Priority rank? Heimdall or Corvus?

I've had the good luck of pulling Heimdall and Corvus back to back, both 5*. I ranked Heimdall up to r3 before pulling Corvus. Now I am resource strapped and needing opinions!
I have 10 cosmic t4cc and am about to get the t5bc from act 5. I would like to use either champ in AW offense and clearing act 5 100%. They are so very different champs so I'm split in my thinking. My other top champs are duped GR, duped AA, IMIW not duped, all r4 5*. I also have a r1 6*Hela.
So who would you rank and to what level, considering my lineup?
I have 10 cosmic t4cc and am about to get the t5bc from act 5. I would like to use either champ in AW offense and clearing act 5 100%. They are so very different champs so I'm split in my thinking. My other top champs are duped GR, duped AA, IMIW not duped, all r4 5*. I also have a r1 6*Hela.
So who would you rank and to what level, considering my lineup?
Corvus with the proxima synergy has permanent true strike so......
He does?
You have to use a heavy or special on an opponent who has evaded you or autoblocked to activate this true strike. Kind of limiting and being autoblocked in AW is not good.
I've wondered if heimdall would be the better r5 since his attack needs all the help it can get.
I did get Corvus first so I'm sticking with him forever, but if I were in your situation, I likely would have gone heimdall first.
I really like Heimdall. He has nice utility and can hit fairly hard once ramped up. I'm tempted to R4 mine but not sure yet. Keep in mind with him his crit rate is horrible unduped, his dupe helps quite a bit. I think he's a great design and fits me better but everyone is different. Good luck.
First, he's a great questing champ, second, the synergy with Hela (perm fury buff) and third, indestructible (x2 for Hela) and unstoppable for 2 seconds can make a difference between to finish a fight w/o using a revive.
Let me tell you, even R5 Heimdall simply does not hit hard enough for any reason in top tier wars. He also finds himself rather strapped against several different types of opponents and lacks any immunities.
Corvus, meanwhile, does everything Heimdall does but better, save a less guaranteed True Strike, which is easily amended by chasing down an evader miniboss or MODOK in AW. Corvus also carries a VERY useful pseudo-Bleed, Shock, and Coldsnap immunity which makes him excellent against more nodes and enemies than Heimdall.
Moreover, Corvus is actually good unduped. Heimdall is NOT.
I have 6* Corvus. I use him in AWA and he functions at an incredible level that even an R5 or R2 6* Heimdall would not be able to accomplish. Heimdall is an okay defense champ and poor man's Corvus. I would not take him over the big C.
You’re making a huge assumption when you say people here recommending Heimdall doesn’t play at your level. Unless you’re Master, then maybe I can see your point. I used Heimdall more than a few times in plat although my officers wanted to start using him for defense. I enjoy using him and while I have not used him on the boss, he is very capable of taking minibosses himself. It really just comes down to personal preference.
One thing has been bugging me about Corvus....since you have him maybe you can answer. Most the videos I see have him at r5 and boosted into oblivion. My observation was that the whole point of him is to kill in 20 hits or else bad things happen. One vid even remarked that corvus is expensive to play for this reason. How true are these things to you? How far do you get in AW fights in 20 hits without big boosts? I assume your 6* is r1 and not awakened? Thanks
His damage is so awful, it took my r3 5* 150 hits in an act 5 fight with angela and hela synergy
My r4 5* corvus kills anything but bosses in 20 hits without boosting
Alternatively you could pair Corvus with Proxima.
When you team Corvus Glaive with Proxima Midnight it makes a reciprocal synergy. Corvus Glaive activates 'Challenge Defenses' where when he uses a Heavy or Special Attack to knock down an opponent that used Evade or Auto-Block in a fight then his True Damage becomes True Strike and Proxima Midnight activates the 'Special Assist' bonus which reduces the Ultimate Mission's Combo Meter requirement for Proxima Midnight to just 75 hits.