Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,734 ★★★★★

    Iron Fist


    Iron Fist has conditioned his body to peak endurance granting him immunity to armor break and shatter effects and any abilities that would bypass his physical, energy, or critical resistance suffer -100% potency

    Iron Fist has mastered his emotions, infuriate and intimidate effects suffer -100% potency

    Iron fist is not afraid to fight otherworldly beings, Indestructible, Unstoppable, Unblockable, Immorality, Death Immunity, pierce, and regeneration buffs suffer -90% duration

    Iron Fist Cannot glance unless he is inflicted with an unsteady effect

    Iron Fist starts the fight fight with an indefinite Grit passive

    Rebel's notes
    Iron fist's immunities are designed to be relevant in the mystic meta while making him a tanky defender and countering Herc and Hulkling

    Chi Energy

    Iron Fist Gains Chi Energy through the fight Max 400

    As a defender or battlegrounds attacker iron fist starts with 100 chi energy

    Iron Fist does not benefit from the mystic dispersion mastery instead 5 chi energy when a buff expires

    Iron Fist Does Not Gain chi energy while suffering from an enervate effect and his chi energy gain is reduced by 50% while suffering from a suppression, exhaustion, or unsteady effect

    Iron Fist Gains 10 Chi Energy When he is immune to an armor break or shatter, when iron fist intercepts the opponents dash or when the opponent gains a buff (cool down 2 seconds)

    He gains 20 chi energy each time he activates a special per level of special used

    When Iron Fist Gains a chi energy he gains 0.7% a bar of power

    Iron Fist gains the following benefits per chi energy
    +5 Critical rating and critical damage rating
    +20 Physical and energy resist
    -0.5 opponent ability power rate maximum 110%
    -2% opponent buff and debuff ability accuracy when hitting into iron fists block
    -0.5 opponent buff potency (max 100%)

    Rebel's Notes
    Now this is a lot to take in this is iron fist's main mechanic here's the simplified version
    Iron fist gains charges when his opponents gain buffs when his immunities protect him, or when he intercepts, as he gains charges he opponent's buffs will be weaker and they will gain less power (like Chavez) and their abilities through block will have less of a chance to trigger
    His Chi can be reduced or even prevented with the right debuffs

    Basic attacks

    Iron Fists attacks have a 100% chance (reduced by 20% per buff on the opponent) to inflict a 6 seconds placebo buff

    Rebel's Notes
    Not much going on here just gives iron fist a chance to ramp up against champions that gain a lot of buffs without making him overpowered against high buff gainers

    Heavy Attacks

    After using a non combo ending attack iron fist can charge his heavy attack and the opponent while be passively stunned for 0.90 seconds.

    If the opponent is immune to stun or as a defender iron fist gains and unstoppable passive for 5 seconds Cool down 10 seconds

    This attack is a guaranteed critical hit

    This attack consumes all chi energy to do 625 energy damage per chi energy (Damage based on a r4 6 star)

    Rebel's Notes

    This is where iron fist's damage comes from once you feel like you have ramped up enough rip out your heavy and BOOM K.O but be careful if you don't k.o you will use all your utility

    When Attacked

    Iron Fist has a 0.4% chance to glance per chi charge

    Special One

    Gain A True Strike Passive for 14 seconds that is paused until the animation ends
    For Each hit that that is blocked or is whiffed iron fist gains 10 chi energy (this is negated if the opponent dodges with dexterity or dexterity substitute or performs a well timed block)

    If iron fist gains 20+ chi energy through this way he activates his unstoppable passive for 8 seconds

    Rebel's Notes

    This Special is a dual threat it provides utility for iron fist through the true strike but is defensively annoying with the chi energy and unstoppable gain it can be avoided by dexing or parrying

    Special 2

    All Attacks and are guaranteed critical hits
    Each hit power steals 10% max power from the opponent wether the hit lands or not
    Rebel's notes
    This special is a good way to give you chi ramp

    Special 3

    After this attack Iron Fist gains a chi focus passive for 20 seconds doubling chi energy gain

    Rebel's Notes

    This is a good option for longer fight ramp up

    Chi Meditation (Signature Ability)

    While holding block iron fist consumes 10 charges per second to regenerate 0.5 max health per second he also gains 230-420 critical damage rating on his guaranteed critical hits

    Rebel's Notes

    All that's needed for the sustainability is sig 1 the extra sig is just for a little damage increase

    Recommend masteries

    Mystic Dispersion

    Recommended Relic
    Iron Fist
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,734 ★★★★★


    Abilities: Shock, Odinson Undermine, Glancing, Aptitude, Energize, Power Gain


    Being The God of Thunder and Lightning Thor is immune to Shock, Power Drain, Power Burn, Power Lock, and Special Lock and all of Thor's buffs have 400% ability accuracy

    Thor Starts the Fight with an indefinite Fury buff granting increasing attack rating by 4300 an indefinite armor up buff increasing armor rating by 2800 and an indefinite aptitude buff of 15% potency (Stats based on a r5 6 star)

    Whenever Thor's personal immunities trigger he gains an indefinite energize buff of 7% potency max 5 potency is doubled as a defender

    When ever Thor has his power stolen he loses all energize buffs

    Rebel's Notes
    Thor comes with your standard cosmic immunities for the annoying tech defenders he also has extra buff ability accuracy. His starting buffs are based off of Odin and Angela. He can ramp up faster when he is immune to an effect on with his energizes but this can be disabled by power steal


    Whenever Thor activates a special attack he gains an indefinite Odinson buff. It can not be prevented due to stagger fateseal or neutralize. It will not activate if Thor is suffering from a hinder, atrophy, or inaptitude effect.
    This buff does nothing but Thor can exchange it for certain buffs

    End Combo with a medium attack-Gain an undermine buff for 20 seconds this buff is paused while striking the opponent

    End Combo With a Light- Gain a Vigilance buff for 20 seconds that is paused while striking the opponent

    Heavy Attack Gain a pierce buff increasing block and armor penetration by 900 for 20 seconds that is paused while striking the opponent

    If Thor is Struck gain a glancing buff for 10 seconds that is paused while being struck

    Rebel's Notes
    The Odinson buff is Thor's Key utility Thor can exchange the buff for either buff he needs wether to stop auto block or miss
    Thor can also gain glancing, this is more of a defensive ability but can be a nice safety net if you slip up. When fighting Thor Atrophy, hinder and inaptitude are your best friends

    On Well Timed Blocks

    Thor gains one of his personal energize buffs

    Heavy Attacks

    Thor inflicts an armor break passive for 10 seconds reducing armor rating by 500 and removing an armor up max 5

    Special Attacks

    Gain an unblockable passive for the duration of the special attack unless inflicted with an atrophy, inaptitude, or hinder effect
    If the special attack breaks the opponents block they are passively stunned for 3 seconds

    Special 1

    Convert all of Thor's personal Energizes into passive shocks dealing 1000 energy damage over 5 seconds max 10 these shocks are paused while the opponent is suffering from one of Thor's personal stun passives

    At the end of the special attack Thor gains a power gain buff granting 100% of a bar of power over 5 seconds cooldown 20 seconds

    Rebel's Notes

    This is Thor's main source of damage
    You'll want to build your 5 energizes and launch the sp1 even better into the block so you'll get more damage
    The power gain will help you cycle even more shocks

    Special 2

    Gain Another of Thor's personal Fury buffs for 20 seconds that starts paused until the special ends if the attack breaks the opponents block deal 120% of Thor's current attack rating a energy damage

    Rebel's Notes

    This is Thor's shock immune rotation
    Just use the special 2 into block or you can use the fury for the sp1 rotation

    Special 3

    Refresh all Odinforce buffs and pause them indefinitely

    Rebel's Notes this is to lock in your utility if necessary

    God Of Thunder (Signature Ability)

    While Odinson is active Thor gains the following indefinite buffs
    Vigor increasing Fury Potency by 10%-40%
    Fortitude increasing armor up potency by 10%-40%

    Rebel's notes

    If you don't need the utility you can use this to increase attack rating and durability

    Recommended Relic

  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,734 ★★★★★

    Green Goblin

    Abilities: Cunning, Madness, Poison, Incinerate, Power Drain, Cowardice, Heal Block, Suppression


    The Goblin Formula Provides Immunity to Poison, Incinerate and Shock and his regeneration rate cannot be modified and against mutants gain immunity to neuroshock, daunted and ability accuracy modification

    Rebel's Notes
    This triple immunity is very rare and should be helpful on hazard shift nodes and his regen rate will always be the same
    And against mutants he's at his strongest

    Cunning And Madness

    Green Goblin has cunning and madness each granting certain effects

    as an attacker these modes are indefinite but as a defender they switch every 10 seconds

    At the start of the fight Green Goblin activates madness

    As an attacker goblin switches modes with his 4th light attack when goblin switches modes he refreshes his pumpkin bomb debuffs

    Madness Grants 2378 attack rating (based on 6 star r5)

    Cunning Grants +600 physical and energy resist (based on r5 6 star)

    Against Spider Verse Heroes the effects are doubled

    Rebel's Notes

    Cycling through madness and cunning is Goblins bread, Madness is the offensive mode and cunning is defensive

    Bag Of Tricks Pre Fight Screen

    Green Goblin has his bag of tricks pre fight screen where he can select up to 3 pumpkin bomb ingredients for his pumpkin bomb
    The Pumpkin Bomb debuffs are as follows

    Heal Block
    Suppression (20% potency)
    Cowardice (20% potency)
    Decelerate (33% potency)
    Disorient (10% Potency)
    Taunt (20% special chance -5% attack rating)
    Torment (10% potency)

    Rebel's Notes

    If Cunning and Madness are Goblin's Bread Pumpkin bomb debuffs are his butter you can select 3 of these ingredients for the fight depending on the utility you need making him very flexible.

