Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★

    Thi101 said:

    Raa said:

    Iron Fist and Cyclops. Cyclops has been underpowered long enough, dude is omega level. Only the comics really do him justice. Tired of seeing him being ridiculed in this game and x-men movies.

    According to the official Omega Level Mutants list, the only Omega mutants on the contest are Magneto and Storm
    So are iceman and jean
    Oh right, i forgot about those.
    Still, Cyclops is not a Omega Level Mutant
  • PoorlyMadePoorlyMade Member Posts: 58
    Thi101 said:

    Raa said:

    Iron Fist and Cyclops. Cyclops has been underpowered long enough, dude is omega level. Only the comics really do him justice. Tired of seeing him being ridiculed in this game and x-men movies.

    According to the official Omega Level Mutants list, the only Omega mutants on the contest are Magneto and Storm
    Also Iceman and Jean
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Thi101 said:

    Thi101 said:

    Raa said:

    Iron Fist and Cyclops. Cyclops has been underpowered long enough, dude is omega level. Only the comics really do him justice. Tired of seeing him being ridiculed in this game and x-men movies.

    According to the official Omega Level Mutants list, the only Omega mutants on the contest are Magneto and Storm
    So are iceman and jean
    Oh right, i forgot about those.
    Still, Cyclops is not a Omega Level Mutant
    No demerits to ya, mate. But that brings up a great point, jean deserves a buff too
  • KLBanks1980KLBanks1980 Member Posts: 11
    We should be able to use gold to purchase items and crystals am I wrong to say that
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    DAREDEVIL (née Netflix)

    How can I possibly justify the need for a Daredevil rework? Well, how much is he even used? How many people have Daredevil at 5/65? Or even 5/50?
    His damage is pretty modest; and he's dependent on stunning opponents to boost it with armour breaks. But he's not super-strong: why the constant armour breaks? Daredevil's kit should be based around crits and bypassing armour, rather than breaking it. Also, the need to stun in order to armour break makes him pretty ineffective if the opponent can resist stun, shrug off debuffs, has Masochism, etc.

    As for his Sig ability: well, as a (prototype) response to debuffs, World on Fire is almost absurdly out-performed by countless other champions released since - Crossbones, Killmonger, Kingpin, Agent Venom, Night Thrasher, Elsa Bloodstone... It's weak, it doesn't last long, and it doesn't even get rid of the debuff!
    What about his body armour? Fairly important as a plotline of the Netflix series, why is Daredevils armour so much less useful than that of similarly old champs like Punisher and Gambit. Even Karnak has higher Physical Resistance, using just his skin...
    What's the main thing that needs to change? Well any time he's turned up as a boss at the end of a quest, he seems to have had that node increasing his Evade chance to 100%. Maybe that's a clue...

    Normally I don't advocate for animation changes, but I'd like just one here, for the heavy attack: change his current head-over-heels flip-kick to a spinning circle-kick animation borrowed from Gamora/Storm/Magik. It would definitely suit his fighting style better than any of the female champs who have it currently. Anyway, here's my attempt to redevelop him:


    Signature - World on Fire:

    Matt's determination only rises as his opponents try to bring him down. Any time opponents afflict him with a debuff or when he is struck for more than 5% of his base health, he gains a determination counter. He also gains two counters any time he uses an SP3.
    Determination counters are permanent and stack up to 20*; but do not persist between fights. Each counter generates the following benefits:
    • Increase his Projectile Evade chance by a flat 3*%
    • Increase Critical rating by 40*
    • Increase block proficiency by 40*
    *Rises with Sig level
    The actual max number of counters rises with Sig level; limiting the benefits at low Sig. Time to use some of those Sig stones!

    Passive: Armour - Mr Potter's amazing armour can deflect knives and bullets, providing the following benefits:
    • Baseline Physical resistance of 450
    • The micromesh Kevlar armour reduces the Ability Accuracy of armour break and bleed effects by -40%
    Heightened Senses
    • Perfect Block 25%
    • Daredevil has a base chance to Evade projectile attacks of 18%
    • Without eyesight, Daredevil is unaffected by Invisibility or Decoy Effects
    • If the opponent has Critical Resistance, Daredevil reduces it's potency by 50%
    • Able to detect weak spots in his opponents armour, Daredevil has +150 Armour Penetration. When his opponent is stunned, this rises to +450.
    Special Attacks
    Special Attacks benefit from an additional +500 Armour Penetration, and Critical Hits stun opponents for 2.5 seconds.
    • SP1 - +750 Critical Rating.
    • SP2 - +1500 Critical Rating.
    • SP3 - Has an 80% chance to Stun for 2.5 seconds. Grants a Sensory buff for ten seconds: This buff increases the potency of his Heightened Senses abilities by 50%.
    Electra - Devils of Hell's Kitchen (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    Well-timed blocks grant Daredevil or Electra Cruelty buffs adding +500 Critical Damage rating for nine seconds.
    Classic Daredevil - The same, but different (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Netflix Daredevil starts the fight with 5 Determination passives.
    • Whenever classic Daredevil is inflicted with a debuff, he gains +10% of his total Power.
    Punisher - Never say die (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Punisher: When he is at or below 5% health, Punisher passively gains +50% Attack.
    • Daredevil: When below 30% Health, Daredevil gains a permanent Cruelty buff adding +300 Critical Damage rating.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Raa said:

    Iron Fist and Cyclops. Cyclops has been underpowered long enough, dude is omega level. Only the comics really do him justice. Tired of seeing him being ridiculed in this game and x-men movies.

    He's not omega-level; but he should be a lot more awesome; and he was pretty bad in the movies. (Just one decent scene, fighting Lady Deathstrike).

    I've done a couple of Cyke reworks, some time back, if you're interested.

    Red cyclops
    Blue cyclops (went a bit off-piste with this one...)
  • PoorlyMadePoorlyMade Member Posts: 58

    Cyclops (New Xavier School)

    I know this is wishful thinking, but my mental image of Cyclops is someone who can do this:


    Unfortunately in MCOC, Cyke is a bit - meh! Okay but nothing special. Underwhelming.

    This is an attempt to rework Cyclops Red into a character who can actually be a bit more interesting to play with; and achieve a bit more; in the spirit of rewarding careful gameplay. He's a bit inspired by amalgamating CAIW and Sentinel (and Aegon turned up whilst I was drafting this!), trying to design a strategic and insightful champion who gets stronger (but not unstoppably so) as the fight progresses, if played effectively. No 'persistent' effect because the concept is that Cyke is developing new strategies with each fight.

