Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • edited June 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    Hey everyone! I have an idea on how to make Diablo better! I hope you all will like it!
    My Idea to improve Diablo’s abilities:
    Heavy attacks:
    Diablo destroys his brewed concoction, giving his opponent a passive debuff based on the concoction he destroyed.
    Emberboon: The opponent takes (x) amount of incinerate damage over 12 seconds and 40% of all power gained from hitting or being struck is burned.
    Counterflow: Drains 110% of a bar of power over 12 seconds and 75% of all power gained from hitting or being struck goes to Diablo instead.
    Lifestitch: Heal blocks the opponent for 12 seconds. Any health they would heal is stored. When this effect ends. All health stored will go to Diablo.
    Ironskin: The opponent can’t evade and cannot cause attacks to miss for 12 seconds.
    Special Attack 1:
    - everything the special 1 used to do
    - The elixir Diablo drank boosts the effects of all the concoctions he drinks, granting him a Potion boost passive for 20 seconds, increasing the potency and duration of potions by 50%.
    - If Diablo has a concoction effect on him, it is refreshed with the new duration and potency.
    Special Attack 2:
    - everything the special 2 used to do
    - Diablo destroys his brewed concoction, giving the opponent a passive debuff based on the concoction he destroyed.
    - The last attack of this special places a potion boost passive debuff on the opponent, increasing the potency and duration of potion debuff passives on the opponent by 50%.
    - If the opponent has a concoction debuff passive on them, it is refreshed with the new duration and potency.
    Special Attack 3:
    - If he has a concoction brewed, Diablo drinks it then destroys it, giving him the respective positive effect and the opponent the respective negative effect.
    - Same as the special 3 used to do
    - The opponent also gains a permanent effect based on the concoction destroyed.
    Emberboon or Ironskin: -356 attack. This is doubled
    on physical attacks.
    Counterflow or Lifestitch: -15% regeneration and
    Power gain rate
    Signature Ability:
    Same as it used to be but the increased duration also affects the passive potion debuffs
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Daredevil (Netflix)

    Signature Ability: World on Fire
    Whenever the opponent would cause a Bleed, Concussion, Slow, Fatigue, Exhaustion, or Armor Break debuff, Daredevil has an X% chance to shrug it off, and he triggers a passive Aptitude effect, increasing his critical chance and damage by X%.

    Daredevil’s enhanced senses grant him a 5% chance to evade incoming attacks. +55% chance to evade projectiles.
    Daredevil never relied on sight in the first place, and his attacks can not miss Invisible opponent’s.

    While attacking:
    If the opponent is under the effect of a debuff other than Armor Break, all attacks have a 70% chance to cause an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent’s armor rating by X over 8 seconds.
    Daredevil’s enhanced senses allow him to easily find his opponent’s blind spots and pressure points, and every 10th attack landed has a 100% chance to cause a Slow debuff, preventing the opponent from evading or becoming unstoppable for 10 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    Critical hits Stun the opponent for 5 seconds.
    Non-critical hits cause a Concussion debuff, reducing the opponent’s ability accuracy by 90% for 7 seconds.

    New Synergies:

    DEFENDERS with Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones.
    Daredevil (Netflix): Critical hits have a 10% chance to Stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds.
    Iron Fist: If the opponent is immune to Armor Break debuffs, all attacks have a 30% chance to cause an Armor Break passive with the same effects.
    Luke Cage: Heavy attacks cause an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent’s armor rating by 20% for 10 seconds (does not stack).
    Jessica Jones: ???

    UNRIVALED SKILL with Black Widow and Iron Fist.
    Daredevil (Netflix): Non-critical hits deal 20% more damage if the opponent is under the effect of a Physical Resistance or Armor Up buff.
    Black Widow: Critical hits generate 5% more power.
    Iron Fist: Causing an Armor Break debuff has an 80% chance to nullify one buff on the opponent.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★

    Class: Mystic

    Signature Ability: Cytorak’s Favour
    After using a special attack, Juggernaut triggers an unstoppable buff, lasting X seconds.

    Juggernaut begins the fight with an Unstoppable buff lasting for 5 seconds.
    Juggernaut’s helmet grants him an immunity to telepathy, and opponent’s can not invert his controls.

    Cytorak’s Champion:
    When Juggernaut gets going, he can’t be stopped, and at the beginning of each fight, he gains a Cytorak’s Champion charge. Cytorak’s Champion charges are carried between fights as persistent charges. Juggernaut gains different effects as he gains more Cytorak’s Champion charges.
    1 charge or more:
    While Juggernaut is unstoppable, he is immune to Stun effects, and whenever he would be stunned, he causes a passive Stagger effect lasting 9 seconds, and nullifying the next buff the opponent triggers.
    2 charges or more:
    Whenever Juggernaut is struck while he’s unstoppable, he has an 80% chance to gain a Fury buff, increasing his attack by X for 7 seconds (this buff stacks).
    3 charges or more:
    All attacks have a 10% chance to cause an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent’s armor rating by 10% for 9 seconds.
    4 charges or more:
    Whenever Juggernaut is struck while he’s unstoppable, he has a 50% chance to cause a passive Stagger effect lasting 9 seconds, and nullifying the next buff the opponent triggers.
    5 charges or more:
    Whenever Juggernaut becomes unstoppable, he has a 60% chance to gain an Indestructible buff, preventing him from taking any damage for 5 seconds.
    6 charges or more:
    All buffs triggered last 3 seconds longer.
    7 charges or more:
    Juggernaut gains +20% ability accuracy.
    8 charges or more.
    All debuffs caused except for Stun last 3 seconds longer.
    9 charges or more:
    Whenever Juggernaut is struck, he has a 30% chance to cause a Power Drain debuff, reducing the opponent’s power gain by 60% for 6 seconds.
    After entering a fight with all 9 Cytorak’s Champion charges, he loses 6 persistent charges.

    All attacks:
    9% chance to gain a Fury buff, increasing Juggernaut’s Attack by X for 9 seconds.

    Heavy attacks:
    Causes a passive Stagger effect lasting 9 seconds, and nullifying the next buff the opponent triggers.

    Special attacks:
    If Juggernaut is unstoppable, each hit nullifies one of the opponent’s buffs.
  • Regal_PantherRegal_Panther Member Posts: 13
    Good idea with Juggernaut @Bahamut. That allows him to be more potent as he wins more fights. A bit of a reward for good attacking and not so scary for defense unless he wins a few (poor attackers).