    Pumpkin Bomb

    Green Goblins uses his pumpkin bomb on the last Hit of special 1 and 2 and in his special 3

    Inflict the selected pumpkin bomb debuffs for 13 seconds max 3 of each debuff
    Inflict a poison debuff Dealing 6500 direct damage over 7 seconds (based on r5 6 star)

    Landing a second medium attack paused pumpkin bomb debuffs for 7 seconds

    Rebel's Notes
    This is how you get the pumpkin bomb debuffs rolling

    Heavy Attacks

    Last hit inflicts an incinerate dealing 4000 energy damage over 7 seconds (based on a r5 6 star)

    Special 1

    The last hit is a pumpkin bomb

    If in Madness all hits are passively unblockable and the beam hits power drain 10% of the the opponents current power and deal a burst of 900 energy damage per pumpkin bomb debuff (r5 6 star)

    If In Cunning gain a regeneration passive regenerating 20% of missing health over 7 seconds and gain an auto block passive for 7 seconds after the special attack this auto block can trigger parry

    Rebel's notes

    This is the special you want to use for offense and the special you want to avoid when fighting him

    Special 2

    The 2nd hit inflicts an incinerate debuff dealing 5300 energy damage over 7 seconds (r5 6 star)

    If in madness invalidate all prowess
    If in cunning gain a 40% potency energize passive for 7 seconds

    Special 3

    2 hits are pumpkin bomb debuffs

    Rebel's notes

    This is a good way to ramp up

    Advanced Oscorp Weaponry (Signature Ability)

    Green Goblin gains a power efficiency passive of 5%-40% potency and his and madness effects can trigger through block

    Rebel's notes

    Nice way to keep the loop going and add tricky stuff on defense

    Recommended mastery

    Liquid Courage

    Recommended Relics

    Green Goblin
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,734 ★★★★★

    Cyclops (Blue)

    Abilities: Prowess, Overload, Precision, Energy Vulnerability, Unblockable, Energize


    Being the master of energy Cyclops is immune to Energy Vulnerability and energy penetration, and Shock, Incinerate, Plasma, and neuroshock effects suffer -150% potency and +4700 energy resistance (based on r5 6star)

    The Stun from the parry mastery is passive

    Cyclops Starts the fight with an indefinite energize passive of 60% potency the potency is decreased by 20% per bar of power

    Rebel's Notes
    This is a lot to take in but Cyclops reduces the potency of most dot effects and his energy resistance is high and cannot be reduced by energy vulnerability or penetration
    The energize is a callback to his original kit

    Basic Attacks

    Ending A Combo with a medium grants a precision passive granting +400 critical rating max 5 when he gains one is this manner refresh all existing precisions

    Ending a combo with the 4th light refreshes all energy vulnerability passives

    Rebel's notes
    This will help Cyclops damage ramp up

    Heavy Attack

    ANIMATION CHANGE-Change to something like the destroyer's

    Each hit inflicts a non stacking sunder passive and slow passive for 12 seconds

    Rebel's notes
    This helps you get the most out of your precisions
    And ignore unstoppable


    Cyclops's prowess's increase special damage by 15%

    Cyclops cannot gain prowess while power locked or suppressed he loses all prowess if power drained

    Either champions Well Timed Blocks grant cyclops 5 prowess

    When cyclops is struck he gains 1 prowess

    Cyclops gains benefits certain benefits in his specials based on his prowess count

    5+ special cannot miss or me evaded
    10+ specials are unblockable unless the opponent has an armor up effect
    20+ specials cannot be avoided with dexterity

    After a special ends cyclops consume 30% of his prowess (rounded up) per level of special used

    Rebel's notes
    I know that most of you will hate me for making unblockable undodgeable specials but you can control his prowess or if you have an armor up you can block the specials offensively use prowess as your main damage source

    All Specials

    Inflict an overload passive of 150% potency for the special

    Special 1

    ANIMATION CHANGE cyclops uses 3 beams to hit the opponent the 1st are 1 hit each the 3rd are two hits the timing is similar to Viv's special 1

    Each hit inflicts an energy vulnerability reducing energy resistance by 400 each max 8

    Rebel's Notes
    This is a good way to ramp your damage

    Special 2

    ANIMATION CHANGE-Cyclops shoots a quick beam and then sweeps the area with a big blast 4 hits like purgatory's special

    Increase prowess potency by 50% for the special attack

    Rebel's notes this is the big damage pay off

    Special 3

    At the end of this attack cyclops gains a 50% potency power efficiency passive for 30 seconds
    While this power efficiency is active cyclops energize penalty is removed and specials do not consume prowess however cyclops cannot gain power from any mutant power boost

    This is the long fight rotation

    (X-Gene Mastery Signature Ability)

    Cyclops Masters his energy reducing his opponent's combat power rate by 0.1%-1% per hit in either champions combo meter max 50%

    Just some more utility

    Recommend Mastery

    Recommended Relic
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    Taskmaster Rework Concept (I bet this can make him great for Questing.)

    About Taskmaster
    Tony Masters was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent exposed to an experimental variant of the Super-Soldier Serum, called the Mnemonic Primer. It grants him the ability to duplicate any movement he sees, but at a cost. The huge amount of information his brain records, causes it to overwrite his own memories, replacing what little remains of his original self. Now known as Taskmaster he offers his skills to the highest bidder as a mercenary and combat trainer.

    Character Class: Skill

    Abilities: Exploit Weakness, Bleed, Armor Break, Fury

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Debuffs, True Accuracy, Concussion

    Weaknesses - Debuff Immunity, Hard-To-Avoid Special Attacks, Mutant Champions

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    Unless otherwise stated, Taskmaster’s personal Concussion Debuffs last for 12 seconds and reduce the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 20%. Max: 5.
    When Taskmaster has inflicted at least 5 Concussion Debuffs, he converts them into a single non-stacking Concussion Passive that reduces the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 100% for 35 seconds. This Concussion Passive counts as 5 Debuffs for Taskmaster’s personal abilities, and while it's active, Taskmaster cannot inflict additional Concussion Debuffs.
    The opponent suffers -200% Purify Ability Accuracy.

    Personal Debuffs
    As an Attacker, Taskmaster’s personal Debuffs gain +50% increased duration.
    As a Defender, Taskmaster’s personal Debuffs can trigger through the opponent’s Block.

    Photographic Reflexes - Passive
    Each Unique attack the opponent attempts, even through Block, decreases their Offensive Ability Accuracy by 10%, while increasing Taskmaster’s Perfect Block Chance by the same amount.
    Each Unique attack Taskmaster makes, even through Block, decreases the opponent’s Defensive Ability by 10%.
    If Taskmaster is struck by a Special Attack or a Mutant Champion, both of these abilities’ effects are reset.

    Exploit Weakness - Passive
    Taskmaster spots a weakness in the last attack his opponent performed, which can be exploited by striking his opponent or their Block with that same attack within 10 seconds.
    When successfully exploiting a weakness, Taskmaster deals 17244 Direct Damage to the opponent.
    An attack that triggers Exploit Weakness grants Taskmaster a True Accuracy Passive for 15 seconds and places a Concussion Debuff on the opponent.
    After Exploit Weakness is triggered, it goes on cooldown for 8 seconds.

    Learn The Foe - Passive
    Each time a Debuff is placed on Taskmaster, all future Debuffs on him have their potency reduced by 10%.
    If the Debuff potency reduction reaches 100%, Taskmaster gains an indefinite Debuff Immunity Passive for the remainder of the fight.

    Heavy Attacks
    On Heavy Charge, if Taskmaster has triggered Exploit Weakness in the last 2 seconds or his current Exploit Weakness target is a Heavy Attack, the opponent is inflicted with a 100% Falter Passive for 2 seconds.
    The second hit removes the Exploit Weakness cooldown timer and sets its target.

    Special Attacks
    On activation, gain a Fury Passive equal to the number of Debuffs on the opponent, each increasing Attack Rating by +1178.1 for 30 seconds.
    Each hit gains +250 Critical Rating for every Debuff on the opponent.

    Special Attack 1
    On activation, inflict a non-stacking Sunder Debuff, setting the opponent’s Critical Resistance to 0 for 20 seconds.
    The final three hits inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 2352.35 Direct Damage over 6 seconds. The potency of these Bleed Debuffs are increased by 10% for every Debuff on the opponent. Max: 100%.
    If any of these Bleed Debuffs are prevented by an immunity, inflict a matching Degeneration Debuff instead.

    Special Attack 2
    On activation, inflict a non-stacking Slow Debuff for 40 seconds. While this Slow is active, Taskmaster cannot Miss.
    All hits inflict an Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 750 for 12 seconds. The potency of these Armor Break Debuffs are increased by 10% for every Buff on the opponent. Max: 100%.
    If any of these Armor Break Debuffs are prevented by an immunity, inflict a matching Physical Vulnerability Debuff instead.