    In Cyke's case, almost all the benefits accrue to his optic blast attacks; so he remains vulnerable to power control, evasion champs, and to being beaten down with raw Damage or DoT effects; so although the benefits stack up, he will be far from unbeatable, and won't suddenly soar into the God-Tier:


    Cyclops gains and loses strategy counters during a fight:

    +4 When he makes a well-timed block

    +4 When he intercepts a dash attack

    +4 When he evades an attack using Dexterity.

    +2 Every ten hits in his combo

    +2 When he Armour Breaks an opponent

    Strategy is lost when Cyclops is stunned (-10), dazed/concussed (-5, plus gain Strategy at half rate whilst affected) or hit with a Special-3 (-10).

    Strategy grants the following bonuses. Greater bonuses replace those at lower levels:

    Beam attacks reduce the opponent's block proficiency by 40 per point of Strategy

    10: +15% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    20: +30% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    +20% Ability Accuracy and debuff duration on Specials

    Opponents suffer -25% chance to Autoblock Beam attacks

    30: +60% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    Opponents suffer -45% chance to Autoblock Beam attacks

    40: +90% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    - Opponents suffer -65% chance to Autoblock Special attacks

    50: +40% Ability Accuracy and debuff durations on Specials

    - Opponents suffer -100% chance to Autoblock Special attacks

    Signature ability:

    Cyke starts the match with up to ten* Strategy; plus he unlocks the following additional effects:

    Blocking: Cyclops gains up to +50* block proficiency per Strategy counter (max +2500 bonus).

    Strategy of 40: Beam attacks are Unblockable

    * scales with Sig. A 2500 bonus may sound high, but this will take a lot of work; at max boost will still only bring his block proficiency up on par with champions like Captain America, and only lasts during that single fight.


    SP1 - +800 Critical Rating

    60% chance to armour break (moderate effect and 7s duration)

    SP2 - +1500 critical rating

    70% chance to armour break (strong effect, 9s duration)

    - 60% chance to Stun for 2 seconds

    SP3 - 60% chance to inflict each of two stacks of Armour break (modest effect, 10-second duration)

    - 70% chance to inflict passive effects of Exhaustion, Weakness, and Armour Break (modest effect, but 20-second duration)

    So I was looking at this and I though came to mind. This becomes Blue team cyclops and the New Xavier School gets turned into Phoenix 5 Cyclops and in a event they Release Phoenix Magik and Colossus (Emma and Namor don't need alts since they are recent)
    (I will make a Phoenix 5 cyclops later)
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★

    Cyclops (New Xavier School)

    I know this is wishful thinking, but my mental image of Cyclops is someone who can do this:


    Unfortunately in MCOC, Cyke is a bit - meh! Okay but nothing special. Underwhelming.

    This is an attempt to rework Cyclops Red into a character who can actually be a bit more interesting to play with; and achieve a bit more; in the spirit of rewarding careful gameplay. He's a bit inspired by amalgamating CAIW and Sentinel (and Aegon turned up whilst I was drafting this!), trying to design a strategic and insightful champion who gets stronger (but not unstoppably so) as the fight progresses, if played effectively. No 'persistent' effect because the concept is that Cyke is developing new strategies with each fight.

    In Cyke's case, almost all the benefits accrue to his optic blast attacks; so he remains vulnerable to power control, evasion champs, and to being beaten down with raw Damage or DoT effects; so although the benefits stack up, he will be far from unbeatable, and won't suddenly soar into the God-Tier:


    Cyclops gains and loses strategy counters during a fight:

    +4 When he makes a well-timed block

    +4 When he intercepts a dash attack

    +4 When he evades an attack using Dexterity.

    +2 Every ten hits in his combo

    +2 When he Armour Breaks an opponent

    Strategy is lost when Cyclops is stunned (-10), dazed/concussed (-5, plus gain Strategy at half rate whilst affected) or hit with a Special-3 (-10).

    Strategy grants the following bonuses. Greater bonuses replace those at lower levels:

    Beam attacks reduce the opponent's block proficiency by 40 per point of Strategy

    10: +15% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    20: +30% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    +20% Ability Accuracy and debuff duration on Specials

    Opponents suffer -25% chance to Autoblock Beam attacks

    30: +60% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    Opponents suffer -45% chance to Autoblock Beam attacks

    40: +90% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks

    - Opponents suffer -65% chance to Autoblock Special attacks

    50: +40% Ability Accuracy and debuff durations on Specials

    - Opponents suffer -100% chance to Autoblock Special attacks

    Signature ability:

    Cyke starts the match with up to ten* Strategy; plus he unlocks the following additional effects:

    Blocking: Cyclops gains up to +50* block proficiency per Strategy counter (max +2500 bonus).

    Strategy of 40: Beam attacks are Unblockable

    * scales with Sig. A 2500 bonus may sound high, but this will take a lot of work; at max boost will still only bring his block proficiency up on par with champions like Captain America, and only lasts during that single fight.


    SP1 - +800 Critical Rating

    60% chance to armour break (moderate effect and 7s duration)

    SP2 - +1500 critical rating

    70% chance to armour break (strong effect, 9s duration)

    - 60% chance to Stun for 2 seconds

    SP3 - 60% chance to inflict each of two stacks of Armour break (modest effect, 10-second duration)

    - 70% chance to inflict passive effects of Exhaustion, Weakness, and Armour Break (modest effect, but 20-second duration)

    So I was looking at this and I though came to mind. This becomes Blue team cyclops and the New Xavier School gets turned into Phoenix 5 Cyclops and in a event they Release Phoenix Magik and Colossus (Emma and Namor don't need alts since they are recent)
    (I will make a Phoenix 5 cyclops later)
    Glad it sparked a bit of inspiration. I look forward to your P5 Cyclops.
  • AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★
    Hello everyone, no matter how sad it may sound, for some reason it seems to me that people are wasting their time in this thread ...

    Already 27 pages, I see a lot of great ideas, but Kabam according to their ideas and not according to the ideas of players. For exemple: They already buffed like 6-7 champions and not a single idea of ​​27 pages was taken.

    People here have great ideas and fantasies and they describe in detail their ideas for each character, but it is a waste of time if Kabam follow their own ideas for buffing champions.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Agresssor said:

    Hello everyone, no matter how sad it may sound, for some reason it seems to me that people are wasting their time in this thread ...

    Already 27 pages, I see a lot of great ideas, but Kabam according to their ideas and not according to the ideas of players. For exemple: They already buffed like 6-7 champions and not a single idea of ​​27 pages was taken.