    I was envisioning Juggernaut building a high attack period to make him good like this:
    Hitting opponents with a Heavy or shrugging off stun effects while Unstoppable causes stagger on opponents and sets up conditions for Juggy to add Octessence Charges in the following ways:
    1. While Staggered, whenever Juggy hits the opponent's block he gains 1 charge
    2. Whenever hit by the staggered opponent he also gains 1 charge
    3. Whenever parried by an already staggered opponent Juggy gains 1 charge
    4. These charges do not expire unless Juggy is hit by a heavy or knocked out (while not Unstoppable)
    5. If Juggy reaches 8 charges, Juggy gains one massive Fury for 24 seconds that multiplies his damage rating based on the number of heavies he successfully landed throughout the match (this counter can be lowered if his opponent landed heavies on him: -1 per heavy)
    6. For each heavy, up to 8, Juggy adds damage potential to his eventual Octessence Fury
    7. Juggy would have between 3x and 10x damage output compared to his regular Fury for that period of time before he has to rebuild charges (which he can start while under the effects of an active Octessence Fury)
    8. These do not have any effect on how his Unstoppable mechanic works, as it is already a good challenge to avoid parrying, getting cornered and not being able to attack him safely how it currently operates. These are meant to make this super strong champ actually hit extremely hard for a period of time so he isn't so easily outclassed by high damage output champs like Star Lord and Stark Enhanced Spider-Man who are not supposed to be anywhere near his strength class
    9. As Unstoppable Colossus is his rival for the favor of Cyttorak, something extra can be done with their synergy as well especially if UC gets an entirely different type of buff when classic Colossus does (again I like @Bajan_Samurai 's suggestion about letting UC get a special Rage and Armor (e.g. Osmium Rage) that upgrades his damage output as well (and synergies with Magneto that refer to that time he affected Earth's magnetic poles and Colossus was an Acolyte)
  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    I was confused about where to post this thread.
    An WOLVERINE re-Buff

    ~Regeneration rebuff throughout entire fight

    ~Indistructable charges after every spacial attack for 2 seconds.

    ~start the fight with 2 Indistructable buff for 3 seconds. Every heavy attack removes 1 charge. (Got these idea from a AW node & slightly modified it. it's really creative & soo perfect fit for Wolverine, (it think))

    ~true strike buff throughout entire fight. It activates right after the beginner Indistructable charges are down due to 2 heavy attacks by opponents.

    ~Every 5 hit combo and a spacial gives 1 barserker rage buff for 2 second. When barserker rage is active wolverine ignore all kind of Armor & physiology and inflict 'true damage' & internal bleed (internal bleed - unique senergy with nick fury)

    ~rebuff the amount & timing of 'inflicting bleed debuff' to opponents.

    ~after a spacial 3 with berserk active wolverine can't be parried for 3 second.
    And all dashing attack becomes unstoppable for 3 seconds (dashing unstoppable - unique senergy with night thrasher)

    That's all. Nothing too complex i am hoping. Or nothing too crazy.
    Just a little revamp can give wolverine
    Some prestige & status with the current rosters.
    And he is pretty lovable and famous throughout marvel fanbase.
    And it would be really nice too see an OG character gets buffed. Like Spidey OG is soo good.
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    We do have some great Mystic Champions... Voodoo, Magik, Mordo... they’re are all pretty good. Hell, Scarlet Witch is godly ever since the beginning.
    It’s sad to see some characters like Iron Fist, Jane Foster and Juggernaut being put aside like that. These three (and some others) need desperately a buff
  • KhwiederKhwieder Member Posts: 1
    I don’t know the best place to post this but I’d like to see Proxima Midnight count as a villain for the villain use event since she’s a member of the black order.
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    edited July 2019
    Hey everyone! I made this idea as a post before but I wanted to post it here, too. I’ll be adding something extra here that my original post didn’t have. Here it is:
    My Champion Rework: Venompool
    - The powers of the Venom symbiote combined with Deadpool’s healing factor lets Venompool passively heal (x) health per second. Beats awakening OG me, right?
    - Venom and Deadpool struggle to take control of their shared body, creating two modes based on who’s currently in control. No one will sssstop me from killing Sssspider-man!!! Hey! Let me do the talking!
    - Venompool starts in Deadpool mode.
    Deadpool Mode:
    - Increases regeneration rate by (x)%
    - All hits have an 40% change to gain prowess, increasing special damage by 15%. Critical hits increase this chance by 100%. Max stacks: 20. Prowess buffs are lost when switching modes.
    - If fighting X-Men or X-Force champions, Venompool gains +50% attack and +50% ability accuracy
    Venom Mode:
    - Increases critical rating by (x)%
    - All hits have a 60% chance to inflict bleed on the opponent, dealing (x) damage over 8 seconds. Critical hits increase this chance by 100%.
    - If fighting Spider-verse or Sinister 6 champions, Venompool gains true accuracy and +100% bleed damage
    Heavy attacks:
    - Landing this attack makes Venompool switch modes. Yessss! Control will be mine!!!! Don’t do it! Don’t you like Deadpool mode?
    When switching modes:
    - If Venompool switches to Deadpool mode and he has a fury buff, Venompool converts it into a taunt debuff on the opponent, reducing their damage by 25% and increasing their chance to activate a special attack by 80% for 15 seconds. Man, why is Venom so angry all the time?
    - If Venompool switches to Venom mode and there is a taunt on the opponent, Venompool converts it into a fury buff on himself, increasing attack by (x) for 15 seconds. Enough with those foolissssh taunts!!!
    Special 1: Symbiotic Rage
    * We are back, Ssssspider-man! Prepare to face our wrath!!!!!
    (This special could look like Omega Red’s special 2)
    - Venompool switches to Venom mode.
    - Each hit has an 80% chance to consume enemy buffs, converting them into 5% power and passive furies, each increasing attack by (x). These furies are lost when Venompool switches modes. Delicioussss! Give us more!!!!
    Special 2: Deadpoo... I mean Venompool’s Break Dance
    * While my pal Venom is having his rest, I’ll light up the dance floor with my new swords and my sweet moves!
    (This special could look like the old one but before he dances he throws his swords at his opponent one at a time)
    - Venompool switches to Deadpool mode.
    - Venompool’s blades are made of carbonadium, inflicting heal block on the opponent, preventing healing for 18 seconds.
    - Each hit has a 60% chance to inflict bleed, dealing (x) damage over 8 seconds
    - If Venompool finishes his dance, he heals 20% health and gains a precision buff, increasing critical rating by (x) for 8 seconds. Time to make some moves!
    Special 3: The Combined Forces of Venom and Deadpool
    * Venompool drags his opponent towards him, preparing to eat him when a phone call interrupts the special attack. They still shoot and pummel their opponent, though.
    (This special could be the same as the old one, but he should shoot 3 times and then after that, he should beat up the opponent a little bit more)
    - 100% chance to inflict bleed, dealing (x) damage over 10 seconds
    - Venom and Deadpool finally decided to settle their differences for once, combining the Venom and Deadpool modes into Venompool Mode for 25 seconds. Hi- Five, buddy! We are not buddiesssss!!!
    Signature Ability: Continuity Memory
    - Every 6 seconds, and whenever Venompool uses a special attack, Venom has a (x) chance to access Deadpool’s unique memory and grant him a random Buff for a short time... even if he never actually had that effect in the past... Hey! Get out of my head!