    Special Attack 3
    At the end of this attack, inflict 50% potency Tranquilize, Ineptitude, Suppression, Taunt, Petrify, Cowardice, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Trauma, and Weakness Debuffs for 60 seconds.
    If there is an active Exploit Weakness target, it is automatically triggered, with its damage increased by 500%.
    Inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 24876.5 Direct Damage over 12 seconds. The potency of this Bleed Debuff is increased by 10% for every Debuff on the opponent. Max: 100%.
    If this Bleed Debuff is prevented by an immunity, inflict a matching Degeneration Debuff instead.
    Inflict an Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 1840.91 for 24 seconds. The potency of this Armor Break Debuff is increased by 10% for every Buff on the opponent. Max: 100%.
    If this Armor Break Debuff is prevented by an immunity, inflict a matching Physical Vulnerability Debuff instead.

    Signature Ability - Intuitive Pattern Recognition
    Personal Concussion Debuffs last 2 seconds longer.
    Additionally, while the opponent has at least three active Debuffs, Taskmaster reduces the opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 200%.

    Recommended Masteries

    Synergy Bonuses

    Mostly Average Joes – Unique
    With Hawkeye
    Taskmaster: If Taskmaster’s Exploit Weakness target was a Special Attack, he gains an indefinite Unblockable Passive during Special Attacks 1 and 2.
    Hawkeye: Each Successful Release triggered since the last time Special 3 was activated increases duration of Bleeds by an additional 20%.

    Thunderbolts – Unique
    With Winter Soldier
    Taskmaster: Current Exploit Weakness target Attack has a 50% chance to grant Taskmaster an Unblockable Passive for 3 seconds.
    Winter Soldier: EMP Upgrade also increases Power Drain chance by a flat 15%.

    Termination Contract – Unique
    With Moon Knight
    Taskmaster: While his current Exploit Weakness target is active, Taskmaster has a 75% chance to Evade incoming attacks. This Evade will not trigger during a Well-Timed Block.
    Moon Knight: Increase the Ability Accuracy of all Moon Phase effects by a flat 75%.

    Professors in Crime – Unique
    With Crossbones
    Taskmaster: Whenever Taskmaster triggers Exploit Weakness, he instantly gains 12% of a bar of Power.
    Crossbones: Gain 2 additional Fury Buffs when entering Overrun.

    Incoming Synergy Changes

    Metallic Affinity
    With Magneto (House of X)
    Taskmaster (Old Effect): Exploit Weakness attacks deal +40% damage.
    Taskmaster (New Effect): Increase the potency of Exploit Weakness attacks by 50%.

    No Sword Left Behind
    With Rintrah
    Taskmaster (Old Effect): Increase the duration of Exploit Weakness Passive by 5 seconds.
    Taskmaster (Old Effect): Exploit Weakness Passives gain +20 seconds duration against Science Champions.

    Remember Me
    With Black Widow (Deadly Origin)
    Taskmaster (Old Effect): Each time he exploits a Weakness, Taskmaster has a 30% chance to inflict a Sabotage Debuff, reducing Defensive Ability Accuracy by 20% for 10 seconds and dealing 10% of Attack as Direct Damage when abilities fail to trigger.
    Taskmaster (New Effect): Exploiting a Weakness also inflicts a non-stacking Sabotage Debuff, reducing the opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 100% for 20 seconds and dealing 400% of Taskmaster’s Attack Rating as Direct Damage whenever their Defensive Abilities fail to trigger.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    So @BartekTymoczko, is this a good Taskmaster Rework Concept?
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    One of his weaknesses is Hard-To-Avoid Special Attacks, so Champions with these kinds of Special Attacks like Bullseye or Mangog can reset his effects of Photographic Reflexes.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    Bullseye's SP1 can be extremely hard to avoid, therefore, he can reset Taskmaster's effects of Photographic Reflexes.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    edited March 26
    Hela Rework Concept (Repost because the old one was a loss.)

    About Hela
    A creature from a primordial and sinister era of the universe, Hela’s power is unlike anything else in the Nine Realms. Armed with the ability to unleash unlimited weapons in astounding and deadly ways, Hela seeks vengeance against those who imprisoned her eons ago, ushering in a new era of cold brutality for Asgard and the universe at large.

    Character Class: Cosmic

    Abilities: Fury, Trauma, Armor Break, Physical Resistance, Physical Vulnerability, Indestructible, Root

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Buff Stacking, Great for Questing

    Weaknesses - Neutralize, Energy Damage

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    The opponent’s Nullify, Fate Seal, and Stagger effects suffer -100% Ability Accuracy.
    As an Attacker, Hela gains +50% Buff duration for each fight she wins.
    Unless otherwise stated, Hela’s personal Fury Buffs increase her Attack Rating by +1455 and last for 8 seconds, but are paused as long as she has Spirits.

    Spirits of the Dead - Passive
    Hela controls the Spirits of the Dead, using them to power her Fury Buffs, pausing them indefinitely as long as she has Spirits.
    Each Fury Buff active on Hela drains her Spirits over time, but each strike of her summoned swords empowers them.
    If Hela’s Spirits are exhausted, her Fury Buffs expire one at a time.

    Tough as Hel - Physical Resistance Buff
    Hela cannot take more than 5% of her max Health in a single hit. If this Damage Cap is hit, she gains a non-stacking indefinite Physical Resistance Buff, increasing Physical Resistance by 750.
    When this Physical Resistance Buff would trigger multiple times, she instead increases its potency by 100%.

    Goddess of Death - Indestructible Buff
    Once per fight, when Hela would be knocked out, she gains an Indestructible Buff for 8 seconds. This Indestructible Buff does not trigger while Hela is suffering from Neutralize.

    Heavy Attacks
    While charging her Heavy Attacks, Hela gains Fury Buffs over time. Additionally, Heavy charging can be held for an extended duration.
    The opponent suffers an indefinite Root Passive until Hela stops Heavy charging.

    Special Attack 1
    On activation, gain a Fury Buff with the same potency and duration.

    Special Attack 2
    The final hit inflicts an Armor Break Debuff, reducing the opponent’s Armor Rating by 2250 per active Fury Buff for 20 seconds. If this Armor Break Debuff fails to apply due to an immunity, inflict a matching Physical Vulnerability Debuff instead.

    Special Attack 3
    Inflict a Trauma Debuff, causing all attacks to deal an additional 30% of the damage recently dealt as a burst of Physical Damage for 60 seconds. Inflict an additional Trauma Debuff for each Fury Buff on Hela. Max: 5.
    This attack deals 7% of the opponent’s max Health in Direct Damage for each active Fury Buff on Hela. Max: 10 Fury Buffs.
    This attack deals Passive True Damage and ignores all Damage Caps.

    Signature Ability - The Goddess of Asgard
    While charging a Heavy Attack, Hela builds up Fury Buffs twice as fast.
    For each Fury Buff on Hela, she gains +10% Block and Armor Penetration.
    At the start of the fight, for each Champion on Hela’s team that is knocked out grants her 40 Spirit Charges.

    Recommended Masteries/Relics
    Extended/Enhanced Fury

    Synergy Bonuses

    Family of Asgard - Unique Synergy (3* or Higher)
    With Thor, Odin, Loki, Angela
    Hela: While Hela has at least one active Fury Buff, her attacks cannot Glance and ignore 100% of the opponent’s Critical Resistance.
    Thor: Basic Attacks have a 50% chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 10% for 40 seconds. Max: 10.
    Odin: All-Father Odin’s Vault Cross-Fight Buffs gain +400% potency.
    Loki: The second hit of Special Attack 2 deals an additional 5% of the opponent’s max health as Energy Damage for each Buff on Loki.
    Angela: Huntress Buffs are unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.

    Loki or Thor (Ragnarok) – Immortal Souls – Unique Synergy
    Hela: Increase the potency of personal Fury Buffs by 200%.
    Loki: The opponent gains a random non-stacking indefinite Buff every 4 seconds, as long as they are Cursed. These Buffs include: True Damage, True Accuracy, True Focus, True Sense, Vigilance, Unblockable, Unstoppable, Immortality, Death Immunity, and Undermine. Additionally, Loki always counts as having more Health than his opponent.
    Thor (Ragnarok): Gains +100% Perfect Block Chance when Auto-blocking.

    Angela – Queen of Hel – Unique Synergy
    Champions have a 20% chance to instantly regain 20% of their HP just before they’re knocked out. This chance increases by 20% for each Champion on their team currently knocked out.

    Dormammu or Mephisto – Hell Lords – Unique Synergy
    Hela: Start each fight with one bar of Power.
    Dormammu: Increase any Health gains while his Imbued Dimensional Link is active by 25%.
    Mephisto: Regain the first Soul spent to trigger his Soul Imprisonment each fight.

    Incoming Synergy Changes

    With Odin
    Hela (Old Effect): While charging her Heavy Attack, Hela gains twice as many Fury Buffs.
    Hela (New Effect): Increase the potency of personal Armor Break and Physical Vulnerability Debuffs by 100%.

    Odinsons and Odinsdottirs
    With Odin
    Hela (Old Effect): Gain +5% Buff duration for each fight the team has won.
    Hela (New Effect): Start each fight with her personal Fury Buffs equal to the number of fights she has won.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    So @BartekTymoczko, is this a good Hela rework concept?
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    I forgot to mention that the burst damage on Loki's SP2 is energy damage.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    Updated Loki Rework Concept (Is this one better than the old one @BartekTymoczko?)