    People here have great ideas and fantasies and they describe in detail their ideas for each character, but it is a waste of time if Kabam follow their own ideas for buffing champions.

    Agree to disagree, @Agresssor, I'm fairly certain the new Disorient debuff originated from this thread. How? Because I suggested it way back in January:

    Name: M.O.D.O.K.

    Which features or abilities I don't like:

    - you just don't know what flux is active so you can't make full advantage of them, ruining any tactics.

    - his block proficiency is so low that it impairs sustainability.

    - the final attack of a combo: it is a nice animation and it just feels like it should do something.

    - the sp1 is nice, but unless you're fighting a Regen or Power Gain champ, it has no use.

    - the sp2 bleed effects deal the exact same damage as the Incinerates from the heavy.

    - the sig ability is plain useless, M.O.D.O.K. isn't the champion for questing. I however would keep the block proficiency boost, as low as it is.


    - Visualise the flux with a passive buff which effect is active and for how long.

    - I would beef block proficiency up to like 40% damage reduction, not too much but more noticeable.

    - I suggest giving the final hit a Weakness debuff or like an unique 'Disorient' debuff that combines the effects of Daze and Concussion.

    - Maybe either beefing up sp1 damage by making it True Damage or giving it Incinerate debuffs.

    - Boost the effects.

    - Boost the sp2 bleed damage.

    To be fair: it would be good if Kabam gave credit its due and stated the idea came from the player base. I didn't even need to be personal credit, just to signal whatever we suggest here is really read and is used as an inspiration for new champions.
  • AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★

    Agresssor said:

    Hello everyone, no matter how sad it may sound, for some reason it seems to me that people are wasting their time in this thread ...

    Already 27 pages, I see a lot of great ideas, but Kabam according to their ideas and not according to the ideas of players. For exemple: They already buffed like 6-7 champions and not a single idea of ​​27 pages was taken.

    People here have great ideas and fantasies and they describe in detail their ideas for each character, but it is a waste of time if Kabam follow their own ideas for buffing champions.

    Agree to disagree, @Agresssor, I'm fairly certain the new Disorient debuff originated from this thread. How? Because I suggested it way back in January:

    Name: M.O.D.O.K.

    Which features or abilities I don't like:

    - you just don't know what flux is active so you can't make full advantage of them, ruining any tactics.

    - his block proficiency is so low that it impairs sustainability.

    - the final attack of a combo: it is a nice animation and it just feels like it should do something.

    - the sp1 is nice, but unless you're fighting a Regen or Power Gain champ, it has no use.

    - the sp2 bleed effects deal the exact same damage as the Incinerates from the heavy.

    - the sig ability is plain useless, M.O.D.O.K. isn't the champion for questing. I however would keep the block proficiency boost, as low as it is.


    - Visualise the flux with a passive buff which effect is active and for how long.

    - I would beef block proficiency up to like 40% damage reduction, not too much but more noticeable.

    - I suggest giving the final hit a Weakness debuff or like an unique 'Disorient' debuff that combines the effects of Daze and Concussion.

    - Maybe either beefing up sp1 damage by making it True Damage or giving it Incinerate debuffs.

    - Boost the effects.

    - Boost the sp2 bleed damage.

    To be fair: it would be good if Kabam gave credit its due and stated the idea came from the player base. I didn't even need to be personal credit, just to signal whatever we suggest here is really read and is used as an inspiration for new champions.
    Maybe I'm wrong, but even if they took one debuff " Disorient " from 27 pages, it's not enough...even taking into the fact, this debuff was given to a new character and not to the old. I mean Night Trasher.
    If they work the same way they won’t go far.
    There are a lot of ideas that have remained without attention.
    Sorry for my english.
  • AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★

    Yaka Arrow Hits:

    30% chance to poke holes in fleshy targets, making them Bleed for 1159 Damage over 7 seconds.
    If the target is immune to Bleed, they suffer a -444 Armor Break for 7 seconds instead.
    +424 Armor and Block Penetration.
    The strength and precision of Yondu’s Yaka Arrow allow it to trigger Critical Hits and Abilities through an enemy Block.
    All Attacks:

    * Yondu has a 30% chance to steal the target’s Armor buff, Physical Resistance buff, Energy Resistance buff, which he might be able to trade for buff later.

    * 50% Chance to gain a Cruelty buff increasing his Critical Damage Rating by 1000 for 7 seconds
    * 50% Chance to gain a Fury buff increasing his Attack by 878.25 for 7 seconds.


    Heavy Attack:

    * +50% Offensive Ability Accuracy for this attack.

    * Charging a Heavy Attack for 1 second grants a Precision Buff, increasing Critical Rating by 857.14 for 7 seconds.
    * This Precision provides 857.14 additional Critical Rating for each Debuff on the opponent.


    Special Attack 1: Quick Draw – One whistle, and Yondu’s Yaka arrow pokes a hole right through you. Don’t wait for the second whistle.

    * +100% Offensive Ability Accuracy for this attack.
    * 100% chance to Heal Block for 10 seconds. If the target is Regenerating, inflict Heal Block for 20 seconds.


    Special Attack 2: A Little Help From My Friends – A strafing run from a Ravager M-Ship peppers the arena with Yondu’s secret spice mix.

    * +848 Block Penetration
    * +261 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x10

    Persistent Charges:

    Gains 1 persistent charge for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: 10.

    * Special Attack 2: Generate 10% less Power in the target for each persistent charge. Max: -100%.

    * 1 Persistent charge or more:
    * Special Attack 2: Severely damaged by the Yaka Arrow, enemies are unable to trigger abilities during their next Special Attack.
    * 3 Persistent charges or more:
    Special Attack 2: Yondu gains True Strike Buff during this attack.
    * 5 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: This attack has 100% critical hit chance
    * 7 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: 100% Chance to be Unblockable.

    Signature Ability – Centaurian Archery: When Yondu activating a Special Attack Yondu gains a 5%-10% power for each Debuff the enemies suffering at the time of the activation.

    For All His Abilities The Numbers Can Be Changed.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019

    I get what you're saying; but the point is: this is a thread primarily for us Summoners to talk to each other; it isn't a direct line to Kabam's developers.

    It keeps the forums a bit tidier (instead of there being constant threads of ideas; which there used to be); and sometimes we give each other a bit of feedback. From Kabam's perspective, it's a place they know they can look at for ideas if they want to, rather than just combing the entire Suggestion thread. The reality is they probably don't particularly plan to; but who knows: wait for the Colossus and OML buff, then come back and look at the Colossus/OML suggestions.

