Most underrated Champion of Mcoc

Guys I think many of the mcoc champions doesn’t get that respect which they are capable of.
Lets discuss the most underrated champions of Mcoc.
A tribute to all those underdogs..
Lets discuss the most underrated champions of Mcoc.
A tribute to all those underdogs..
Most underrated Champion of Mcoc 374 votes
1)Dr octopus
3)civil warrior
4)iron fist
6)spideman symbiote
7)old man logan
2. Sentinel
3. Green Goblin
4. Captain Marvel
5. Black Panther Civil War
6. Yondu
7. Loki
8. Iron Fist
9. Civil Warrior
10. Spider Man Miles Morales
Yes he is, half the community thinks he’s trash.
Taskmaster Trash are You Kidding Me
I Will Leave This Here :
My pick anyways would be Psylocke. arguably one of the best power control champs might be on par with Magik.
His invisibility allows you to fight unblockable nodes. When invisible, you get the crit boost, ignore 75% of armor and block proficiency.
Stagger is invaluable. Especially against champs like Medusa (no autoblock) and on tough node paths in Act 5. Also on offense in AW on nodes like heavy regen nodes, etc. Plus you get health back when they expire, so while not a lot, you get health back from blocking etc.
His L1 gives a nice stun after the shock expires.
His hex from his L2 reduced ability accuracy by 65% and fate seals them, and does decent energy damage when it expires.
The L2 also gives him invisibility, which you can also start any time (except the cool down period) by dashing back and holding briefly.
After the invisibility expires and during cool down, you are stun immune and you can steal power (which more or less keeps them about where they are at).
His L3 does some good damage but I prefer the L1 and L2.
This champ has so much utility, but gets no love from YouTubers because he's been out for more than two months and isn't Blade.
He's my Swiss Army Knife workhorse that has got me through so much content in the game. Oh and he's great for AQ because he melts down Sentinels.
1. Who is the best Champs ?
2. Who is the worst Champs ?
3. Who is most underrated ?
Hood is far from being underrated, he's demi-god.