    About Loki
    I know what they say. The son of a Frost Giant. They also called me the god of mischief, but that lacks a certain…imagination. Don’t you think? Look at my adoptive family, my father Odin and my brother Thor are so dull, monotonous. Am I good? Evil? Noble? Nonsense. Call me not mischievous – I merely see the world not as it is, but how it could be. Call me a visionary. Call me Loki.

    Character Class: Mystic

    Abilities: Curse, Buff Steal, Fury, Mind Illusion, Stun

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Passive Nullification, Nullify Immunity Punishment, Ability to bypass opponent Damage Caps

    Weaknesses - Opponents with no Buffs, Coldsnap Immunity

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    Each time Loki fails to Nullify the opponent’s Buffs or Passives for any reason, he gains an indefinite Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by +785.4 for the remainder of the fight. Max: 20. This cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.
    Loki’s enhanced Mind Tricks and Illusions grant him full immunity to Reversed Controls, as well as reducing the potency of Passive Damage effects by 300%.
    Loki is immune to all Incinerate, Nova Flame, Coldsnap, Frostbite, and Degeneration effects, thanks to the Frost Giant’s assistance.
    Loki’s Combat Power Rate is reduced by 25%, but he generates 7% of a bar of Power per second as long as he is below 2 bars of Power.

    Mind Illusion Buffs - Max: 25
    Unless otherwise stated, Mind Illusion Buffs on the opponent last indefinitely and have no effect.
    When landing a Light or Medium attack, 25% chance to place one Mind Illusion Buff on the opponent. This chance is doubled if the opponent is suffering from a personal Curse effect.
    When a non-Mind Illusion Buff is gained or expires on the opponent, Loki has a 100% chance to place two Mind Illusion Buffs on them.
    When Loki prevents an effect due to an immunity, he has a 100% chance to place three Mind Illusion Buffs on the opponent.
    Mind Illusion Buffs are immune to all Nullify, Fate Seal, Stagger, Neutralize, and Buff Steal effects.

    All Attacks
    100% chance to Nullify all Mind Illusion Buffs on the opponent. If this ability fails to activate due to an immunity, the opponent instead gains a random indefinite Buff of 0% potency. Max: 10 each. These Buffs include: Fury, Armor Up, Precision, Cruelty, Regeneration, Energize, Pierce, Prowess, Aptitude, and Intensify.

    Basic Attacks
    While the opponent is suffering from a personal Curse effect, Loki has a 30% chance to inflict the opponent with a Stun Passive for 2 seconds.

    Finish A Combo With A Light Attack
    Pause all personal Curse effects for 4 seconds. This timer lasts 36% longer for each Mind Illusion Buff on the opponent.

    Heavy Attacks
    While the opponent is suffering from a personal Curse effect, each hit is a Guaranteed Critical Hit. Additionally, the second hit has a 100% chance to refresh all personal Curse effects.

    Special Attack 1
    The second hit steals all of the opponent’s Buffs and Passives, granting Loki a matching Buff or Passive of 50% potency for 30 seconds.
    At the end of this attack, Loki has a 65% chance to refresh all personal Curse effects. This chance increases by a flat 35% against Cosmic Champions.

    Special Attack 2
    Gain an indefinite Unblockable Passive for the remainder of the attack.
    This attack gains +53811.65 Attack Rating for each Buff and Passive on Loki and Mind Illusion Buff on the opponent. This attack rating increase is tripled if the opponent is Cursed.
    If Loki has more Health than his opponent, this attack deals 15% of their max Health as a burst of Energy Damage.
    This attack bypasses all damage caps if the opponent is Cursed.

    Special Attack 3
    After this attack, place a Curse Debuff on the opponent for 60 seconds. Cursed opponents take 32.34 Energy Damage and Loki will automatically steal any of their active Buffs and Passives, granting Loki a matching Buff or Passive of 100% potency for 60 seconds. Against Cosmic Champions, all personal Curse effects will instead last indefinitely.
    This attack can only be used once per fight.

    Signature Ability - The God of Mischief
    The amount of Power generated per second while Loki is below 2 bars of Power is increased by a flat 5%.
    While the opponent is Cursed: Any Buffs and Passives on Loki are paused, and charging a Heavy Attack will trigger his personal Stun Passive.
    Stackable Buffs or Passives gained have a 100% chance to trigger twice.

    Recommended Masteries/Relics
    Mystic Dispersion
    Iron Fist

    Synergy Bonuses

    The Mischief Gods of Asgard - Unique Synergy (3* or Higher)
    With Coming Soon
    Loki: Any stackable Buffs and Debuffs gain double the original potency while the opponent is Cursed.
    Coming Soon: ???

    Asgardian Heroes - Unique Synergy (3* or Higher)
    With Thor, Heimdall, Odin, Valkyrie, Angela
    Loki: While Loki has 20 or more active Buffs, he gains an indefinite True Focus Passive, allowing attacks to bypass Miss and Evade.
    Thor: Armor Break effects last 700% longer.
    Heimdall, Odin: Gain +100% Attack Rating for each indefinite Buff.
    Valkyrie: Striking the opponent’s Block pauses her personal Fury Passives for 1 second.
    Angela: The opponent’s Physical Resistance is reduced by -10% for each Armor Break Debuff on them.

    Asgardian Villains - Unique Synergy (3* or Higher)
    With Hela, Mangog, Gorr
    Loki: While the opponent is Cursed, Loki’s attacks cannot Glance and ignore 100% of the opponent’s Critical Resistance.
    Hela: Gain +10% Critical Rating for each personal Fury Buff.
    Mangog: While Enraged, the burst of Energy Damage dealt during Special Attack 2 is increased by 500%.
    Gorr: Gain +300% Bleed, Poison, Shock, and Power Burn Resistance and full immunity to the Regen Reduction from Poison.

    Family (Health) – Thor
    Enemies (Critical Hit Rate) – Red Hulk, Thor (Jane Foster) or Hulk
    Masterminds (Energy Damage) – Magneto or Magneto (Marvel NOW)

    Incoming Synergy Changes

    Like Old Days
    With Thor (Ragnarok)
    Loki (Old Effect): Ascendant Signature Ability is enhanced to provide Power Gain while below 2 bars of Power.
    Loki (New Effect): Personal Curse effects are unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction.

    Drag Brunch
    With Wiccan
    Loki (Old Effect): Finishing a combo with a light attack pauses Curse for 4 seconds.
    Loki (New Effect): While the opponent is Cursed, Loki gains an indefinite Grit Passive, causing Unstoppable opponents to react to hits as though they weren’t.

    Unending Ambition
    With Diablo
    Loki (Old Effect): +35% Curse Debuff duration.
    Loki (New Effect): Curse Debuffs become Passive and last 50% longer.

    Immortal Souls
    With Hela
    Loki (Old Effect): While they are Cursed, Loki always counts as having more Health than his Opponent.
    Loki (New Effect): The opponent gains a random non-stacking indefinite Buff every 4 seconds, as long as they are Cursed. These Buffs include: True Damage, True Accuracy, True Focus, True Sense, Vigilance, Unblockable, Unstoppable, Immortality, Death Immunity, and Undermine. Additionally, Loki always counts as having more Health than his opponent.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    The mystery champion for Loki's Mischief Gods of Asgard synergy is mostly Lady Loki.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    edited April 3
    Superior Iron Man Rework Concept (Repost due to the old one being a loss.)

    About Superior Iron Man
    Tony Stark has always had an impressive ego, but following an inversion spell during the “Axis” event which brought out the worst aspects of his personality, he moved to San Francisco with a new brand of self-worth. To reflect his latest “superior” outlook, he built the model 51, a liquid suit of adaptive Armor based off the Cosmic entities known as symbiotes.

    Character Class: Cosmic

    Abilities: Plasma, Intensify, Vicious, Pierce, True Focus, Extend, Undermine, Armor Up, Fury, Armor Break, Energy Penetration, Power Efficiency

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Strong Immunities, Great Survivability

    Weaknesses - Nullify, Armor Break

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    Superior Iron Man’s enhanced Cosmic Iron Man Armor grants him full immunity to all Bleed, Poison, Shock, Neuroshock, Incinerate, Coldsnap, Frostbite, Infuriate, Intimidate, Power Drain, Power Burn, Power Lock, Special Lock, Reversed Controls, and Power Sting effects.
    Superior Iron Man’s personal Buffs can only have their Ability Accuracy modified by Mystic Champions.

    Personal Armor Up Buffs - Max: 30
    Unless otherwise stated, Superior Iron Man’s personal Armor Up Buffs increase Armor Rating by +4178.57 and last indefinitely up to 15. Any additional stacks last for 20 seconds.
    At the start of each fight and when reaching a multiple of 5 hits in the Combo Meter, gain one Armor Up Buff.
    When struck by or Blocking an attack, 25% chance to gain one Armor Up Buff.
    When preventing an effect due to an immunity, gain two Armor Up Buffs.

    Fighting Non-Mystic Champions
    For each personal Armor Up Buff, gain the following abilities:
    +250 Physical and Energy Resistance.
    +750 Critical Rating.
    +118.42 Critical Damage Rating.