    It's always nice when the mods comment; but in their position, we can't expect them to say 'Wow, nice idea @Colonaut123; we'll definitely pass that to the team", as that's not their role in the Kaban team.

    Think of it as a mini forum-within-the-forums, where some of us enjoy playing with ideas. Even if they're unlikely to ever happen. 😢.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Well, @Magrailothos, as I said earlier: I don't expect personal credit. But I do expect Kabam to admit they took inspiration from the player community. That's not only the most honest thing to do but also inspires the community to do more. Now, nobody really feels motivated (except folks like the two of us) to put time and effort into decent reworks.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019

    Well, @Magrailothos, as I said earlier: I don't expect personal credit. But I do expect Kabam to admit they took inspiration from the player community. That's not only the most honest thing to do but also inspires the community to do more. Now, nobody really feels motivated (except folks like the two of us) to put time and effort into decent reworks.

    Oh, sorry. I didn't mean that to sound critical, I was just referencing you so you'd see my response!

    I can see how that might have sounded passive-aggressive; but I'd honestly forgotten the 'disorient' part of the conversation. My apologies.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Agresssor said:


    Yaka Arrow Hits:

    30% chance to poke holes in fleshy targets, making them Bleed for 1159 Damage over 7 seconds.
    If the target is immune to Bleed, they suffer a -444 Armor Break for 7 seconds instead.
    +424 Armor and Block Penetration.
    The strength and precision of Yondu’s Yaka Arrow allow it to trigger Critical Hits and Abilities through an enemy Block.
    All Attacks:

    * Yondu has a 30% chance to steal the target’s Armor buff, Physical Resistance buff, Energy Resistance buff, which he might be able to trade for buff later.

    * 50% Chance to gain a Cruelty buff increasing his Critical Damage Rating by 1000 for 7 seconds
    * 50% Chance to gain a Fury buff increasing his Attack by 878.25 for 7 seconds.


    Heavy Attack:

    * +50% Offensive Ability Accuracy for this attack.

    * Charging a Heavy Attack for 1 second grants a Precision Buff, increasing Critical Rating by 857.14 for 7 seconds.
    * This Precision provides 857.14 additional Critical Rating for each Debuff on the opponent.


    Special Attack 1: Quick Draw – One whistle, and Yondu’s Yaka arrow pokes a hole right through you. Don’t wait for the second whistle.

    * +100% Offensive Ability Accuracy for this attack.
    * 100% chance to Heal Block for 10 seconds. If the target is Regenerating, inflict Heal Block for 20 seconds.


    Special Attack 2: A Little Help From My Friends – A strafing run from a Ravager M-Ship peppers the arena with Yondu’s secret spice mix.

    * +848 Block Penetration
    * +261 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x10

    Persistent Charges:

    Gains 1 persistent charge for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: 10.

    * Special Attack 2: Generate 10% less Power in the target for each persistent charge. Max: -100%.

    * 1 Persistent charge or more:
    * Special Attack 2: Severely damaged by the Yaka Arrow, enemies are unable to trigger abilities during their next Special Attack.
    * 3 Persistent charges or more:
    Special Attack 2: Yondu gains True Strike Buff during this attack.
    * 5 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: This attack has 100% critical hit chance
    * 7 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: 100% Chance to be Unblockable.

    Signature Ability – Centaurian Archery: When Yondu activating a Special Attack Yondu gains a 5%-10% power for each Debuff the enemies suffering at the time of the activation.

    For All His Abilities The Numbers Can Be Changed.

    Haha I was thinking of making a Yondu rework myself as well, but you did a pretty good job (although I'm not sure what base you used for your numbers, 4* 5/50 if I'm correct?).

    I definitely agree he should have a higher chance of stealing AU buffs and I like the adding of Resistances, but I would expand it to all Armor, Armor Up and Resistance status effects (buffs and passives). There are many champions who have no longer Armor Up buffs but act as Armor Up (IMIW, Killmonger) and it would be nice if Yondu could steal them to. But instead of requiring to attack to steal, I would rather have he steals it upon triggering (and maybe increase the chance to like 60%).

    This ties to my second suggestion: just let him inflict both Bleed and Armor Break, regardless of immunity. If stealing the status effect would fail, you could fall back to the Armor Break. It would let him generate more debuffs more rapidly, which benefits his other abilities.

    It is coincidental, but I was thinking about giving him a persistent charge mechanic. Mine was mostly based on him stealing Armor and Armor Up, but I guess the special attacks are more common to all champions. Maybe it would be nice to have both.

    Nice idea to give him a debuff-dependent Precision passive when charging a heavy, that really fits into his character. But that would devalue the precision buff he gets from the sp3... It would be nice if the precision passive gave the same amount as the current sp3 precision buff, and like +25% per debuff. I think +100% is way too much.

    50% chance to get Fury AND Cruelty on all attacks? That's really OP, certainly with the numbers you gave.

    I agree the SP2 needs to deal more damage per sp activated but it doesn't need to generate less power, he already has that as a permanent ability on all attacks. Maybe simply copy that so 5 x -10% + 5 x -10% = -100%? It might need a rebalance though, if he can Bleed and AB at the same time.

    I would let him have up to 15 persistent charges, the same amount as the increased damage of the SP2. I like the suggested effects he has, but why stop only the SP2? It should definitely be all special attacks. And the first effect I would change into a disorient debuff.

    He definitely should need effects at 9, 12 and 15. Perhaps 9 should be a power lock, 12 power drain and 15 power steal. I'm not going to stick numbers, just as general idea. Maybe reshuffle a bit (the unblockable is more appropriate at 12 or 15).

    Not convinced of your sig. It's nice, but it adds nothing to his gameplay. It would be better if he had a Taunt, so you can get more special attacks (and thus easier persistent charges). Like, every time he activates a special attack he inflicts Taunt for 5 seconds, increasing the sp trigger chance by 20-40% and reducing attack rating by 15-30% per debuff (there needs to be a cap of like 80%-90%).

    The SP3 should have the ability to inflict up to 3 debuffs from this list: armor shatter, extra long bleed, disorient, power leak and taunt.

  • AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★
    Thanks for your opinion! I will wait for your idea about improving Yondu!

    " 50% chance to get Fury AND Cruelty on all attacks? That's really OP, certainly with the numbers you gave. "

    * Yondu has a 30% chance to steal the target’s Armor buff, Physical Resistance buff, Energy Resistance buff, which he might be able to trade for buff later.