    I hope you guys like my idea!
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    Here’s my idea to improve the two Magnetos!
    My Champion Rework: Magneto
    - Enemies reliant on metal suffer 40% reduced ability accuracy, -25% attack, and -50% critical rating and damage. Robots also have -20% armor rating
    - Magneto collects any piece of metal from the environment, gaining 1 metal piece every 4 seconds. Magneto gains 3 metal pieces at the start of the fight against metal champions and he gains metal pieces 2 times faster against robots. Max Cap: 50
    Metal Pieces:
    - Each metal piece grants Magneto (x) armor, (x) attack, and (x) block proficiency
    - Every two hits done to Magneto removes one metal piece
    All Attacks:
    - 25% chance to convert enemy armor up buffs into 2 metal pieces
    When blocking:
    - Enemy bullets don’t deal damage to Magneto but instead 40% of the bullets’ damage goes to the opponent
    Special Attacks:
    - Consumes all metal pieces
    - 100% chance to inflict armor break, reducing armor by (x) for 10 seconds, and Bleed, dealing (x) damage over 12 seconds. The potency of armor breaks and bleeds are increased by (x)% per metal piece consumed
    Special 1:
    - If Magneto’s armor break and/or bleed failed to trigger, he gains fury (2 furies if both failed to trigger), increasing attack by (x)% per metal piece consumed
    Special 2:
    - Inflicts Concussion, reducing enemy ability accuracy by 40% for 10 seconds. This increases by a flat 2% per metal piece consumed
    Special 3:
    - 30% percent of all the metal pieces consumed will return to Magneto
    - The bleed from this attack lasts 100% longer against metal opponents
    - The armor break form this attack is permanent against robots
    Signature Ability: Magnetic Mastery
    - Magneto uses all the metal pieces he collected to shield himself from fatal blows.
    - 20 metal pieces: Attacks cannot deal more than 40% of Magneto’s health
    - 40 metal pieces: Attacks cannot deal more than 20% of Magneto’s health
    New Synergy:
    Masters of Magnetism with Magneto (Marvel Now!)
    - Magneto: +20% Bleed Damage
    - Magneto (Marvel Now!): Magnetized lasts 3 seconds longer

    My Champion Rework: Magneto (Marvel Now!)
    - Every 12 seconds and at the start of the fight, enemies reliant on metal suffer 60% reduced ability accuracy, -35% attack, and -60% critical rating and damage for 12 seconds. Robots also have -30% armor rating
    - Magneto collects any piece of metal from the environment, gaining 1 metal piece every 4 seconds. Magneto gains 3 metal pieces at the start of the fight against metal champions and he gains metal pieces 2 times faster against robots. Max Cap: 60
    Metal Pieces:
    - Each metal piece grants Magneto (x) armor, (x) attack, and (x) block proficiency (less than OG Magneto)
    - Every two hits done to Magneto removes one metal piece
    All Attacks:
    - 25% chance to convert enemy armor up buffs into 2 metal pieces
    When blocking:
    - Enemy bullets don’t deal damage to Magneto but instead 40% of the bullets’ damage goes to the opponent
    Special Attacks:
    - Consumes all metal pieces
    - 100% chance to inflict armor break, reducing armor by (x) for 10 seconds, and Bleed, dealing (x) damage over 12 seconds. The potency of armor breaks and bleeds are increased by (x)% per metal piece consumed
    Special 1:
    - If Magneto’s armor break and/or bleed failed to trigger, he gains fury (2 furies if both failed to trigger), increasing attack by (x)% per metal piece consumed
    Special 2:
    - Inflicts Concussion, reducing enemy ability accuracy by 40% for 10 seconds. This increases by a flat 2% per metal piece consumed
    Special 3:
    - 30% percent of all the metal pieces consumed will return to Magneto
    - The bleed from this attack lasts 100% longer against metal opponents
    - The armor break form this attack is permanent against robots
    Signature Ability: Superior Magnetic Mastery
    - Magneto uses all the metal pieces he collected to shield himself from fatal blows when below 50% health
    - 10 metal pieces: Attacks cannot deal more than 40% of Magneto’s health
    - 30 metal pieces: Attacks cannot deal more than 20% of Magneto’s health
    - 50 metal pieces: Attacks cannot deal more than 10% of Magneto’s health
    New Synergy:
    Polar Opposites with Magneto
    - Both Magnetos: When backed against the wall, gain +(x) Armor, (x) block proficiency, and +(x)% perfect block chance. When hitting the opponent against the wall, gain +(x) attack, +(x) critical rate, and +(x) critical damage
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    Here’s my latest idea: A rework for Kang the Conqueror!
    My Champion Rework: Kang
    - Kang’s Armor grants him (x) additional armor rating. Kang’s armor can only be removed by armor break effects and cannot be nullified. (Still considered as a buff)
    - If Kang’s Armor is removed, he loses all of his abilities. Kang Armor will reconstruct itself after 6 seconds
    - If Kang’s armor is active, all debuffs on Kang and all of the opponent’s buffs last 60% shorter
    When attacking:
    - Kang’s Armor senses the need for damage, granting Kang a 20% chance to gain a passive fury increasing his attack by (x) for 10 seconds
    When attacked:
    - Kang’s Armor senses the need for protection, granting Kang an 80% chance to gain a permanent passive energy resistance or physical resistance effect, depending on the attack that triggered it.
    Special 1:
    - 10% chance to shock, dealing (x) energy damage over 10 seconds
    - Places a Pause passive on himself and the opponent lasting for 6 seconds, pausing all positive effects on Kang and all negative effects on his opponents
    Special 2:
    - Same as the old one
    - Places a Rewind passive on himself and the opponent for 12 seconds. Any damage done and negative effect on Kang will be undone when the effect expires. Also, any health, power, or positive effect gained by the opponent will be undone when the effect expires.
    Special 3:
    - 100% to inflict Heal block for 20 seconds
    - 100% chance to inflict shock, dealing (x) energy damage over 12 seconds
    Signature ability: Kang Armor Upgrades
    Kang’s Power fuels his neuro-kinetic suit of armor, endowing him with upto (x) additional armor rating along with a (x) second/s increase in fury, pause, rewind, and shock durations based on stored Power.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Khwieder said:

    I don’t know the best place to post this but I’d like to see Proxima Midnight count as a villain for the villain use event since she’s a member of the black order.

    I’d like to see Proxima not be considered the same size as Rocket Raccoon (they’re both Size: S)
  • DjkrdjjDjkrdjj Member Posts: 444 ★★
    Bahamut said:

    Khwieder said:

    I don’t know the best place to post this but I’d like to see Proxima Midnight count as a villain for the villain use event since she’s a member of the black order.