    Cosmic Arc Reactor Buffs
    Unless otherwise stated, Superior Iron Man’s Cosmic Arc Reactor Buffs last for 40 seconds, and are gained based on how many Armor Up effects he has.
    5+ Armor Ups: Gain a non-stacking Intensify Buff, increasing the potency of all future Buffs by 100%.
    10+ Armor Ups: Gain a non-stacking Extend Buff, extending the duration of all future Buffs by 50%.
    15+ Armor Ups: Gain a non-stacking Pierce Buff of 750 potency.
    20+ Armor Ups: Gain a non-stacking Vicious Buff, increasing the potency of all Damage Over Time effects by 75%.
    25+ Armor Ups Gain a non-stacking True Focus Buff, allowing attacks to bypass Evade and Miss.
    30+ Armor Ups: Gain a non-stacking Undermine Buff, granting Unblockable to any hit the opponent Auto-Blocks.
    When Superior Iron Man would gain a Cosmic Arc Reactor Buff, retrigger all other Cosmic Arc Reactor Buffs from previous thresholds.

    Superior Cosmic Protocol - Passive
    At max stacks of personal Armor Up Buffs, Superior Iron Man activates the Superior Cosmic Protocol for 30 seconds.
    When entering the Superior Cosmic Protocol, retrigger all Cosmic Arc Reactor Buffs with their durations paused indefinitely.
    While the Superior Cosmic Protocol is active, gain the following abilities:
    +10297.5 Attack Rating. Gain an additional +8084 Attack Rating for each personal Armor Up Buff above 15 stacks. Any effect that increases the potency of Armor Ups also increases the potency of these Attack Rating bonuses by the same amount.
    The opponent suffers an indefinite non-stacking Sunder Passive, setting Critical Resistance to 0.
    Superior Iron Man gains an indefinite Grit Passive, causing Unstoppable opponents to react to hits as though they weren’t.
    When the Superior Cosmic Protocol expires, all personal Armor Up Buffs and Cosmic Arc Reactor Buffs are removed.

    Special Attacks
    On hit, inflict a non-stacking Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 2250 per level of Special Attack used for 30 seconds.
    Superior Cosmic Protocol: Gain a non-stacking Power Efficiency Passive of 15% potency per Cosmic Arc Reactor Buff for 30 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    On activation, gain a Fury Buff equal to the number of personal Armor Up Buffs on Superior Iron Man, each increasing Attack Rating by 716 for 30 seconds. Max: 30.
    Superior Cosmic Protocol: These Fury Buffs last +40 seconds longer.

    Special Attack 2
    This attack gains +53811.65 Attack Rating for each Cosmic Arc Reactor Buff.
    On hit, inflict a Plasma Passive, dealing 24876.5 Energy Damage over 15 seconds. These Plasmas gain +50% potency for each Cosmic Arc Reactor Buff.
    Superior Cosmic Protocol: This attack inflicts an additional Plasma Passive for every 10 personal Armor Up Buffs on Superior Iron Man.

    Special Attack 3
    Gain personal Armor Up Buffs up to their max.
    If the Superior Cosmic Protocol is activated during this attack, it starts paused for 15 seconds.
    Superior Cosmic Protocol: Gain a non-stacking Energy Penetration Passive, allowing attacks to ignore 50% of the opponent’s current Energy Resistance for the duration of the Superior Cosmic Protocol.

    Signature Ability - Cosmic Iron Man Armor Model 51 Upgrade
    Superior Iron Man makes upgrades to his Model 51 Cosmic Iron Man Armor, granting the following abilities:
    +50% Critical Resistance.
    Personal Armor Up Buffs last indefinitely up to 30.
    As long as Superior Iron Man has 15 or more personal Armor Up Buffs, his Special Attacks 1 and 2 are Passively Unblockable.

    Recommended Masteries/Relics
    Double Edge/Liquid Courage
    Extended/Enhanced Fury

    Synergy Bonuses

    The Iron Army - Unique Synergy (3* or Higher)
    With Iron Patriot, War Machine, Silver Centurion, Infamous Iron Man
    Superior Iron Man: Personal Plasma Passives gain +10% duration for each personal Armor Up Buff.
    Iron Patriot: When attacking, 50% chance to gain one of his personal Armor Up Buffs. Additionally, gaining an Armor Up grants an indefinite Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by 20%. Max: 20.
    War Machine: Armory Boost effects gain +400% potency.
    Silver Centurion, Infamous Iron Man: While Lock-On or the Aura of Iron are not active, all Shock, Incinerate, and Plasma effects are paused.

    Iron Buddies - Unique Synergy (3* or Higher)
    With Iron Man (Classic), Iron Man (Infinity War), Hulkbuster, Ironheart
    Superior Iron Man: When a personal Armor Break Debuff is prevented due to an immunity, inflict a matching Energy Vulnerability Passive instead.
    Iron Man (Classic): Special Attack 1 inflicts an additional Armor Break Debuff for every 10 personal Armor Up Buffs on Iron Man.
    Iron Man (Infinity War): The chance to inflict Plasma on Special Attack 3 is no longer decreased.
    Hulkbuster: Heavy Attacks generate no Power to Shocked opponents.
    Ironheart: While a personal Armor Up effect is active, also gain full immunity to all Bleed, Poison, Shock, and Rupture effects. Additionally, her personal Tracking Passive also prevents Evade.

    Enemies Lv.3
    With Captain America
    All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating
    Rivals Lv.3
    With Daredevil
    All Champions gain +115 Critical Damage Rating
    Teammates Lv.3
    With Thor
    All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Change

    Incoming Synergy Changes

    Iron Men
    With Silver Centurion
    Superior Iron Man (Old Effect): Gaining an Armor Up Buff grants a Fury Buff, increasing Attack Rating 30% for 12 seconds.
    Superior Iron Man (Old Effect): Double the amount of personal Fury Buffs gained on Special Attack 1.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    So @BartekTymoczko, is this a good Superior Iron Man Rework Concept?
  • ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Member Posts: 419 ★★
    Let's keep this thread active with more new buff ideas
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    edited May 4
    Thing Rework Concept (I bet this is something that can make him more powerful)

    About Thing
    Benjamin Grimm, also known as “Thing,” served as the pilot on the starship expedition led by Reed Richards. During the voyage, the ship encountered unprecedented levels of radiation, granting the crew extraordinary powers. Ben gained incredible physical strength, and his body was covered in a flexible, rock-like hide. After returning to earth, the team banded together to form the Fantastic Four. It’s clobberin’ time!

    Character Class: Science

    Abilities: Rock Stacks, Trauma, Daunted, Fury, Weakness, Stun

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Strong Immunities, Battlegrounds/Alliance War Defense

    Weaknesses - Frequent Bleeds, Skill Champions

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    Thing is immune to all Bleed, Shock, Armor Break, Armor Shattered, Nullify, Fate Seal, and Stagger effects.
    When struck by or Blocking an attack, generate one Rock Stack. On Well-Timed Blocks, generate five Rock Stacks instead of one.
    When Thing would be inflicted with Bleed, he instead removes three Rock Stacks. Cooldown: 2 seconds.
    When fighting as a Defender, Thing removes two Rock Stacks when struck by a Critical Hit from a Skill Champion.

    Rock Stacks - Passive
    Rock Stacks last indefinitely up to 15 stacks. Any additional Rock Stacks last for 15 seconds. Rock Stacks are capped at 20.
    For each Rock Stack, gain +250 Physical and Energy Resistance.
    When a Rock Stack is removed or expires, Thing gains an indefinite Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by +1455. Max: 60.

    When Attacked
    If Thing has 15 or more Rock Stacks, he removes three Rock Stacks to gain a non-stacking Unstoppable Passive for 5 seconds. This Unstoppable Passive will not trigger against Skill Champions.
    While Unstoppable, Thing gains a 100% potency Inexorable Passive and his Defensive Combat Power Rate is increased by 100%.

    All Attacks
    Unblockable or Unstoppable hits refresh all of Thing’s active personal effects, except Stun Passives.
    Striking a Stunned opponent locks them in place and Thing generates three Rock Stacks.

    Heavy Attacks
    All hits inflict a non-stacking Trauma Debuff, causing all attacks to deal an additional 70% of the damage recently dealt as a burst of Physical Damage for 8 seconds.

    Special Attacks
    Gain a non-stacking Grit Passive for 8 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    On activation, for each Rock Stack, inflict a Daunted Passive, increasing Damage taken during Thing’s Special Attacks by 25% for 8 seconds.
    If Thing has 15 or more Rock Stacks, he removes all Rock Stacks and this attack is Passively Unblockable.
    If Thing has 20 Rock Stacks, the final hit inflicts a non-stacking Weakness Debuff, reducing the opponent’s Attack Rating by 90% for 12 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    On activation, inflict a Stagger Passive, preventing the opponent from gaining their next Buff for 20 seconds.
    If Thing has 15 or more Rock Stacks, he removes all Rock Stacks and this attack is Passively Unblockable.
    If Thing has 20 Rock Stacks, the final hit inflicts a Stun Passive for 8 seconds. This Stun Passive is paused for 1 second each time Thing lands an Unblockable or Unstoppable hit.

    Special Attack 3
    At the end of this attack, Thing gains an Unstoppable Passive and an Unblockable Passive, both lasting for 20 seconds.
    If Thing has 15 or more Rock Stacks, he removes all Rock Stacks and gains a non-stacking Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by +8084 for 20 seconds.
    If Thing has 20 Rock Stacks, gain a non-stacking Enhanced Fury Passive, increasing the potency of all Fury effects by 100% for 20 seconds.