    * 50% Chance to gain a Cruelty buff increasing his Critical Damage Rating by 1000 for 7 seconds
    * 50% Chance to gain a Fury buff increasing his Attack by 878.25 for 7 seconds.

    For exemple: 30% chance to steal target's Armor buff, Physical Resistance buff, Energy Resistance buff and trade those buffs for a Fury or Cruelty buff randomly ( 50 - 50% ). So, it's a 30% chance.

    " I agree the SP2 needs to deal more damage per sp activated but it doesn't need to generate less power, he already has that as a permanent ability on all attacks. Maybe simply copy that so 5 x -10% + 5 x -10% = -100%? It might need a rebalance though, if he can Bleed and AB at the same time. "

    Yes, he already has that ability, for each debuff oponent generete less power max -50% but i dont know if it's work for special attack's. It's like same Magic ability. 1 persistent charge - 10% less power. 5 - 50% and 10 persistent charges -100%. This is only for special attack 2. For exemple: if you do your Special Attack 2 with 10 persistent charges oponnent gains 0 power.

    " I would let him have up to 15 persistent charges, the same amount as the increased damage of the SP2. I like the suggested effects he has, but why stop only the SP2? It should definitely be all special attacks. And the first effect I would change into a disorient debuff. "

    15 it's to long... +174 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x15 = Total 174x15=2610
    So, better is 261x10= 2610. Same amount of damage.

    " Nice idea to give him a debuff-dependent Precision passive when charging a heavy, that really fits into his character. But that would devalue the precision buff he gets from the sp3... It would be nice if the precision passive gave the same amount as the current sp3 precision buff, and like +25% per debuff. I think +100% is way too much. "

    Mister Sinister had the same ability in his heavy attack.

    * Charging a Heavy Attack for 1 second grants a Precision Buff, increasing Critical Rating by 857.14 for 7 seconds.
    * This Precision provides 857.14 additional Critical Rating for each Debuff on the opponent.

    For exemple: Yondu 's yaka arrow: 35% chance to poke holes in fleshy targets, making them Bleed.
    if the opponent has 2-3 stacks of debuff + parry debuff, you will gain a precision buff for each debuff.
    For exemple 2 bleed stack's and a parry (stun debuff) + Charging a Heavy Attack for 1 second grants a Precision Buff, increasing Critical Rating by 2571 for 7 seconds.

    And for his Special Attack 3 I replaced his precision buff with a strong armor break effect

    100% chance to Armor Break, removing enemy Armor and applying a 5400 Armor reduction for 14 seconds.
    When this effect expires, it has a 100% chance to consume 1 Bleed off the opponent to re-apply itself.

    ( I just forgot to write )

    " He definitely should need effects at 9, 12 and 15. Perhaps 9 should be a power lock, 12 power drain and 15 power steal. I'm not going to stick numbers, just as general idea. Maybe reshuffle a bit (the unblockable is more appropriate at 12 or 15). "

    If you have enough imagination then yes :smiley:

    * 1 Persistent charge or more:
    * Special Attack 2: Severely damaged by the Yaka Arrow, enemies are unable to trigger abilities during their next Special Attack.
    * 3 Persistent charges or more:
    Special Attack 2: Yondu gains True Strike Buff during this attack.
    * 5 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: This attack has 100% critical hit chance
    * 7 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: 100% Chance to be Unblockable.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Agresssor said:

    Thanks for your opinion! I will wait for your idea about improving Yondu!

    " 50% chance to get Fury AND Cruelty on all attacks? That's really OP, certainly with the numbers you gave. "

    * Yondu has a 30% chance to steal the target’s Armor buff, Physical Resistance buff, Energy Resistance buff, which he might be able to trade for buff later.

    * 50% Chance to gain a Cruelty buff increasing his Critical Damage Rating by 1000 for 7 seconds
    * 50% Chance to gain a Fury buff increasing his Attack by 878.25 for 7 seconds.

    For exemple: 30% chance to steal target's Armor buff, Physical Resistance buff, Energy Resistance buff and trade those buffs for a Fury or Cruelty buff randomly ( 50 - 50% ). So, it's a 30% chance.

    " I agree the SP2 needs to deal more damage per sp activated but it doesn't need to generate less power, he already has that as a permanent ability on all attacks. Maybe simply copy that so 5 x -10% + 5 x -10% = -100%? It might need a rebalance though, if he can Bleed and AB at the same time. "

    Yes, he already has that ability, for each debuff oponent generete less power max -50% but i dont know if it's work for special attack's. It's like same Magic ability. 1 persistent charge - 10% less power. 5 - 50% and 10 persistent charges -100%. This is only for special attack 2. For exemple: if you do your Special Attack 2 with 10 persistent charges oponnent gains 0 power.

    " I would let him have up to 15 persistent charges, the same amount as the increased damage of the SP2. I like the suggested effects he has, but why stop only the SP2? It should definitely be all special attacks. And the first effect I would change into a disorient debuff. "

    15 it's to long... +174 Attack for each Special Attack activated by the enemy this fight. Max: x15 = Total 174x15=2610
    So, better is 261x10= 2610. Same amount of damage.

    " Nice idea to give him a debuff-dependent Precision passive when charging a heavy, that really fits into his character. But that would devalue the precision buff he gets from the sp3... It would be nice if the precision passive gave the same amount as the current sp3 precision buff, and like +25% per debuff. I think +100% is way too much. "

    Mister Sinister had the same ability in his heavy attack.

    * Charging a Heavy Attack for 1 second grants a Precision Buff, increasing Critical Rating by 857.14 for 7 seconds.
    * This Precision provides 857.14 additional Critical Rating for each Debuff on the opponent.

    For exemple: Yondu 's yaka arrow: 35% chance to poke holes in fleshy targets, making them Bleed.
    if the opponent has 2-3 stacks of debuff + parry debuff, you will gain a precision buff for each debuff.
    For exemple 2 bleed stack's and a parry (stun debuff) + Charging a Heavy Attack for 1 second grants a Precision Buff, increasing Critical Rating by 2571 for 7 seconds.

    And for his Special Attack 3 I replaced his precision buff with a strong armor break effect

    100% chance to Armor Break, removing enemy Armor and applying a 5400 Armor reduction for 14 seconds.
    When this effect expires, it has a 100% chance to consume 1 Bleed off the opponent to re-apply itself.