    I’d like to see Proxima not be considered the same size as Rocket Raccoon (they’re both Size: S)
    She should be L or M
    Rocket should be like XS
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    My Champion Rework: Ebony Maw
    - Enemy projectile attacks have a 15% chance to Miss. This increase by a flat 30% when blocking
    - Whenever Ebony Maw would be inflicted with Reverse Controls, he instead transfers the effect to his opponent
    - If the Opponent doesn’t have Class Advantage, Ebony Maw causes all guaranteed Critical Hits to Miss
    - Ebony Maw’s first Light Attack is the only Basic hit to make contact with the Opponent
    Deteriorations- Passive:
    - Deterioration Passives last indefinitely, each reducing the opponent’s attack, regeneration rate, block proficiency, perfect block chance, armor, energy and physical resistances by (x)%, stacking up to a maximum of 20 times.
    - Degenerations deal (x) more damage for every Deterioration passive on the opponent
    Missions from Thanos:
    - Ebony Maw has 3 missions to complete. Each mission can only be completed once per fight. Completing a mission grants Ebony Maw 1 Persistent Charge, up to a maximum of 15
    - When the fight starts, Ebony Maw inflicts the Opponent with 1 Deterioration Passive for every Persistent Charge.
    - Each time Ebony Maw completes a mission, he inflicts the Opponent with a Degeneration Passive, dealing (x) damage over 6 seconds.
    * Mission 1: Mastermind : Nullify a Buff from the Opponent.
    * Mission 2: Manipulator : Cause the Opponent to lose Power
    * Mission 3: Unwavering : Cause the Opponent to Falter and Miss.
    While Heavy Attack Charging:
    - Inflicts Falter on the opponent if the opponent is inflicted with Black Tongue, causing all attacks to miss for 5 seconds
    Heavy Attacks:
    - Landing a Heavy Attack steals all the Opponent’s Power gain Buffs and 10% of their current Power.
    - If the opponent is inflicted with Black Tongue, this attack inflicts Degeneration, dealing (x) damage over 5 seconds
    Persuasive Voice:
    - If Ebony Maw isn't focused, he begins focusing on the Opponent’s mind for 5 seconds understanding their mental state. This time is doubled if he's under the effect of 1 or more non-damaging Debuffs.
    - Once focused, the Opponent gains 1 Persuasion every 0.7 seconds.
    - When struck by the Opponent’s Heavy Attack or Special 3 Attack, Ebony Maw’s focus is broken.
    - The opponent’s defensive ability accuracy is reduced by 1% for every Persuasion on them
    - For every 20 Persuasion the Opponent gains, they are inflicted with a Falter Passive lasting 4 seconds. Increasing to 6 seconds against Cosmics. Enemies inflicted with Falter have a 100% chance to Miss.
    - At 100 Persuasion the Opponent is Persuaded and inflicted with a Black Tongue Passive, reducing Power Gain from all sources by 30% and reducing offensive ability accuracy by 80%. Black Tongue is not affected by Ability Accuracy and lasts for the rest of the fight.
    - While Black Tongue is active the Opponent is inflicted with 1 Deterioration Passive every 6 seconds.
    Special 1:
    - When activated and with each hit Ebony May has a 100% chance to nullify a buff from his opponent. If the opponent is inflicted with Black Tongue, nullifying a buff inflicts Degeneration on the opponent, dealing (x) damage over 8 seconds
    - If no Buffs were Nullified during this attack, the Opponent gains a Fury Buff increasing their Attack Rating by 0 for 6 seconds.
    Special 2:
    - The last hit of this attack inflicts the Opponent with a Degeneration Passive, dealing (x) damage over 10 seconds.
    - If the opponent is inflicted with Black Tongue, all hits of this attack will inflict Degeneration.
    Special 3:
    - Ebony Maw reaches into his Opponent’s mind depleting all their current Power, gaining 35% of the Power depleted for himself over the next 4 seconds.
    - If the opponent is inflicted with Black Tongue, the opponent is inflicted with Degeneration, dealing (x) damage over 15 seconds. Damage increases based on amount of power drained.
    Signature Ability: Deteriorating Mind
    - When the fight starts, inflict 2 Persuasion Charges per Deterioration on the opponent
    - When the opponent misses an attack, they are inflicted with a Degeneration Passive, dealing (x) damage over 6 seconds.
    - Each time Ebony Maw Nullifies a Buff or Activates a Special Attack he places 1 Deterioration Passive on his opponent
    - The opponent gains Persuasion two times faster when inflicted with Degeneration.
    New Synergy:
    Masters of the Mind with Mysterio:
    - Ebony Maw: Falters last 2 seconds longer
    - Mysterio: Whenever Mysterio has Reflection Gas, Illusion Gas, or Frenzy Gas active, Opponents have their Defensive Ability Accuracy reduced by 60%. This doesn’t affect Robots.
  • Ksp_2099Ksp_2099 Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    Champion- Vision( OG and AOU)

    Vision is good but it has not much utility as it should have in the game. Power control is good but his damage output is mehhhh.

    I think like ultron, he should have so much utility like, here are some suggestions

    Passive abilities

    Function Fury- after 3rd special he should gain one fury passive buff increasing his attack by 15% for 30 sec. Max stack 5
    Function Bulk up- as he can increase his mass in comics and movies, he should gain armor up buff increasing his armor rating by x percent after 1st special. Max stack 5
    Function Phase- as vision can phase through objects, he should gain some phase shifts like ghost or like hood after 2nd special.
    Function Tech Disruption- he can control and understand technologies, so he should reduce the ability accuracy of robot or tech based champions by x% may be after 3rd or 2nd special.

    Also his heavy should do armor breaks by x percent.

