins the fight with 3 Root charges

      Base Kit

      - Groot’s alien tree physiology grants him Bleed immunity, and reduces the duration of all debuffs by 65%
      - Groot is a tree, and is vulnerable to fire, taking 100% more damage from incinerate debuffs

      Rooted Strength

      - Dashing back and holding block for 1 second grants a Root charge. Each charge grants 60 physical resistance, regenerates 12 health per second, and increases defensive power gain by 2% per charge (Max stacks: 10)

      - Upon reaching 10 stacks and idling for 1 second, Groot becomes Rooted, and is unstoppable as long as he remains motionless. He also gains 3 indestructible charges once he becomes Rooted, taking no damage from one attack for each charge

      - While Rooted, Groot’s passive regeneration increases to 30 health per second per charge

      - As soon as Groot moves (does literally anything except holding block), he loses all his charges (roots, indestructible, unstoppable, all of it) and his next attack gains +100% attack and +100% critical damage. This does not apply to Special Attacks (they have their own Rooted stuff)

      - These root charges can also be expended through his special attacks

      Heavy Attacks

      - Groot increases the mass of his fist by forming more wood around it, granting a 1% stacking attack increase that reaches up to 20% while charging the heavy to add onto the heavy attack’s damage

      Special Attacks

      Special 1

      - This attack ignores all armor and resistances

      - If Groot is Rooted, this attack Armor Breaks, decreasing opponent armor by 800 for 12 seconds, then he loses all his Root charges

      Special 2

      - Groot activates his regenerative abilities, granting a Regeneration buff for 1500 health over 6 seconds

      - If Groot is Rooted, this Regeneration’s duration is doubled, then he loses all his Root charges

      Special 3

      - Groot becomes Rooted after this attack if he was not already upon its activation

      - Groot Plants his opponent with this attack, stunning for 3 seconds and reducing ability accuracy by 100% for the duration of the debuff

      - If Groot was Rooted upon landing this attack, he gains his Rooted damage bonus after this attack for 5 seconds, then he loses all his Root charges

      Really fun rework. Not too overpowered at all; as you say would give him some potentially irritating defensive capabilities.

      You don't state it, but presumably Groot's SP2 would retain the same distance-based Unblockable properties?

      Did you read my King Groot rework? If so, I definitely claim a few inspiration points!
    • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,206 ★★★★★
      edited January 2019
      Hi folks,
      @whododo @nairvehl @bodhizen

      We did get a helpful response from the mods recently, which clarified that the team are at least monitoring this thread; which they might look at for a few ideas and inspirations. This has definitely reignited interest in the thread, which is excellent.

      Obviously there's a lot of feedback and rewrites for the design/development team to (potentially) wade through; so I thought I'd propose that it might be helpful if those of us who enjoy writing reworks took a leaf out of Bodhizen's book and started links to our own (latest versions) of our redesigns.

      With that in mind, my redesigns so far are:

      King Groot  


      Cyclops (Blue)

      Cyclops (Red)



      Iron Fist 

      Deadpool X-Force 

    • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
      This is the current list of my champion reworks:

      Iron Fist
      Black Panther
    • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,206 ★★★★★
      edited January 2019
      Nairvehl wrote: »
      This is the current list of my champion reworks:

      Iron Fist
      Black Panther

      That's good. Now I can get round to looking at your Colossus again without digging through so many pages. I glanced before, but fancy taking a proper look.

      And presumably, next time I need to make my URL links in colour, too?
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