    ( I just forgot to write )

    " He definitely should need effects at 9, 12 and 15. Perhaps 9 should be a power lock, 12 power drain and 15 power steal. I'm not going to stick numbers, just as general idea. Maybe reshuffle a bit (the unblockable is more appropriate at 12 or 15). "

    If you have enough imagination then yes :smiley:

    * 1 Persistent charge or more:
    * Special Attack 2: Severely damaged by the Yaka Arrow, enemies are unable to trigger abilities during their next Special Attack.
    * 3 Persistent charges or more:
    Special Attack 2: Yondu gains True Strike Buff during this attack.
    * 5 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: This attack has 100% critical hit chance
    * 7 Persistent charges or more:
    * Special Attack 2: 100% Chance to be Unblockable.


    I don't think I would add much and your suggestion is very similar to mine.

    Ah, that wasn't clear to me. I think trading the AU and resistances into persistent charges would be better. It would make getting 15 charges possible. If necessary, have the sig transfer the persistent charges to next fights.

    Yondu has a lot more debuffs than Sinister, so it would be more balanced to tone down the crit rating increase for Yondu.

    Mistakes happen. I'm not entirely convinced though, you give a strong motivation to use the SP2, that effect wouldn't even be close to use the SP3. If he would inflict multiple debuffs and Fury/Cruelty buffs, it would be nice.

    Do you have some ideas of unique synergies? With SL perhaps?
  • NotimeforgamesNotimeforgames Member Posts: 3
    The OG avengers need a reboot, they've been left behind in the current game. #BuffIronMan should be the next buff 100%.

    After that the next buff should be ...

    #BuffHulk needs an update badly, old abilities that are a poor reflection of who hulk should be in the game. He is the last hulk remaining other than fixit who needs some serious love. I would give him stronger furies, an angry hulk mechanic similar to the champion primal mechanic or even stacks like red hulk. He needs a regeneration ability and more utility than just stun. give him a mechanic to power control and armor break as well as regent and stronger furies. Some new synergies would be amazing too allowing him the chance as unstoppable and unblockable like hulk ragnorok.

    Don't let the sun go down on the "strongest avenger"

    I would also love see another chunky boi get buffed ...


    He is currently a laughable champion, below average use as a defender awakened only. Other than this he has absolutely no usefulness in the current state of the game. He is sadly the ultimate bench warmer. His unstoppable mechanic is alright. Add the unstoppable mechanic that rhino has, keep the nullify ability, add stronger a stronger fury, and add in a stun, a reduced stun duration for jugs, power gain mechanic, and an immunity to mental attacks.

    Give this jug the milk so he can get big and strong and bash some walls.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    I agree about Hulk in a sense that if he got a regeneration ability that he could start to do a few of the things you talk about without just giving him stronger furies, unstoppable, etc. We don't want to over-buff champs just because others are awesome. I think it all works out if Hulk gets stronger as he loses health, heals and keeps the added base and fury strength, and then can lose more health to get even stronger furies and base hit power (being stunned would reset his attack rating to base levels). Now that would make Hulk a damage ramp up champ that works slightly different to many of the others AND it would feed into the typical mantra that "Hulk is the strongest there is" if he can match just slightly over the damage potential of the others like Star Lord, Loki, Ægon, etc.

    Regarding Juggernaut, adding dash unstoppable to his special unstoppable may be a bit too much (especially to fight against while node boosts are also beefing him up), however, he too would benefit from a damage ramp up ability like the following:
    1. When Juggernaut's opponent has a stagger and he is unstoppable after a special, landing a heavy attack indefinitely adds a Destruction Edict charge
    2. Each charge gives Juggernaut a temporary fury attack boost
    3. 8 such charges convert into an Octessence Challenge buff that makes his attack rating and physical resistance boost permanently.
    4. If not made passive and nullified by any champ type other than science, Destruction Edicts convert from attack boosts to power gain to keep him a bit scarier to defend against or start back his process for gaining charges faster.

    Similarly, keep the slight difference between Colossus and Unstoppable Colossus's move set but give UC a buff too (different from Juggernaut) and a new Synergy that makes both Col and UC part of a Phoenix 5 set up.

    The Buff
    If UC launches a special while either fury or armor ups are active, convert up to 3 of each type into a passive Osmium Rage or Osmium Shell charge. These increase the frequency and potency of future regular furies and armor plus give some base increase in attack and resistance.

    The Phoenix 5 synergy (with Cyclops NXS, Magik, Emma Frost, Namor, and UC or Col)
    The presence of each gives the others a one off flare of Precision, Limbo, Prowess, Power retention for repeated specials, and Unstoppable. Each time one of these abilities flare they give a Phoenix Charge that builds up Furies. Unlike Phoenix herself, these max at 5 instead of 10 once all 5 of the listed champs are present (1 less for each missing). They also survive one knock out, regaining a portion of health proportionate to power stored at the time and number of Phoenix Charges built up.

    Aside from that, let classic Col's sp3 change a bit to catch a punch or arm bar a rushing in opponent, then punch them into the ground. Since UC's unmoved shrug off of a punch to the chest is more representative of his unstoppable abilities, he would keep the current Sp3.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    To clarify as well, Hulk would continuously take damage, use his heal mechanic, take more damage, heal, repeat, all the retaining more and more attack rating increase.

    To make the healing different and interesting, I proposed a 'Half-Life' gamma regeneration mechanic that only becomes active while Hulk remains between 75% and 25% (half of his life, being 50% for poetic license). To activate the healing, Hulk must hold a 100% power bar for 10 seconds then it will drain 25% of that power and grant him +12.5% attack for X seconds, +6.25% health, and +3.125% base attack increase.

    The fury attack rating increase would top out at +200% however the base attack increase would continue far higher. Combined base and fury would surpass the other champs slightly, but neither by themselves. This way, a stolen or copied fury (such as by Loki or Rogue) does not outpace Hulk's overall build. It is also not reset when a combo is broken, but being stunned would signify being calmed down to make it an appropriate way to reset his attack increase.