    Thanks for reading.
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    edited July 2019
    My Champion Rework: Kamala Khan
    - An enhanced immune system provides full immunity to the Poisons of the Battlerealm
    - Block Proficiency increases by (x) for each fury on Kamala
    Stretch Attacks:
    - Attacks that utilizes Kamala’s stretching abilities deal True Damage, ignoring Armor and Resistances, and also have a 40% chance to give her a permanent Fury, increasing Attack by (x). Kamala will still gain fury buffs this way even if her attack is blocked or avoided.
    (I don’t think I ever played with Kamala at all so maybe make some of her basic attacks stretch if she doesn’t do that already)
    - If Ms. Marvel has at least 5 fury buffs, all of Ms. Marvel’s stretch attacks have a 100% chance to Armor Break, reducing armor rating by (x)%
    - If Ms Marvel has at least 10 fury buffs, all of Ms. Marvel’s stretch attacks have an 80% chance to become Unblockable
    When inflicted with a Debuff:
    - Ms. Marvel becomes more defensive, and increases her block proficiency and physical resistance by (x) and also increasing her perfect block chance by a flat (x)%.
    - Additionally, Kamala tries her best to avoid enemy attacks with her stretching powers, making enemy attacks have a 10% chance to miss
    Special Attacks:
    - Kamala gets cocky and becomes more aggressive. Also when she dashes towards her opponent, she has a 20% chance to grow big enough to be Unstoppable for every fury buff on her. These effects last for 10 seconds.
    When Attacked:
    - 10% chance for a Fury Buff to be removed. This chance decreases by 2% for every Fury Buff on Kamala (this doesn’t work if she only has one fury buff)
    Heavy Attack:
    - 100% chance to gain Fury, increasing Attack by (x)
    Special 1:
    - If Kamala has at least 3 fury buffs, the last hit of this attack stuns her opponent for 2 seconds
    - If Kamala has at least 5 fury buffs, this attack will deal guaranteed Critical hits
    Special 2:
    - If Kamala has at least 6 fury buffs, the last hit of this attack stuns her opponent for 4 seconds
    - If Kamala has at least 8 fury buffs, this attack is Unblockable and will deal +20% damage
    Special 3:
    - Gain 3 fury buffs, increasing attack by (x)
    - If Kamala has at least 12 fury buffs, this attack stuns her opponent for 6 seconds
    - If Kamala has at least 18 fury buffs, this attack inflicts Concussion, decreasing ability accuracy by 100% for 12 seconds
    Signature Ability: Morphogenetics
    - Ms. Marvel starts to figure out this whole Contest thing, increasing her Fury potency by (x) and granting her the following abilities:
    - If Ms. Marvel has at least 15 fury buffs, her stretch attacks have an (x)% increased chance to be critical along with (x) increased critical damage
    - If Ms. Marvel has at least 20 fury buffs, her stretch attacks grow so big that they cannot be evaded or missed (only applies to invisible misses)
  • KruszonKruszon Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2019

    His damage and utility are both underwhelming. The damage is a matter of number tweaking. Here’s how Id fix his utility:

    Passive “Busted”: While knocked down, opponents dont gain power.

    Heavy: Heal block if the opponent is healing.

    Sp1 “Stay down”: For X seconds, all attacks have X% chance to knock down and you Armor Up.

    Sp2 “Bring it”: For X seconds, opponent cant use light attacks.

    Signature “Stark tech”: Hulkbuster gains X% of the power gain prevented.
  • Regal_PantherRegal_Panther Member Posts: 13
    Hulkbuster would be ideal if the Veronica repair and parts replacement platform AI could be incorporated. Here's my idea:
    • Hulkbuster's current abilities are kept (his armor up ratings get stronger as his health gets lower, and he has chances to armor break on Specials. There's not much else to them than that, really).
    • The first addition should be a system that rewards more attack, repair and armor potential, which would work like the following
    • Hulkbuster has a guaranteed armor break with Sp1 which does not stack, but can refresh any armor breaks already on the opponent, including multiple ones inflicted by Sp2 or 3
    • Whenever HB causes an armor break on the opponent, he gains multiple inactive and passive Armor Fragment Charges
    • For XS, S & M sized opponents, HB gains 3 AF charges per armor break attack
    • For L & XL opponents, HB gains 5 AF charges per armor break attack
    • If the opponent is armored up at the time, each armor break adds 2 additional AF charges
    • If the opponent is also a #Metal champ, each armor break attack adds 1 additional AF charge
    • If the opponent is also a #Gamma champ, each armor break attack adds 3 additional AF charges
    • Additionally, HB can also add to his own armor fragment stacks while taking damage, adding 4 stacks per each 1% he losses up to -49% max health from the start of the fight (DEV NOTE: The first 49% of HB's max health is considered his HB suit while the rest of his health is considered the regular IM suit and Tony himself beneath it. He must keep at least 1% health, so starting at 50% or higher allows maximum AF stack accumulation from health loss per fight. Meanwhile, starting at 2% health would only allow for 1% loss granting 4 stacks in that way regardless of other healing/repair from his regular armor breaking mechanism)
    • AF charges can stack up to 50 normally, and HB can use them to increase his Health, Armor or Attack rating by consuming them after holding block for 1.5 seconds under certain conditions
    • While the opponent's power meter is above 50%, HB braces for more dangerous attacks by consuming AF charges to boost armor potency by up to 30% for 20 seconds, during that time HB also gains +15% attack rating and heals 5% of max health
    • While the opponent is at or below 50% of the power meter, HB presses his attack by consuming AF charges to boost attack rating by up to 30% for 20 seconds, during this time HB also gains +15% armor rating and heals 5% of max health
    • When HB goes below 50% health for the first time, consuming AF charges can repair up to 30% of max health over 10 seconds and permanently grant HB +10% armor rating and +10% attack rating. This only functions in this way once per fight
    • (DEV NOTE: In each case, HB only gains the maximum potential of up to 30% boosting if all 50 stacks were achieved before consumed, as such at 25 stacks HB would gain 15% attack or armor, 7.5% armor or attack and 2.5% health regularly, and when below 50% for the first time, 15% health, 5% armor and 5% attack)
    • HB can also briefly benefit from AF stacks by landing heavy attacks which allow a 5 second boost of attack and armor depending on the number of AF stacks, these boosts are 35% less potent than those gained by consuming all stacks but they only consume 3 stacks per heavy
    • Because HB is considered extremely thick armor plating, energy shielded and internally environment regulated, he is 33% less likely to suffer Cold, Bleed and Poison damage, and when he does he suffers 33% less damage from those effects; additionally, when facing a #Gamma opponent Poison damage is reduced by an additional 33% and cannot be stacked on him (DEV NOTE: If Harpy is ever added she should be the recent Red She-Hulk/Harpy blended version of Betty Ross-Banner which would be #Gamma but also capable of causing Bleed with her talons, at which point Bleed from a #Gamma would also be additionally reduced on HB)
    • When HB faces Mutant champs he starts the fight resistant to Energy damage for 20 seconds which helps him reduce Cold damage and other energy based attack effects by a further 20% which can also be refreshed by landing heavies; but when facing Cosmic champs their unearthly energies are unfamiliar at first and he starts out more susceptible to Bleed or Energy-based effects if any champs have such capabilities
    Although the idea is for no animations to change for this tweak to HB, it would be visually interesting to show the Drop Pod Veronica launches from Stark's Orbital Tracking Platforms (see Avengers: Age of Ultron when the replacement parts were sent down during the HB v Hulk fight). In a variation of this design suggestion, the Drop Pods will drop half way between HB and his opponent. The interesting fight dynamic here is that it could either
    1. Lose potency over time requiring HB to reach it before the opponent and push the opponent back to gain the most benefit if they crossed where it landed before HB did, or...
    2. ...act as a barrier between HB and the opponent that the opponent must hit 8 times in order to dismiss so they can get at HB, but if HB can hold his position in a certain proximity to it it will repair a % of damage, and boost his attack and armor ratings based on Armor Fragment stacks

  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    I said a month ago that I would post ideas for the original MCU Avengers. Then I didn’t. So here are the other four.