    Signature Ability - Unbreakable Spirit
    On Heavy Charge or when inflicted with a Stun effect, Thing gains a non-stacking Protection Passive, reducing all damage taken by 70%, plus an additional 1.5% per Rock Stack for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
    Unbreakable Spirit also triggers when the opponent would deal 300% or more of their Attack Rating with any of their Attacks. This trigger ignores the ability cooldown.
    Unbreakable Spirit will not trigger against Skill Champions.

    Recommended Masteries/Relics
    Double Edge/Liquid Courage

    Synergy Bonuses
    The Brave and the Boulder – Unique Synergy
    With Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch
    Champions other than Thing: If the Opponent is hit by the first hit of Special Attack 1, gain a Fury Buff for 6 seconds, increasing Attack by 15% of Base Attack.
    This effect is doubled if all other Champions in this Synergy are present.

    Passive Aggressive – Unique Synergy
    With Human Torch
    Thing: When Thing is at 20 Rock Stacks, any additional stacks he would gain are immediately converted into Passive Fury effects.

    Normally, when Thing is at 20 Rock Stacks, any additional stacks simply replace existing ones. With this synergy, that replacement will also grant Thing a Fury.

    Dev Notes

    School of Hard Rocks – Unique Synergy
    With Korg
    Thing: Fury effects gained from any source are 33% more effective.
    Korg: Start each fight with 6 additional Rock Shield Charges. Additionally, Crowd Excitement lasts 400% longer.

    Worthy Opponent – Unique Synergy
    With The Champion
    Thing: Once per fight, when Thing would be struck by a blow that would knock him out, his HP remains at 1, and he gains an Indestructible Passive for 12 seconds. While this Indestructible Passive is active, the opponent fights more aggressively and when Thing is attacked, he gains an indefinite Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by 100%.
    The Champion: When gaining a personal Fury, Precision, or Regeneration Buff from a Special Attack, Persistent Charges are not consumed.

    Rivals Lv. 3
    With Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok)
    All Champions gain +115 Critical Damage Rating
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    So @BartekTymoczko, is this a good rework concept for Thing?
  • Trigger926Trigger926 Member Posts: 1
    I just lost a fight in arenas that’s honestly insignificant really aside from the fact that it was a fight I 100% should not have lost but did anyway because of Hulk’s stupid utterly broken set of stun debuff abilities. It is no way fair that when I miss once and only once I have to pay for it by spending the entire rest of the fight stun locked because Hulk gets a combo in. It’s stupid, broken, and I want the points I should have gotten from winning the fight. I don’t have to play this game but I’ve spent a lot of my hard earned money playing MCOC and at this point I feel like I have to or else I’ve wasted a few hundred bucks and smashed a working iPhone for nothing. If I fight any hulk and their broken **** comes out the woodwork to beat my entirely stacked champion I’m using against him and I impulsively throw and break my new phone I WILL be contacting the legal dept. for my damages. Please fix hulk or take him out entirely. He’s a walking contradiction anyways. Gamma radiation kills living cells period. He should be a shriveled up husk not a walking nuke.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    So @BartekTymoczko, is this a good Gwenpool rework concept?
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    edited June 8
    Gwenpool Rework Concept (Repost because the other one got lost by some error.)

    About Gwenpool
    Through unknown means, the avid comic reader Gwen Poole was transported into the world of the comics she loves so much, with all of her memories of the “real” world intact. Unwilling to remain an extra in her own story, she sets out to make a name for herself and to find a way to pay her internet bill. Maybe she can make some money in this Contest thingy? At least it’ll give her something fun to do!

    Character Class: Skill

    Abilities: True Focus, Fury, Bleed, Fervor, Incinerate, Armor Break, Enervate

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Useful Pre-Fight Abilities, Strong Damage Over Time

    Weaknesses - Bleed/Incinerate/Armor Break Immunity

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    Gwenpool has access to a variety of Cheat Codes she can use from the Pre-Fight Screen.
    Gwenpool’s read enough comics to know that the main character doesn’t die. This causes her opponent to suffer an indefinite Cowardice Passive during their Special Attacks, reducing Special Attack Damage by 95%. This Cowardice Passive will not trigger against Mutant Champions.

    Cheat Codes - Pre-Fight Ability
    In the Pre-Fight Menu, Gwenpool can activate up to three Cheat Codes. She has unlimited Cheat Codes but can only activate one per fight, and can be used by other #Mercenary Champions.
    Each Cheat Code grants +8008 Attack Rating.
    Auto-Targeting: The attacker’s attacks ignore the effects of Evade.
    I Never Miss: The attacker’s attacks deal Guaranteed Critical Hits and bypass Miss.
    Bloodletting: The attacker’s personal Bleed effects gain +400% increased duration.
    Power Buildup: While at or above two bars of Power, gain a Prowess Buff every 2 seconds, increasing Special Attack Damage by 100%.
    Power Overflow: While at or above 10 Prowess effects, gain an indefinite Unblockable Passive.
    Biohazard: Inflicting Bleed also inflicts a Poison Debuff, dealing 2162.48 Direct Damage over 30 seconds.
    Heavy-Hitter: Charging a Heavy Attack grants an Unstoppable Passive for the duration of the attack, and 15 seconds after the attack ends.
    Legendary Jackpot: The attacker gains full immunity to all Falter, Reversed Controls, and Damage Over Time effects, cannot have their Ability Accuracy modified, and gain the effects of all other Cheat Codes. This Cheat Code counts as 8 Cheat Codes for this Ability.
    When fighting as a Defender, the Legendary Jackpot Cheat Code is always active.

    All Attacks
    The opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy is reduced by 2% per hit in the Combo Meter. Max: 100 Hits.
    3% chance per Bleed effect on the opponent to inflict a Stun Passive for 1.5 seconds.
    30% chance to inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 32.34 Direct Damage over 35 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    On Heavy Charge, if the opponent is within striking distance and suffering from one of Gwenpool’s Bleed Debuffs, inflict a Stun Passive for 2 seconds.
    If the target has no Bleed Debuffs active, the final hit inflicts a Bleed Debuff with the same potency and duration.
    If the target has one or more Bleed Debuffs active, the final hit converts all Bleed Debuffs into Bleed Passives, each dealing 17244 Direct Damage over 60 seconds.

    Special Attacks
    On activation, gain an 80% potency Fervor Passive for 20 seconds.
    If Gwenpool has at least one active Cheat Code, gain a non-stacking Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by +8084 for 30 seconds. While Gwenpool has this Fury Passive, she gains +1321.43 Critical Damage Rating.

    Special Attack 1
    The final hit inflicts an Incinerate Passive, dealing 24876.5 Energy Damage over 25 seconds. When this Incinerate would expire, it instead consumes one Bleed effect to refresh its duration.
    If Gwenpool has at least one active Cheat Code, the final hit inflicts two additional Incinerate Passives.

    Special Attack 2
    The second hit inflicts a non-stacking Enervate Debuff for 25 seconds. When this Enervate Debuff would expire, it instead consumes one Bleed effect to refresh its duration.
    If Gwenpool has at least one active Cheat Code, she gains a non-stacking 100% potency Pierce Passive for 30 seconds. While she has this Pierce Passive, she can land Critical Hits and inflict personal effects through the opponent's Block.

    Special Attack 3
    Inflict a non-stacking Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 9000 for 25 seconds. When this Armor Break Debuff would expire, it instead consumes one Bleed effect to refresh its duration.
    If Gwenpool has at least one active Cheat Code, she also inflicts a non-stacking Sunder Passive, setting the opponent’s Critical Resistance to 0 and lasting for the duration of the Armor Break Debuff.

    Signature Ability - Enhanced Cheat Codes
    Cheat Codes are enhanced, granting #Mercenary Attackers additional bonuses when one is active.
    Reduce the opponent’s Indestructible, Unstoppable, Unblockable, Immortality, Death Immunity, and Regeneration effects by 100%.
    All attacks are Passively Unblockable and ignore all Damage Caps.
    Gain an indefinite Grit Passive, causing Unstoppable opponents to react to hits as though they weren’t.

    Recommended Masteries/Relics
    Double Edge/Liquid Courage
    Deep Wounds
    Winter Soldier
    Black Widow
    Black Panther Relic

    Synergy Bonuses

    Jackpot Winners - Unique Synergy (4* or Higher)
    With Platinumpool
    Gwenpool: The Legendary Jackpot Cheat Code also grants an indefinite Reinforce Passive and +90% Armor Rating. Reinforce ensures that incoming attacks cannot be Critical Hits.
    Platinumpool: When fighting as an Attacker, the Legendary Boost Card is always active.

    Masters of Cheat Codes and Prizes - Unique Synergy (4* or Higher)
    With Arcade
    Gwenpool: While at least one Cheat Code is active, attacks cannot Glance.
    Arcade: While at least one Fabulous Prize is active, all personal Damaging Debuffs inflicted are doubled.

    Pools, Pools, and more Pools - Unique Synergy (4* or Higher)
    With Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force), Goldpool, Platinumpool, Venompool, Massacre
    Gwenpool: An additional Cheat Code can be selected from the Pre-Fight Screen for each Deadpool Champion on Gwenpool’s team, including herself.
    Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force), Platinumpool, Goldpool, Venompool, Massacre: Bleed effects inflicted are doubled.