    I suggested this be introduced as a Synergy with The Leader so it can also be applied to all other #Gamma champs, but a limited version of it could be applied to Hulk alone where his base attack can potentially go up to +400% max, then far higher when with The Leader. The other #Gamma champs would benefit with Half-Life themes too:

    1. Red Hulk - up to +50% more Heat Charges to max out at 15, with +3.125% regeneration due to Sp2 after each Power-to-Health event until they are likewise +200% potent (i.e. 15% healing per consumption of 2 Heat charges instead of 5%, separate from the Power-to-Health gamma regen of Half Life)
    2. Abomination - raising the potency of his Poison as he loses health and the potency of his fury as he does Half-Life conversion of power to health.
    3. Rhino - raising his physical resistance and his fury similarly
    4. She-Hulk - raising her effect on the classes she cites along with the potency of her furies.
    5. Joe Fixit - raising the duration of his second card until it lasts +200% longer while the potency of both raises by +3.125% each Half-Life conversion
    6. Hulk Ragnarok - increase the duration of his Smash and potency of Face Me

    Plus introduce the Harpy version of Red She-Hulk to spice up other synergistic links.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    Redeisgn: SPIDER-MAN (Miles Morales)

    Reasons: Most supposedly high defense champs have low attack as a trade off, or low utility if they have decent attack. Of course there are exceptions, but in Miles' case, too many things are against him.

    Things that are against him:
    1. The design of his evasion cannot be used to the Summoner's benefit easily while an Attacker (this is mitigated since starting to write this by his combo with Spidey (Stealth suit version) to make his blocks pause auto-dodge, but really that should be made base for a better synergy to replace that IMO)
    2. As a Defender, attackers can carefully remove his evasive Spider-Sense Charges
    3. As an attacker/defender, his hit power does not pace with Spider-Man (classic) and Spider-Man (symbiote)
    4. Complexity of abilities design were of a different era and could be spruced up
    I fully agree with the need to do Evasion (and other common abilities) in different ways, so someone had to have the [seemingly] short straw of losing charges. SM(cl) has high % chances; SM(sym) active over time; SM(Se) low chances that feed another ability; SG(GS) (i.e. Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider/Gwen Stacy) increasing % over time; SM(stealth/SHIELD)/Spider-Monkey :D 1 charge reset; SM(MM) decreasing % over time with chance to regain

    Do several time-to-Specials-DOT comparisons of Miles and Spidey (classic) hitting the same non-attacking character to calibrate the damage values so they can end up in the same region then set the following:
    1. Miles will start with a 32% weaker Venom Blast ability that gets stronger as he loses Spider Sense (SS) Charges
    2. Miles will begin with a 5-15% chance (depending on Signature Level) of inflicting Power Drain with Light or Medium basic combos
    3. Begin the fight with four (4) SS Charges and one (1) underlying Invisibility (INV) Charge
    4. Each charge has 6.50% evasion chance, except for 1 second if Miles enters a block stance
    5. If Miles loses all SS charges, he panics and turns Invisible for up to 10 seconds (consuming the INV charge)
    6. +1 SS Charge is added if Miles is attacked by a Sp1, +2 at Sp2, +3 after surviving Sp3; max 15 charges
    7. Each SS charge removal is worth +8% value to the Venom blast, but works in a unique way:
    8. If Miles gains 5 or more SS charges by not consuming them faster than special attacks feed him, every ten (10) seconds he will convert one to a passive Venom Charge
    9. While Venom Charged there is an added (+10% per Vnm charge) chance to burn 15% of the opponent's max power with a basic hit
    10. Only one Vnm charge will be consumed at a time; lowering the chance that the next basic hit burns power
    11. The Venom Charge conversion also shifts his Venom Blast potency up by 8%
    12. If Miles starts consuming charges by evasion after this, instead of consuming 4 and having 100% potency to the blast, he could have 108-200% potency
    13. Sp2's primary effect will guarantee a Venom Blast dealing Shock Damage over Time (2s)
    14. Sp2's secondary effect will differ by class, with 65% to inflict Stun (Science & Cosmic), Power Drain (Skill & Tech) or Power Lock (Mystic & Mutant)
    Now that makes him more reliable to parry, good as a Defender, and increase attack damage potential to be more appealing as an Attacker, while remaining consistent with his abilities by having that Invisible Charge and DoT Venom Blast.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    It's been six months since I last compiled a list of all the reworks we've put together here, so I thought in response to the new Community's Choice poll for the next buff/rework, I'd generate an updated 'Grand List' of reworks.

    I know technically I'm not supposed to tag the mods, but hopefully you'll forgive me
    @Kabam Porthos and @Kabam Miike; and see this as my gift to the team to say 'Thanks Kabam for your amazing game; which I've enjoyed playing for nearly five years now.'

    To give the Devs somewhere to browse, if they want to get some inspiration for the up-coming buff(s?), here's the list of all our reworks, in alphabetical order. Impressively, I've had to split it in half, as it's now too long for a single comment!

    Champion Redesigns
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Champion Redesigns (continued)

    Kamala Khan (@Bodhizen)
    Kamala Khan (@Whododo872)
    Kamala Khan (@Bahamut)
    Kamala Khan (@SkyBlueGaming)
    Kamala Khan (@Bodhizen)
    Kang the Conquerer (@SkyBlueGaming)
    Kang the Conquerer (@Potatolegion)
    Karnak (@Potatolegion)
    Karnak (@Bodhizen)
    Karnak (@adqqedfyvr)
    Kingpin (@Colonaut123)
    King Groot (@Magrailothos)
    King Groot (@Bodhizen)
    Loki (@Bahamut)
    Magneto (Classic) (@Magrailothos)
    Magneto (Marvel Now) (@Magrailothos)
    Magneto (@Bodhizen)
    Magneto (@Whododo872)
    Magneto (@Nikhil)
    Magneto (@SkyBlueGaming)
    Magneto (@Jh_Dez)
    Magneto (@Bahamut)
    Magneto (@ThatGuyYouSaw235)
    Magneto (@Arham1)
    Magneto (@ProjectWeaponX)
    Magneto (@Doc_Manhattan93)
    Mephisto (@Colonaut123)
    Miles Morales (@Hanigan53)
    Miles Morales (@Bajan_Samurai)
    Miles Morales (@Bahamut)
    Miles Morales (@Whododo872)
    Miles Morales (@Dragon6)
    M.O.D.O.K. (@Colonaut123)
    MODOK (@DOA40)
    Moon Knight (@Magrailothos)
    Moon Knight (@SkyBlueGaming)
    Moon Knight (@Aeturnium)
    Moon Knight (@Kalantak)
    Mordo (@Colonaut123)
    Mordo (@Whododo872)
    Morningstar (@Colonaut123)
    Old Man Logan (@adqqedfyvr)
    Phoenix (@Hanigan53)
    Punisher 2099 (@Magrailothos)
    Red Hulk (@Colonaut123)
    Red Skull (@Issamaf80)
    Ronan the Accuser (@Colonaut123)
    Ronan the Accuser (@ThatGuyYouSaw235)
    Scarlet Witch (@Magrailothos)
    Sentinel (@Colonaut123)
    Sentry (@007md92)
    Sentry (@Issamaf80)
    Spiderman (Classic)
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (@Bodhizen)
    Superior Iron Man (@Bodhizen)
    Superior Iron Man (@ThatGuyYouSaw235)
    Superior Iron Man (@PoorlyMade)
    Storm (@Colonaut123)
    Storm (@Thi101)
    Taskmaster (@Colonaut123)
    Thanos (@Sheer_Cold)
    Thor (@Bahamut)
    Unstoppable Colossus (@Bodhizen)
    Venompool (@SkyBlueGaming)
    Vision (@Ksp_2099)
    Vulture (@Magrailothos)
    War Machine (@Bodhizen)
    War Machine(@Whododo872)
    Wolverine (@PoorlyMade)
    Yellowjacket (@Magrailothos)
    Yellowjacket (@Colonaut123)
    Yondu (@Agresssor)