    Black Widow

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability: Assasination
    While above 50% HP: Black Widow strikes with calculated grace, passively reduces her opponent’s ability accuracy by X%, and increasing Black Widow’s power gain by 1% per hit on her combo meter.
    While below 50% HP: Black Widow ignores the pain, and critical hits have an X% chance to purify one debuff on Black Widow.

    Black Widow never loses her head, and is immune to Taunt, Disorient, and Petrify effects.

    While being attacked:
    Black Widow has a 5% chance to evade incoming attacks.

    While attacking:
    Black Widow’s critical chance and damage are increased by 1% for every hit on her combo meter (can not exceed 70%).
    While Black Widow’s combo meter is above 50 hits, critical hits have a 1% chance for every other hit on her combo meter to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
    Opponents gain 30% less power when struck by Black Widow while Precision and Cruelty are active.
    Black Widow can cause critical hits on blocked attacks.

    Heavy attacks (new animation where she shocks her opponent with her taser glove stinger thingamabobs): Causes one Shock debuff for each debuff on the opponent, each dealing X damage over 9 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    Black Widow gains a Precision passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit chance by 25%.
    Black Widow gains a Cruelty passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit damage by 25%.
    Critical hits have a 100% chance to cause a Power Sting debuff for 10 seconds, expiring immediately and dealing X damage when the opponent uses a special attack.

    New Synergy:

    NO POWERS, NO PROBLEM with Hawkeye and Ronin.
    All #Avengers have +50% ability accuracy while they’re not under the effects of a buff.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability: Ace In The Hole.
    Hawkeye uses his tricked out arrows during his special attacks, adding extra effects that he cycles through. Allowing Hawkeye to idle for 2 seconds causes Hawkeye to switch whichever arrow he’d use next.
    Incendiary arrows:
    Causes an Incinerate debuff, dealing X damage over 8 seconds and reducing the opponent’s block proficiency by 50%.
    Causes an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent’s Armor by X over 9 seconds.
    Electric arrows:
    Causes a Shock debuff, dealing X damage over 9 seconds.
    +X% potency to all power drain effects.
    Concussive arrows:
    Causes a Concussion debuff, reducing the opponent’s ability accuracy by X% for 12 seconds.
    Nullifies 1 buff on the opponent.

    Critical hits:
    Causes a True Accuracy buff, preventing the opponent from evading or auto-blocking for 1.5 seconds.
    If the opponent is bleeding, critical hits cause a Bleed debuff, dealing X damage over 1 second.

    Medium attacks:
    Causes a Bleed debuff, dealing X damage over 10 seconds (medium attacks have new animations, his dash attack is a slide and then shooting an arrow, his second medium is hitting them with the bow and then shooting an arrow. Each one is 2 hits. The arrows are, obviously, projectiles).

    Special 1:
    Causes a Bleed debuff, dealing X damage over 10 seconds.
    Drains 40% of the opponent’s max power.
    2nd hit has True Strike.

    Special 2:
    Causes a Bleed debuff, dealing X damage over 10 seconds.
    Causes a Taunt debuff, making the opponent 70% more likely to use a special attack for 7 seconds.
    3rd hit has True Strike.

    Special 3:
    Causes a Bleed debuff, dealing X damage over 10 seconds.
    Causes a Petrify debuff, reducing the opponent’s regeneration and power gain effects by 50% for 9 seconds.

    New Synergy:

    S.H.I.E.L.D.’S FINEST with Black Widow.
    Hawkeye: Medium attacks have True Strike.
    Black Widow: Special 3 causes a Bleed debuff, dealing X damage over 10 seconds.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★

    Class: Cosmic

    Signature Ability: Thunder God’s Wrath.
    Stunning the opponent causes an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent’s armor by X for 9 seconds (can not stack higher than 3).
    When Thor is stunned, he gains a Fury buff, increasing his attack by X for 9 seconds (this does not stack).
    While charging a heavy attack, Thor inflicts himself with a Shock debuff dealing 0 damage over 10 seconds. Thor can not inflict himself with a Shock debuff if he is already under the effect of a Shock debuff.

    While Thor is under the effect of a Shock debuff, rather than taking damage, he gains 10% of a bar of power every second.
    Thor takes 50% less damage from energy attacks.

    All attacks:
    If the opponent is affected by an Armor Break debuff, critical hits cause a Shock debuff, dealing X damage over 13 seconds.

    Heavy attacks:
    50% chance to cause an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent’s armor by X for 9 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    Stuns the opponent for 3 seconds.
    Thor stuns himself for 0.1 seconds.
    If the opponent is affected by an Armor Break debuff, refreshes all Shock debuffs on the opponent.
    If the opponent is affected by 5 or more Shock debuffs, causes a Concussion debuff, reducing the opponent’s ability accuracy by 90% for 7 seconds.

    New Synergy:

    IF HE BE WORTHY... with Captain America (Classic) and Captain America (Infinity War).
    All #Avengers gain a Fury buff when stunned, increasing their attack by 20% for 9 seconds.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Captain America (Classic)

    Class: Science

    Signature Ability: I Could Do This All Day.
    Captain America’s perfect block chance is increased equal to X% of his missing HP.

    Avengers Assemble:
    Captain America has +5% attack and ability accuracy for each #Avenger on the team (excluding himself).

    While attacking:
    Attacks with his shield (dash attack, 2nd light attack, special attacks) have a 45% chance to cause a Slow debuff, preventing the opponent from evading or becoming unstoppable for 7 seconds.
    If the opponent is affected by a Fatigue debuff, all attacks deal 20% of the damage dealt as direct damage.

    While blocking:
    Captain America has a 40% chance to perfect block.
    +40% chance to perfect block if the attack doesn’t make contact with Captain America.
    Whenever the opponent would land a critical hit, Captain America causes a Fatigue debuff, reducing the opponent’s critical chance by 40% for 15 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    +25% damage for each debuff on the opponent.

    New Synergies (replaces existing synergies):

    UNBREAKABLE with Iron Man.
    Captain America: Bonus from Avengers Assemble is doubled.
    Iron Man: Armor Up reduces the damage of incoming debuffs by 15%.

    DAVID AND GOLIATH with Hulk.
    Captain America: Attack is increased equal to half of his missing HP.
    Hulk: +25% attack while the opponent is stunned.

    HEART OF GOLD with Thor.
    Captain America: Causing a Fatigue debuff also causes an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent’s armor by 20% for 10 seconds (does not stack).
    Thor: 30% chance to perfect block while the opponent is affected by an Armor Break debuff.