    Mercs of Fortune - Unique Synergy (4* or Higher)
    With Silver Sable, Absorbing Man, Nebula, Domino
    Gwenpool: Personal effects gain +80% duration for each #Mercenary Champion on Gwenpool’s team, including herself.
    Silver Sable: Detonating a Sable Mine also inflicts a non-stacking Taunt Passive, reducing the opponent’s Attack Rating by 40% and increasing their chance to launch a Special Attack by 90% for 30 seconds.
    Absorbing Man: Intercepting the opponent with a Medium Attack pauses his current Omni-Morph Form for 15 seconds.
    Nebula: Performing a Well-Timed Block consumes half of Nebula’s Amp Charges.
    Domino: Activating Special Attack 1 refreshes the duration of Lucky and Unlucky Passives and pauses them for 20 seconds.

    Howard the Duck – Friends – (+6% Armor)
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) – Teammates – (+5% Perfect Block Chance)
    Deadpool or Deadpool (X-Force) – Idol – (+4% Attack and Health)
    Thor (Jane Foster) – Enemy – (+7% Critical Hit Rate)

    Incoming Synergy Changes

    Chair Larceny
    With M.O.D.O.K.
    Gwenpool (Old Effect): +10% Bleed duration.
    Gwenpool (New Effect): Inflicting a Bleed effect refreshes all other Bleed effects on the opponent.

    Fourth Wall Crawler
    With Spider-Ham
    Gwenpool (Old Effect): Gain Vigilance while the opponent is Bleeding, making attacks unable to Miss.
    Gwenpool (New Effect): When preventing a Miss effect, pause all personal Bleed Debuffs for 2 seconds.

    Get in the Pool
    With Massacre
    Gwenpool (Old Effect): Incinerate Debuffs have their Durations increased by 25%.
    Gwenpool (New Effect): Personal Incinerate Passives last 20% longer.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,420 ★★★★★
    Does anyone have a rework concept for any of the voting champions (Black Bolt, Ms Marvel, Iron Fist, Dr Strange, Cyclops, etc)
  • HammerManHammerMan Member Posts: 15
    I believe that Magneto should autoblock bullets and perhaps other metal projectiles. Perhaps a buff of his could be to occasionally block swords, as well.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Does anyone have a rework concept for any of the voting champions (Black Bolt, Ms Marvel, Iron Fist, Dr Strange, Cyclops, etc)

    A few of 'em, yeah. They'll be back in this thread... Way back.

  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★

    M.O.D.O.K. Rework Concept (For @BartekTymoczko)

    About M.O.D.O.K.
    The terrifying result of an unspeakable experiment, M.O.D.O.K. is a grotesque mastermind bent on the destruction of the world. As the sometimes-leader of A.I.M., the Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing has tangled many times with his foes, Captain America and the Avengers.

    Character Class: Science

    Abilities: Flux, Force Field, Bleed, Incinerate, Petrify, Power Lock, Wither

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Strong Damage Over Time, High Block Proficiency/Great Survivability, Power Control/Heal Reversal, Ability to ignore Class Disadvantage

    Weaknesses - Anti-Auto-Block, Block Penetration

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    M.O.D.O.K. becomes the most powerful mastermind bent on the destruction of the world, allowing him to ignore Class Disadvantage and gain +785.4 Attack Rating against Skill Champions.
    When fighting as a Defender, Force Field cooldown duration is reduced by 15% for each alive Champion on the enemy team.
    M.O.D.O.K.’s Base Critical Rating is 0.

    Flux - Passive
    M.O.D.O.K.’s attributes fluctuate throughout the fight in a complex and seemingly unpredictable manner. It would take a super-genius to calculate the pattern…
    Up to +53811.65 Attack Rating.
    Up to +9000 Block Proficiency.
    Up to +1321.43 Critical Damage Rating.
    Up to +100% Combat Power Rate.
    Up to +50% Ability Accuracy.

    Force Field - Passive
    Start each fight with one Force Field Charge, each Auto-Blocking one attack with +750 Block Proficiency. This Auto-Block is considered a Well-Timed Block and can trigger the Parry Mastery.
    Once depleted, Force Field charges go on cooldown for 8 seconds.
    As long as a Force Field is active, the opponent suffers an indefinite Wither Passive, reducing Ability Power Rate by up to 100% based on Flux.
    If M.O.D.O.K. is not Stunned, Force Field is removed when he is struck.

    Master Plan - Passive
    Unless otherwise stated, M.O.D.O.K.’s Master Plans are Cross-Fight and last for the remainder of the Quest.
    Each time M.O.D.O.K. wins a fight, he gains a Master Plan on the opponent’s Class, granting +1500 Block Proficiency and a unique Block bonus based on the corresponding Class. Max: 1 of each Cross-Fight, 7 Cross-Fights total.
    Once M.O.D.O.K. has a Master Plan on 6 different Classes, he also gains one on the Superior Class.

    Master Plan Class Abilities
    Mutant Master Plan: The opponent suffers an indefinite non-stacking Cowardice Passive, reducing Special Attack Damage by 90% for the remainder of their Special Attacks, even while M.O.D.O.K. is Blocking.
    Skill Master Plan: M.O.D.O.K. takes 90% less damage from Critical Hits, even through Block.
    Science Master Plan: The opponent suffers -15% reduced Attack Rating for each Debuff on them.
    Mystic Master Plan: When Struck by or Blocking an attack, steal 12% of the opponent’s max Power.
    Cosmic Master Plan: The opponent suffers -15% reduced Attack Rating for each Buff on them.
    Tech Master Plan: When Struck by or Blocking an attack, instantly gain 12% of a bar of Power.
    Superior Master Plan: Gain all of the above effects.

    All Attacks
    Every 10th hit in the Combo Meter is a Guaranteed Critical Hit. If the hit is a Heavy, Special 1, or Special 2 Attack, all hits of the Attack are Critical.

    Heavy Attacks
    All hits have a 40% chance to inflict an Incinerate Debuff, dealing 17244 Energy Damage over 15 seconds. Critical Hits instead inflict Critical Incinerate Passives, multiplying its Energy Damage by M.O.D.O.K.’s Critical Damage Multiplier.

    Special Attack 1
    The opponent suffers an indefinite 200% potency Petrify Passive and an indefinite Power Lock Passive for the remainder of the attack.
    During this attack, any Power or Health denied from the opponent is transferred to M.O.D.O.K. instead.

    Special Attack 2
    Blade hits have a 60% chance to inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 8854 Direct Damage over 8 seconds. These Bleed Debuffs gain up to +100% increased potency and last up to 7 seconds longer based on Flux.
    Critical Hits instead inflict Critical Bleeds, multiplying the Bleed’s potency by M.O.D.O.K.’s Critical Damage Multiplier.

    Special Attack 3
    This attack inflicts 20 random non-Damaging Debuffs on the opponent for 15 seconds.
    These Debuffs include: Fate Seal, Neutralize, Sunder, Trauma, Overload, Physical Vulnerability, Energy Vulnerability, Torment, Taunt, Daunted, Armor Break, Tracking, Decelerate, Power Sting, Spectre, Disorient, Concussion, Exhaustion, Fatigue, and Infuriate.
    For every 5 non-Damaging Debuffs inflicted during this attack, inflict two random Damaging Debuffs on the opponent, each lasting for 15 seconds.
    Degeneration: Deal 7113.4 Direct Damage.
    Plasma: Deal 7335.25 Energy Damage.
    Neuroshock: Deal 2352.35 Energy Damage and prevent Miss.
    Coldsnap: Deal 10740 Energy Damage and prevent Evade.
    Poison: Deal 24876.5 Direct Damage and reduce healing effects by 30%.

    Signature Ability - Designed Only For Killing
    Each time M.O.D.O.K. lands a Critical Hit, he has a 100% chance to gain a Precision Passive, increasing Critical Rating by +1211.53 for 20 seconds.
    For every 2.5% of the opponent’s Power or Health prevented by Petrify or Wither, inflict the opponent with a Rupture Debuff, dealing 600% of M.O.D.O.K.’s Attack Rating as Physical Damage over 15 seconds.
    Flux builds up 10% faster for each Master Plan Cross-Fight Ability.

    Recommended Masteries/Relics
    Captain America (WWII)

    Synergy Bonuses:

    M.O.D.O.K. has a total of seven Synergy Bonuses, making him the Champion with the most total bonuses to date! Not all seven are available at all Tiers.

    Taskmaster, Diablo, Mojo – Advanced Idea Mechanics
    M.O.D.O.K.: Force Field recharges 6 seconds faster.
    Taskmaster, Diablo: Increase the potency of Bleed and Poison effects by 30%.
    Mojo: While the Anti-Life Field is active, personal Degeneration Passives deal 200% more damage.
    Unique Synergy: Does not stack with other Synergies of the same name.

    Gwenpool, Deadpool, Coming Soon – Chair Larceny
    M.O.D.O.K.: Maximum Flux increases by 100%.
    Gwenpool and Deadpool: +50% Bleed duration.
    Coming Soon: ???
    Unique Synergy: Does not stack with other Synergies of the same name.

    Abomination – Cubicle Mates
    M.O.D.O.K.: Take 100% less Poison Damage.
    Abomination: Deal 100% more Poison Damage.
    Unique Synergy: Does not stack with other Synergies of the same name.