  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    [Based on 4* 5/50 sig. 99 champion]

    Sig ability:

    Helping Hand:
    Whenever the Hulkbuster armor would take damage equivalent to more than 10% of his health from a single source, Veronica sends down replacements to Tony, regenerating up to 90% of the damage taken over 9 seconds.


    Designation: Hulk (passive)
    When fighting Hulk-Type champions, the Hulkbuster gains an armor up buff (increasing armor rating by 200) for 4 seconds every second, and a precision buff (increasing critical rating by 200) for 5 seconds every second.

    Robotic Body:
    Due to the sheer mass of metal and robotic gear, Hulkbuster is immune to bleed and poison effects.

    Hulking Tank (passive):
    For every 10 hits the Hulkbuster recieves, he gains an armor up buff for 6 seconds, increasing armor rating by 369.
    Every time the Hulkbuster armor dishes out 10 hits, he gains a cruelty buff for 5 seconds, increasing critical damage rating by 275.

    Heavy attack: The Pummel
    Animation rework: the Hulkbuster armor strikes with a left hook, and 5 quick action piston jabs from the right fist.
    Places 1 armor break debuff, with a 10% chance to apply armor break on each piston hit, on the opponent for 4 seconds, reducing opponents armor rating by 210 each.

    Special 1:
    Animation rework: Hulkbuster lets out one powerful shot from his chest reactor. This attack is unblockable.
    Against all champs:
    This attack places an armor break on the opponent for 7 seconds, reducing armor rating by 456.
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    This attack also inflicts a concussion debuff lasting 5 seconds, reducing defensive ability accuracy by 50%.

    Special 2:
    Against all champs:
    Inflicts 1 armor break for 5 seconds, reducing armor rating by 440, and stuns the opponent for 2 seconds (this stun is not negatively or positively modified by masteries, nodes, nullify, or purify).
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    The opponent will suffer 2 additional armor breaks, lasting for 7 seconds and reducing armor rating by 330 each, and a concussion debuff lasting for 5 seconds, reducing defensive ability accuracy by 50%.

    Special 3:
    If below 20% health, remove all debuffs and regenerate 20% health over 15 seconds. Can be done only twice.
    Against all champs:
    Inflict one armor break for 10 seconds, reducing armor rating by 570. Stun for 4 seconds.
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    For every buff on the opponent, this attack deals 5% more damage
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    @Magrailothos Thanks for including my hulkbuster, though that one wasn't really the final one. I still didn't get a chance to look at synergies, but I'm just gonna post this last one.
  • Xbr0ckXXbr0ckX Member Posts: 3
    Bring new champs from iron fist season 2.. Colleen wing as iron fist & davos as steel serpent.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited October 2019
    Nairvehl said:

    [Based on 4* 5/50 sig. 99 champion]

    Sig ability:

    Helping Hand:
    Whenever the Hulkbuster armor would take damage equivalent to more than 10% of his health from a single source, Veronica sends down replacements to Tony, regenerating up to 90% of the damage taken over 9 seconds.


    Designation: Hulk (passive)
    When fighting Hulk-Type champions, the Hulkbuster gains an armor up buff (increasing armor rating by 200) for 4 seconds every second, and a precision buff (increasing critical rating by 200) for 5 seconds every second.

    Robotic Body:
    Due to the sheer mass of metal and robotic gear, Hulkbuster is immune to bleed and poison effects.

    Hulking Tank (passive):
    For every 10 hits the Hulkbuster recieves, he gains an armor up buff for 6 seconds, increasing armor rating by 369.
    Every time the Hulkbuster armor dishes out 10 hits, he gains a cruelty buff for 5 seconds, increasing critical damage rating by 275.

    Heavy attack: The Pummel
    Animation rework: the Hulkbuster armor strikes with a left hook, and 5 quick action piston jabs from the right fist.
    Places 1 armor break debuff, with a 10% chance to apply armor break on each piston hit, on the opponent for 4 seconds, reducing opponents armor rating by 210 each.

    Special 1:
    Animation rework: Hulkbuster lets out one powerful shot from his chest reactor. This attack is unblockable.
    Against all champs:
    This attack places an armor break on the opponent for 7 seconds, reducing armor rating by 456.
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    This attack also inflicts a concussion debuff lasting 5 seconds, reducing defensive ability accuracy by 50%.

    Special 2:
    Against all champs:
    Inflicts 1 armor break for 5 seconds, reducing armor rating by 440, and stuns the opponent for 2 seconds (this stun is not negatively or positively modified by masteries, nodes, nullify, or purify).
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    The opponent will suffer 2 additional armor breaks, lasting for 7 seconds and reducing armor rating by 330 each, and a concussion debuff lasting for 5 seconds, reducing defensive ability accuracy by 50%.

    Special 3:
    If below 20% health, remove all debuffs and regenerate 20% health over 15 seconds. Can be done only twice.
    Against all champs:
    Inflict one armor break for 10 seconds, reducing armor rating by 570. Stun for 4 seconds.
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    For every buff on the opponent, this attack deals 5% more damage

    Why the buff advantage against hulks with the SP3? Can’t only hulk himself get buffs, and isn’t it usually only one?

    I’d say maybe instead to make it deal more damage the lower the hulk opponent’s health is, or maybe just give it a flat 50% boost against them. Something to give it a reason to be used instead of the SP1 or 2

    Other than that, I like the idea of imposing disadvantage that this rework has, though I think maybe the double immune shouldn’t include poison, but maybe incinerate instead. That’s just me though, I think that makes more sense. Thick armor doesn’t just block out radiation

    And I’m also a touch confused on the Designation passive
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