    ONE MAN ARMY with Black Widow.
    Captain America: Opponents can not perfect block.
    Black Widow: Precision and Cruelty effects last 3 seconds longer.

    CAN’T SEEM TO MISS with Hawkeye.
    Captain America: Attacks using the shield have True Strike.
    Hawkeye: Debuffs last 2 seconds longer and deal 15% more damage.

    UNITED WE STAND with Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.
    If all champions on the team are #Avengers, all champions gain +10% attack, power gain, critical chance, critical damage, and armor.
  • DjkrdjjDjkrdjj Member Posts: 444 ★★
    Bahamut said:

    I said a month ago that I would post ideas for the original MCU Avengers. Then I didn’t. So here are the other four.

    Black Widow

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability: Assasination
    While above 50% HP: Black Widow strikes with calculated grace, passively reduces her opponent’s ability accuracy by X%, and increasing Black Widow’s power gain by 1% per hit on her combo meter.
    While below 50% HP: Black Widow ignores the pain, and critical hits have an X% chance to purify one debuff on Black Widow.

    Black Widow never loses her head, and is immune to Taunt, Disorient, and Petrify effects.

    While being attacked:
    Black Widow has a 5% chance to evade incoming attacks.

    While attacking:
    Black Widow’s critical chance and damage are increased by 1% for every hit on her combo meter (can not exceed 70%).
    While Black Widow’s combo meter is above 50 hits, critical hits have a 1% chance for every other hit on her combo meter to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
    Opponents gain 30% less power when struck by Black Widow while Precision and Cruelty are active.
    Black Widow can cause critical hits on blocked attacks.

    Heavy attacks (new animation where she shocks her opponent with her taser glove stinger thingamabobs): Causes one Shock debuff for each debuff on the opponent, each dealing X damage over 9 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    Black Widow gains a Precision passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit chance by 25%.
    Black Widow gains a Cruelty passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit damage by 25%.
    Critical hits have a 100% chance to cause a Power Sting debuff for 10 seconds, expiring immediately and dealing X damage when the opponent uses a special attack.

    New Synergy:

    NO POWERS, NO PROBLEM with Hawkeye and Ronin.
    All #Avengers have +50% ability accuracy while they’re not under the effects of a buff.

    Why would she get such a high passive evade chance?
    She doesn’t have powers.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Djkrdjj said:

    Bahamut said:

    I said a month ago that I would post ideas for the original MCU Avengers. Then I didn’t. So here are the other four.

    Black Widow

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability: Assasination
    While above 50% HP: Black Widow strikes with calculated grace, passively reduces her opponent’s ability accuracy by X%, and increasing Black Widow’s power gain by 1% per hit on her combo meter.
    While below 50% HP: Black Widow ignores the pain, and critical hits have an X% chance to purify one debuff on Black Widow.

    Black Widow never loses her head, and is immune to Taunt, Disorient, and Petrify effects.

    While being attacked:
    Black Widow has a 5% chance to evade incoming attacks.

    While attacking:
    Black Widow’s critical chance and damage are increased by 1% for every hit on her combo meter (can not exceed 70%).
    While Black Widow’s combo meter is above 50 hits, critical hits have a 1% chance for every other hit on her combo meter to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
    Opponents gain 30% less power when struck by Black Widow while Precision and Cruelty are active.
    Black Widow can cause critical hits on blocked attacks.

    Heavy attacks (new animation where she shocks her opponent with her taser glove stinger thingamabobs): Causes one Shock debuff for each debuff on the opponent, each dealing X damage over 9 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    Black Widow gains a Precision passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit chance by 25%.
    Black Widow gains a Cruelty passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit damage by 25%.
    Critical hits have a 100% chance to cause a Power Sting debuff for 10 seconds, expiring immediately and dealing X damage when the opponent uses a special attack.

    New Synergy:

    NO POWERS, NO PROBLEM with Hawkeye and Ronin.
    All #Avengers have +50% ability accuracy while they’re not under the effects of a buff.

    Why would she get such a high passive evade chance?
    She doesn’t have powers.
    Actually she does in some versions. They're just relatively minor.

    Like the way Winter Soldier doesn't just have a cybernetic arm; both he and Black Widow are super-soldiers born of different countries and technologies.

    That's how Bucky survived his fall from the train in The First Avenger; and presumably how Natasha survived the missile attack on Zola's Silo in CA:TWS and was fighting fit before the end of the movie. She's not on par with Cap, but she is supposed to have abilities enhanced to peak human or slightly beyond.

    Alternatively: In this game, let's just assume that Iso-8 is the great leveller; enabling Kingpin to Hulk out, Punisher to be Indestructible and Falcon to do what Cap does, just slower.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019
    Some nice ideas there, @Bahamut. I won't critique the lot; this thread being more for the developers to cruise through.

    One thing I'd add is a mechanism for Thor to be more effective against stun immune opponents, the way Masacre is against Incinerate-immune or debuff-immune opponents.

    How about:
    Passive: If an stun effect does not take effect on the opponent due to immunity, they are instead affected by: then developers choice of (a) burst of energy damage, (b) concussion, or (c) Enervate debuff.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109


    In addition to Storm getting a Giant Sized Fastball Special cut scene with others on her original All-New All-Different X-Men team, I think she'd be interesting if Kabam played into some of her other weather powers.
    • Whenever Storm evades with Dexterity she gains a low pressure charge
    • When she reaches 3 low pressure charges her next heavy causes a small tornado to form where she was
    • The tornado persists for 3 seconds and can act as a block to the opponent or continue hitting the opponent if they are not blocking
    • Additionally (and I mentioned this before), when teamed with Iceman and either Loki or Emma Frost, Storm's attacks can inflict Coldsnap and Frostbite like Iceman; Iceman can regenerate 1% health per combo while opponents are under the effects of a cold debuff, and 1% health also returns when Ice armor regenerates; Loki can inflict Coldsnap or Frostbite like Iceman; and Emma use heavy attacks to switch between inflicting either Shock or Frostbite with her specials
    • If Storm is teamed with Loki and either Thor (classic), Thor (Ragnarok) or Thor (Foster), a hammer (Stormcaster) strikes down .5 of a second after she launches a special

    Cyclops (both)

    In addition to Cyke (BT) gaining a First Class team assist dynamic and Cyke (NXS) gaining a Phoenix 5 team assist dynamic, they should also get intercept counters that can add to their optic blasts' counts
    • Whenever Cyclops intercepts an opponent, he gains a passive Tactical Charge that lasts 7 seconds
    • If Cyke lands a heavy within 7 seconds, he locks in that Charge
    • Cyke can store up to 10 tactical charges
    • Cyke consumes up to 2 tactical charges if he fires Sp1, 4 on Sp2 and 6 on Sp3 which add to his hit counter (+2, +4 or +6) dealing additional damage on specials and causing enhanced armor breaks for X seconds
    • During enhanced armor breaks, Cyke's melee hits or follow up Special Attacks cause more damage than his regular armor breaks including decreasing block proficiency on the opponent
    • While Cyke has tactical charges, his combos are not broken unless all charges are consumed by hits
    • Heavy and Special 1 or 2 attacks on Cyke consume 3 charges, Sp3 consumes 5, Medium attacks consume 2 each hit, and Light attacks consume 1 charge
    • Above a combo of 50, Cyke's blasts also cause Stun (since he has a mechanism to protect him from Combo loss, this needs to be sufficiently high)
  • DjkrdjjDjkrdjj Member Posts: 444 ★★

    Djkrdjj said:

    Bahamut said:

    I said a month ago that I would post ideas for the original MCU Avengers. Then I didn’t. So here are the other four.