    Ultron, Ultron (Classic), Old Man Logan, Rintrah – Singularity
    M.O.D.O.K.: Crit after 5 attacks instead of 10.
    Ultron Prime: Triggering Function (Critical) also triggers Function (Damage).
    Ultron (Classic): +200 Critical Damage Rating and +10% Perfect Block Chance.
    Old Man Logan: Each hit of Special 2 is a Guaranteed Critical Hit while Deep Bleed is active.
    Rintrah: The second hit of Special Attack 2 is a Guaranteed Critical Hit if the opponent is suffering from 15 or more Ruptures.
    Unique Synergy: Does not stack with other Synergies of the same name.

    Doctor Octopus – Masterminds
    All Champions gain +15% Attack once a Combo of 15 or more hits is reached.

    Captain America or Falcon – Nemesis
    +6% Attack Rating.

    Angela – Romance
    +5% Power Rate.
    Incoming Synergy Changes

    Without A Leg To Stand On
    With Mojo
    M.O.D.O.K. (Old Effect): 20% increased Combat Power Rate while below 1 Bar of Power
    M.O.D.O.K. (New Effect): Increase the potency of Flux bonuses by 100%.

    Madcap Experimentalists
    With Diablo
    M.O.D.O.K. (Old Effect): +20% personal Debuff Duration.
    M.O.D.O.K. (New Effect): Personal Debuffs and Signature Ability Rupture Debuffs last up to 150% longer based on Flux.

    Enhanced Adamantium
    With Old Man Logan
    M.O.D.O.K. (Old Effect): +1000 Energy Resistance if Force Field is active.
    M.O.D.O.K. (New Effect): While a Force Field is active, M.O.D.O.K. gains +75% Energy Resistance, can trigger the Parry Mastery against non-contact attacks, and can Block Unblockable and Heavy Attacks.

    There are some good ideas in here but this is waasaaaay too strong. Stealing all of the health the opponent would gain during his sp1 is absurdly strong, his damage has been increased 10 fold without much skill required to access it, and pretty much every single one of the master plan effects are obscenely over powered.

    The ideas are solid but the numbers are way too strong and the amount of utility he gets whilst also having what appears to be some of the best survivability and damage in the science class of not the game as a whole is just just too unbalanced
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★

    Iron Fist Rework Concept (For @Webos)

    About Iron Fist
    Danny Rand is a brilliant billionaire who traveled to the heavenly city of K’un Lun to master the martial arts. Becoming the latest in a long line of warriors to pick up the mantle of Iron Fist, Rand gained the mystical power to focus his chi – augmenting his fighting skills to superhuman levels.

    Character Class: Mystic

    Abilities: Atrophy, Hinder, Armor Break, Combo Shield, Placebo, Nullify, Sunder

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Fast Combo Buildup, Critical Hits

    Weaknesses - Unblockable, Buff Immunity

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    Iron Fist is immune to all Precision, Fatigue, and Exhaustion effects, but his base Critical Rating is 0.
    For each hit in the Combo Meter, Iron Fist gains +397.06 Critical Rating.
    Iron Fist gains +5% Block and Armor Penetration for each Armor Break Debuff on the opponent.

    Fight Start
    Gain an indefinite Combo Shield Passive, preventing Iron Fist’s Combo Meter from resetting when struck.

    Combo Meter Abilities - Passive
    Iron Fist gains additional effects as his Combo Meter increases.
    5 Hits: Critical Hits have a 40% chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff.
    10 Hits: Gain +118.42 Critical Damage Rating for each hit in the Combo Meter.
    20 Hits: The opponent suffers an indefinite Atrophy Passive, reducing the duration of all future Buffs on the opponent by 90%.
    30 Hits: Iron Fist can land Critical Hits through the opponent’s Block.
    50 Hits: Iron Fist gains an indefinite Grit Passive, causing Unstoppable opponents to react to hits as though they weren’t.
    75 Hits: Iron Fist ignores all Damage Reduction effects.
    100 Hits: Critical Hits gain a flat 60% chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff.
    150 Hits: Critical Hits grant a True Focus Buff, allowing attacks to bypass Evade and Miss for 2 seconds. Max: 3.
    200 Hits: Critical Hits ignore 100% of the opponent’s Physical Resistance.
    300 Hits: Critical Hits grant a Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by +10297.5 for 2 seconds. Max: 3.
    500 Hits: Critical Hits reduce the opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 100%.
    750 Hits: Critical Hits grant an Unstoppable Passive, and a Combo Shield Passive, both lasting for 2 seconds. Max: 3 Each.
    1000 Hits: Critical Hits grant Iron Fist an Unblockable Passive for 8 seconds.

    Personal Armor Break Debuffs - Max: 20
    Unless otherwise stated, Iron Fist’s Armor Break Debuffs reduce the opponent’s Armor Rating by 1840.91 for 20 seconds.
    While the opponent is suffering from 10 or more Armor Break Debuffs, they suffer an indefinite 100% potency Hinder Passive.

    Heart of Gold - Passive
    Activating a Special Attack 1 activates the Heart of Gold for 20 seconds.
    While the Heart of Gold is active, gain the following abilities:
    +20250 Critical Rating.
    Attacks cannot Glance and gain +1321.43 Critical Damage Rating.
    The opponent is 70% more likely to use a Special Attack.
    When intercepting the opponent, the Heart of Gold is paused for 3 seconds.
    When punishing the opponent’s Heavy or Special Attacks, the Heart of Gold is paused for 6 seconds.

    Light and Medium Attacks
    50% chance to place an indefinite Placebo Buff on the opponent. This chance is doubled if the Heart of Gold is active. Max: 10.

    Heavy Attacks
    On hit, Nullify all Placebo Buffs on the opponent. For each Placebo Buff Nullified in this way, Iron Fist adds 30 hits to his Combo Meter.

    Special Attack 1
    On activation, inflict an Infuriate Passive, making the opponent more aggressive and reducing their Offensive Ability Accuracy by 100% for 8 seconds.
    The final hit inflicts a non-stacking Sunder Passive, setting the opponent’s Critical Resistance to 0 for 8 seconds.
    Heart of Gold: Both of these effects last indefinitely.

    Special Attack 2
    Any Armor Break Debuffs inflicted during this attack last 200% longer and gain +50% increased potency.
    Each hit of this attack is a Guaranteed Critical Hit.
    All hits deal a burst of 10470 Physical Damage, multiplied by 300% of Iron Fist’s Critical Damage Rating.
    Heart of Gold: This attack gains 3375 Critical Damage Rating for every 200 hits in Iron Fist’s Combo Meter. Max: 1000 Hits.

    Special Attack 3
    Activate the Heart of Gold with the same duration.
    If the Heart of Gold was already active, instead refresh its duration and pause it indefinitely.

    Signature Ability - Master Dragon Warrior
    Iron Fist learns how to be a Master Dragon Warrior, granting him the following abilities:
    Start the fight with the Heart of Gold active for 40 seconds.
    Each time a non-Placebo Buff expires on the opponent, Iron Fist adds 20 hits to his Combo Meter.
    Each time Iron Fist wins a fight, he adds 75% of his final Combo Meter into his Persistent Combo, up to 999 hits total. Iron Fist’s abilities that count the Combo Meter add his Persistent Combo on top of it.

    Recommended Masteries/Relics
    Mystic Dispersion
    Iron Fist

    Synergy Bonuses

    Combo Masters - Unique Synergy (5* or Higher)
    With Aegon, Star-Lord, Valkyrie, Dani Moonstar
    Iron Fist: Critical Hits add 10 hits to Iron Fist’s Combo Meter.
    Aegon: Activating a Special Attack 1 adds 60 hits to Aegon’s Combo Meter, and 15 more on each hit.
    Star-Lord: All attacks add 4 additional hits to Star-Lord’s Combo Meter.
    Valkyrie: Special Attack 2 grants an additional Fury Passive for every 10 hits in the Combo Meter. Max: 50 Hits.
    Dani Moonstar: Reaching a multiple of 10 hits in the Combo Meter grants a Neural Arrow.

    With Black Panther
    All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating
    With Dr. Strange
    All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating
    With Wolverine
    All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating
    Heroes for Hire
    With Luke Cage, She-Hulk
    All Champions gain +85 Block Proficiency & Physical Resistance

    Incoming Synergy Changes

    Defenders Destroyer
    With Kingpin
    Iron Fist (Old Effect): +25% Armor Break duration and Potency.
    Iron Fist (New Effect): Armor Break Debuffs also reduce the opponent’s Armor Up effect Ability Accuracy by 20%.

    Master Martial Artists
    With Shang-Chi
    Iron Fist (Old Effect): Each hit in all Special Attacks are Guaranteed Critical Hits and gain a flat +35% personal Armor Break Ability Accuracy.
    Iron Fist (Old Effect): Guaranteed Critical Hits inflict three Armor Break Debuffs instead of one.

    With Black Panther (Classic)
    Iron Fist (Old Effect): +25% Armor Break Debuff potency.
    Iron Fist (New Effect): Each time a personal Armor Break Debuff fails to apply due to an immunity, instead inflict a matching Physical Vulnerability Debuff with the same potency and duration. These Physical Vulnerability Debuffs count as Armor Breaks for Iron Fist’s personal and synergy abilities.

    So he's just aegon with about 30 times more utility and Damage
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