    Black Widow

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability: Assasination
    While above 50% HP: Black Widow strikes with calculated grace, passively reduces her opponent’s ability accuracy by X%, and increasing Black Widow’s power gain by 1% per hit on her combo meter.
    While below 50% HP: Black Widow ignores the pain, and critical hits have an X% chance to purify one debuff on Black Widow.

    Black Widow never loses her head, and is immune to Taunt, Disorient, and Petrify effects.

    While being attacked:
    Black Widow has a 5% chance to evade incoming attacks.

    While attacking:
    Black Widow’s critical chance and damage are increased by 1% for every hit on her combo meter (can not exceed 70%).
    While Black Widow’s combo meter is above 50 hits, critical hits have a 1% chance for every other hit on her combo meter to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
    Opponents gain 30% less power when struck by Black Widow while Precision and Cruelty are active.
    Black Widow can cause critical hits on blocked attacks.

    Heavy attacks (new animation where she shocks her opponent with her taser glove stinger thingamabobs): Causes one Shock debuff for each debuff on the opponent, each dealing X damage over 9 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    Black Widow gains a Precision passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit chance by 25%.
    Black Widow gains a Cruelty passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit damage by 25%.
    Critical hits have a 100% chance to cause a Power Sting debuff for 10 seconds, expiring immediately and dealing X damage when the opponent uses a special attack.

    New Synergy:

    NO POWERS, NO PROBLEM with Hawkeye and Ronin.
    All #Avengers have +50% ability accuracy while they’re not under the effects of a buff.

    Why would she get such a high passive evade chance?
    She doesn’t have powers.
    Actually she does in some versions. They're just relatively minor.

    Like the way Winter Soldier doesn't just have a cybernetic arm; both he and Black Widow are super-soldiers born of different countries and technologies.

    That's how Bucky survived his fall from the train in The First Avenger; and presumably how Natasha survived the missile attack on Zola's Silo in CA:TWS and was fighting fit before the end of the movie. She's not on par with Cap, but she is supposed to have abilities enhanced to peak human or slightly beyond.

    Alternatively: In this game, let's just assume that Iso-8 is the great leveller; enabling Kingpin to Hulk out, Punisher to be Indestructible and Falcon to do what Cap does, just slower.
    But 5% is higher than stark spideys evade(without the so)
    It should stay 3%
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Djkrdjj said:

    Djkrdjj said:

    Bahamut said:

    I said a month ago that I would post ideas for the original MCU Avengers. Then I didn’t. So here are the other four.

    Black Widow

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability: Assasination
    While above 50% HP: Black Widow strikes with calculated grace, passively reduces her opponent’s ability accuracy by X%, and increasing Black Widow’s power gain by 1% per hit on her combo meter.
    While below 50% HP: Black Widow ignores the pain, and critical hits have an X% chance to purify one debuff on Black Widow.

    Black Widow never loses her head, and is immune to Taunt, Disorient, and Petrify effects.

    While being attacked:
    Black Widow has a 5% chance to evade incoming attacks.

    While attacking:
    Black Widow’s critical chance and damage are increased by 1% for every hit on her combo meter (can not exceed 70%).
    While Black Widow’s combo meter is above 50 hits, critical hits have a 1% chance for every other hit on her combo meter to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
    Opponents gain 30% less power when struck by Black Widow while Precision and Cruelty are active.
    Black Widow can cause critical hits on blocked attacks.

    Heavy attacks (new animation where she shocks her opponent with her taser glove stinger thingamabobs): Causes one Shock debuff for each debuff on the opponent, each dealing X damage over 9 seconds.

    Special attacks:
    Black Widow gains a Precision passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit chance by 25%.
    Black Widow gains a Cruelty passive lasting for 10 seconds and increasing her critical hit damage by 25%.
    Critical hits have a 100% chance to cause a Power Sting debuff for 10 seconds, expiring immediately and dealing X damage when the opponent uses a special attack.

    New Synergy:

    NO POWERS, NO PROBLEM with Hawkeye and Ronin.
    All #Avengers have +50% ability accuracy while they’re not under the effects of a buff.

    Why would she get such a high passive evade chance?
    She doesn’t have powers.
    Actually she does in some versions. They're just relatively minor.

    Like the way Winter Soldier doesn't just have a cybernetic arm; both he and Black Widow are super-soldiers born of different countries and technologies.

    That's how Bucky survived his fall from the train in The First Avenger; and presumably how Natasha survived the missile attack on Zola's Silo in CA:TWS and was fighting fit before the end of the movie. She's not on par with Cap, but she is supposed to have abilities enhanced to peak human or slightly beyond.

    Alternatively: In this game, let's just assume that Iso-8 is the great leveller; enabling Kingpin to Hulk out, Punisher to be Indestructible and Falcon to do what Cap does, just slower.
    But 5% is higher than stark spideys evade(without the so)
    It should stay 3%
    So what if Stark Spidey has a base evasion chance of 3%? Sparky is not supposed to be the best evader in the game. Sparky is a school-kid still learning to use his powers. Widow has a lifetime of experience.

    • Spiderman (Classic) has 0% chance to evade until he's Awakened - this is a travesty that really should be changed.
    • Spiderman (Symbiote) also has 0% chance to evade until he's Awakened - this is a travesty that really should be changed.
    • Spider-Gwen has 7% per charge, and charges climb relentlessly up through the fight.
    • Miles Morales (poor Miles) has 7% per charge, and charges climb relentlessly down through the fight.
    • Nightcrawler has a base 22% chance to evade.
    • And if you want a close (skill) comparison to Widow; Moon Knight has a base 5% during the New Moon. That's still better than Sparky (apart from Specials)
  • Dev1894Dev1894 Member Posts: 4
    I am not sure weather it is correct forum to request.. Please do introduce the original punisher in normal 3 star and above cristal as it is very difficult to get it from present available cristal.. So please think of it
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